Minnesota, Ron and the Cat

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12 or so hours more passed and finally we had landed in Minnesota, I was becoming more nervous by the minute. I quickly got some food from the food court and headed off to the baggage claim. There I stood for 20 minutes trying to collect my bag in the sea of people but eventually, I got it.

I began to walk to the front entrance where Mr. Tibbles had said my ride to my hotel would be waiting, and sure enough, there was a man was standing with a small sign with my name on it. It kind of felt like something out of a movie, I began to walk up to him.

"Are you Miss Brondayle?"He asked.

"That would be me"I reply

"Please follow me to the car, from there I will be taking you to the hotel you will be staying at,"He said before walking off towards the entrance.

I followed a couple of steps behind him until we arrived at a limo,

"Shit, "I said under my breath
"May I please take your bags?"The man asked
I responded by handing him my bags.

He then opened up the door for me, maybe chivalry isn't dead? although it was his job to do that but anyways that's beside the point. I hopped in the back, and let me tell you these things are so much more spacious then what you think. You could at least fit 10 maybe 15 people in here!

We began to drive for half an hour or so until we parked in front of a nice hotel.I went to jump out of the car but before I could open up the door the driver (who I learned name was Ron) opened my door for me before grabbing my bags and leading me into the hotel. He began to talk to the receptionist who then gave him a keycard, Ron then passed the keycard on to me.

"Room number 34 on the 3rd floor, you will be sharing with a fellow team member. This is your only keycard so please don't lose it, your first training session will be at 4:30. Mr. Tibbles will be waiting for you here at 4:00."

I nodded in reply, Ron dropped my bags bid goodbye to me and walked off towards his car. I took a deep breath before beginning my venture towards my room to meet my first new teammate. I hopped in the elevator clicked the button that would take me to the third floor and began to make my way up.

After a stop on the second floor, I had finally made it to the third floor, I exited the elevator and started to walk down the hallway finding room 34.

"Room 28,30,32 and bingo 34, "I said under my breath.

Well here goes nothing, I tapped my keycard on the little button thingy until it turned green. I opened the door to get the living daylights scared out of me.

"Shit" I yelled

Right in front of me was a girl similar to my height with blond hair and a massive smile.

"Hi I'm Julie," She said while putting her hand out to shake. I remember from some of the paperwork Mr. Tibbles gave me that she was a goalie.

"I'm Elyse, "I say before shaking her hand

"So you're the amazing defensemen I've been hearing about," She said as she walked away and jumped on her bed.

"And you're the badass Goalie I've been hearing about, "I said before jumping on the bed opposite Julies.

She laughed, we both then sat cross-legged facing each other.

"So you nervous?"She asked

"Oh extremely, how about you?"

"I've never been more scared in my life"

"I'm sure that when we meet the team and begin to do what we are good at we will be all fine"

"I hope your right"

For the next 4 hours, Julie and I chatted about almost everything, and we honestly have quite a lot in common. After a while, my adrenaline started to wear off and the jet lag began to set in.

It was only 12:00 so we still had around 4 hours until we needed to be down in the lobby for our first practice.

"Hey, Julie you don't mind if I sleep off some of my jet lag do you?"I ask

"Oh go ahead I'll wake you up around half an hour before we leave if that's okay?"

"Thanks a lot, Julie"

"No problem"

I laid down and closed my eyes,

"Hey Elyse I can tell we are going to be good friends"

"Me to"I reply

I then drifted off into a nice and peaceful sleep.

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