Till Death Do Us Part (Because You're Never Home Rewrite)

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(So, this is a rewrite of my story 'Because you're never home'). I hope you enjoy!-G❤️)
Lili's POV
Cole and I are married, have been for years now, I think it's six. I can't full remember. It's been a while though. We have a daughter, Gracie, she's 7. She has beautiful green eyes and curly light brown hair. Or well she did the last time I saw her in person, which was a couple of months back to be honest. I'm filming a series in France and the one break I was given, I took up a modelling job in France. It was a great opportunity but I didn't think of the consequences. When your working back to back, you don't get free time, nor time to see your family, especially if they're not in the same country. I didn't even speak to Cole about the modelling job, I just sent him a text that I'd be working. Obviously that started an argument. Which, thinking back now, is completely understandable, but we're both stubborn, a little too stubborn, and neither of us wanted to epilogued so it's been over 3 weeks since we last spoke to each other. My mum and sisters been filling me in on Gracie and that was it. So, as I walked into the all too familiar hospital, the anxiety didn't throw me off.
Cole's POV 
It's been 3 months 2 weeks and 5 days since we last saw Lili. It's been 3 weeks and 4 days since I'd last spoken to her and 2 weeks and 6 days since Gracie last spoke to her. But who's counting, right? We agreed I'd work from home, it was easier for me to work and do photography during the school hours for Gracie and be at home the rest, and I'm great with that. The two of us have our routine and we stick to it. Honestly, I've seen Lili's sisters more than I've seen her. It's a joke. But, even when I'm sitting here, staring at the IV stuck in my little girls hand, I can't help but feel guilty. If I had just put my ego to the side and apologised to Lili, we wouldn't be here. A little back story,
Earlier that day:
Amy, Tess and Addy have come down from Cleveland to LA to spend the weekend with Gracie. They haven't seen her in a while and with our enormous but empty house, there's was plenty of room. Tess was free, Addy had time off school so it was perfect, and well, I need a day with Dylan to give my head a break so it was all planned out perfectly. I haven't seen him in a long while. So it'll be nice. But, as you can imagine, it didn't go perfectly. It started great, but didn't end so great.
G: "daddy, how long till granny and Tess and Addy are here?" She asks me for the about 7th time today, she's only been home from school for a couple of hours and since it was Friday she already had an energetic buzz. I smile.
C: "soon baby. They're on there way." I say kissing her head. She nods and skips back to the living room. After about 25 minutes there was a knock on the door and the doorbell rang. Gracie let's out an excited squeal and runs to the door. I chuckle and follow her, opening it bracing myself for the other squealing kid on the other side. Addy was 4 years old than Gracie but they both loved each other so much, it was adorable.
As: "Gracie!" Addy shouts running through the door and tackling Gracie in a hug. Gracie laughs and return the hug, turning them around in circles. Amy laughs.
A: "hi Cole." She says smiling. I smile and opening the door more to make room from them to get past the ball of joy that was still spinning.
C: "hey guys." I say stepping back. Amy sets her suitcase in and wraps her arms around me in a bone crushing hug, but I don't complain. Gracie isn't a big hugger, only if she's sad, hurt or sick so hugs are far and between now a days. We pull apart and just as Amy backs up the girls back into her, causing the bundle of giggles to fall over and just laugh louder. Amy sighs and shacks her head amused at the sight. Tess comes in me hugs me. After all the hugs and the girls settle just a little I carry the bags up stairs and put them in their rooms. I go into the kitchen and make the girls both a drink as they've calmed down enough to sit still for just a moment. I bring it into the living room where Gracie was filling everyone in on what had been happening in school. I set them on the coffee table.
C: "can I get you anything to drink?" I ask Amy and Tess. They both shack their heads. I nod.
C: "I already stared dinner. Spaghettini bolognese with garlic break okay?" I ask everyone. Addy squints her eye at me frowning. I smile. She hates garlic.
C: "don't worry, I have that really good cheese bread you love." I say smiling. She kicks her legs excitedly.
Ad: "yes!" She say happily. I chuckle and sit down, naturally joining in conversation. That's how it was with Lili's family, that's how it's always been. Natural. Sarah says I was made for the family. Maybe she was right, but I would never see them if it wasn't for Gracie.
Gracies POV
I loved when mum's family came to visit me and daddy. I saw daddy's family a lot cause they live close but not granny and Tess and all. I knew Daddy had said I'd be spending all the days of this weekend with them and I wanted to know what we were doing. I was about to speak but then I remembered my mouth was full of dinner so I waited until I was finished chewing.
G: "Granny? What are we going to do when you're here? Cause daddy told me I'd be spending all the days of this weekend with you?" I ask whilst spinning the spaghetti on my fork. She smiles.
A: "well, we aren't going to do anything today because it's already late but tomorrow, us girls are going, in the morning, to do some pottery painting then we are going to get some light lunch, after that we'll go and get manicures and then finally we are going to have a nice dinner." She says smiling. I jump out of my seat and run over to her, hugging her.
G: "yay! I can't wait! I'm so excited!" I say happily. Granny kisses my head.
A: "I'm glad your excited. I'll tell you what we are doing on Sunday tomorrow night." She says smiling. I nod and go back to my seat.
Cole's POV
I was so happy Gracie was excited about spending time with Lili's ones. It was hard to keep her amused and entertained when I'm working and just generally. I can take her places but not that many because we usually get papped or a fan spots us. The buzz from Riverdale was still there and a couple of fans from my smaller roles also my photography. I feel guilty, I guess. I don't really know why because she's happy, I think, she's healthy and that's all I could ever ask for but her mum isn't there, that makes me feel guilty. I know I shouldn't be but I can't really help it.
G: "daddy!" She says loudly, grabbing my attention and tapping my cheek. I shack my head a little and look at her frowning. She tilts her head to the side.
G: "you were in another country there daddy, I was asking you what you'll be doing on Sunday? Cause uncle Dylan's having brother time with you to more right?" She says frowning. I nod and chuckle.
C: "yes, Dylan is spending the day with me on Saturday but I'll be here all day Sunday." I say smiling. She frowns.
G: "on your own?" She asks me. I nod. She frowns.
G: "but your never in your own? Will you be okay?" She asks me worried. I sigh and run my hand down her ponytail.
C: "I'm sure I'll be fine for a couple of hours babe, don't worry about me, and sure your all coming back, right?" I ask her smiling. She nods.
G: "okay, as long as your sure?" She asks raising her eyebrows. She looked like the spitting image of Lili when she did that. I nod.
C: "100% sure." I say softly. She nods. Looks looks at Amy.
G: "is he telling the truth Grandma Amy?" She asks curiously. She nods.
A: "I think he is." She says smiling.
G: "Tessy?" She asks. I let out a quite chuckle.
T: "I think so." She says shrugging. She nods.
G: "that's good enough." She says shrugging. I chuckle.
C: "okay babe, just eat up." I say tapping the table beside her plate with my finger. She nods and smiles at her food before tucking back in. I chuckle and get back to eating myself. After dinner I clean up whilst the girls and Amy go into the cinema room to pick a movie. Tess sighs and sits on the counter beside where was doing the dishes, eating a cookie.
T: "when did you last talk to Lili?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "over 3 weeks now. Why do you ask?" I ask her, drying my hands after doing the dishes. She shrugs.
T: "Lili hasn't mentioned you, you haven't mentioned her, your rings off. I presumed it had been too long for a happy married couple to go without talking." She says sighing. I lean against the counter across from her and cross my arms.
C: "the only reason why that ring is off my finger is because it needed resized, I'm picking it back up tomorrow, the same jeweller I bought it from, the same man I got Lili's from, same man, same everything. I'm not doing it cause I want to, I feel weird without it but I'd only loose it otherwise. As for the not talking thing, yah,  that's on us both." I say sighing. She nods.
T: "I understand you know?" She says smiling sadly. I frown.
C: "understand what?" I ask confused. She sighs.
T: "I understand that your probably really p*ssed off with Lili and it wouldn't shock me if you wanted to divorce her, if I was in your position I wouldn't have lasted as long as you have. I just wanted to say that after the fight you two will have when she decides to return, which will definitely happen, I'm on your side, and I will totally be slapping her when I see her next because she's a b*tch." She says shrugging. She jumps off the counter too, grabbing another cookie. She goes to leave without giving me time to reply but stops at the door.
T: "Thanks for keeping Gracie in tie with us too, you didn't have too, so thank you that you did. Oh and these cookies are great, I'll have to steal your recipe." She says sending me a smile before going off to join the other two. I sigh and nod to myself. At least I know I'm not mad for being a little angry with Lili. I finish up in the kitchen before grabbing the plate of cookies and going into the cinema room. I see Amy and Tess sitting with Addy and Gracie cuddled between them. I smile and throw myself on the chair beside them all and pass Tess the plate of cookies. Her face lights up and the 4 of the quickly grab a cookie each. They were about 20 minutes into The Grinch, even though it wasn't Christmas. When it was finished the girls were both very sleepy looking. It was past Gracie's bed time so that explained it. After I shut the film off Gracie hope of the couch and comes over to me, sitting herself on my knee.
G: "daddy?" She asks smiling nicely. I sigh. She wants something.
C: "Gracie?" I ask her in the same tone. She giggles.
G: "daddy, can Addy sleepover in my room tonight instead of sleeping with Tessy?" She asks me, pulling out her puppy eyes. I sigh.
C: "I'm sure she could if she wanted to." I say rubbing her back. She looks at me wide eyed and her eyes brows raised.
G: "really?" She asks excitedly. I nod. Addy smiles and jumps up.
A: "thank you uncle Cole!" She says excitedly.
C: "no problem. Now, run upstairs and get you pjs on please, do you want water for the night?" I ask the girls. They both nod before running upstairs. I sigh and walk into the kitchen, filling two small water bottles with water and bringing them upstairs. When I do I see Gracie and Addy in matching pyjamas. Gracie smiles.
G: "daddy look! Addy got us matching pyjamas, they fit just my size perfectly!" She says twirling around. I smile.
C: "they look great, did you say thank you?" I ask her. She nods. I nod.
C: "okay, go brush your teeth, I'll be in to check in a second and take your hair out of that ponytail and I'll braid it okay?" I ask her. She nods. Addy goes off and gets her own bags and I pick up Gracie's dirty laundry. After I double check Gracie has actually brushed her teeth, the two girls get cozy in bed, I kiss them goodnight before going to get Amy and Tess as that's who Gracie wanted to read tonight. When I'm down stairs alone, I grab my phone and check my texts. No texts. No missed calls. No dm's. I run my hands through my hair. There's one text I'd like to receive but I know I won't get it. Maybe a message from some of the Riverdale cast would be nice too but we aren't really friends anymore so I'm not shocked to see I've been left on delivered or read by a couple of them. I make myself busy to escape the self loathing, which doesn't really work but I give it a go, until Amy and Tess come back downstairs. Just as they do, my phones rings. I can't help but feel a little disappointed when I see it's Dylan. Not who I wanted it to be but it's good enough.
C: 'hello.'
D: 'hi Cole.'
C: 'I don't like the sound of your voice? What are you calling to tell me?'
D: 'how do you know I'm not just calling you?'
C: 'because you don't do that and if you were, you'd sound happier or like your sugar coating the thing you need to ask for.'
D: 'okay, Jesus mind reader. I'm going to have to cancel our plans tomorrow.'
C: 'oh okay.'
D: 'I don't want to but a family member of Barbara's has just passed away so we're flying over there first thing tomorrow morning.'
C: 'it's fine, really. Tell Barbara I'm sorry for the loss. And maybe I'll see you at Thanksgiving?'
D: 'Cole. Don't joke. You know I want to see you, but...' I cut him off.
C: 'but things come up. Seriously Dylan, I'm dead serious. I get it. Now give my nieces and nephews a hug from me and go and spend time with your wife please?'
D: 'will do. Bye bro.'
C: 'bye Dyl.' I hang up the phone before sighing. I won't tell Gracie my plans were cancelled, she'll just worry so if I don't tell her, she won't worry. I quickly scroll through Instagram and Twitter before shutting my phone off and cleaning up the movie room that got a little messy. I hear Amy and Tess come downstairs and I quickly finish up, bringing all the empty dishes with me. I smile when I see them.
C: "did settle okay?" I ask. Amy nods.
A: "there both fast asleep. You should've waited and we couldn't helped clear up." She shacks sighing. I shack my head.
C: "no it's fine. I've got a little bit of work to do that I didn't get finished earlier, but you know the drill. Do, eat whatever. Home from home as I like to call it." I say chuckling. They both nod and Tess walks into the living room. Amy follows me into the kitchen.
A: "Cole honey, are you okay?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "yah, I'm okay? Why?" I ask her frowning. She sighs.
A: "you just seem a little, I dunno, down?" She says shrugging. I shack my head.
C: "I'm okay." I say smiling. She nods and looks into the rather large hall.
A: "you ever get lonely here?" She asks me cautiously. I nod.
C: "yah. More than I'd like to admit. If Lili wasn't so in love with this place then I'd ask to move but, well I suppose she's hardly here anymore so." I say, chuckling sadly.
C: "do you think it's cold? Like it doesn't feel like home? It did but it doesn't now. I dunno, I just don't think it looks or feels homely." I say shrugging.  Amy looks me dead in the eyes.
A: "this isn't home to you?" She asks me shocked. I shrug.
C: "I, no. I dunno it just doesn't feel like it. I don't know where home is. It's not where I grew up either cause I haven't been there in ages. Maybe it's like, no I have no clue." I say shacking my head. She sighs.
A: "what if, home is a person?" She asks. I shrug.
C: "maybe. It's not Gracie, cause I'd feel like home now, it's not mum or dad or Dylan. I don't think so." I say shacking my head.
C: "I feel like a cup of coffee is quite homely though. It's not home but it's homely." I sua shrugging. She sighs.
A: "what if Lili's your home?" She asks softly. I go to laugh but hold it back.
C: "no. There's no way, I love her to pieces but she's too uncertain to be home. Maybe she's someone else's but not mind, as much as I love her." I say chuckling. Amy shrugs.
A: "I think she might be. This place felt like home but now it doesn't, Lili was here all the time but now she's not. Nobody else feels like home and home doesn't even feel like home but it didn't when she was there. So, maybe, it wasn't actually the places, but the fact she's there." She says sighing. I sigh and let it all sink in. Amy rubs my arm.
A: "go get your work done hunny, I'll go make sure my grown up child that acts like a toddler hasn't ruined your search history with stupid shows." She says chuckling. I nod, still really dazed. That didn't really help the Lili shaped hole in my heart any. I shack myself out of the daze and make my way to my office. I do what I need to do and tied it up so it looks more decent before shutting everything off and closing the door behind me. I grab my phone from the kitchen, checking the camera in Gracies room just to check she was okay, which she was, and join Amy and Tess in the living room. I throw myself onto one of the love chairs and stare at the tv.
C: "what the hell are you watching? Cause you do know there a thing called colours right?" I ask Tess, glancing between her and the black and white movie playing. She frowns.
T: "shush. It's a good movie. It's a classic." She says her eyes never leaving the screen. I frown.
C: "yah but like, there's modern classics. Like you can't even hear nor understand what they're saying." I say shacking my head. She groans.
T: "you would be able to if you'd shut up and just watch it." She mumbles sarcastically, throwing a cushion at me. I catch and throw it back, paying attention to the film. After about 10 minutes I was bored out of my head and didn't want to watch it anymore. So I stand up.
C: "I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see you both bring and early tomorrow." I say smiling. Tess frowns.
T: "please don't tell me she still gets up too early." She says desperately. I smile.
C: "6am on the dot nearly every morning. Early if she's excited, later if she's sick. So I'll probably see you both around 5am." I say smiling. She groans. Amy taps Tess's knee.
A: "goodnight Cole." She says sweetly. I smile.
C: "night guys." I say walking out of the room. I check on the girls before getting ready and into bed. I cuddle up, keeping to my own side and quickly let the sleep over take me.
The next day
I wake up at the usual time. 6 am. Same time as every morning, unless Gracie is up earlier. I get myself up and into the shower before throwing some cloths on and going downstairs. I put some music on before starting on breakfast. After about 10 minutes a voice speaks up.
Ad: "that's sad music uncle Cole." Addy says making me jump. I sigh.
C: "gosh Ad's. You scared me. I guess it is." I say shrugging. She nods and sits herself at the kitchen table.
Ad: "do you like it?" She asks me frowning. I nod.
C: "I do, I wouldn't be playing it other wise." I say smiling. She nods.
Ad: "are you sad?" She asks. I frown.
C: "right now, no but sometimes I am. And that's okay.
Ad: "why do you get sad?" She asks curiously. I sigh.
C: "maybe when I'm frustrated, missing something, j-" I say but she cuts me off.
Ad: "you miss someone." She corrects me. I raise my eyebrows.
C: "do I now?" I ask her, putting some eggs and waffles on a plate for her. She nods.
Ad: "mhm. You miss aunt Lili." She says smiling softly. I nod.
C: "I do. How'd you know?" I ask her curiously. She shrugs.
Ad: "I dunno. I miss her too but your not the same, you keep looking at your phone, you stare at the photos of her on the walls for a little longer than usual." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "good to know I guess. Here. Bacon will be done in 2 minutes. Would you like orange juice, apple juice, a smoothie, milk or water?" I ask her. She thinks for a minute.
Ad: "apple juice, but, can I have a smoothie tomorrow?" She asks me. I nod and pour her the drink. Not too long later Gracie comes running down the stairs, full speed, skipping the bottom two steps.
C: "Gracie, walk down the stairs, don't jump please!" I say sternly. She nods.
G: "sorry." She mumbles.
G: "good morning! Good morning! I smell bacon!" She says happily. I nod and get up from my seat at the table.
C: "do you want waffles, eggs and bacon or just eggs and bacon this morning?" I ask her. She frowns.
G: "I've got a busy day daddy, give me it all please!" She says happily. I chuckle.
C: "alright then little lady. Do you want apple juice, smoothie or water?" I ask as she doesn't like orange juice or milk.
G: "apple juice please." She says taking a seat at the table beside Addy, who was already half way through her second plate. I bring Gracie her plate over. Not too long after Amy and Tess join us and they all also got breakfast. Thank the lord we had multiple bathrooms, because 4 females takes far too much time to get ready. After 2 hours the 4 of them were ready to go and you could really tell they were excited.
C: "okay, have you got everything your going to need?" I ask Gracie, who ignored me. I sigh and grab her shoulders, gently spinning her around to look at me.
C: "Gracie, do you have everything your going to need?" I ask her. She nods.
G: "mhm. Mr Snuggles is in Tesseys bag." She says, still not playing attention to me. I nod.
C: "okay then. I'll see you later. Have a good day, be good. I love you." I say kissing her head. She nods.
G: "yes yes and I love you too. Is it go time now?" She asks excitedly. Amy nods.
A: "sure is." She says smiling. Gracie runs over to the door, thankfully it was locked. Tess unlocks it and she runs out to the car.
A: "are you sure your okay with me taking your car? I could take Lili's." She says sighing. I shack my head.
C: "no it's fine. I'm not going anywhere, so like, take mine, Gracies car seat and all is in it." I say smiling. She frowns.
A: "I thought you were spending it with Dylan?" She asks. I sigh.
C: "Barbara had a relative that passed away so they've had to go over there for the funeral. I'll see him another time." I say shrugging. She nods.
A: "oh that's sad. Well, I better get going. We should be home around like 6 or something not too late." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "no problem. Enjoy." I say. She shoots me a smile before leaving the house. I lock the door behind her, knowing she has a key. As the time passes, a knot grows in my stomach. Anxiety is no stranger to me but this just wasn't anxiety. It was a bad feeling, an instinct almost. Maybe some sort of fathers gut feeling or something I don't know, but something felt off, something felt wrong. As the clock ticked on, the feeling only grew worse. I knew Gracie was safe, there was no doubt in my mind that she wasn't safe. At 2 o'clock I had just sat down for some lunch when I got a phone call from Amy.
C: 'hey Amy. Everything okay?'
A: 'Cole, hun, could you come down to the hospital please?' My heart drops.
C: 'sh*t. Yes. Why?' I ask, my heart thumping, my mind racing.
A: 'I was driving to go to lunch from the nail salon and we were on the road and a woman took a turn behind the wheel and her car just started spinning and crashed right into us and a couple of other cars.'
C: 'f*ck, Lili's car keys.' I mumble to myself but she obviously hears.
C: 'right, Gracie? Gracie? Is Gracie okay?' Panic obvious in my voice.
A: 'she's okay. She's in getting scans and stuff now because they're afraid of a brain injury and she's broke her arm and her finger. I'm not allowed with her cause I'm not a parent and she was crying for you.' I sigh, a little relieved.
C: 'okay, I'm on my way. Are you all okay? Addy? Tess? You?' I ask, trying to focus on driving. She sniffs.
A: "me and Addy are okay, we were on the side of the car that didn't get the impact. Tess has broke her ankle so she's getting that casted and has a really minor concussion. Ad and I have been checked, apart from a couple of cuts and bruises we are perfectly fine, slacken up but fine.'
C: 'good, as harsh as 2 is, it isn't 4.'
C: 'wait, just main hospital right?'
A: 'yah, Tess, Addy and I are in room 37 and well Gracie is moving about but I told reception you'd be coming.'
C: 'okay, I'm nearly there' I mumble, once again, more to myself than her.
A: 'okay, go focus on driving. Drive safe.' She says before hanging up. I take a deep breathe and try not to break too many laws but we can deal with that after. After what felt like the longest, 10 minute drive of my life I finally pulled up to the hospital, eventually found a parking space and got into the hospital. I go up to reception.
C: "hi, my daughter was brought in after a car crash, Gracie Sprouse?" I ask. The receptionist clears his throat and looks up at me.
Re: "Mr Sprouse, oh hello." He says flirtatiously. I sigh.
C: "great and all as this is mate, my daughter is currently alone and scared? Would it be possible to have her room number or any information I'd need to know, as her dad?" I ask him, as nicely as possible. He blushes and looks down.
Re: "yes sorry, room 41." He says softly. I nod.
C: "thank you." I say smiling. I take the elevator up. After a little bit of searching, I finally find the room. I knock on the door, seeing a nurse in the room. She smiles.
N: "hello, are you here for Gracie?" She asks. I nod.
C: "yah I'm her dad." I say softly. She nods.
N: "she's sleeping now, she should be awake soon, like in 10 minutes. We completed a couple of scans and casted her arm and tapped her broken finger.
N: "she's broken her elbow, when she wakes up we can put a colour round the plain plaster for her, a clean break, broken her middle finger, so that's Buddy taped just to keep it growing back straight and she's a pretty bad concussion so we want to keep her in tonight to monitor her. She was throwing up and stuff so just to be safe. Nothing else concerning showed on the scans though which is good." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "thank you so much." I shack sighing. She nods.
N: "I presume her grandmother contacted you, but as she is under age we did contact her mother as she was listed first in her contact list. There was no answer but we left a voicemail, so you can contact her about that." She says collecting her stuff. I nod.
C: "her mum isn't in the country at the minute but I'll let her know." I sun nodding. She nods.
N: "just hit the button on the wall if you need anything and we'll be with you as soon as we can." She says, with a warm smile, before walking out of the room. I sit down on the chair beside the bed Gracie was asleep on and take ahold of Gracies her non-broken hand. I let out a sigh of relief, she wasn't as good as I wanted her to be but she's alive and nothing bad is going to come permanently so she's okay. I kiss her hand and quickly she Amy a message that I'm with Gracie and give her the room number. After sitting with her for not even 5 minutes, her pretty little eyes open. I smile and rub my thumb over her hand.
C: "hey princess." I say softly. She blinks a couple of times and turns to face me.
G: "daddy?" She mumbles, tiredness, confusion and pain lacing her voice. I kiss her hand again.
C: "I'm here baby. Your okay." I whisper. She frowns.
G: "what happened?" She asks, her bottom lip wobbling. I sigh.
C: "when you and the girls we're going to lunch someone got sick when they were driving their car and ended up causing an accident." I say softly. She lets out a little sob. I bring my hand up to her head, gently pushing her hair out of her face.
C: "hey. It's okay." I whisper. She reaches out for me, but sobs louder when she sees the cast and taped fingers. I kiss her head.
C: "it's okay. Shh." I whisper, rubbing her arm. After a while the tears had stopped.
G: "my heads sore daddy." She whispers. I sigh.
C: "I know, would you like some water?" I ask her. She nods so I grab her he drinker that was beside her bed. She drank nearly half.
C: "gosh you were thirsty." I mumble chuckling. She smiles.
G: "what is it?" She asks pointing to her elbow and fingers. I sigh.
C: "well, you have a broken elbow so that's to help it fix itself and you have a broken finger so they give it a buddy to make it feel better too." I say, trying to make it not too scary. She nods and pokes her cast.
G: "how do I bath with this on?" She asks.
C: "we'll have to cover it with a bag I think." I say shrugging. She nods and keeps poking it.
C: "guess what the nurse told me?" I ask her. She looks at me and frowns.
G: "what?" She asks confused. I sigh.
C: "she said that when ever you woke up, the doctors would wrap it in a colour wrap so it's not just pain and boring white." I say smiling. She gasps, eyes widening.
G: "really? Can I get a pink one? Or purple? No green." She says smiling. I shrug.
C: "you'll have to wait and see what colours there is." I say sighing. There was a knock on the door and at he same nurse walks in.
N: "hello darling, I'm glad to see your awake." She says smiling. Gracie gives her a thumbs up.
G: "daddy was telling me that I could get a colour for my arm?" She asks. She nods.
N: "we can indeed. What colour would you like?" She asks opening a cupboard and pulling out boxes of colours. Gracie gasps.
G: "pink please." She says pointing to a shade of hot pink. The nurse nods.
N: "I have something else I think you like." She says, opening a different cupboard. She pulls out another box with the same colours bu only they are shined and glittery.
N: "what do you think of glitter pink?" She asks excitedly. Gracie's face lights up.
G: "yes!" She says so happily. The nurse nods and starts to wrap her arm. About half way through my phone rings. I sigh.
C: "I'm just gonna take this outside. I'll be right outside the door okay?" I say to Gracie. She nods, watching the nurse. I kiss her head and answer it on my way out the door. I answer the phone.
C: 'she's fine.'
L: 'I'm waiting on my plane to arrive. I'll be there around 6. When's she getting home?'
C: 'wait! What? What? What do you mean?' I'm so confused right now.
L: 'I'm coming home Cole.' She said my name. It's been months. God I missed her voice.
C: 'you haven't been home, it's been months. Why? Why now?'
L: 'my babies is in hospital. I'd be coming wether I was in Walmart or China. I have two minutes. Will she still be in hospital or can she go home?'
C: 'she's staying over night. We'll be at the hospital. Second floor, room 41.'
L: 'do you want me to stop at the house and get her stuff? And well if you need anything.'
C: 'no it's fine. Your mums gonna drop the girls off and then bring them us stuff over.'
L: 'my mum? Why is she over? Which girls?'
C: 'mum, Addy and Tess are over for the weekend they're all fine like a bi-'She cuts me off.
L: 'I have to go. I'll see you in a bit.' She says before hanging up. I nod.
C: "bye then." I mumble. I go back into Gracies room.
G: "Daddy look! It's all pretty now!" She says happily. I nod.
C: "it's very pretty. Did you say thank you?" I ask her. She nods. I nod.
C: "are you a little happier with it now?" I ask, sitting back down.
G: "yah. It's not wonderful but it's good." She says shrugging. I nod. The nurse gets a ping on her little machine thing and quickly sends us a smile before running out of the room. Gracie looks at me.
G: "do you have to work?" She asks me. I shack my head.
C: "no baby. It wasn't work. It was someone else." I say sighing. She frowns but nods.
C: "mummy's coming home." I spit out. Her head slowly turns around to face me.
G: "what?" She asks confused.
C: "on the phone was your mum. She's currently on a plane. She should be here around 6." I say softly. She just slowly nods.
C: "what are you thinking sweetie?" I ask her softly. She shrugs.
G: "why? Why is she coming home?" She asks frowning. I sigh.
C: "because your hurt." I say. She frowns.
G: "but I've been hurt before. When I fell on the play ground and twisted my ankle or the time I got that really bad tummy bug from school. She didn't come home then, why now?" She asks, getting a little worked up. I run my hand over her head.
C: "I don't know, but it's okay. You'll be okay. She's not going to do or say anything. She's the same mum who you've been talking to in the phone, right?" I ask her. She nods.
C: "see, it might be a little bit awkward because she hasn't seen you in a long time and because her and I aren't talking but it'll be okay after a while, yah?" I say reassuringly. She nods and smiles. I smile and kiss her head.
C: "now, how about I see what Addy's up to?" I ask her. She smiles wider. I phone Amy to get there whereabouts and they come to see Gracie. The girls stay and Amy goes to get our stuff before coming back and bringing the girls back home. After we get some dinner, the times seems to slow down a little, and the ticking of the clock seems to get 10 times louder. 5:55. She said around 6 so well, anytime now. Gracie had fallen asleep. After more meds, a full tummy and into cozy pyjamas, it was to be expected. She was laying on my chest. She wanted cuddles so after she was unhooked from all the wires I got on the bed with her. About 30 minutes later a knock on the door echos through the room, and I knew she was here. She quietly steps into the room, and I could just feel the awkwardness. She sighs.
L: "is she okay?" She asks. She looked different, older but just as beautiful, if not more. Her hair was longer, more brown was peeking through the blonde. She was wearing pink joggers and a sweatshirt that was very familiar, probably because it was one of mine but anyway. My eyes then shoot to her hand. Her left one. There was two rings. She was still wearing her rings. I sigh in relief.
L: "Cole." Her voice brings me out of my thoughts.
C: "hm? What? Sorry." I say shacking my head.
L: "is she okay? Gracie, is she okay?" She asks worried. I nod.
C: "yah. Yes. She's good. Arm and finger is broken, well elbow. She's got a bad concussion so she's staying in tonight and if everything goes to plan she'll get home tomorrow. She's one strong pain meds and she's just had dinner which is why she's asleep. She's okay though, a little emotional but okay." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "what about my mum, Tess and Addy?" She says. I nod.
C: "there all good. There back at the house. Your mums just got a couple of cuts and bruises but she's not injured in any other way, same for Addy and Tess broke her ankle and a really minor concussion. Just all shaken up." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "what happened? How? Why are my ones even here?" She quizzes. I sigh.
C: "you can sit down, because this situation is really awkward and the fact I'm lying on a bed right now really doesn't help." I say nodding to the chair. She nods.
L: "yah sorry, fill me in." She says sitting down.  I sigh.
C: "your mum and all come down to spend the weekend with Gracie. They were going to just have a girly weekend and all. They're going home on Monday. Well, I dunno now, we'll see. They were just on there way to lunch I think and someone took a turn behind the wheel and crashed. The side Tess and Gracie were sitting one got the worst impact, hence the injuries." I say, not enjoying this situation one bit. She nods.
L: "the other people?" She asks. I shrug.
C: "I don't know." I say sighing. She nods. Silence. Awkward silence.
C: "how was your flight?" I ask. She sighs.
L: "it was alright. A bit bumpy and I was anxious to get here but." She says shrugging. I nod.
C: "good." I mumble. Not really knowing when to take this.
Lili's POV
Silence. Awkward silence. I know I've messed up. I sigh.
L: "how are you?" I ask, biting m lip. He sighs.
C: "been better, been worse, can't complain." He says shrugging. I nod.
C: "how are you?" He asks back. I sigh.
L: "the same as you really." I mumble. He nods. I look at Gracie. Her hair has got longer, the curls had started to drop and she looked so grown up.
L: "she's so grown up." I whisper. He nods.
C: "she's not our little baby anymore." He says softly, running his hand across her cheek. I nod.
L: "she's still your baby though, look at her." I say giggling slightly. He hums.
C: "she's not normally like this. Only if she's sick or hurt or sad or scared. I can't remember the last time I got a cuddle when she wasn't ill or sad." He shacks his head. I sigh.
L: "I can't remember the last time I got a cuddle, from anyone." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "well you haven't been home in months, we aren't exactly on the best not right now, she's well, asleep, so the odds aren't really in your court." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "yah, well, I didn't expect hugs and cheers when I arrived." I mumble.
C: "we've been counting, you know? Every morning at breakfast she adds a day. Sometimes she talks about you, there the good days and others she just sits here. She writes it down in her notebook you got her for her birthday a couple of years ago. 3 months, 2 weeks and 5 days." He says. I sigh.
L: "Cole." I say softly. He looks up at me. Eye contact. It was nice. It was the one thing that didn't feel awkward. I forgot how truly gorgeous his eyes were. He sighs.
C: "I have a lot to say, I've been playing this day over in my head, for weeks. It was going to be like this, it shouldn't be like this. It shouldn't have taken our daughter being hospitalised for you to come home. If she's wasn't here, would you be?" He asks. I see that look in his eyes I haven't seen for so long. Heartbreak. I look down. I wouldn't be. I shack my head. He nods.
C: "when would you have come home then? If she wasn't hurt. How much longer would she, would I have had to have waited?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "I don't know. Not long I think. The jobs are over basically, just like last touch ups and some for the acting job." I say, gulping back all the very overpowering emotions. He nods.
C: "would you have come home?" He asks, gulping himself. I nod.
L: "yes, definitely." I say confidently. He nods.
C: "are you going back?" He asks. I shack my head.
L: "no. I'm not going back. I'm phoning them tomorrow. I can't do this to her anymore, to you anymore." I say swallowing back my tears. He nods.
C: "I'm glad." He mumbles. I nod, and send him a small smile. Nothing more is said, we just sit there, watching Gracie or going on our phones, I message my family and let them know I'm home. I talk with Chloe and my mum before putting my phone down as Gracie starts to wake up. Cole rubs her back.
C: "hey sleepyhead." He whispers, kissing her head. She snuggles closer into him and slowly blinks, adjusting to the lights. He kisses her head again.
C: "mummy's home." He whispers. She looks up and directly at me. I smile.
L: "hey hunny." I say softly. She just looks at me, before turning her head and cuddling back into Cole. Cole kisses her cheek.
C: "just give her a minute." He mumbles to me. I nod and sink into my seat a little. After about 10 minutes, and a whisper conversation between the two, Gracie turns back over and sits up, siting close to Cole but sitting up.
G: "are you going to leave again?" She asks me softly. Her little voice just melts my heart. I sigh.
L: "no baby. I'm staying now." I say softly. She nods.
G: "are you coming back home?" She asks. I nod.
L: "of course I am." I say smiling. She nods and hops of the bed. She wraps her arms around my neck and hides her face in my shoulder. I hug her tight and kiss her head.
G: "I missed you mummy." She mumbles against my shoulder. I sigh.
L: "I'm so sorry. I missed you too hunny, so much." I say, holding her tightly. I didn't realise just how much I missed her.
L: "I love you Gracie." I say kissing her head. She smiles.
G: "I love you too mummy." She says, and kisses my cheek. I spend the rest of the evening with Gracie, I get caught up on all the things that have happened while I was gone, or well, away. Anything from school drama to missing teeth or bruises. All the little things I should have been there for. Admittedly it did make me feel worse, because well, I missed it all so hearing it all like I was a family friend. I'm glad she told me though. I would rather feel guilty but know, than feel guilty and not know. I had a lot of making up to do with Gracie but I had even more with Cole. He was sort of just sitting there, Gracie and I were on the bed, playing a game on tic-tac-toe, the odd time he'd say something but he was silent more of it. We were moved to a different room because the room we were in didn't have a sofa bed for Cole and I. After we got settled in, Cole put a movie on his phone for Gracie, trying to get her to sleep and thankfully, it worked. After about 30 minutes she was snoring away, fast asleep. It was really early for her usually but she needed it. I gently moved from beside her and put the blankets over key, leaving a kiss on her head before moving onto the sofa beside Cole. He sighs.
C: "if you want to go home you can. You bound to be exhausted after the travelling and all. She'll understand. You can come back after 9 anyway. I'll explain it to her. We'll be home early tomorrow anyway, well hopefully." He says shrugging. I shack my head.
L: "no. I'm tired yah but I'm staying. I've been away for far too long. I'm not leaving her, she needs us both, I've left her enough and I'm not doing that again, not anymore." I say seriously. He nods. It's a bit awkward after that.
L: "how do you wanna work the beds and stuff?" I ask him awkwardly. He clears his throat.
C: " you can have this. I won't be sleeping so I'll just take the chair." He says shrugging. I frown.
L: "you have to sleep, I'll take the chair." I say confused. He shacks his head.
C: "no. I can't, I won't be able too. I never have been able to, I never will be able to. Not after everything that's happened today and just generally in hospitals." He says gulping. I didn't even think. Cole's mum got really sick and spent over 3 months in hospital, when Gracie was born I bled to much and was rushed away and he was told it was touch and go, even though I really wasn't. My miscarriage. Gracies been here when she had a really bad stomach bug, Dylan's been here when he found a lump, but thankfully it was all good. I sigh.
L: "god, I never even thought. You go home, you bound to be tired too, you've had to hold fort here, go home." I say grabbing his hand, out of habit. When I realise what I had done I quickly pull my hand away.
L: "crap sorry, old habits die hard I guess." He just nods.
C: "I'm not going home. Not for a second. I'm not leaving till she does." He says. I nod.
L: "okay then. We'll both stay up. Pull an all righter, like the good old days." I say smiling. He frowns and looks at me.
C: "the last time you pulled an all nighter was like, one of your first night shoots for Riverdale, that's was like, the first season so, 2017. You can't even do it on New Years." He says chuckling. His laugh, god it was gorgeous. I nod.
L: "well then, I'll prove you wrong. I will pull an all nighter." I say confidently. He nods.
C: "okay, what ever you say. But I give you till 10.30 at the latest and you'll be out cold." He says surely. I hum.
L: "what will you do if I do sleep? Will you be okay?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "I have a book, and work stuff to do. And yes, I am 100% positive I'll be fine if you fall asleep. I've lived in our massive house for years, and I'm alone during the days and when Gracie isn't home so I'm pretty used to it by now." He says shrugging. I nod. We'd got a big house because we had planned on having more than 1 kid and we wanted spare rooms for family but things happened and life just decided Gracie was enough for us and we both love her more than anything else. I sigh.
L: "you get lonely?" I ask him softly. He nods.
C: "do you?" He asks, just as soft. I shrug.
L: "sometimes. There was always someone there, or I was always doing something so well I guess, I never really had time alone, to feel lonely." I say sighing. He nods.
L: "how have you been, from like I first left?" I ask him, turning my body around fully to face him. He shrugs.
C: "I've been better. I've amazed how single parents can do it on there own all the time, with more than one kid. Like Gracie is so well behaved, I couldn't have asked for a better daughter but some days it was just so hard. Everything just seems to pile up, and like I could have got help, I just, I didn't need it but some day's I just, I couldn't. And them days screwed everything, because I was in a mood so she was in a mood. We were both just sad and stressed and she knew I found it tough without you but I think she found it just as tough, maybe more. I don't know, I'm so lucky I mainly work from home too, because having to work and keep on top of everything else was hard enough, I cant imagine not being at home for most of the day to get that done."                                                           L: "I did miss you, you do know that right? I didn't just get out there and forget about you. I missed you two everyday." I say softly. He nods.                                                      C: "why didn't you come home more? I know you were working, you couldn't just pop home whenever but you had breaks and you didn't come home. Why? Did I make you want to go? Are you unhappy here?" He asks. I sigh.
L: "you know I'm not unhappy here, I've never been unhappy here. I'm at my happiest here, with Gracie and you, at home. I guess, maybe, being away and modelling and actin made me feel young again. I felt confident, I felt care free, I felt how I did before we got married, before Gracie. When I was out there, I had no responsibilities. My manger sorted everything for me, left me notes and set my alarm clock. I was in hotels so everything was cleaned and cooked. All I had to do was not be hungover at work. I just left everything and every responsibility an it felt amazing. I could drink and stay out late and not have to creep in because there was a kid sleeping. And this all sounds terrible, it really does but I just felt so alive, and young and free." I say shacking my head. He chuckles dryly.
C: "it sounds like you hate being tied down." He says sighing. I huff.
L: "it isn't easy, Cole. When it's 24/7. I hardly left the house when she was a newborn. I think like, maybe once a week and that's a push for the first few months. If I wasn't feeding her, I was changing her outfit or her nappy. For one, I just loved feeling young and free." I say smiling at the thought. He sighs.
C: "why do you constantly bring that up? That was 7 years ago Lili. And you know, you know for sure, when you left the house, I left the house. The only other time I left one my own was to bring my mum to the hospital, and still I didn't wait with her, I left her and came home, so you didn't have to be one your own. So don't fling that excuse about. I get  it, okay? I get wanting freedom. I can understand that after years of it, it must be hard to loose. But we aren't kids anymore. We're in our 30's, f*ck we're nearly 40, we're adults now. And we have a house and a family and we're married. If you didn't want to be 'tied down' then you shouldn't have got yourself into it all. You have siblings and cousins, you grew up around kids. You know what comes with kids, you know what comes with marriage and relationships. You can't just say f*ck it and f*ck off to France whenever it gets to much!" He says quietly, but I knew by the tone of his voice and how tightly his fists were clenched, he was angry. So, in true Lili Reinhart fashion, I do what I do best, I run. I grab my backpack I had in the room with me and I walk out, leaving them. I go to a bench outside of the hospital and sit. I watch different people. A middle aged man walks out, a cigarette between his fingers, he sits on the bench beside me.
?: "rough day?" He asks me. I nod.
L: "you could say that." I say sighing. He hums in agreement.
?: "tell me about it." He mumbles. I sigh.
L: "can I know who your hear for?" I ask gently. He sighs and nods.
?: "my wife's 1st week of chemotherapy. They said there was no point but she's stubborn and so, here we are." He says shacking his head.
?: "I remember when she told me, or well, we found out. She's a doctor herself so she had her suspicions but when we did get told, she laughed. She laughed and she said 'I bet my brother a life time of chocolate that this would be the outcome, I was right' Thats how she is. I left her in that room joking with one of the nurses. I couldn't though. I don't want to. She doesn't deserve it." He says, his eyes drawn down. I sigh.
L: "I'm so sorry. My husbands mother, well step-mother, had cancer a while back. She's okay now, they caught it early so I can only sort of imagine how you feel." I say sadly. He nods.
?: "is that who your here for?" He asks. I shack my head.
L: "no, my daughter was in a car accident. Has to stay overnight for a bad concussion but she's okay. Her dads with her, well she's fast asleep but she's not one her own. We just had a huge argument so I just come out here." I say shrugging. I sigh.
L: "sorry. I shouldn't be." I say shacking my head. He sighs.
?: "don't argue. I know that isn't easy but there's no point. I don't know what the hell happened between you two, why you argued but I know there's no point. Don't waste precious moments on pointless arguments. Don't waste anytime with either Cole or your daughter. My wife's obsessed with Cole, has been from his Disney days, I know the whole thing that's why I know that stuff. Don't let work or stress or personal feelings take over so much that it bubbles to an argument. It's not worth it. My wife and I went to a marriage councillor after 5 years of marriage, and we haven't had a big argument since. That was just over 10 years ago now. There's no point in getting angry and each other, because neither of you should be doing things to make the other feel negative feeling towards each other. You love each other, it's as simple as that. Talk it out, sort it out, because you never know when you'll be told it's too late." He says shooting me a small smile and walking away. I'm left shocked. He was right. I could never imagine being told my time with Cole was nearly over, that in a matter of time he'd be gone. I let out a sigh and grab my bag, going back into the hospital. When I get to the room and I open the door.
L: " I'm-" But I stop taking when I see the nurse pressing buttons of Gracie's monitors. Cole was taking, which eased the fear just a little.
C: "when her mum comes back I can I see her. Is it bad?" He asks. The nurse nods.
N: "couple of months left, at a push, first round of chemo today, doctor really said there wasn't much of a point because it's too late but she's a stubborn girl- oh Mrs Reinhart, sorry I didn't see you." She says smiling at me. Cole whips around and looks at me. I just smile and nod. She continues.
N: "follow the signs to the room, she's the only one there at the moment and her husband might be back with her." She says before leaving the room. Cole sighs.
C: "I have to go see a fan or well woman she's go-" He starts but I cut him off.
L: "I know, I was talking to her husband outside. Go see her." I Susa softly. He nods and grabs his phone.
C: "text me if anything." He says nodding towards Gracies sleeping figure. I nod. He shoots me a small smile before quietly leaving the room. He comes back about 45 minutes later. He slips through the door, just as quiet as he left.
C: "god that's heartbreaking. Married for more than 10 years and all of a sudden their lives are flipped upside down, and their just counting down the days." He says so quietly, a sudden tone of heartbreak evident in his voice. I nod.
L: "he husband was telling me about it when we were talking outside. They got married really young, I wouldn't have been able to do it. Their around our age so like early 20's." I say softly. He nods.
C: "just made me think about how thankful I am nothing was that bad for mum." He mumbles, sitting down on the chair. I nod.
L: "she got lucky." I mumble. He nods. After a while of silence I speak up.
L: "can we talk about earlier?" I mumble. He sighs.
C: "can we save it? Wait I'll we're home, you've slept and Gracie is settled. I'm too tired, your too tired and we're in a hospital." He says stating the obvious. I nod.
L: "yah, of course, sorry." I say looking down and my hands. Not much more is said, I get my bed sorted for the night and put a movie in my laptop. I feel myself get more and more tired and eventually drift off to sleep.
Cole's POV
9.27. She made it to 9.27 before falling asleep. Doesn't shock me, it is Lili after all. I don't know how I feel. It's not that I'm not glad she's home, it's all I've wanted but it just feels weird. She shouldn't have just come home because Gracie got hurt. We'll, I'm glad she's home fro Gracie but I wish she didn't need an emergency to happen to make her come home. Still feels like she's away. Physical she's in the room but we've never been more apart. Just then I realise I haven't let my own family know so I quickly drop mum, dad and Dylan a message to let them know. Every couple of hours throughout the night the nurse comes in and checks her vitals. I new nurse comes on for night shift and seems very shocked I'm still awake but doesn't say much. Both Lili and Gracie sleep through the night, I don't sleep at all but I knew I wouldn't. At around 4 Gracie starts to toss and turn a little, slowly waking up. I shut my laptop screen and gently rub her arm. Her eyes slowly flicker open, glancing round the room.
G: "mummy still here?" She mumbles. I nod.
C: "yah, she's asleep on the couch. She's still here babe, she hasn't left." I whisper, stroking her forehead. She nods and closes her eyes again, only this time taking ahold of my hand. I lift her hand up and kiss it. She smiles sleepily. I'm not sure if she goes back to sleep or if she just lays there but the next time she opens here eyes it was closer to 5 so I think she did nod off again. She sits up and stretches.
C: "you feeling okay?" I ask her softly. She nods and yawns.
G: "I'm hungry dada." She says. I chuckle, typical Gracie.
C: "the nurse should be back in soon so we can see if and when your aloud to eat. See if we can get you anything." I say smiling. She nods.
G: "I slept for such a long time, I feel like I was asleep for years." She says giggling. I nod.
C: "you did. It was a good, 11 hours." I say. She nods.
G: "I can go home today right? See Grandma?" She asks. I nod.
C: "if your healthy to go home then yes." I say shrugging. She nods. She watches a show on my laptop for a while. Her nurse comes in and brings her some breakfast around 8 and Lili wakes up. Gracie seems.
G: "mummy look! They make a smiley face with the jam on my toast." She says excitedly. I see confusion ridden on Lili's face but then the realisation. Suppose she hasn't been woken up by a kid in a while. She hums and sits up.
L: "that's nice. How are you feeling this morning?" She says yawning. Gracie nods.
G: "goody good. Daddy let me watch a show on his laptop, the nurse said I'm most likely getting home because all looks good, that's a good thing. But, dad says no school on Monday. I have to rest." She says sighing. I raise my eyebrows.
C: "the doctors said more than one day so it'll be more than Monday, it could be Wednesday before your back but don't worry about it now. We'll see how you are when it comes to the time. Eat up your toast." I say sighing. She nods. Lili frowns.
L: "you look really pale." She says looking at me. I frown.
C: "who? Me or Grace?" I ask. She nods.
L: "you." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "thanks?" I frown.
L: "I was implying you don't look well, there you would say wether your okay or not. It's not like a compliment." She says laughing. I shrug.
C: "I'm fine." I say sighing. She nods and gets up, walking into the little en-suite bathroom. After about 30 minutes she comes back out showered and dressed, her wet hair in a bun. She sighs.
L: "I'm gonna go grab some breakfast and bring it back. Can I get you something?" She asks. I shack my head.
C: "no thanks." I mumble. She nods.
L: "Do you want anything hunny?" She asks. Gracie nods.
G: "if there's any bacon can you bring me some?" She asks. Lili nods.
L: "sure. I'll be back in a bit." She says, leaving a kiss on Gracies head.
G: "I'm so glad mummies home! Aren't you daddy? It's so great!" She says happily. I nod.
C: "course hun." I say plastering on a fake smile. About 10 minutes later Lili comes back with her own breakfast and Gracie's bacon. Gracie and Lili talk away for the rest of our time at the hospital. Gracie was discharged at about 10 am. We all pile into my car, I've never been so glad to get out of somewhere. I drive home, Lili in the passenger seat. Thankfully Gracie wasn't anxious about getting in the car. When we arrive at the house Lili sighs.
L: "god it hasn't changed." She whispers. Gracie smiles.
G: "my room has changed through mummy. It's different now. It's more grown up." She says smiling. I shut everything off, get out of the car and unbuckle Gracie from her seat, helping her get out of the car. Lili grabs the bags and I unlock the front door.
Ad: "Gracie!" I hear Addy shout, the second the door opened. She comes running and wraps her arms around Gracie. I let Lili in past me, she mutters a small 'thanks' on her wha past and I shut the door when I'm in. Tess had now joined the two youngest girls hug and Amy had her arms wrapped around Lili, in a very tight hug. I lifted the bags off the floor where Lili had set the and run upstairs, literally run. I got to my bedroom, well our, and took a deep breath. Why is she here? Couldn't she have just stayed away? She should have just called, stayed in Paris and then come home when she was supposed to. I was preparing myself for that, not now. I'm not prepared for now. I quickly go to the shower and freshen up, putting on clothes other than tracksuit bottoms and hoodies. I quickly brush my teeth and then put away the couple of things I had in my bag. I unpack Gracie's also and sort out all of her stuff. I had the washing piles and the put away piles all laid out on the bed when there was a knock on the door and it opened. Lili.
L: "hi. You okay?" She says. I nod. She looks around the room.
L: "it's changed. The bed used to be there, now, it looks so different." She gasps, walking fully into the room. I just glance around before carrying on what I was doing.
L: "you left in a rush. What's up?" She asks, standing at our window which looked over the place we live in. I just shrug. She sighs.
L: "seriously Cole? Silent treatment? What age are you? 13?" She asks sounding annoyed. My head shoots up. I swear, this woman.
Lili's POV
He's giving me the silent treatment, really? God, pathetic. He looks up at me and frowns.
C: "I'm sorry what? Honestly, what the f*ck Lili?! Me giving you the silent treatment? Oh f*ck off! You haven't spoke to me in weeks! The only reason your here ks because Gracie was hurt, you wouldn't be here if she wasn't. And I'm the childish one? Lili, you *cking up and left! You weren't home for months whilst I picked up the pieces and explained to a chi,d why her mummy wasn't here for her picture day or parent teacher meetings! I had to remind her every night for months that you still loved her! I did! I didn't up and leave! So, honestly, I think it's understandable if I find it hard to talk to you! You f*cking ruined us Lili. You ruined me. We were good, life was good. Right now I'm wishing you didn't even come home." He mutters the last but before storing out of the bedroom and down the stairs, I hear the back door close. I sigh and sit on the bed. I rest my head in my hands and sob. Right now I'm wishing I didn't come home either. I hear footsteps coming the stairs. After a second or two I feel someone sit on the bed beside me and wrap their arm around my shoulder. It was Tess. I sigh and look up at her.
L: "I've really screwed everything up." I whisper. She nods.
T: "I know, believe me I do, but you'll work through it. Your both just tired and stressed and upset. Let yourself rest and let him rest and then you can talk it out like adults." She says running her hand up and down my back. I just nod and lean my head on her shoulder.
L: "where'd he go?" I whisper. She sighs and leans her head on mine.
T: "he went out the back with a lighter, a pack of cigarettes and a sharpie. The sharpie bit confused me." She says softly. I sigh.
L: "he keeps a tally of how many he has when he's like stressed or angry. He always keeps the page in his back pocket but never keeps a pen. Keeps one beside his lighters at all times. He's weird with his ways." I say smiling softly. She chuckles softly. I gulp.
L: "are we even worth fighting for? Is it not too far gone?" I whisper. She sighs.
T: "if you still love him, and you still want to be with him and with Gracie then yes, of course it is. But, if you don't want to be with him or you'd don't love him or you can't be tied down anymore none honestly no. I'm being brutally honest here, but you've dragged him around enough now and I think tonight you just need to talk it out. No shouting, no storming off and no excuses." She says seriously. I nod. So that's what me do. We don't speak for the rest of the day. I spend it with Gracie and my family and he just pops in and out. I bath Gracie and put her and Addy to bed, spend the evening with my mum and sister before Tess gives me the nod and drags mum upstairs. I go to Coles office, where he had been hiding out, and knock on the door before walking in. He had his head laying on his desk, the dark room being the first thing I notice. New pictures scattered the walls, new ones of Gracie and other things I didn't under, but hey, perks of ditching your family right?
L: "we need to talk, and it's now or never. A very wise kid, well she's not a kid, knocked some sense into me earlier and unless you feel different, I think we still having something worth fighting for. And maybe we'll get a week or a month in and we'll realise it's gone but at least we can say we tired. I know I still love you, very very much, and I'm stupid and so sorry for how I've been these last couple of months. But at the end of the day, we can't change it, it's done, all I can do is hope for the best and pray I haven't completely ruined everything, for me, for us, for you, for Gracie." I say softly. He just sighs.
C: "you know I live by 'true love doesn't vanish'." He says, so quietly. I smile.
L: "meet me in the living room?" I ask him. He nods. I smile and walk out, squealing on the inside. After about 3 minutes he comes into the living room and we talk. We talk about everything, for hours. We cry, we laugh, cry some more and finish it with a hug, with hasn't happened in months. We knew exactly were each other stood and how each tiger felt about everything now. We broke it down from the day I left till yesterday. We'd be okay. I knew it. Till death do us part, as they say.

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