Family Now, Kids Later

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3rd Persons POV
Lili and Cole had been asked to do an interview with Jimmy for the Jimmy Fallen Show. It wasn't there first time going, of course not but this one was special. They were going to tell everyone about their engagement, their wedding, their honey moon and more about their married life. They had been married for about 4 years. They have one daughter, Abigail. She was only 2 and the sweetest kid you could know. She was the perfect mix of Cole and Lili. She had Cole's, hair, nose and lips and Lili's eye, facial shape and laughed like Lili. Her personality was a lot like Cole though, loved her food and cameras, she loves cuddles and was very very shy. She also didn't like being away from her parents but she was still young. She normally doesn't go to interview with her parents but this one she did come to. She stayed backstage with one of the backstage crew as her parents were sent out to the interview.
Lili's POV
Cole and I had just stepped out onto the stage with Jimmy. He smiles.
Ji: "Cole! Lili! Nice to see you both again!" He says happily. Cole nods.
C: "hey! Yah! How are you?" He asks, hugging Jimmy. He sighs.
Ji: "I'm good." He says hugging me next. He sighs.
Ji: "if you guys just take a seat there." He says pointing to the couch. We nod and I sit beside the table and Cole sits beside me, resting his arm on the back on the couch. Jimmy sighs.
Ji: "so! You guys haven't been here for a while? It's been, 5 years. You guys are married, you have a kid. There's no more dating proofs!" He says chuckling. The crowd laughs. I nod.
L: "yah it's been a while." I say giggling. He nods.
Ji: "so, your both still filming Riverdale and obviously Cole your doing your photography still, is there anything either of you want to do besides acting and photography/modelling?" He asks. I sigh.
L: "I think, take some time off. You know, this next break from Riverdale I'm not working at all. I've worked every break I've been given, if it be press, modelling or acting so I'm looking forward to taking a break and not working for couple of months." I say happily. He nods.
Ji: "Cole?" He asks. Cole sighs.
C: "not really no. I'm pretty happy with the evening out of acting and photography. I think if there's anything I wanna spend more time with our family. Like obviously us three but like my parents and Dylan and stuff. It's harder now because we all have our own lives and obviously Dyl and I have kids now so it would be nice to spend more time with them without being interrupted by an email or being called to film." He says nodding. Jimmy nods.
Ji: "do you and Dylan still FaceTime every day?" He asks. Cole nods.
C: "every night at 8.30. Kid free and out of work hours, the only time you'll get it quiet enough to actually hold a conversation." He says chuckling. He nods.
Ji: "that's understandable. He has 3 kids?" He asks frowning. Cole nods.
C: "yah, the twins are 4 and then James is 4 months." He says smiling. He nods.
Ji: "that's great. And Lili, your sisters have kids too right?" He asks. I nod.
L: "yes. Tess is expecting her first baby in August and Chloe has 2 kids. They are 7 and 5." I say happily. He nods.
Ji: "do you think you guys will have more?" He asks. I look at Cole. He shrugs and nods for me to answer the question. I sigh.
L: "we want more, definitely but when we don't know. Not now but in a while. We're both busy career wise and with Abigail it's enough for now." I say shrugging. Cole nods.
Ji: "so another sprousehart baby in the future?" He asks happily. I nod.
L: "if we are lucky enough." I say giggling. He nods.
Ji: "would you ever think of adoption?" He asks. I point to Cole. He chuckles.
C: "I actually have also wanted to adopt and have biological. I would love too yah." He says nodding. Jimmy nods.
Ji: "so, I wanna talk about your guys engagement and wedding. So when, who and how for the engagement?" He asks. I sigh and look at Cole. He nods.
C: "well I proposed. I proposed at set, of course, and we got engaged on 24th of January. I had some help and I got like everything set up so it was in the break room and we had been to all the places in set where we had some special memories and stuff. Then like at the end when she got to the break room it was all set up and I proposed and she obviously said yes." He says chuckling. He nods and the audiences awes. I smile and look at Cole fondly. He winks at me smiling. I smile.
Ji: "that is very very cute, then wedding!" He says happily. I nod.
L: "we got married in my home town. It was September 18th and it was a beautiful day. He might have had a cold but it was still an amazing day. My maid of honour was Mads, Cami, my sisters, Addy and her sister and Barbra where my bridesmaids. Then obviously Dylan was Cole's grooms man, KJ, Charles, Casey and a couple of Cole's other friends. Most photos were take by Cole, apart from any he was in. It was an amazing day. One of the best days of my life by far." I say happily. Cole nods and hums in agreement.
Ji: "so you were sick on your wedding day?" He asks Cole. He nods.
C: "yah I had went out with all my mates and stuff a couple of night before the weeding. I ended up drunk, in a pool with only my underwear on so I brought it on myself really." He says chuckling. Jimmy went to say something but stops.
Ji: "I see we have a little visitor." He says nodding to the exit of the stage. Both of our heads whip around to see Abigail slowly walking to works the stage, looking at us with questioning eyes. She looks at me and I nod. She comes running into the stage, the crowd awes at her. She was in a little dress and she was dragging her giraffe teddy along with her.
Cole's POV
I look round to see Abigail running towards me. I smile.
C: "hey Abi. You okay love?" I ask her. She nods.
A: "can I have a cuddle daddy?" She asks me pointing. I nod and pick her up. I look Jimmy.
C: "sorry. She just wants some cuddles." I say softly. He nods.
Ji: "that's okay. For anyone who's doesn't know, this is Cole and Lil's daughter, Abigail." He says to the crowd. She goes all shy and hides her face in my chest. I smile lightly and kiss her head.
C: "you wanna give everyone a wave?" I ask her. She gives a small wave. The audience awes and coos. I chuckle.
L: "you okay lovey?" She asks her, twirling her little pig tales around her finger. Abigail nods.
A: "mhm. I just wanted daddy's cuddles. Sorry for coming out to all the people." She whispers. Lili smiles.
L: "it's okay baby. You sleepy?" She asks her. She nods and cuddles into her teddy. Lili smile and kisses her head before turning back to Jimmy. He was smiling.
Ji: "can I just say, you guys are so cute! Oh my gosh! Look at them!" He says the last bit to the crowd. They all agree. I gently rock Abigail.
A: "I love you daddy." She whisper. I smile and kiss her head.
C: "I love you too Abi." I whisper back. Jimmy sighs.
Ji: "so guys. Your honeymoon? Where did you guys go?" He asks. Lili sighs.
L: "we went to Bora Bora. It was amazing. Because they are little like, separate pods it was lovely and private, which being us you don't get a lot. It was the best holiday I've been on and if you know Cole you go on a lot of holidays." She says giggling. I nod.
C: "yah it was. It's a very picture perfect place." I says softly. He nods.
Ji: "so finally, married life? How's it been? Stressful? Blissful?" He asks. I sigh.
C: "it's had its ups and downs right?" I ask Lili. She nods.
L: "yah. For the most it's been great. Not much different from when we were dating but it hasn't been perfect. We've argued and bickered, just like we did when we were dating. It doesn't really change. It's a little harder, I suppose, after the honey moon I found hardest, not for us as a couple but in general. Fans were crazy, we were being called for interviews and filming had started again. It was all buzz when we really just needed a lull but we got through it." She says giggling. I nod. He nods.
Ji: "it sounds beautiful. You guys have had a beautiful love story." He says smiling. We nod.
Ji: "that's all we have time for. Thank you for tuning in." He says before all cameras cut and we all stand up. I sigh.
C: "she's asleep." I say softly to Lili. She looks behind her and sees Abigail passed out on my chest. She smiles.
L: "you were rocking her, it doesn't shock me." She says giggling. I roll my eyes at her smiling. We leave the stage. Jimmy smiles.
Ji: "thank you so much for coming guys!" He says smiling. We both shack his hand.
C: "thank you for having us." I say softly. He nods. We all go back home finally, I try not to wake Abigail up but she doesn't when I was putting her in her car seat. She frowns.
A: "daddy?" She asks me tiredly. I sigh.
C: "sorry I woke you, we're going home now okay babe?" I ask her. She nods. I smile and kiss her head. I drive us home. We have a nice family night in, ordering a takeaway and watching movies. Lili and I were putting Abigail to bed.
A: "so what were we doing today?" She asks. I sigh.
C: "we were telling everyone about mummy and I's wedding and all that stuff." I say stroking her head. She nods tiredly.
A: "will I ever have a weeding day?" She asks. I nod.
C: "maybe. You might but you might not and either is okay." I say. She nods.
A: "will I marry a boy or a girl?" She asks. I sigh.
C: "well, it doesn't matter who you marry or who ever you love, if that be a boy or a girl but you don't need to worry about that for a couple more years yah?" I ask her. She nods and closes her eyes. Lili smiles and kisses her head.
L: "goodnight sweet girl. I love you." She whispers. Abigail nods.
A: "goodnight mummy I love you. Goodnight daddy I love you." She mumbles before falling asleep. I smile.
C: "I love you too." I whisper before steeping up from the floor and closing the door of her room over. Lili sighs.
L: "can we go to bed?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "yah. I've been awake for too long. She needs to learn how to sleep till after 5." I mumble and we get into our room. We both get ready for bed and crawl in tiredly, putting our lamp to a light setting and cuddling up.
L: "when do you think we'll have more kids?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "when we're ready. It's not like we haven't been practicing." I say smirking. She giggles and smacks my chest.
L: "yah." She mumbles. I nod.
C: "family now, kids later?" I ask her. She nods.
L: "family now,kids later." She says smiling. I kiss her head and we chat of a while before falling asleep and waiting for the next morning to come around.

(I wanted to epilogues for this being so short. I've had no motivation to write so it's been a struggle. I'm also revising for my exams now so it's all in the air at the minute. Thank you all for understanding and I'm sorry the updates have been bad recently.-G❤️)

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