Final period

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I served out my penalty for the two minutes, pissed with the world, all I wanted was to get back into the ice and prove to the bigger and stronger players that I was capable

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I served out my penalty for the two minutes, pissed with the world, all I wanted was to get back into the ice and prove to the bigger and stronger players that I was capable.

The buzzer went not long after I served out my penalty.


"Where's our concentration? You guys are runnin' around like a bunch of chickens with your heads cut off!"Coach yells at us.

"We're doin' our best."

"Well, your best isn't good enough anymore.
Blow this game and we are one loss away from elimination. You guys might want to go home early, but I sure as heck don't."

"My, that was inspiring," Averman says

"What's up to his ass?"I whisper to Julie

3rd person POV

Four-nothing, Iceland, as we head for the final period.

I hope Bombay's got some magic up his sleeve because he's getting manhandled tonight.

Elyse's POV

It was mayhem on the ice, players were constantly getting tripped and pushed and team USA never seemed to be in possession of the puck.

The coach was once again yelling his lungs off from the sideline, he wasn't the coach the team knew and loved.

The Iceland players began to bring the puck down the ice, I picked up speed until I was right next to the player with the puck.

I lent over and tried to steal the puck but failed miserably as I was hip and shouldered into the barriers.

The siren then went off. I started cursing under my breath. We just couldn't seem to get the puck off of them.

"Goldberg your off" Coach yelled.

That could only mean one thing.

Julie skated onto the ice, she was finally getting her time to shine. I meet Julie over at the goals, I was just about to open my mouth to wish her luck when two Iceland boys came over.

"Sending in a woman to do a man's job."

"Don't break a nail."

Those sexist pricks.

"You know what assholes why don't you just fuck o-" I was cut off by Julie putting her hand on my shoulder

"I'm sorry, boys, but can you help me with my pads, please?"Julie asked them.

What was she up to?

"Yeah."The boys excitably replied.

Boys and their hormones.

My question was why was Julie suddenly being so nice to them, I mean-

Oh oh, I see.

The two boys now both lay on the floor in pain.

"Intent to injure.! You're out of the game.!"The umpire yells

"See ya around, fellas."Julie said before skating off.

"That was totally badass Julie!"I yell out to her.

I could hear Connie cheering Julie on from a distance.

She turned slightly around at gave me a huge smile.

"Aussie you're off, Fulton, Goldberg your in" Coach yelled from the sidelines.

I skated off into the box and sat down exhausted.

"Getting a bit heated out there weren't ya Aussie?"Charlie said.

"Yeah, just a little" I chuckled.

"Yeah just a tiny bit" Charlie chuckled.

"But did you see Julie like thy was so badass! I mean-"I rambled on.

I stopped mid-sentence as Charlie was just staring at me.

"What?"I ask.

"Oh, nothing your just cute when you ramble on" He replies.

I blush a little.

"Oh shut up and watch the game you idiot," I say.

Fulton currently has the puck and is taking it down the ice. He stops and gets ready to perform his famous move. He brings his stick back and .... bang he hits it.

I stand up out of my chair watching as the puck is headed towards the goals.

And.... glove saves by the Iceland player.

Dang, it.

"Guy your off, Charlie your on" Coach yells.

"Wish me luck," Charlie says before skating out.

"Good luck" I whisper under my breath.


Banksie now had the puck and was taking it down the ice, he moves along the left-wing side and then into the center where he does a cool spinning move, he shoots....he scores.

I jump out of my seat and cheer Adam off, but of course, the celebrating came to an end when one of the Iceland players smashed Banksie arm in.

I could tell banksie was hurt.

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