His eyes

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"Okay, enough diddle dadalling let's have our first training in our new jerseys! Our plane leaves at 4:30 which gives us enough time to train, have lunch,pack, and head to the airport on time....oh and also have your first lesson with Miss Mckay." Coach said

"ughhhhhh noooo"Goldberg groaned

We all began to follow Coach into the lockers, bickering about the 'Breaking news'.

"You overestimate my abilities of time management coach, I think it would be better if I just skip out on the whole school thing" I say

"Can't do Aussie, lets just hope your time management skills are better than your ability to play hockey"Coach replied back

Everyone made "oohing" noises in reply to coaches sly come back,

"Ooo that was a pretty good comeback Coach but not good enough"

"I think you are beginning to rub off on me Aussie"

I chuckled and went back to putting on my pads and whatnots.

"Okay be out on the ice in five"Coach announced before walking off to the box.

I was glad that this coach liked to have a joke around with me, it's not that my other coach back in Australia didn't it's just that they didn't get half my sly remarks.

I got the rest of my gear on and helped Julie with some of here's before exiting the change rooms with the rest of the team.

We were all sporting the new jerseys (which may I say look amazing). Take Charlie for example the jersey looked so damn hot on him-


Did I just think that...

Oh, the places your thoughts take you to.

As I was thinking over what I had just said I had paid no attention to where I was walking.

Now think of this scenario, you have a girl who is playing no attention to where she is walking is heading towards an ice rink. What do you think will happen next?

Yep, that's right, I slipped and fell ass overhead onto the ice. I laid on the grown groaning, not because it hurt but because I was embarrassed.

Charlie's head then popped into my view,

"Nice going Aussie, "He said before sticking out a hand for me to grab ahold of.

I grabbed his hand as he yanked me up, I stumbled slightly as I regained my balance. As I finally became stable I noticed that I was still holding Charlie's hand.

I looked down at our hands and then back up at him, he stared down at me, his eyes had me in some type of a trance which made me stare straight back into his eyes.

They were beautiful and brown...

"Uhmmnn" Averman 'coughed'

I was pulled out of my trance which made me let go of Charlie, I turned around and saw everyone staring at me.

Well, that was the most cringiest and cliche moment of my life.

I skated off towards Julie glowing as red as a tomato, I stood next to Julie. She gave me a look as if to say 'liked that didn't you?'

I elbowed her in the ribs,

"Okay now everyone partner up!"Coach said as he came out from the box.

Luckily I don't think Coach witnessed the whole falling on my ass/staring at Charlie situation.

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A/N:Thank you so much emilyclavette for your comment!
It really got me motivated to write another chapter!

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