One single Australian

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The buzzer sounded to signal the end of the game

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The buzzer sounded to signal the end of the game.
After the attack on Adam, the stadium erupted,people began to boo and others cheered, coach's were yelling at each other and umpires were trying to break up fights.

Adam came skating in holding his wrist,

"You okay mate?"I ask

"Yeah yeah I'll be alright" Adam lied.

"Dam it!"I heard the coach yell.

The box fell quiet.

"Everyone in the rooms now!"Coach yelled.

I have a suspicion that the coach is not happy with us. We all piled into the rooms and sat down quietly, we were waiting for the roasting we were about to get.

Coach walked in and slammed the doors,

"Twelve to one. Do you know what word comes to mind when you think of that? Hmm?"

The room remained silent, not even my little
smartass brain could come up with something to say.

"Pathetic.! You guys were brought here to play hockey!"Coach continued.

"What about you?"Jessie interrupted

"What about me, Jesse?"

"Coach Stansson knew everything about us. They were ready for us. And you spend your time driving around in convertibles talking to those sponsor fools!"Jessie said

"Or hanging with the Iceland lady," Fulton added

"We saw you two Saturday night. Eating ice cream with the enemy, huh, coach?"Dean chimes in.

"What? What are you talking about? What's going on?"Everyone asked confused.

"Hey. Hey, what I do is none of your business. is that clear?"

We all angrily sigh and begin to take our pads off.

"Don't take those pads off. Everyone stay in your gear. We have practice."

"Tonight?"I ask

"This isn't very much fun, Coach," Charlie said

"Who said it was supposed to be fun?"Coach replied

"You did when you coached the Ducks."

Well, I don't see any Ducks here, Charlie. All I see is Team U.S.A and one single Australian who may I add can't even defend the bloody goal,one loss away from elimination."Coach said.

That hurt.
I saw myself as part of the team, not just some Australians tagging along for the ride.

I stormed out of the building out to the ice.

Charlie's POV:

"Oh, way to go coach!"I yelled.

I took a deep breath in.

"Aussie is part of the family now and if anyone, even you, were to ever hurt her or any other teammates feelings like that ever again then your dead to me," I say

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Honestly coach get your head out of your ass," I said before storming out.

Elyse's POV:

Not long after I stormed out Charlie followed.

"You okay?"He asks.

"Yeah yeah, I fine" I reply.

"Just so you know Aussie your not an outsider, we don't see you any different from any other team member"

"Thanks, Conway"

Seconds later the rest of the team followed by the coach came onto the ice.

"Line up! Come on, let's go! Line up, Charlie!"Coach yelled.

I skated over and lined up.

"Twenty sprints Let's go! I'll keep you here all night if I have to."

It was going to be a long night.

The Australian | Charlie Conway Where stories live. Discover now