Weeties Boxes

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Tibbles limo dropped us off at the same stadium as yesterday, we all hopped out of the limo and headed towards the front door.

Tibbles opened the front door before leading us towards a conference room where the ducks were already waiting.

"Morning, how did you guys sleep?"Bombay asked

"I would have slept better if I didn't have to wake up at 6:30 this morning!"I reply

Bombay laughed,

"Take a seat take a seat" Tibbles pushed us along.

I took a seat next to Connie and Julie,

"Now I have a surprise for all of you!"Tibbles announced

"Are you letting me go back to bed?"I ask sarcastically

The team laughed,

"Very funny Elyse," Tibbles said,

Tibbles moved to the side revealing a box covered with a sheet, Tibbles waited in suspense before whipping off the sheet.

"Tada," Tibbles said in excitement

The team was plaster on the front of a cereal box. I, Miss Elyse Brondayle is on an American cereal box, who would have thought!

"Oh! That's awesome!"

"Hey, y'all. That's us!"Dwayne stated

"Duh, whattaya know?"

"Today, it's a Wheaties box. Tomorrow, it's video games, action figures, lunch boxes. The sky is the limit. Now, just to make sure that everybody knows who you are..."Tibbles said

Tibbles turned around and pulled out a box,

"try on one of these." Tibbles continued

Tibbles pulled out a very colorful jersey,

"Oh, that's so cool!"Kenny said

"Brought to you by those wonderful people at Hendrix...for all your hockey needs. Fulton, there you go. Coach."Tibbles said as he throws out the jerseys.

"Everybody take your own. I'm not gonna give 'em out to everybody."

I ran up and grabbed my jersey, I loved it, I loved the colors, the font, everything. It made me feel more apart of the team, less of the Australian outsider and more of a USA hockey player.

I turned around and saw Charlie looking quite sad,

"Are you okay?"I mouth

He gave me a nod in reply, I knew something was up. I give him a little smile before I was spun around by Julie.

"Omg omg omg omg I love themmmmm," Julie said while bringing me into a hug.

"Hey Aussie feeling like an American yet?"Adam asked.

"Oh I'm feeling so American banksie" I reply trying to imitate the American accent.

Julie and Adam laughed.

"Aussie, that nickname suits you. From now one Elyse you're going to be known as Aussie" Goldberg said while patting your shoulder.

He kinda scared the crap out of me, he just popped up.

"Yeah that fits so well," Jessie saidappearing at your other shoulder.

"All those in favor to have Elyse's name changed to Aussie say I," Averman said

"IIII" Everyone yelled at different times.

"Well, I guess it's official Elyse you new nickname is Aussie" Coach laughed.

Aussie, I like it.

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A/N Sorry for the slow updates!!!
I hope you guys are enjoying this book, if you are It would mean the world if you guys would vote!!!!!

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