Chapter Three

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Your PoV

I was totally confused as I read the contract that Uncle Jinyoung gave me. I don't even know if I am reading it right. I keep re-reading the sentence and it's really not processing well to me.

"Uncle Jinyoung, Is this true?" I asked as I lift the contract in my hand.

"Yes, Y/N. Starting today, you'll be living in South Korea...And you'll train under my company...If you'll going to accept it."

"You mean train to be an idol? But... how about my life here? How about Mom and Dad? the house?"

"You don't need to worry about that for now. I just want you to think about the offer. As soon as you sign up, you'll be flying to Korea right away."

"Uhm... I don't get it. You will train me to what? Be in 5 years active group?"

From what I understand, the contract says that they want me to join a girl group. Not just some girl group but the girl group that has always been Ashley's favorite group.


"We see your potential, Y/N. You have millions of subscribers too. You just need a little training and you can be a star and I will make you shine."

"Y/N, your uncle is right. This is your break, you know too that your parents will be so happy to know that you'll be able to share your talent with more people."

"I'll give you time to think. I know this is a lot for you, but we'll be here to guide you. For now, I want you to keep the contract with you and study it. Kris knows my number. And if you already decided, just tell her and I will fly back here to process your papers."


I am now in my room, pacing back and forth as I can't really keep this to myself at this moment. I sighed and looked at the contract on my bed as I think deeply.

"Your parents will be so happy to know that you'll be able to share your talent with more people."  

I reached for my phone and called Ashley. She's the only person I could think of right now.

"Come on, please answer it..." It took a moment before she answered it. 

"Great! What took you so long to answer? Are you still on a date with your idol?" I joked as I found relief when she answered.

["Uhm... It's not actually a  date. But sure."]

I frowned and checked my phone, wondering if I dialed the wrong number.

["Hello, still there?"]

"Who's this?"

["Somi... Ashley left her phone for a while."]


"I-I'm sorry, forget what I said. Can you tell Ashley I called when she comes back?"

["Sure, don't worry."]

"I'm sorry again, uhm... I'm gonna end the call."

Before she could say more words, I ended the call as I panicked. I am biting my lip in embarrassment and frustration when Aunt Kris knocked on the door. The door swung open and Aunt Kris walked in.

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