/Chapter Eighteen/

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Chaeyoung's PoV

I'm still here in the practice room as I watch Y/N and her dance coach in their practice. It's been an hour since they started the practice. So far they already have progress such as having a final song for Y/N to perform in her teaser.

While watching, I can't even remove my eyes from that guy as I have some bad feelings, especially on the way he acts so nicely on Y/N. Don't get me wrong, It's not like I want people to treat Y/N as badly as I imagine. That's the last thing I want to happen, especially I don't want anyone to hurt or say bad things to my sister.

Yes, Y/N is my sister by blood but not by paper. And so far, only manager unnie, manager Kris, Pd-nim, Dahyun, and Mina know about that. It's a long story about how an idol like me found my biological sister on the internet. I can still remember it tho.

I was only five when our parents broke up and decided to live far away from each other. Y/N was only four when our father took her away from us. After that, I never knew what happened to her. Because also of poverty, our mom didn't chase my father, as she thinks it's better if she'll just raise me, while Y/N will grow on our father's side. But that didn't stop me from searching for my sister. I knew that she was just somewhere around, and I can find her.

That's why I decided to be an idol. Even when I am still a child, I always convince my mom to join me on some television shows or anything that will make me appear on TV. I wanted Y/N to see me. Until I found JYP Entertainment. I knew that getting into a big entertainment company would be a huge help for me to find my sister. I auditioned, and because of my talent and willingness to grow as an idol, I got in.

I trained until I became more fluent in this industry. Even tho I know I still have to do some improvements, I know that I am a foot away from finding my sister. Until I found out from my mom that dad died. I got sad of course, but the first person I thought about was my sister. I wanna know how is she. Is she still alive, or is she even looking for me?

I tried to convince my mom to look for her. But then another sad news came. When mom contact my dad's friends at the place where he used to live when he was still alive, they said they didn't know that my father has a child.

This made me ask, did he even take care of my sister? Where is she? As I thought I am a foot away from finding her, I lost my hope and drive. I even started blaming my mom because she let Dad get Y/N from us. But then who am I to blame her? I know she sacrificed a lot too. And she didn't want anything that happened to us.

I was so devasted and broken. Because I know all the things I am now is all because of my little sister. I did that for her, thinking she was just somewhere around the country and when she see me on TV, she would remember that she has an older sister who promise to protect her forever.

But then all of that disappeared. I gave up, but I didn't give up on being an idol. Even if I know the real reason why I chose this path is no longer around. I got attached to this track, and for some time, I thank Y/N because if not because of her, maybe I didn't know that I really wanted to be a successful idol.

Then Sixteen happened. A survival show who tested me up until the end. There was a time when I wanted to give up. That I wanted to back out and forget everything. But seeing how my mom supported me, on how long I'd been waiting for this, I stayed. Until I got to debut and officially became an idol. I didn't just manage to be an idol like I always wanted to be. But I also found nine more sisters who will be on my side along the journey.

It was hard at the beginning, but everything can be solved when you find a way to escape the burden. There are easy ways, and there are some hard ways. Listening to music is something I consider an easy way to get out of this exhaustion. I was scrolling on Youtube, finding some music that will make me escape the horror side of being an idol.

And then unexpectedly, when the time that I least expected and I didn't see coming, what I always wished for suddenly came true. They were right when they said things may always come up the last time you expected it. I remember having the feeling like I won the Sixteen. No, I know it's more than that. It felt like I didn't just win a survival show but it felt like I won the next survival show to be an idol that I will be joining for my next life.

It was surreal and that is the time I cried a lot. The members even asked me, if they thought that the hardship of being an idol is feeding me up. What they didn't know, It's more than that.

I found my sister. At that time I didn't have any proof that she was my real sister. She's from the Philippines, born and raised by two Koreans. But I know it's her. I know that she's the little sister that I've been looking for.

Despite of busy schedule, and hard times as a rookie idol, I always find a way to connect with her. I watched her videos on Youtube and saying I am proud is just an understatement. Who would have thought that we'll be having the same interest even after not being together for the longest time?

I didn't tell my mom right away. I wanted to make it sure too because I know that if it's not her, mom would be hurt too. It's fine if I am the only one who'll get hurt. But I didn't care much about that, I am hundred percent sure that she's my sister.

I continued keeping in touch with her by watching her short vlogs, song covers, pictures, and everything. That's how I also knew her parents. I tried to search for them, hoping there will be an explanation for all of these feelings I am having. I learned from Y/N's vlog about her life that her father owned a restaurant in the Philippines, that's why they also live there instead of having a life here in South Korea. That restaurant is also the restaurant that my father used before when he sent me a letter, the only letter, without letting my mom know.

I remember keeping it so my mom won't find out. But that was the last letter I got from my dad, saying he found a job and will stay there for good. And that was even before. After he stopped sending me letters, I assumed that he probably not working there anymore.

So after I found a connection, I tried to reach that family... I emailed the owner, which is also Y/N's father. I introduced myself and told them that I am the daughter of their former employee, which is my dad. And to my surprise, they didn't let me continue whatever I want to say. They asked me if I was trying to reach them for Y/N.

And there I knew I was right. It was the best feeling ever!

They told me everything, they told me how they got Y/N. She was five when Dad gave her to them because he can't no longer take care of her. She got very sick and Dad can't afford to bring her to the hospital. So he chose to give her to that family.

I was so mad because he could have just given back my sister to us. He could have just lowered his pride and accepted his wrongdoings but he chose to give away my sister like she's just some kind of a thing. But at the end of the day, there's no use in getting mad at him. He's dead, and he will no longer hear my sentiments. And didn't dare to find an answer to how he got to the Philippines too, I am more focused on getting my sister back.

But then I realized everything. If just hearing this story makes me mad and disappointed about how reckless our parents are, what more if she finds out about it? How our father gave her to a family we're not even related. And also, I know she's doing well in that family. They love her like she's their real daughter even if she's just adopted.

So I held back. I stayed connected to her, and send her gifts as a fan because, after all, I am really proud of how well she's doing. Sharing her voice with all her listeners and fans.

After a year of finding out the truth, I also found out that Pd-nim is related to Y/N's mother. I tried to open this up on pd-nim and he listed to me without any judgment. And there, I finally met the family that adopted Y/N. They promised to introduce me as soon as I am really ready. This is why we also, planned to make Y/N sign under JYP Entertainment. Not just because to see me but also because JYP thinks she can be a bigger idol. But of course, it's not as easy as they wanted.

Y/N doesn't seem to like the idea of being back here. I wonder if it's because she doesn't feel any emotional connection in this place, after all, her childhood didn't go well here.

But now, after twenty years, we are finally together. I can't hide how happy I am that we are not just some strangers but we live under the same roof where she sees me as an older sister.

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