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3rd Persons POV
11:59. A time Lili Reinhart will never forget. The time her heart stopped, her legs give up and her life shattered. The time she watched that line go flat. 11:59, a time she'll never look at again, a time she'll never want to see again. A time that took her best friend away, that took her soulmate away and took the only one she ever truly loved. 11:59 when Cole Sprouse's heart monitor beeped and he was pronounced dead. A death that shattered many people, many family's and many hearts. 11:59. 11:59 a moment the remaining Sprosues didn't want to be there for. A time Dylan became numb. A time Matthew sobbed. A time Chrissy broke. A time for a lot of people, the world stopped spinning.
Before the incident
Lili's POV
It was New Year's Eve and all us cast were going to a party. It was a private club we have rented out for all of us to celebrate the new year in. Everyone was dressed up and a little tiny bit drink, or well I was. It was hard not to. Dancing with the people I love, finally happy, finally free and finally safe. My mental health was good, my relationships were good, Cole and I were amazing, life was good. The music was loud, super loud and the lights were flashing, quite quickly. This used to not be my thing but I was really enjoying it. I throw myself on the couch Cole was sitting on.
L: "you okay?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "are you? I don't think I've seen you party so hard from you got so drunk you couldn't stand." He says chuckling. I nod.
L: "I'm having a great time. It's great. Come dance!" I say happily. He sighs.
C: "no thanks. You go dance with the girls." He says sighing. I roll my eyes.
L: "come on! Don't be an adult! One dance!" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "fine. One." He says standing up. I smile.
L: "thank you!" I say dragging him to the dance floor. He rolls his eyes chuckling and we dance together. After a couple of songs I see Cole constantly looking over to a guy. I didn't take much notice in him, I thought he worked there. Cole sighs.
C: "I'll be back in two seconds. I just gotta go talk to KJ. Stay here." He says before going over to KJ. I nod and dance with Cami. She frowns.
Ca: "what are they whispering about?" She asks me, pointing to KJ, Cole and one of the bartenders. I shrug.
L: "I don't know. I don't feel good about it though." I say sighing. She shrugs.
Ca: "I'm sure it's nothing." She says sighing. I nod. Cole comes back a while after. I frown.
L: "what's going on?" I ask him. He smiles.
C: "nothing. Just chatting with the lads." He says sighing. I nod. I could hear the uncertainty in his voice.
L: "no seriously. What's going on? Somethings happening?" I say, getting a little creeped out.
C: "it's nothing don't wor-" He says but he's cut off by the music being stopped, the lights going on and a gun shot. There was a scream from a lot of us and I grip Cole's arm. He grabs my hand. I move closer to him.
L: "what's going on?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "I have an idea. Just breathe and don't speak." He whispers to me. I nod and tighten my grip on his hand. He kisses the side of my hand. Cami moves over closer to us, so she's standing right beside me. I grip her other hand. The man Cole was watching walks onto the strange. He had a gun. (Man with gun = M)
M: "Riverdale cast! Preppy bunch! You've got the looks, the cash, the job. What else do you need. Some of you in here even found love. Cami and Charles. Cole and Lili. Sprousehart. Pathetic really. Dating your co-star. A kid who's just fresh from home, depressed, sad, lonely, anxious. A mummies boy who's sad, lonely, depressed, can't leave without a camera and has a dark side. Not so much a match made in heaven. Everyone knows about Lili's mental health problems, she's been in hospital more than once but nobody knows Cole's story. Private hospital and no one would know. Can't have perfect little Cole Sprouse's reputation ruined cause he slit his wrists right? Pay the right people and no one will know. 5 people know, your parents, your twin brother, your therapist and your girlfriend." He says evilly. Everyone was staring between him and Cole. I tighten my grip on his hand more. He didn't want any one to know.
M: "I know your all wondering, where's the scars? Well, pretty boy was given some plastic surgery so he wouldn't have any more scares. He really is the definition of pathetic. So, why am I here? Pathetic people, like Cole, shouldn't be with or near such beautiful people as you all or Lili. So, I could kill Cole but that would be too easy so I'll kill Lili and maybe a couple more of you." He finishes causing my breath to get stuck in my throat. I didn't realise I was crying till no, I was sobbing. The man slowly approaches us. I could hear Cole gulp. I could die tonight. I hear faint noises of sirens coming in the distance. I sigh in relief a little. The man comes and stands right in front of us.
M: "so a petty girl like you stuck with him." He says pointing the gun up and down Cole. He sighs.
M: "let go of his hand." He says aggressively. I gulp and slowly let go of Cole's hand. He smirks.
M: "now, let go of Camilla's hand and step forward." He says pointing with his gun to a point on the floor.
C: "Lil's don't." He whispers.
M: "shut up idiot! Don't speak! No one speaks!" He shouts. I nod a little and take a step forward. Everyone was so scared, nobody could get a word out.
M: "so here's how it goes. I kill her and maybe someone else in this room and you watch and suffer." He says looking around the room. He smiles and points at KJ.
M: "there. KJ will also die." He says smirking. He turns his body a little so his back isn't fully facing us and before I know it Cole has him pushed to the ground, he was on top of him holding him on the ground. He wasn't moving which I didn't know was good or bad. All of a sudden the doors burst open and police come in but just like that I heart three gun shots but I don't know who was shot. My eyes had automatically shut up I slowly open them to see Cole dropping to the floor. I gasp and look over his body. I see two gun shots. One in his stomach/chest and one of his leg. I also see the shooter was shot. I take a deep breathe and drop to the floor beside Cole. I put my hand one his cheek and put pressure on his stomach wound.
L: "he-y Cole. Look at me. You'll be fine." I say shacking. Cami and some of the others rush over beside us. She lets out a sob and drops to the other side of Cole. The police had arrested the shooter and had radioed for an ambulance quickly. He slowly shacks his head, his eyes going weak. Cami taps his cheek.
Ca: "hey Cole. Keep your eyes open. Come on." She says between sobs. He gasps for air. His eyes flutter closed. I shack my head.
L: "no no no no. Don't you dare close your eyes. Don't you dare. Look at me." I say pulling his face so he's looking at me. He was getting weaker by the second and I knew there was too much blood for this to just be okay. Cami had put a table cloth under my hand and was holding another one on his leg. He breathes were getting shorter and lesser. I sigh and wipe my cheeks that were soaked in tear.
L: "look at me baby.  Please don't close your eyes." I say softly. He nods slowly but stops.
C: "I can't." He mumbles out growing in pain.
KJ: "where the f*ck is the ambulance?!" He yells annoyed. Somebody says one minute and I could finally hear the sirens. I smile.
L: "see there. One more minute. One more minute." I say softly. He swallows.
C: "I love you." He whispers out before his eyes shut. I tap his cheek.
L: "no no. Cole! Cole look at me! Cole!" I say panicking. The paramedics rush in. I move over. They decide to just bring him to hospital. The don't even give me a minute to go with him, that's when I knew it was bad, or well, terrible. Cami puts her hand on my shoulder.
Ca: "come on. Let's go. We'll follow them." She says softly. I shack my head.
L: "we can't. We can't drive. How are we gonna get there? Sh*t!" I say sobbing. Roberto comes over.
R: "I've got it. I'm sober. I'll drive. 4 of you can come, nobody else drive. If you've had one drink stay of the road." He announces to everyone. They all nod. The adults were all hugging everyone, making sure everyone was okay. Roberto, Cami, KJ and I all get into Roberto's car and we drive to the hospital. I was trying to contain my sobs but it was very hard. When we get to the front desk I couldn't spit my words out. KJ sighs and puts a hand on my back.
KJ: "Cole Sprouse was taken, he should be here. Any news?" He asks her. She sighs.
Re: "so far no news. He's been taken in for an emergency operation. I can't tell you much more as your not family or on his next of kin list." She says sadly. I cough lightly.
L: "I am. I'm his girlfriend." I manage to spit out. She nods.
Re: "can you confirm your name and date of birth please?" She asks me. I nod.
L: "Lili Reinhart and 13th September 1996." I say gulping. She nods.
Re: "I don't know much yet but so far it's touch and go. They've rushed him in because he wounds are very bad. I'll point you out to the doctor when she comes out." She says softly. I nod. We go over to the waiting area where everyone joins us in the clusters they travelled in. I didn't talk, I couldn't. The drinks had swept off me the second I saw him on the floor. The sight of that made me sick to my stomach. I shoot up form my chair and run to the bathroom, emptying my stomach into the toilet. Cami comes rushing in after me and grabs my hair back, rubbing my back, just like Cole does. When I finish throwing up Cami sighs.
Ca: "you okay hun?" She asks me, tying my hair up into a messy bun. I nod.
L: "I just can't h-he can't h-he won't. I-it's too."I shack gasping for air. She sighs and grabs my shoulders.
Ca: "no no. Shush. It's okay. Take a deep breath. He'll be okay. Breathe Lil. In through your nose out through your mouth." She hushes me, taking deep breaths. I nod and slowly take a deep breathe. My phone rings in my pocket. I sigh and grab it seeing Dylan was calling me. I pick it up.
L: 'hello.' I say, my voice shacking.
Dy: 'hey Lil's. Sorry to bother you cause I know your all out tonight but your boyfriend isn't picking up his damn phone and I just don't have a good feeling. Probably is just a f*cking stomach bug or something coming on me but it just feels like he isn't safe. He's good right?' He asks me. I sigh. Silence. I couldn't say it.
Dy: 'Lili? What's wrong? What happened?' He asks me worried. Cami sighs and puts the phone on loud speaker.
Ca: 'hey Dylan. It's Cami. I'm with Lili.' She shacks sighing. Dylan sighs.
Dy: 'what's going on? Where's Cole?' He asks concerned. She sighs.
Ca: 'he's currently in an operation room. As you know we were out tonight and someone come in and threaten to kill Lili so come tackled him and he got shot twice. Police have the guy how did it.' She says softly. I hear him gasp.
Dy: 'it's just to close something though right? It's not bad. He's okay?' He asks. Cami sighs.
Ca: 'Dyl. He was shot twice. One on his leg and one on his stomach/chest. All we know so far is it isn't good. Maybe if you and your dad could come down? Just incase.' She says the last bit causing me to let out another sob, covering my mouth with my hand. Dylan gulps.
Dy: 'yah. We'll be out ASAP.' He says before hanging up. Cami sighs.
Ca: "let's go back out. See if anything more has come through." She says softly. I slowly nod and stand up. Cami takes my hand and I wash my mouth and hands before we go out. There was nothing more, only a couple more people, some snapping paps outside being tackled by police and a knot in my stomach. I phone my mum, just to let her know. I knew Dylan would tell everyone on Cole's side. My mum was devastated. She cried, they all loved Cole. Who wouldn't.
Over 1 hour later
It has been over an hour later, 11:31 to be exact. Cole was finally out of surgery but he was in life support. He'll either wake up or die. That's the brutal truth. The scary truth. I sat beside him, my hand in his soft curls. He didn't look the same, part of me wished I wasn't here. These best years of my life didn't happen. We never met. He was cold, blue nearly. He was covered in wires and tubes, some beeping and others still. I couldn't function it in my head, he was fine just over an hour ago and now, he's like this and what could I do? Just sit and hold his hand that was closer than ice? That's the only thing I could do. Pray to someone somewhere that he's okay? If only it was a fairytale and I could grant a wish. It would be better than just sitting but it wouldn't work so I sat. His lifeless body lay beside me, and I wondered, what he's seeing or hearing. Can he hear my sobs? Can he hear everything? What does he see? Me or another world or something weird? Maybe he just heard and saw nothing? The nurse was in checking his levels and other stuff. I sigh.
L: "does he know where he is? Does he hear us?" I ask her. She sighs.
Nur: "normally, when a patient is in the condition they can normally hear but with Cole's condition, my best guess is no." She says softly. I nod.
L: "you think he'll make it? Be honest." I say, holding back a sob. She sighs.
Nur: "I don't know, sweetheart. People always react different, come recover, some don't. People on worse conditions than this have pulled through, they have so I can't say. I'm hoping and praying yes because my daughter loves your show and Cole pacifically but, I don't think so, it would take a miracle." She says sadly. I nod.
L: "what age is your daughter?" I ask her. She clears her throat.
Nur: "she's 16. She's at that age where I only see her a couple of times a day, between me working and her hating being away from her room it's hard but that hour the show is on we cuddle up and watch it together." She says sadly. I nod.
L: "I was the same at that age. I think it's a faze most kids go through, well unless your Cole Sprouse." I say giggling lightly. She frowns.
Nur: "he didn't hide away and be glued to his phone?" She asks me shocked. I shack my head.
L: "no. He was doing press conferences and interviews when he wasn't working his a*s off." I say giggling. She nods.
Nur: "I suppose so. I pity him for not getting a normal life, maybe that's bad." She says shrugging. I shack my head.
L: "no. I do too, a lot of people do." I say sighing. She nods. All of a sudden Cole's machine starts rapidly beeping. A bunch of doctors run in and usher me out of the room. I frown.
L: "w-what's going on? Tell me! What's happening?!" I ask worried. Cami and KJ come over.
KJ: "what's going on?" He asks. I sigh.
L: "I don't k-know. It was beeping and now. Nobody will tell me! I don't know!" I say being a complete mess. Cami sighs and wraps her arms around my shoulders.
Ca: "he'll be okay." She whispers. I just shack my head.
L: "where's Dylan and his dad? What if he dies and there not even here?" I ask her nervously. She gulps.
Ca: "he'll be fine. They'll be here soon." She says softly. I take a shaky breath and look through the window. The same things happened for the next 20 minutes and it was slowly creeping up to 12am. They were doing CPR but nothing was happening. 11:58. I bite my nails, tears running down my cheeks, my body shacking. The clock hits 11:59 and the doctors and nurses all stop. I shack my head. Just as the do Dylan, Barbara and his parents come running round the corner to hear the doctor call out 'time of death, 11:59'. I stop breathing. Everything goes fuzzy. I hear Matthew let out a sob and Chrissy wraps her arms around him. Dylan's face was emotionless and just then, I drop to the floor, breaking into gut wrenching sobs. Cami drops to the floor beside me, letting out her own sobs. KJ just walks away. I don't see anything else. It was all closing in on me. The doctor comes out.
Doc: "I'm so so so sorry for your loss. I'll be about if you want to speak to me. The nurse will let you know when yous can see him." He says softly. Barbara sighs.
Ba: "thank you doctor." She says, you could hear the pain in her voice. I was numb, my world was in shatters, there was no point in living. There was no one to live for. No more waking up to Cole's hair everywhere or him blinding me with the lights. No more kisses, cuddles, talks that last all night. Cole was gone. He was gone and he was never coming back. The love of my life was gone. New Years would never be the same. It would never be the same. The TV in the hallway, plays the cheering as we go into the new year. A year I didn't want to happen but it was too late. He was gone. I'd never see his pretty green eyes. I'd do anything to listen to him complaining about a TV advert, just once more. But, life sucks and he's was taken to soon. So as I sit there, sobbing into Cami's shoulder, her sobbing into mine I will always hate New Years, especially 11:59.

Sprousehart one shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum