Like A Moth to A Flame

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A/N. Hey guys..So, i thought you would like to see things through someone else's point of view.

Marco's POV

The club was loud and full of people. Sienna and Rita didnt waste time going onto the dance floor, taking Ally with them, who was feeling a little to shy to go and dance so soon after arriving. I decided to go up to my usual spot on the top deck that has a view of most of the bottom area, including the dance floor.

Looking at Ally now, i can see she has found her groove and lost her inhibition. Her eyes are closed, and she is swaying her hips from side to side to the rhythm of the song, the view so mesmerizing, i can't take my eyes off her.

The girl sure loves her jeans. Tonight she has on a light blue pair that is tight on the hips but loose the rest of the way down to her ankles, with big cut outs on her thighs showing off some skin, her curvy ass and hips are on full display, especially with that red string top she is wearing thats exposing her slender midsection, further accentuating her curves.

What?" I have been trying to ignore Martial who hasn't stopped giving me a pointed look since we got up here.

"You know what" He replies nonchantantly.

"I don't know what you are getting at, but if you don't want to tell me, you can go make yourself useful somewhere else and stop crowding me" i snap at him defensively. Actually, i do know what he is getting at, I know exactly what he is getting at.

" Like a moth to a flame, you are going to get burned kid" he snickers.

I ignore him. The word 'kid' making me want to punch him. I know he is older, even more than Nick, but it irks me for him to call me that.

Honestly, i try. I really have been trying to stay away from her, to not think about her all the time, but i fail miserably everytime. She is always on my mind, especially that she is mostly so alone all of the damn time, i just want to be there for her.

I swear Nick is doing such a shity job of being there for her right now. I understand that his job even before he married Ally, required him to travel alot, he was never home much, but its just that Ally deserves someone who can be there for her all the time, especially right now.

Me and her have such a special connection and i find that i care for her deeply, and no matter how much i try, am always drawn to her. I have never felt this way for anyone before. And to see her so lonely, it's such a bitter pill to swallow, because she is the one woman i want the most, but the only one i can never really have.

"I'ld say not to do anything stupid, but you always do." Martial adds and walks away, leaving me rolling my eyes at him.


Twenty minutes later, the girls retreat to our table where a few of my friends have joined us.

"Excuse me, i need to go to the ladies" Ally announces after a few drinks.

"I'll go with you" Rita offers. Martial and Ross who are at another table follow them when they see them on the move.

The girls don't make it to the bathroom when they are interrupted by someone. Recognising who it is, i quickly rush to get to them.

"Oh wow. So this is how you are spending your time, clubbing with his little brother while he stays at the penthouse? Doesn't really look so much like a happily ever after to me. But don't you worry honey, he will come home only when he wants you to warm his bed" Rhea murmurs.

Ally ignores her and starts walking away but Rhea shouts after her.

"You may have managed to have him kick me out of the ranch, but that does mean he kicked me out of his life, there are things you will never understand, things you will never be capable of giving him, because not even your pretty face can supliment your illiteracy."

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