House meeting

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The girls and I made our way to the elevator. Averman, Kenny, and Guy were also waiting for the elevator along with some other boys representing team USA for their sport.

"Hey, guys, "I say as smack Averman on the back.

"Hey Aussie"The boys reply.

"Is the rest of the team down there already?"Connie asked.

"Yeah yeah there all down there already"Guy responds.

The elevator opened and we all walked in, for a couple of seconds it was silent,well almost there was a little bit of chatter coming from Connie and Guy.

"Sorry we're being rude we probably should introduce ourselves, well I mean we are representing the same country, "A boy to my left said.

I turned my head towards him, he was quite a handsome boy and he looked to be my age.

I chuckled,
"I'm Elyse, and this is Julie, Connie, Les, Guy, and Kenny, "I said while pointing at each person as I said their name.

"Oh well pleased to meet you all I'm Jeremy and this is Jackson and Deigo, "The boy to my left said.

"Well pleasure to meet you all also, so what sport are you representing team USA for?"Julie asked.

"Oh, we're representing the USA for rowing how about you guys?"Deigo said

"We're representing the USA for ice hockey" Guy replied.

Just as Guy finished talking the elevator doors opened to the ground floor.

"Oh well we hope to see you guys later, maybe we can come and see you compete sometime," Jeremy said

"Sounds like a plan to me, hopefully, we can come to see one of your races, "I said

"Sounds good to me," Jackson said

We all bid our goodbyes and walked over to the meeting area, the room was crowded with people from the USA, Canada, and Brazil. We found the rest of the team in the corner near the back of the meeting area.

"What took you guys so long?"Fulton asked.

"Aussie was checking herself out in the mirror," Julie said.

I stared at her,

"Out of all people, I would be the least likely to check myself out in the mirror! If anyone Averman would be"I said

Averman scoffed,

"Well actually your not wrong," He said

We all laughed before greeting interrupted by a middle-aged man speaking into a microphone.

"Attention everyone!"He said.

The room went silent.

"Hi my name is Andrew and I am one of the representatives from the Junior Goodwill games.Now this shouldn't take too long it will be just a quick run over of the rules.Now the first major rule...curfew is at 10 pm, anyone caught outside at those times will be punished. Between 8-9 o'clock, every morning breakfast will be served. Games, matches, and races will begin at 11 o'clock and will run until 4 o'clock every weekday. Lunch will be provided at the location you are competing. Dinner will run from 6-8 o'clock every evening. The weekends will be your training time and free time, no matches will be played on the weekend. Finally, although there is limited parental supervision we expect you all to be on your best behavior! Does everyone understand?"The man asked.

Everyone nodded their head except for the Brazilian kids.

"Oh yeah I forgot, would the translator be able to translate that into Portuguese for me please?"The man asked.

A younger lady got up onto the stage and began to translate what the man had just said into Portuguese.

"Ooo this is so exciting!" Connie said.

We all just chatted away about everything while the translator finished speaking to the Brazilian kids.

"Okay now if you have any questions feel free to ask me, I will be floating around. Now please everyone make their way to the dining area to have your first supper of the junior goodwill games!"The man said

"Fooooooooooooooooood" I celebrate

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