Sick Part 2

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(Requested by @WildAnimalGaming7)

Cole's POV
And it was my turn to be doctor. I have given Lili whatever sickness I had. Lili was trying to persuade me to let her go into work.
L: "I'm fine! Seriously!" She says sighing. I nod.
C: "why then, if your fine, did you vomit 20 minutes ago and are you the same colour as the clouds?" I ask her softly. She sighs and falls back onto our bed. She sighs.
L: "I'm fine! I just have a cold! You went to set and you were worse than I am." She says looking me dead in the eyes. I sigh.
C: "exactly, I went to set and made myself more sick. So, for everyone's sake, you aren't going to set." I say smiling. She rolls her eyes and goes to say something but stops before running to the bathroom and throwing up. Lili hates being sick. She's fine taking care of sick people but hates being sick herself. I go in after her and grab her hair back, rubbing her back.
The Next Day
It was currently 12pm and Lili has been sick from yesterday. She sighs leaning back into my chest after throwing up.
L: "I hate this!" She says tears streaming down her face. I sigh and brush her hair out of her face.
C: "I know baby but it'll be over soon." I say kissing her head. She takes a shaky breathe before turning around and snuggling into my chest. I sigh sympathetically and rub her back.
C: "do you still feel really sick?" I ask her hoping she feels a bit better. She sighs.
L: "I feel better. I don't feel so sick but still like I'm sick but no more stomach bug sick." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "that's good. Hopefully you won't vomit anymore then." I say hopefully. She nods.
L: "yah, can we cuddle and watch a movie in the living room?" She asks nervously. I nod.
C: "sure thing, my butt was getting a little cold so I'm glad you mentioned." I say smiling. She giggles and we go into the living room. Lili lays her head in my lap whilst we watch a movie. I sigh.
C: "well, your 24 hours in so, I was sick for a day and a half so, another 12 hours to go." I says seriously. Lili smacks my knee.
L: "don't remind me." She says sleepily. I chuckle and play with her hair. We carry on watching the movie until I notice Lili was asleep. I chuckle and carry her into our bedroom. I kiss her head before walking out of the room. I tidy up the apartment because it was a mess. After 2 hours of me cleaning I felt arms around my waist. I smile.
C: "how you feeling gorgeous?" I ask Lili. She giggles.
L: "good, well okay. I feel really cold though." She says sighing. I turn around and feel her head. She was warm. I sigh.
C: "you've got a fever." I say sadly. She sighs and puts her head on my shoulder. I sigh.
C: "I'm so sorry." I say rubbing his back. She nods.
L: "it's not your fault. Just get my some medication and cuddles." She says walking back into the bedroom. I shack my head and grab her water and the medicine. I go into the room and sit beside her. She takes the medication and cuddles into me, hiding her face in my neck. I wrap the blankets around her and rub her back. Next thing I know I've fallen asleep.
Lili's POV
I wake up in Cole's arms shacking. I was freezing! I go to grab the blankets but realise they are already on me. I snuggle into Cole more, if that's possible. He moves a little.
C: "you okay baby?" He asks me with a sleepy voice. I nod.
L: "yah, I'm just really cold." I say shivering. Cole sighs and gets out of bed. He grabs me a sweatshirt and another couple of blankets. He helps me put it on and puts the blankets on. He sits beside me.
C: "how do you feel about something to eat? Do you want anything, you bound to be hungry." He asks me rubbing the hair out of my face. I nod.
L: "can you make me that soup you made when you were sick?" I ask him quietly. He nods.
C: "okay, do you want it with bread or just the soup?" He asks curiously. I shack my head.
L: "just the soup." I say. He nods.
C: "and what drink do you want?" He asks. I sigh.
L: "juice with ice." I say closing my eyes.
C: "okay, I'll go get started on the now." He says kissing my head before walking into the kitchen. I smile and bury my face into the sweatshirt I was wearing because it was Cole's. He was so good to me. I had somehow managed to find a man who, even when he is still sick, will take care of me. In fact, I don't even have to be sick, he always takes care of me. I giggle to myself wiping a fallen tear of happiness from my cheek. I hear Cole coming towards the bedroom so to hide my watery eyes I pretend to be asleep. He comes into the room and I feel the bed move beside me so I know Cole is beside me. He runs his fingers through my hair.
C: "I hope you feel better soon Lil's. I love you so much." He whispers kissing my head. I can feel him get off the bed and leave the room. I reopen my eyes to see he's closed the door. I giggle and cuddle into bed and try to sleep. About 30 minutes later Cole comes back in. He gently rubs my back.
C: "Lil's your foods ready." He says softly. I open my eyes and nod. He smiles and I slowly sit up. He sighs.
C: "do you want you food out in the kitchen or in here?" He says standing up. I sigh.
L: "in the kitchen, I've spent to much time in here." I say giggling. He nods.
C: "do you feel dizzy? Do you need help walking to the kitchen?" He asks nervously. I nod.
L: "I'm fine." I say giggling. He nods shyly. I giggle and we walk into the kitchen. Whilst I was eating Cole goes into our bedroom and tidies it up. He makes our bed and opens our blinds. One thing about Cole, he loved to keep our apartment tidy. Everything had its own place.  I find that very cute. He comes in just as I finish eating.
C: "was that okay?" He asks taking my dishes. I nod.
L: "it was amazing, thank you so much." I say thankfully. He nods.
C: "no problem at all." He says kissing my head. I smile.
L: "can we watch a movie outside?" I ask him smiling. He nods.
C: "sure! My laptops on my desk if you want to choose one." He says smiling. I nod and go and grab his laptop. I sigh.
L: "what's your password on this?" I ask him looking to unlock it. He smiles.
C: "when were you born?" He asks me smirking. I roll my eyes and type in my birthday. I giggle.
L: "that's really cute." I say smiling over to him. He just shrugs and carries on with the dishes. I giggle and pick a movie.
L: "okay so! Do we go, sad, romantic, funny or horror?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "definitely not sad. Put on 'The Office'!" He says smiling. I nod.
L: "yah that sounds good." I say smiling. He nods. We go out onto our balcony and sit and watch 'The Office'. I had my head on Cole's chest. He had his arms rapped around me and was rubbing my arm. It was amazing. It was exactly how I wanted to spent being sick. Cole sighs.
C: "if you had like celebrity parents, obviously I know mine is and your is a lot more known than they were 6 years ago but if you could have like celebrity parents who would they be?" He asks smiling.
I sigh.
L: "I need time to think, who would you pick?" I ask smiling.
Cole's POV
I sigh.
C: "I'd go with, my dad as my dad, Jennifer Aniston as my mother, Dylan as my brother, Debby Ryan as a sister, Madchen and Skeet would be my Aunt and Uncle. Then finally, KJ Apa and Camilla Mendes as my cousins." I say smiling. She nods.
L: "so you've got over your little crush in Jennifer then?" She asks smirking. I roll my eyes.
C: "yes, it's in the past. I know only have eyes for you." I say smiling. She kisses my cheek.
L: "okay so, I'd have Leonardo DiCaprio as my dad, Madchen as my mum, Barbara would be my sister and so would Cami. Then as an aunt and uncle I'd have Marisol and Skeet with Mads, KJ, Casey and Van as my cousins." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "I see you've got of your crush on DiCaprio then? Also are you just going to straight up steal my aunt and uncle?" I ask her sarcastically. She nods.
L: "yes all on the past and yah, that would make us like, what, cousins?" She says with a frown. I nod.
C: "thank the lord these are made up." I say laughing. She nods.
L: "yah you could always just date someone else." She says shrugging. I smirk.
C: "maybe I am?" I say sarcastically. She frowns.
L: "are you cheating on me?!" She asks worried. I shrug.
C: "if you count dating all 70 of your personalities as cheating then yes but any other way of cheating no, and I wouldn't dream of it." I say seriously. She smacks my chest.
L: "I though you actually were and I do not have 70 personalities!" She says sighing. I nod.
C: "well, maybe not 70 but at lease 10." I say seriously. She sighs.
L: "it's not even 10 either." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "okay so, there's normal Lili, there sick Lili, tired Lili, slept too much Lili, not enough sleep Lili, happy Lili, energetic Lili, bubbly Lili, shy Lili, kind Lili, mother Lili, annoyed Lili, angry Lili, cuddly Lili, Clingy Lili, Sad Lili, anxious Lili, nervous Lili, bored Lili, lonely Lili, emotional Lili, in pain Lili and finally there's period Lili. So that's, 23 different Lili's." I say sighing. She sighs.
L: "okay, so you've made your point. Well, which Lili is your favourite Lili?" She asks me curiously. I sigh.
C: "I love every Lili but there's three of them I don't love love. I love them but I don't love love them. When your sad I hate it because it's not fair that you are sad, when your angry because I've probably caused that so I feel bad and finally annoyed Lili because annoyed Lili doesn't really talk to me and I hate being ignored by you." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "okay, well that's cute but, let's talk about your personalities." She says tapping my chest. I roll my eyes and throw my head back.
C: "seriously!" I say. She nods.
L: "well there's normal Cole, happy Cole, sad Cole, mental health Cole, sick Cole, tired/cuddly/clingy Cole, annoyed Cole and finally stressed Cole." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "that's only 8, not to bad. Better than 23 of them." I say smiling cheekily. She rolls her eyes.
C: "well then, what Cole is your favourite Cole?" I ask cringing.
C: "I hate taking in the third person." I say sighing. Lili giggles.
L: "I like tired/cuddly/clingy Cole." She says smiling. I frown.
C: "why? I thought you hated when I was clingy." I say shocked. She shacks her head.
L: "no I love it. I hate when your sick because you don't like being touched. I love when your cuddly or clingy. It's cute." She says playing with my hair. I nod.
C: "same goes for you." I say kissing her head. She giggles and wraps her arms around torso. I kiss her head. She sighs.
L: "where do you think we'll be in 5 years?" She asks curiously. I smile.
C: "we will be married, we'll be in a cute but big house, with two dogs, either you'll be pregnant, we'll have a kid or we'll be adopting. The house will have an in door pool so I can teach our kids to swim. I'll be doing my photography and you'll be doing whatever you dream to do. Dylan will have hopefully at this point have asked Barbara to marry him and they'll either live in Hungry or close to us. You'll be closer than ever to your family and they will come visit at least once every 4 months because they'll have their own plane, well we'll keep it but it would just be for them. Then after another couple of years hopefully child number two or three is either in the making or happening." I say smirking. Lili giggles.
L: "that's exactly how I'd love to be." She says smiling. I nod and kiss her head. She looks up a me and kisses me. I smile and kiss her back. That night we had one of them conversations that no matter what the subject was, it just didn't stop.

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