Chapter Two

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Your PoV

We are now at the mall to get some gifts for the fan meet that we will be attending. I actually have no clue who is the idol we are going to meet. So, I decided to ask Ashley about it.

"So, who are we meeting?" I asked Ashley as I followed her when she approached an aisle of souvenirs. 

"I'm glad you ask. Jeon Somi and she's here to promote her debut song. Isn't great?"

"Somi? Isn't that a member of your favorite group? What was that again? Twice?" I asked as I wander my eyes through the collections.

Ashley sighed and rolled her eyes. 

"They are different. Somi is a soloist. She was once in a group called I.O.I. I promise you're going to love her."

"Seriously, how many groups do you stan?"

"Can you not? As if you don't know Kpop is the only way I release the stress that I got from my family. the more idols you stan, the better."

"Yeah, and more expenses such as this." 

"Here you go again, acting poor. Anyways, as I said, Somi invited me. I met her when I was still in South Korea. You don't know how excited I am when I meet her. I didn't know her father works with my parents. At least there is one thing I could be proud of."

"Oh, tell me honestly, did you really go back for me or for this event." I joked which made her beat me.

"Of course, I came here for you."

"I know, I am just kidding."

We walked to the cashier to pay for the things we got but Ashley is not yet done talking about this idol. After that, we left the mall and drive to the location of the event. It didn't take long and we got to the event safely. As we get out of the car, I saw some fans already who surely came to see that idol.

"Let's go Y/N." Ashley and I entered the venue and lined up as asked. We get to our seats and waited until the organizer introduced the idol.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N! Look at her!" 

Ashley screamed with the rest of the fans in the hall and I just clap as I don't really know the idol. As I said, I am not really into kpop. Sure I hear some songs but that's many because of my best friend.

The idol greeted the fans cheerfully and the fans are so happy. She also performed but I didn't really give much care, of course, I clap when I need to. When it was already time to have face to face moment with the idol, Ashley gave me the other bag which made me frown.

"What is this?"

"Duh, gift?"

"Wait, I am going too?"

"Of course!"

I wasn't able to deny her request anymore as she was called by the manager and went to the table where the idol is. I sighed without a choice and just wait for my turn. After Ashley, I go for my turn and walked to the table where 

"Hi! How are you going?" she asked as I got near to her. She smiled and so do I in return.

"Good, uhm, Congrats on your debut. Thank you for visiting our country." I simply said. I gave her the album copy and she signed it.

"Thank you for coming, I hope you enjoyed coming here." 

"Of course, of course. My best friend actually brought me here." 

"Oh! Really?"

"Yes, she likes you a lot."

"How about you?" She asked as she looked away from the album.

✔️Twice Plus One?!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα