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So we are all up to date here is a little overview of my life story,

Hi,my name is a Elyse Brondayle

I'm a 15 year old female with brown wavy shoulder length hair and deep blue eyes (a weird combination right!)
I'm 5'7 ,Aquarius who is loud and quite energetic as some would say.Im an only child to two loving parents.
I love everything from John Hughes movies,nature,Aussie rock music and especially ice hockey.
I dislike anyone who believes girls are the weaker gender.
(If you couldn't tell I'm a bit of a feminist,but I think that comes from playing in an all boys team in a male dominated sport)
I have a quick tongue which always seems to get me in loads of trouble.

People get very annoyed with me very often,not because I have an annoying personality but because I just don't shut up about Ice hockey.For as long as I could remember I have been out on the ice,and at the age of 11 I was accepted into the under 12's Victorian Ice hockey team.Since then I stayed with that team.

I got my love of sports from my Dad, who when he was younger played hockey over in the USA.He and my mother despite both being Australian decided to stay over in the USA,get married and have me.When I was around 2 or 3 they decided to come back to Victoria,Australia to be closer to family.This means that I have a dual citizenship in both Australia and North America.Despite the low popularity of ice hockey over in Australia my dad still taught me how to skate and play hockey while I was growing up.Now look at me I'm one of the best defense women in Australia!

My best friend River Knocks is the only person who really puts up with me (other than my coach,teammates and parents).River and I first became friends in Primary school when I accidentally ran into her while I was rollerblading.River knew absolutely nothing about ice hockey before she meet me,but because I never shut up about it she was forced to love the game.Now River helps me practice and has created tactics and training programs used by my team to strengthen our game. She is almost like an unofficial assistant coach.

That now leads us to the current point of time.I was now making my way to school on my rollerblades which I have done everyday since 4th grade.Luckily for me school is only 15 minutes from where I live so it doesn't take to much effort to make my way to school.

I rollerblader through the gates and on to the footpath occasionally getting yelled at by a Mother or two for nearly hitting them.I kept going until I was at my locker,where I began to take off my blades and put on my shoes.

"Hey Elyse"River said as she came up next to me to open her locker.

"Hey River"I reply back

"Have you heard that the USA Ice hockey team might be bringing in the Mighty ducks for the junior Goodwill games?" River asked

I stared at her in disbelief,I had read about the mighty ducks and the Minnesota miracle man.

"I know right,if only Australia had entered a team you would of got a crack at the famous mighty ducks!"

I laughed,

"Even if Australia did enter a team there would of been no way in hell that I would of been chosen to represent Australia!"

"You know you don't give yourself enough credit"

The bell rang,we grabbed our History books and began to walk of to our first class.


The finally bell rang to signal the end of the school day.

I raced out of the class and caught up with River who was coming out of her Arts class.

"Oh Elyse I've got that new training program I've been working on, I reckon this is going to be a good one.Its in my bag let me just grab it for you"She said as she walked over to her locker and grabbed out a book.

I opened the book and found a few pages filled with quite a lot of writing and diagrams.I looked up at here a little confused,

"Just give it to your coach he will understand"

"Okie dokie whatever you say boss"

River pushed my shoulder slightly,

"Anyway I've got to run I've got practice in an 1 hour,I'll talk to you tomorrow"I said to her as I bent down to take my shoes off.

I put my blades on and stood up,

"Okay see you tomorrow El"

And with that I speed of towards my house where a surprise was awaiting me.

The Australian | Charlie Conway Where stories live. Discover now