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We all sat around in a circle eating our lunches that Coach had handed out to us. We were chatting about the team before they became team USA.

"So you telling me Fulton couldn't skate when he was first recruited into the team?!"I said surprised.

"Yeppppp" Fulton replied

"Well at least he could stay up on his skates unlike spazway over here, "Averman said

"Oh please not this again, there is no need to bring that nickname back" Charlie groaned

"Whatever you say spazway"

We all chuckled, I took a bite from my sandwich before asking a question I had wanting to be asking.

"Okay now I've been wondering is the Flying V as cool as it sounds?"I asked

"Oh it's even cooler than it sounds"Guy relied

"If my friend River were here she would have a billion questions about your tactics with the Flying V"

"Is River a hockey player?"Luis asked

"No, she's more of like an assistant coach to my team back home. She creates all the training programs and tactics for the team."I replied.

"Is she got?"Dean asked

I lent over to where he was sitting and whacked him across the side of the head.

Everyone laughed,

"Okay team back on your skates we are heading to the hotel to get our ride" Coach announced.

"How are we going to get our stuff?"Jessie asked

"We will swing past everyone's houses so you can all get your stuff!"The coach said before hopping into the buggy again.


After around 10 minutes of skating, we arrived at the hotel, at the entrance, there was a minibus.

"Okay Kenny, Julie, Dean, Dwayne, and Aussie go up to your rooms and meet us back down here in five minutes" Coach said

We left the rest of the team and made our way up to the elevator before taking our separate ways to our rooms.

As soon as Julie and I were safe in our room she began to talk no stop,

"You seriously can't take your eyes off of Charlie!! AND LIKE OMG HE TACKLED YOU TO THE FLOOR!! Like you can't tell me there isn't a thing happening between you two. Oh, and when he was playing with your hair-like-"

"Julie calm down"

"Okay okay okay," She said while taking deep breaths.

"Now nothing is happening between me and Charlie "I say


I playfully shove her before grabbing all my bags and doing a last sweep of the room.

We began to head towards the door,

"But you can't tell me you don't want anything to happen, "Julie said before opening the door

As we walked through the door Charlie and Adam stood in the doorway.

"Shit you guys scared me "I yelled

"Sorry,coach said we should help you all bring down your bags," Adam said

"Here let me take that for you, Julie," Adam said while taking a bag out of her hand.

"Oh thanks, Adam," Julie said slightly blushing.

I looked at her with surprise,

"What would you like me to take Aussie?"Charlie asked

"Nothing" I replied

"Oh come on you have to let me take something," Charlie said

"Fine you can take my shoes," I said before grabbing my shoes out of a backpack.

"Well it's better than nothing," Charlie said before walking off to the elevator.

Adam and Charlie slowly walked ahead while I pulled Julie back.

"You so have something for Adam!"I whispered.

"No, I do not!"Julie whispered back.

"You blushed when he took your bag!"

Julie looked to the ground and smiled,

"Oh get ready for some pay back Julie, "I say before catching up to the boys.


We exited the hotel and took a seat in the minibus before we made our rounds to each of the other houses.

First, we went to Jessie's,
Then we went to Avermanns,
Then Fulton,
Then Charlie's,
Then Goldberg's
And finally Adams

We then arrived at the airport, checked in our baggage, and headed to the gates at 3:30.

Just one hour to our flight.

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