USA vs Trinidad

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Not long after our group hug, we all went off to bed as we had our first game against Trinidad in the morning.

Our sleep was peaceful for most of it, but at one point Dean and Fulton decided it would be a good time to play rock music, so I started yelling at them through the wall. Other than that everything was running pretty smoothly.

We had all got up on time and went down and had brekkie.While eating we encounted Alaska and Jasmine but we paid no attention to them.

After brekkie, we meet up with Coach and headed towards the stadium, like a real stadium, one that stated a hella lot of people.

3rd person POV.

"Welcome to Los Angeles, California, and the junior Goodwill teams from around the world arrive to compete in both winter and summer events."

"The U.S.A. is expected to score well in the medal count...especially in basketball, swimming, and hockey. And there's Team U.S.A. hockey led by Coach Gordon Bombay. They're looking fit and anxious to begin the competition...Tonight's game matches the second-seeded Team U.S.A...against the tenth-seeded team, Trinidad Tobago. This marks the first game for the U.S.A. in this double-elimination...winner-take-all tournament. Gordon Bombay looks to have his team well in control here. They lead six to nothing. This is sewn uptight!"

Elyse's POV

We were around three minutes into the second quarter, the score was 6-0. I had been able to take the puck off Trinidad 4 times and at one point was even able to score a goal despite being a right defense woman.

"Hey, Aussie next person to either score a goal or steal the puck gets a point!"Charlie yelled out to me from across the ice.

I had forgotten that Charlie and I had this little competition going on.

"Bring it on Conway!"I yelled back.

Suddenly the puck was down and we were off again, Jesse had the puck, he passed it to Dwayne and Dwayne passed it to Charlie, and then Charlie scored.


Charlie skated over and winked at me,

"That's 2-2 Aussie!"He said.

The remainder of the quarter went pretty smoothly, we scored two more goals and I was able to intercept a couple of passes.Trinidad was able to score one point but nothing to drastic.

For the first part of the third quarter, I was on the bench with Adam, Charlie, Dwayne, and Averman.

Charlie's POV.

I sat on the bench watching the game, Aussie was to my left and Adam was on my right. Aussie was off in her world as she watched the game intently while Adam looked nervous.

"Hey, ya got a girl in the stands?"I ask

"No. but you've got a girl next to you" Adam whispered to me.

I elbowed him,

"On a more serious we note there are Scouts, man. Look at 'em."

"Don't worry about scouts, Adam. Just play your best"I reasure him.

Elyse's POV

The third quarter was going quite well,
Jesse was chucked in the penalty for roughing and then was tormented by this random kid in the crowd, but that's about it.

"Switch it up!"Coach yelled out.

I chuckled my helmet on my head and jumped over the barrier. We all lined up getting ready for the next face-off,

"All right, Fulton, let's have some fun!"Dean said

"Yeah, Portman, let's do it!"Fulton says

"All right!" Dean said before they both skated off.

They began to body check the other team, it was quite funny to watch. I began to piss myself laughing while trying to keep upright on my skates. Fulton and Dean skated up to me,

"Your turn Aussie"They both said.

"Oh hell no I don't play that sort of defense-women I more of the mind games type, I'll leave the body checking to you blokes, "I say

"Well, your loss, "They said before skating off again and continuing their activity.

While this was going on team USA was able to get another goal with three minutes remaining.

We faced off again, the USA won it once again.

Connie had it before passing it off to Kenny who scored.

And with that team, the USA had won their first game. I felt someone come up behind me and grab my waist to spin me around. It was again none other than Charlie Conway, I mean it's always him.

We looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before he gave me a big hug.

"What's that for?"I ask.

"Well, I just thought why not?"Charlie said.

"Good enough," I say

I felt on top of the world.

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A/N I thought I would post another hater today to make up for the bad one yesterday :)

The Australian | Charlie Conway On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara