The Beach

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Everyone just stared at me,I have no clue whether it was in confusion, fright, or astonishment

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Everyone just stared at me,I have no clue whether it was in confusion, fright, or astonishment.

"What I was just standing up for myself!"I say defencelessly.

"Oh no no no there was nothing wrong with what you did, it's just I can't believe you had the guts to say that!"Guy replied.

"Well it was either stand up against them or have those little assholes follow us around for the rest of the day," I say

"Elyse Brondayle your our hero, "Charlie said sarcastically.

I punched him in the shoulder playfully.

"HAHAHA your so funny Spazway"I reply sarcastically.

"Here hey hey I thought we weren't going to use that name"Charlie said.


We all walked half a kilometer more before we were finally at the beautiful beach.

"The last one in is buying drinks after!!"Julie yelled as she bolted towards the water.

Everyone quickly dropped their stuff in a pile and started bolting after Julie.

I ran as hard as I could but still managed to be at the back of the pack with Charlie.

Julie, Adam, Connie, and Guy were already in the water cheering for Charlie and me.

"Oh your so going down Aussie!"Charlie panted.

"You wish Conway!"I yelled as I started running even harder than I was before.

By just a foot I was able to beat Charlie.
Beat that.

I bent over trying to catch my breath.

"That's 2-3 Conway!"I manage to get out.

"Boast all you want Aussie the score isn't going to stay that way!"Charlie replied.

"Whatever you say to boost your confidence, Conway"


For the next two hours, we spent our time playing volleyball on the beach, and swimming around in the water.

At one point we were even forced to have shoulder wars by the boys.Us girls didn't have a choice whether we wanted to do it or not.

Connie, Julie, and I were having a nice conversation when the boys randomly appeared. Without saying a word they bobbed under the water and put us on their shoulders.

Connie was on Guy's shoulders,
Julie was on Adams's shoulders (I ship)
And I was on Mr. Charlie Conway's.

And when I tell you I had a bloody heart attack I'm not exaggerating. I had butterflies in my stomach and I for some reason felt quite anxious.

Despite this Charlie and I dominated the game.
But anyways that was our day.

It was around 5:30 when everyone else was up on the beach waiting for me so they could leave. I was just peacefully watching the sunset...

That was until he popped up.

"Beautiful isn't it," Charlie said.

I jumped slightly out of fright.

"Oh god Charlie you almost gave me a heart attack,"

"Well that was my plan"

"You little shit,"

"Oh whatever, I know you still love me," Charlie said, looking down at me.

I looked up at him,

Once again our eyes locked,
I could feel those same butterflies in my stomach from before reappear and felt my cheeks heat up.

This man-made me feel things I had never felt before.

"Oh come on lovebirds, let's go"Adam interrupted.

Charlie and I quickly turned away from each other awkwardly.

I could feel my cheeks heating up more, but I couldn't let the others see this little lovesick side of me.

So I did the only thing I'm really good at,I turned around a gave Adam the death glare.

"Oh you are so dead Banksie," Connie said.

"Oh, you bet your ass he is!"I said as I started to run at Adam.

"Oh, shittttt" Adam yelled as he ran off.

A/N I'm so sorry for the irregular posting!
I will try and post 3 times a week from now on :)

The Australian | Charlie Conway Where stories live. Discover now