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We spent a couple of more hours with our new friends before heading off to get ready for tonight's game

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We spent a couple of more hours with our new friends before heading off to get ready for tonight's game. We made it to the stadium an hour before our game against Germany, but there was no sign of coach.

So, we all just decided to warm up with him. Knowing coach he was probably out partying with big-name people and just completely forgotten that we existed.


The game was about to start and still no sign from Bombay. Tibbles came and approached the team who were waiting in the box.

"Where's Gordon?"Tibbles asks

"You tell us," I mumble

"I don't believe this," Tibbles said frustrated.

One of the umpires skated up to the box.

"Team U.S.A. I'm sorry. Without a coach behind the bench, you'll forfeit the game."He said

"But you can't do that," Adam said

We all started to panic, if we forfeited this game we were out for good.

"We have one," Charlie said before speeding off.

"Where's he going?"Luis asked.

"The hell would any of us know" I reply

Seconds later Charlie came back with Miss McKay.

"Here she is, our coach; Coach MacKay," Charlie said.

We all caught in pretty quickly.

"Yeah."We all agreed

"Come on, Coach MacKay."

Miss McKay looked around confused and scared for a second.

"What are you waitin' for, ice to freeze? Let's play!"She yelled excitably.

We all cheered, she's already better than Bombay. I started on the bench with Charlie, Connie, Julie, Kenny, and Dwayne.

3rd person POV.

Face-off at center ice.
Germany wins the draw.
Comes across the U.S.A. blue line.
Germany on the right-wing side.
Down to big Klaus Stabia.
He shoots.!
And a save by Goldberg.
Great save by Goldberg.
As Germany is throwing their weight around.

Elyse's POV

"Oh! We look tired."Miss McKay said.

She hesitated.

"We need to, uh... trade places."She continued.

"What?"Charlie and I asked confused.

"New players."

"Oh, say, "Change it up. ""

"Change it up."She says quietly.

"Scream it!"I say

"Change it up!"She screams.

Charlie and I both look at each other and smile.


We were late into the final period and we were winning by one goal

I was currently on the ice taking positions near center ice. The stadium was silent...well that was until a duck whistle rang through the arena. Everyone looked up to the region it was coming from and saw none other than coach fucking Bombay.

"Look who finally shows up," Averman says

"Just ignore him. Averman, take the face-off."Charlie says

"What do we got to lose?"Jesse asked

"Respect. He'll dump us the minute it's all over." Dean said

"Come on in! Let's go, come on."Coach yelled.

We had no choice but to skate in and see what this fool of a man had to say.

"Thanks.Team.Guys.I was wrong. And I'm sorry. I forgot about the team. And the team is all I have. All I another chance. Just one more shot. I'm back. Okay? Believe me. Together now."Coach says.

We all looked around unsure.

"Promise not to be an asshole?"I ask.

"Promise" He replies.

Everyone chuckled.

"So is that a yes?"Coach asks

"You bet coach," We all say.


There was a couple of minutes left and I was stuck on the bench.

"Come on, Jesse," Coach yelled

"All right, let's go! Flying "V"!"Jesse yelled.

I was finally going to see it.
The famous Flying "V"

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