Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Third Person

As they gathered around the table, Y/N can't hide her happiness as she saw the food on the table. Chaeyoung caught her reaction and told her mom. Seeing her reaction made the two smile in joy as they adore how Y/N's eyes go wide as she look at every dish.

"Mrs. Son, forgive me for what I am going to be, but these look so delicious. I wonder if every day here is like this, I won't leave anymore if I were Chaeyoung unnie!" Y/N said as she grab her seat and sat beside her aunt.

Chaeyoung laughed as she knew that Y/N won't say no when it comes to food.

"Chaeyoung told me you love eating, so I made sure to prepare different food that you should try."

"I do! My parents owned a small restaurant, and my dad is the head chef of our business. He loves to cook for me. I would rather do the eating or washing the dishes after." Y/N shared as she laughed.

"Wow, that makes sense. I hope Chaeyoung will be like you. Although she eats she's picky sometimes." Chaeyoung's mom said making the older sister whine.

"Don't expose me now, Mom!"

Y/N laughed as she looked at Chaeyoung.

"Really? I've never seen her like that tho, maybe because we do take-outs lately."

"Really? Why? Jeongyeon and Momo cook for your group sometimes, right?

"They do, but there are times our schedules run late so we don't have a choice but to order or bring take-outs. Everyone's tired to make some food at home." Y/N explained.

As they started to eat, Y/N can't hide how she enjoyed the food. They share some talks while eating, but mostly Chaeyoung does the talking.

"You have to watch how great Y/N is in our comeback. She really did a great job preparing for this."

"Unnie, you're making me shy. I just did what I can do, I think everyone did great."

"Is that so, when will be the release so we can look forward to it?"

"Probable by next month, It depends," Chaeyoung said.

"But I also watched your covers, even the recent ones. There's a reason why your members are so proud of you, Y/N."

"Thank you, Mrs. Son. I mean, I have to catch up. I don't wanna get left behind, knowing I'll be debuting with an almost five-year-old group. Twice isn't a nugu group, they have many fans all over the world." Y/N said.

"Y/N, I told you, don't feel like you need to catch up on us. It's not a race." Chaeyoung said.

"Chaeyoung's right, you'll end us overworking yourself if you'll continue to think that way."

"There, that's exactly what we've been telling her. Even manager Kris is scolding her for being so hard-headed." Chaeyoung said.

"Unnie, really? Right in front of your mom?" Y/N said making Kris and Chaeyoung's mom laugh.

"Noona, tell us what you do in the Philippines," Junghoon asked.

"Oh, well...nothing much. I've finished high school, supposedly I'm already taking college but things came up suddenly." Y/N said making Chaeyoung and her mom nods.

"Aside from helping my parents too with our small restaurant and being a student, I also do Youtube, which you already know. Aside from that, I don't think there's more."

"We heard from Chaeyoung about your parents, we're sorry that you had to go all through that."

"It's fine, I know that I was down when that happened. Just then this came up, I kinda think it's a way for me to continue." Y/N said.

"You're very mature for your age. Your parents did a great job raising you." Chaeyoung's mom said as she smiled genuinely.

Y/N smiled remembering her parents.

"They did... They were also the reason why I agreed to be in this industry. When they were still alive, they've been encouraging me to be an idol. It's already late, too bad they didn't even see me perform in any Kpop show once."

"I'm pretty sure they are watching you wherever they are right now. And they are so proud of you."

"Ah, how about let's change the topic? Noona, did you even have a boyfriend?" Junghoon asked which made Y/N flustered and Chaeyoung smacks Junghoon.

"Ouch! Noona, that hurts! Mom, your daughter is becoming violent lately. I swear, I will not going to go back here again." Junghoon said.

"Go on, as if you'll find a mother and sister like us."

Y/N laughed while their mother stops them.

"I'm sorry about them, that's just their way of showing love to each other."

"It's okay, I think it's cute too. I don't have any siblings, but I saw my friends with their siblings, most of the time they fight but those are just some small fights."

"I'm sure Chaeyoung unnie loves Junghoon-ssi. Right unnie?"

Junghoon looked at Chaeyoung with a wide smile while Chaeyoung rolled her eyes but of course, she knows Y/N's right.

"Yiee, Say it, noona, you love your little bro."

"You're not little anymore."

"Right, I'm taller than you now."

Y/N laughed and shook her head. Even if the two are teasing each other, Y/N could feel their love.

As they finished eating, Kris also bid goodbye and told Y/N to just call her if she needs anything else. Y/N also informed the girls in the dorm about the change in their plan.

"Y/N, here, Chaeyoung said you like eating ice cream, I got your favorite flavors."

"Oh, wow! Mrs. Son, you shouldn't have. This is too much, but I really appreciate it."

Chaeyoung and Junghoon walked in after they finished washing up the dishes.

"Wow! Is that Ice cream?! Can I have some?!" Junghoon asked as he saw what Y/N's holding. He was just about to rush on Y/N when Chaeyoung stopped him by pulling his shirt, restricting him to go.

"It's for our visitor!"

"It's okay, unnie, I can't finish these all. Mrs. Son bought three tubs." Y/N chuckled.

Junghoon stuck his tongue on Chaeyoung as he rushed to Y/N's side.

"You love this too, this is my favorite too, noona."

"Well, I guess we have the same taste!" Y/N chuckled.

Chaeyoung sat on Y/N's other side. Y/N gave her a spoon so she can also have it for herself.

"Look at the three of you. You look like chaotic siblings." Chaeyoung's mother said.

"Let me get my phone so I can take a picture of you!"

Y/N just laughed as she shared the ice cream with the two. She felt not just welcomed but at peace and safe.

"Honey, move closer to Y/N." Chaeyoung's mom said Junghoon.

Junghoon did as Chaeyoung's mom requested. He spread his arm up to chaeyoung as he made a peace sign with his free hand. Y/N giggled at how close the three of them were. She can feel the warm embrace of the two.

"Say cheese, Noona!"


"One more time, kids!"

"Mom, it's too much! That's fine!"

"You're so joy killer, noona! Y/N noona is enjoying, right?!"

"Sure, as long as the ice cream won't melt."

"See? She knows her priorities."

"Okay, last one, give me your best smile. Junghoon, just sit on the floor."


Junghoon moved down, while Chaeyoung scooted closer to Y/N.

"Say Ice cream squad," Junghoon said making Y/N and Chaeyoung laugh.

"Ice cream squad!"

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