Final practice

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"Coach, shouldn't we have our hockey gear on?"Charlie asks

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"Coach, shouldn't we have our hockey gear on?"Charlie asks

"Yeah?"We all agree

"Guys, this is our last team practice, which means- - The return of Captain Blood."

We all stare at him.

"No. I'm means... let's have some fun."

"All right!"We all yell excitedly.

We all ran out onto the ice and started messing around. Tibbles attempted to skate and was somewhat successful until all of us decided to spray him with ice.

Coach then brought out a beach ball and we all started hitting it around. Fulton got the ball and whacked it as hard as he could into open ice. I skated as fast as I could over to the beach ball but was followed.

I stopped in my tracks and went to pick up the beach ball before the other person but was crashed into from behind. I laid on the floor in pain for a little before bursting out laughing. The person next to me did the same, his laugh was something I missed.

I sat up and locked charlie on the ground next to me.
We really needed to stop falling.
Falling as in like falling over.
Not like falling in love or anything .

"Come on love birds pass us the ball!"Adam yelled out.

I quickly stood up and threw the ball to the team, I then stuck my hand out to help Charlie up.

"Thank you," He said quietly.

"Your welcome" I answered

We both skated off to rejoin the game.


Not long after getting back on my feet, we were interrupted.
I mean seriously these guys were pissing me off.

"Playtime is over," Stansson yelled.

He grabbed our ball and popped it.

"We have the ice now. You and your little rink rats must leave."

"We're right here, Coach." We let coach know.

"The only thing little was your career in the pros."

Ooooo coach got game.

"Gordon, no, let's go."Miss McKay said

"Well, at least I had a shot. I was there. You were a disgrace."

Coach decided to be the bigger man.

"All right, team, we're outta here," Coach told us.

He all stood still.
No one liked the bigger man.
Well, not in this situation at least.
We all wanted to see a good old standoff.

"Let's go, I said! Come on!"

"Can you still move on the ice?"Stansson interrupted

Coach nodded.

"Well, please, play a little with me. Show me the famous triple deke your daddy taught you. Or was it that old geezer over there?"

I could tell that tipped coach over the edge.

"Marria.Three bar. The first one to hit both posts and the crossbar. Have to take it out past the blue line."Stansson explained

"I know the game."

The coaches lined up on the blue line.
Coach took the puck first and started taking it down the ice.

"Come on, Bombay. Come on!"Stansson tormented.

He shoots! He hits the bar!
The coach was up by one now.

"Yeah.!"We all cheered


The game continued and the score was in favor of coach. He just needed this one and he had won it. I think we're more anxious than then Coach himself.

Coach was taking the puck down the ice, he swung his stick back, and....bam he got it.

"Get your coach off the ice. We have to practice now."Coach yelled at the Iceland players.

Coach is so badass.

A/N Sorry another filler chapter!

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