Chapter Forty-Nine

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Your PoV

I woke before my alarm could even ring. It's just fine as I don't want to disturb Tzuyu unnie's sleep. Before I even start to prepare, I went out just to check if anyone was awake already and also to get some water.

But to my surprise, I saw Jihyo unnie in the living room, not even awake but really drunk.

I immediately went to her and saw the empty cans she already finished. I just can't say anything and started to pick the cans and cleaned everything.

It didn't take much time then I went back to her, she's seating on the floor while whispering some words that I can't even understand at all.

"Unnie, did you even sleep? Have you been drinking all night?" I asked hoping to get a good answer but she was too intoxicated to do so.

"Let's just get you to sleep," I said as I planned to just put her on the couch so she could rest there.

But as drunk as she is, she was too stubborn to follow.

"I don't want here! This is not my bed!"

I sighed in defeat and helped her to stand. I was supporting her all the way to their room. She was quiet during that time that's why I was able to get inside their room quietly.

I saw Mina unnie on her bed, sleeping soundly so I tried my best to not make any noise.

"Unnie, shh," I whispered as she's starting to talk again.

I brought her to her bed and put her down carefully. I was supporting her until she was laying comfortably on her bed, but then she wrapped her arms around my neck, restricting me to move.

Even if the room is dark, I could easily see the grin on her face as if she successfully locked me around her.

"Unnie." I whispered-yell as I tried to remove her hands but she was so persistent.

"Hi." She said more in a flirtatious way.

My nose flared as my lips curled in.

"You're so cute, Y/N, you know that?"

"U-uh thanks..."

"I'm so happy you're with us now. We all are, especially me!"

I got startled when she suddenly raised her voice which made me hush on her instantly. I checked Mina unnie if she woke up with Jihyo unnie's yell, gladly she didn't.

"Shhh." She hushed as she remove her other hand from me and put her hand on her lips as she hushed.

As she did that, I got more chance to get away, but for some reason, I am just planning to do it but she already knew that I'm going to do that so she grips on the sleeve of my shirt and pulled me.

"Goodnight Y/N." She said as she pulled me close to her. I almost lost my balance when she pulled me.

She kissed me and it was only supposed to be on my cheek but as I lose my balance, her lips landed at the corner of my lips.

I stayed there frozen as I hear my heart pumped against my chest. I can't even feel myself anymore. As if all of my senses were gone and only the sense of hearing is working.

There was a thin deafening line crossed to my ears. I didn't realize that she was no longer holding on to me.

She's already sleeping as if nothing happened. I found myself running out of their room as I am holding my red burning cheeks. I could swear to all of the people, this isn't something I've felt before!

And I don't know if I wish that it will be the last, my brain is not processing well, and it feels like it gets numb to all the different emotion I felt at that moment.

"Get back to your sense! She's drunk!" I slap myself as I tried to bring myself back into reality.

I can't even think of it again. But It was so hard to not think about it, especially since I could still feel her lips at the right corner of my lower lip. We almost kissed!

"Aishh! Y/N, you should stay calm! Forget about it! That didn't happen, understand?!"

"Tch! Why would she even get drunk at this moment? Aishh, this is so embarrassing!"

I went to my room and decided to just prepare for my schedule today. I moved quickly as I don't want anyone to see me having a very messed up morning.

It's not that the kiss messed up my morning. It's the fact that I know that it will be awkward for me to be around her. And it might be the same for her!

"I shouldn't have woken up too early! This is all your fault!"


"Are you okay, Y/N?" my vocal coach asked.

We are in our third cycle and I can't seem to learn what she's telling me. And I don't even need to blame anyone, it was my fault for getting too distracted over a kiss that almost happened!

"I'm sorry, let's try again," I said.

I sighed and tried to erase that thought in my head. I don't know how many times I gaslight myself, saying that didn't happen, and it's not real, just to be able to continue with my schedule.

I can't even tell what's wrong with me. It's not like it's a kiss on the lips. And the other unnies already kissed me many times on the cheek, Ashley has given me kisses most of the time we were together.

But a kiss from a girl who's drunk?

"Thank you, sorry again for missing out on some lessons," I said.

"No worries, it happens sometimes. Tomorrow, we'll do better, okay?"

"Okay, thank you again, coach."

As my vocal coach left, Aunt Kris walked in and told me to eat at the building's cafe. It was lunch so we went there together instead of ordering outside.

While eating, aunt Kris noticed that I am not talking much the usual I do. She asked me if I am alright, and I just told her that I am fine.

"Can we go to Ashley after my schedule, aunt Kris? I'll just inform the unnies that I'll be home late."

"Okay, if that's what you want. Inform Ashley too so she would know."

I nodded and texted Ashley. As expected, she replied right away and let me visit her place after my schedule today.

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