Our Little Family 

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Cole's POV
Lili and I were together, happily but then she met Mark. She didn't cheat on me she just started to distance herself from our relationship. She spent most time with Mark or at work, leaving well mostly everything to me. We have a son together, Daniel he's 6. He understands we're not together anymore but hates being away from Lili. He cries most nights when he's with me wanting Lili. It breaks my heart. Recently though, he's stopped crying missing Lili and started crying when he leaves me. It was confusing both Lili and I because he wasn't telling us why. And again it was drop of day. I was giving him back to Lili for the week. I only got to see him on the weekends and afternoons of Tuesday and Thursday for an hour after school till Lili come back from work. Mark wasn't very good with Daniel. He tried sometimes from what I know but he wasn't an amazing stepfather. I sigh pulling up to our old apartment block. Lili and Daniel stayed in our old apartment and I moved out after we split. I look in the mirror of my car back to Daniel. He looked sad.
C: "okay Buddy! You ready to see Mummy?!" I ask him faking my happiness, hoping he won't cry. He slowly nods.
D: "why can't I see mommy with out Mark and then stay with you?" He asks me unbuckling himself from his car seat. He climbs into the passenger side of the car. I sigh.
C: "well, it's just what we decided and it works, mummy still sees you and I still see you. And well, you have to see Mark because he's mummies boyfriend and your mummy loves him so it's just the way it is. He also lives with you and mummy so you have to see him buddy." I say sighing. He just nods.
D: "do you still love mummy?" He asks me. I nod.
C: "I do still love mummy but we just didn't work out and sometimes that's what happens." I say shrugging. He nods. I grab his special blanket before passing it to him and sighing. He nods slowly and hops out of the car jumping down to the ground. I chuckle and walk over to him, taking his hand before crossing over to the doors of the apartment. We say hello to the receptionist before going up to the apartment. Floor 4 room 227. It was the apartment Lili and I moved into in LA between shooting Riverdale. It ended 3 years ago. I'm still in contact with the whole cast and they are still my best friends. I rub Daniels back before knocking on the door. It was around 4pm. We wait a minute before the door opens it. It was Mark. He sighs.
M: "what are you doing here? I thought I told Lili to tell you to keep him for longer." He shacks sighing. I just shrug.
C: "well message not received so I would like to speak to Lili, whenever she is." I say sternly. He goes to say something but stumbles and burbs. Daniel hides behind my legs. I sigh.
C: "your drunk! Get Lili or I'm going." I say seriously. He rolls his eyes and stumbles into the apartment. He grabs his coat.
M: "make yourself at home." He says stumbling past me and into the elevator. I sigh and pick Daniel up walking into the apartment. He wraps his arms around me and hides his face in my neck. I kiss his head before looking around the place. It looked the same as before we split up bit only our old pictures had been replaced with pictures of Mark and Lili. The apartment was a mess. There was bottles of alcohol everywhere. Lili comes out of the bedroom slowly. She sighs when she sees me.
L: "I'm sorry. He's had a stressful day." She says quietly. I frown.
C: "right, Sunday his day off is so stressful, anyway. I'm not trying to break you two up but I'm not comfortable with Daniel being in a house when he's drunk." I say seriously. She nods.
L: "no I understand. It's only happened a couple of times but I'll tell him not anymore unless it's a Friday or Saturday night." She says nodding. I nod. Daniel let's out a sob and clings on me. I sigh and rub his back.
C: "buddy what's wrong? Look Mommies here!" I say rocking him. He sighs and looks at me.
D: "I don't want to stay here when Mark comes home. He's to loud and acts all weird. He's so rude and he shouts. I don't want Mommy. I want to go home with you!" He says grabbing my shirt in a fist. I nod.
C: "okay bud just calm down. Nobodies going to shout at you okay? I'm here." I say rubbing his back, he nods and takes a deep breath just like Lili and I had taught him. I kiss his head.
C: "good job buddy." I whisper. I sit down at table and place him in my lap.
D: "Mommy can you get me a drink?" He asks her before hiccuping. Lili nods.
L: "sure hunny." She says getting him a drink. She hands it to him, sits down beside us and runs her hands through his hair.
L: "your hairs just like daddies. Thick, curly and soft." She says softly. I smile as he laughs. He feels my hair and then his.
D: "it does! And it's the same colour!" He says happily. I nod.
C: "it is! What does mummies hair feel like?" I say him. He feels Lili's hair smiling.
D: "it's soft and silky!" He says smiling. I nod. Lili giggles.
L: "and who's eyes do you have mummies or daddies?" She asks keeping him distracted. He sighs and looks between us. He thinks for a minute.
D: "I have daddies eyes!" He says happily. Lili giggles and I nod.
L: "you do!" She says happily. I nod.
C: "you look like me but you act like mummy, don't you." I say tickling him. He laughs and cuddles into my chest. I smile and kiss his head. He reaches out for Lili's hand and she holds his hand. He brings it into his chest and holds it close to him. I smile. He closes his eyes. It doesn't take him long till he's fast asleep. Lili smiles.
L: "I'm gonna lay him down." She says taking him from my arms. I nod and stand up. When she goes into his room I sigh and grab a black bin bag and put all the empty bear bottles in it before emptying the half full ones down the sink. Lili comes back out and sighs.
L: "Cole you don't have to do that. I'll clean it up." She says sighing. I shack my head.
C: "and neither should you. I don't feel comfortable leaving this place like this for the safety of Daniel or you so I'll help clean it up. It's not a lot and it's not my first time doing it." I say smiling. She nods and grabs the cleaning spray and wipes down all the counter tops. I sigh.
C: "okay well, I'll throw these in the bins outside. I'll see you Tuesday evening." I say grabbing my phone. She nods.
C: "let me know if you need anything and don't be afraid to call." I say smiling. She nods. I go to walk out but she stops me.
L: "Cole?" She says softly. I turn around and look her in the eyes. They were soft and sad.
L: "thank you." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "it's good. I'm always here to help." I say before walking out. I throw the bags into the bin before starting my car and driving back to my apartment. When I get home it was so empty and quiet. Daniels toys were all in their place and his stuffed animals were sitting up on the couch. I smile and go into the kitchen. I do the dishes form lunch today before sitting on couch and answering some emails about photo shoots.
Lili's POV
I sigh when Cole leaves and finish wiping down the counter tops. This was Marks 5th time getting really drunk recently and Daniel hates it. He's never hurt us thankfully but when he's drunk I don't feel safe with him anymore. I would have loved to hug Cole but I just couldn't. He's my ex-boyfriend. I was knocked out of my thoughts by Daniel coming into the living room. He sighs.
D: "did daddy go home?" He asks me rubbing his eyes. I nod.
L: "yah, he helped me clean up a little and then he went home. You'll see him on Tuesday though and we can call him." I say smiling. He nods and comes over to me. He holds his arms out for me to hug him. I smile and hug him. He lays his head on my shoulder. I kiss his head and pull out of the hug.
L: "did you have fun with Daddy over the weekend?" I ask him smiling. He smiles.
D: "it's was amazing! On Friday after school we went to the movies and on Saturday he made me waffles and bacon for breakfast. Then before dinner time we went to the swimming pool but daddy took me to the private one so the scary people with the cameras didn't take photos of me. Then when we got home we ordered pizza and had a movie night with popcorn. Then today we went to the park in the morning and just played at home. We played games and he showed me a house he might buy to see if I like it and there's even a garden I can play in. It's so pretty. It's near the beach. I would get my own bathroom and a playroom!" He says happily. I smile.
L: "that's amazing! You sound like you had fun." I say smiling. He nods.
D: "so much! He said that for the next weekend we can do whatever I want! I'm so excited!" He says excitedly. I nod.
L: "good I'm glad! Maybe we could do something tonight?" I ask him. He sighs.
D: "I'm sorry I'm just really tired. Maybe tomorrow we could go to the park?" He asks me sweetly. I nod and kiss his head. He smiles and goes to play with his toys.
D: "is Mark coming home tonight? Will he still be rude and annoyed?" He asks me frowning. I sigh.
L: "I'm not sure buddy. I'm not sure." I say sighing. We get on with our day and thankfully Mark doesn't come home. At this rate I just didn't care. It was 9.30 and Daniel was fast asleep so I was just relaxing. My phone pinged saying I got a text. It was Cole.
C: 'hey Lili. Sorry if I woke you.'
L: 'hey, no what's up?'
C: 'good, yah I was just wondering if I sent you through some pictures of a house I was interested in buying could you just look through them? With Daniel staying with me at weekends I just want to make sure your comfortable with where it is.'
L: 'yah sure of course! Thank you for asking!'
C: 'no problem! It's down a long lane and it had pin security gates at the bottom. It's near the beach but still in a private area. It's not to far away from my current place. It's got a big garden so if I do get it I might put a pool in so it's safer for Daniel when he wants to swim.'

Sprousehart one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें