Thank the Duel-citizenship

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Well shit, I needed to hurry up if I wanted to make it to training on time. Training begins at 4:30 and the rink is around 25-30 minutes away from my house if driven by my parents. I needed to get there 10 minutes early so I can get ready and show the coach river's new training program.That means I would have to leave home at 3:50...

It's now 3:52, I'm still 10 minutes away from home.

Well, coach is definitely going to be mad.

Oh well.


I skidded to a halt right at my front door, I burst through the front door while attempting to take my rollerblades off. This made me nearly trip and face plant on the kitchen floorboards. I finally got them off and yelled to my parents,

"Hi, Mum and Dad, can you please put all my gear in the car while I get changed, I'm late for practice!"I yelled

"Elyse please come into the living room" I heard my mum yell back.

"But I'm going to be late" I yelled back

"I think you want to come into the living room El"Dad yelled, a hint of excitement was heard in his voice.

I was very confused but it must be something good for my dad to be excited. I walked into my living room and saw my Mum and Dad sitting on chairs with a small man with a large smile sitting opposite.

"Oh there's the star Elyse Brondayle"He said while getting up from his chair and walking over.

I looked at him confused,

"I'm Don Tibbles, Hendrix hockey and the sponsee for team USA Hockey team for the Junior goodwill games," He said sticking his hand out to shake.

I took his hand and shook it.

"Now have a seat"

I sat next to my parents who both had the largest grin on their faces.

"Now I've heard your quite the hockey player Elyse"He asked

"Uhh yeah I suppose"I replied

I was still so confused

"Well as you well know there is an up and coming Junior goodwill games being held in America. We have seen your amazing skills on the ice and team USA would love to have you on our ice hockey team. We have talked things over with your parents and they have agreed to allow you to participate but only if you agree to. So would you like to represent Team USA at the junior goodwill games?"

I stared at him in disbelief,

"I um I don't know I'm what to say"

"Say yes?"

I looked to my parents to see them both nodding there heads,

"I would love to!"I replied

"Great! You will leave first thing next week, we will book your flights and send you the details ASAP. You will first be taken to Minnesota where you will meet your team and then be taken to California. We will have a car waiting for you at the Minnesota airport!"

"Wonderful" I replied

I still couldn't believe it, I was going to be representing the USA at the junior goodwill games!
I was going to meet the Mighty ducks!


It had been long after Mr.Tibbles had left, my mum, dad, and I spent the night celebrating and thanking my duel-citizenship for the opportunity.

Over the next week, news had traveled fast and somehow my whole school had found out.River was over the moon about it, she was as excited as I was. She promised me should come over and watch one of my games,which I was excited about.I suddenly began to get a lot more attention then what I would usually get at school,I got quite a lot of 'congrats' and 'Good-lucks' from people I had never talked to before.

I had told my coach and team , he made me promise that I wouldn't make a fool out of myself and that I would stay true to the way I play.

That catches you up to where I am about now, at the current moment I was about halfway through my flight to Minnesota. A couple of hours earlier I bid goodbye to my parents who were unable to come due to work. They along with River were going to come and watch one of my games though.

The flight was around 28 hours long but time felt like it was dragging on,I don't know weather it was due to stress or excitement.I didn't know whether to feel extremely excited or extremely nervous or even a mix of both. I looked out the window at the clouds and sea below thinking about the new team I would be meeting in a matter of hours.

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