School yard puck

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We all quickly got our skates on and followed the boy, who I found out name is Russ, not far from where we were to a basketball court

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We all quickly got our skates on and followed the boy, who I found out name is Russ, not far from where we were to a basketball court. We all walked into the basketball court towards a large group of boys.

So much for stranger danger, Charlie came and stood behind me.

He's getting quite protective over something that isn't his quite yet.

"My little brother Russ here has been telling me that you have been chokin' big time."An older boy says.

"Your brother's got a big mouth."Jesse snaps back

The group of boys stared at us angrily.


They begin to smile.

"He does, doesn't he?"The older boy chuckles 

"Oh, boy."We all say relieved.

"We thought we'd call you all to see what you got. We know you can talk to the press and sign autographs."

"We can do more than that."Deans says

"Yeah? We can teach you to play like the real Team U.S.A."

"What would you know about it?" Adam asks

"Oh your about to find out," He says


We all set out into our positions, I like always was on left defencewoman.

For the next twenty minutes we played some puck, the scores were close. We had all our usual problems, Luis couldn't stop, Dwayne kept showing off, Kenny was getting intimidated, Julie wasn't getting any time on the court and I kept on losing my cool.

Luis currently had the puck and was taking it down the court. Luis went to take a swing at the puck, he fell but managed to hit the puck, it bounced off of a trash can onto the road.

"Hey hey hey use your breaks baby" James yells Luis.

We all looked out over to see where the puck had gone...straight into a parked car.

"Eh, no sweat. it happens all the time."James reassures.

"Excuse me. Throw it back, please."We ask politely

"Here, kid. Alley-oop."The man below said before throwing the puck back up.

"Yeah! All right!"

Russ now had the puck and was lining up to take a shot, he skidded to a stop and whacked the puck like there was no tomorrow.

"Did you see that? What the heck kinda shot was that?"

"Ah, you like that, huh?" Russ asks

"Yeah." We all say mesmerized

"That's my knuckle puck. it's hard to be accurate but it drives goalies crazy."


James currently had the puck and was taking down the court. I started to skate towards him and attempted to smash straight into him, it failed of course and he was able to get a goal.

"Fuck" I say to myself.

"Hey hey, there girl calm down no need to gets so hot-headed," He says.

"Easy for you to say your not a defencewoman who can't even defend," I say angrily.

"And either is you, you need to remember that your the type of defenceperson that uses brain games, your the fastest backward skater I've seen and you need to use that to your advantage! You may not be the biggest defence person but that doesn't mean you not a good one" James says.

I mean he wasn't wrong.
I was trying to be more of a Bash bros type of defenceman not an Aussie type of defencewoman.

"Your right, thanks mate," I say thanks.

He gave me a small smile and skated over towards Kenny.

I think I just had a breakthrough.
We really did need to go back to basics to learn what we were all doing wrong.

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