Chapter Twenty-One

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Jihyo's PoV

As soon as I got the text from Daniel, I decided to go. I took a shower first and prepared myself for our meeting. He sent me the location where we are going to meet, and what time we'll see each other. After I finished preparing, I was about to go when Mina woke up and saw me all dressed up.

"Where are you going? Did you get a schedule today?"

"No, but I have to work on something. I'll be back before lunch."

"Okay, take care."

After that, I left our room. I was confident to go now since I know that the girls will wake up late this time after our bonding time yesterday. As I left the dorm, I saw manager oppa's car already leaving. I then remembered that Dahyun has a schedule today, maybe he came to pick her up.

As they left already, I get in my car which I only use when I have a solo schedule or I have to go somewhere when I have free time. I drove to the location that Daniel sent me and arrived there thirty minutes after. I parked my car somewhere before I went to the restaurant that he said he booked for us. There aren't a lot of people which is good since I am trying to avoid any articles even if it's just me seeing outside the dorm.

As the waitress led me to our private booth, I realized that Daniel wasn't there yet. I must have arrived earlier than the call, but it's fine. It's better than coming together and that's what I am trying to avoid.

While I am waiting, I just ordered some drinks to calm myself. I need to get enough courage on this, I don't want to mess up and made another decision that would make me regret it for the rest of my life.

I was trying to recall all the things that happened before everything went big as this. At first, I was just trying to follow what my heart desires. I wanted to be with someone that will make me happy, and Daniel made me happy while we are together. I thought I am ready in case our relationship comes out, but then when it happened, my heart felt nothing but disappointment when I saw how the fans reacted. The girls tried to make me feel better, saying I shouldn't be affected by what they are saying. But it's hard knowing that I expected the best response and support from them.

And to say, the article that came out didn't even confirm by both sides. We decided to keep it as we saw how the fans reacted. They are right when they said that people's opinions shouldn't matter because mostly they only care about what they think is good for them. So what between Daniel and I remained as a rumor to the public eyes.

I thought it was better that way, but I also wish that one day they would accept our love for each other. Until another problem came. Daniel was fixed to marry another girl. It was much more painful than hearing the people's opinion that we are meant for each other. And I guess they are right. That situation led me to ask Pd-nim's opinion, and that's when he told me that if he can't call it off, I should break up with him. Because it will be a huge damage for the both of us and even for the group.

That's why even if I still want to be with him against the world, sadly I can't continue what's not meant to happen. Maybe I should accept that he and I can't be together.

I looked at the door as I hear footsteps. I knew it was him, and the moment the door opens up, I saw him standing there.

"Hey, I'm sorry I was late. I tried to change my way when I saw some media following me." He said and he closed the door behind.

He sat across from me and reached for my hand. I knew his about to kiss it but before he could, I retrieved my hand and put them under the table.

"Are you sure they didn't follow you until here?"

"I parked somewhere else. I'm sure no one followed me here... Is there a problem? Why you seemed like you're not happy to see me?"

"Daniel, I won't take this any longer. The reason why I asked you to meet me is because I wanted to break up with you."

"What?" He asked as his eyes turned sad and his smile faded.

"I don't think we can continue this. You're getting married."

"To a girl which I don't love. Jihyo, I love you, I can't take it if you'll going to end us."

"Dan, we know that you can't do anything. Your parents will hate you if you won't do what they want."

"But how about what I want? Jihyo, I am willing to ignore my parents' wish for me, just to be with you. I am already trying to find a way just to get away with that marriage. Just give me some time."

"I can't, I don't want you to do that just for me. I realized that I wasn't ready. Even if you'll find a way to get away with the marriage, Daniel, you know what the people think about us."

"I don't care. How many times do I have to tell you, we can just live without their opinions? We can live somewhere far from them."

"But that is what you want... Dan, I want to be free, not like this where we need to keep our meetings secret. We can't even go out without someone following us. Because we are too scared that they will find out about us. I don't want this kind of relationship. Where we have to hide just to avoid hurtful words from the people."

"You know that we don't have to avoid them... For now, yes, but they will stop soon. We just have to ignore what they are saying."

"Sadly, I can't do that."

"But I thought you love?"

I looked at him with tears pooling in my eyes. I know that it's easier when I imagine it but now that I am doing it, I realized nothing is really easy.

"I do, but it's not enough for us to continue this. I don't want you to disobey your family. I want a love that is free, and everyone could accept. I know it's stupid but maybe they are right when they think we aren't meant for each other. And I don't want this to get to the point where people will find out that you are meant to marry someone else but you are seeing me. You know how unequal their judgment is. I don't want to hurt myself and I don't want to drag my group."

"What are you saying?"

"I think if we will continue this, it will affect the girls too. I don't want their hard work to go one waste. That's why I am breaking up with you, Daniel. I'm sorry, but I think I should have done that earlier."

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