Takecare Of You

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Alaia's POV

I must have fallen asleep, but i am woken up by the sound of a knock at the door. 

I sat up to find Mom sleeping next to me, and she gets up too, Dad is here and sitting on a sofa by the window, and Nick is not too far from him by another window, looking outside. He turns and goes to open the door.

After the checkup,  the doctor finds nothing unusual about my current condition, and attributes it to side effects of the operation. He suggests i go through to the hospital in town for a more extensive examination. He is hesitant to give me any pain medications, because i am already on prescribed meds, some of which, i am taking already taking, His advice, is that i get lots of rest and eat well, otherwise i have to wait the remaining five weeks for more tests to be done, and for the second operation to be done back Russia again.

Nick, who hasn't said a word,  or made eye contact with me throughout this whole process, offers to walk the doctor out of the house after he is done with me, and since i am feeling much better now, i decide to go with him,  surprisingly, he doesn't object.

Interlacing our fingers, i use my other hand to hold onto the upper arm of the same hand i am holding as we walk out with the doctor. 

I am not very much of a PDA kind of person, but i like being close to him, and right now, i need to feel close to him. He deliberately flexes his bicep muscles, and the action brings back memories of some of the moments of the night we spent together, and how he told i could freely touch and feel his body anyway i wanted, the thought making me blush.

".........are you listening" Nicks voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"Mmhhmmm?" i ask sheepishly, looking up at him. 

He raises an eyebrow at me questioningly.

Feeling as if he can read my mind, i blush even further, and look away. 

Oh lord, the memories, the memories lord!

"I was saying that we will go into town first thing tomorrow morning for a proper check up" he says, and i nod without looking at him. 

Now i wish i didn't come down with him, i can tell his is mad about me going into town earlier against his better judgement, and it's going to be an issue.

As the doctor leaves, a very luxurious car drives into the estate, and as it pulls over, Aaron and Nicole walk towards us.

"No shit" Aaron says, as Yolanda exists the car, with....

"Rhea!!" Nicole says,  speaking my mind. 

Nick frowns, but otherwise doesn't say anything.

We watch them slowly walk towards us.

"Hello my lovelies....." Yolanda says, kissing Aaron and Nick on the cheek, and then straightens up and faces me and Nicole.

"Well, hello ladies" she smiles deviously.

Nicole and i exchange a look, after responding.

"Good afternoon" Rhea flashes that dazzling smile of hers. 

Her long wavy hair is blowing in the evening wind, and her simple jeans and button up shirt is showing off her curvy but slender figure.

"See you inside" Yolanda murmurs, tagging Rhea along with her inside the house making them look like two peas in the pod.

I didn't know Rhea was invited" Aaron says, to no one in particular.

"Neither did I" Nick murmurs.

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