They Found Him!? Part 1

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1 month ago:
L: Oh for gods sake Cole. Fuck off. Cole looks at her shocked and nods his head leaving their apartment.
I was only trying to help he thought tears rolling done his face in the cold Vancouver weather. As Lili sits on the couch hating herself for what she had just said to the love of her life.
Present day
Cole's POV
I was sitting in an old barn tied to an old kitchen chair feeling ... hopeless ... lost and scared. I had no idea how long I have been tied up for but I'm dying here if I don't get out soon. I still have those last words my baby said to me that day ringing through my ears all day everyday. I really hope she didn't mean it but maybe she did. I HAVE to get back to MY Lili. I don't know who has me trapped here but they come to me once a day and beat me up. They haven't killed me yet which I find shocking. I can't feel my right leg as it's broken and I know there's a lot more injuries. But I have to get out of here.
Lili's POV
It's been a month since I said those awful things to Cole the live of my life. I haven't saw him since that nigh 1 month ago  in-fact nobody has not even Dylan. I have already filed a police report but they aren't doing anything to help. I haven't slept in a week as I have a really bad feeling that he's dead. Everyone is always out looking for him but nobody has found any trace of him. I feel so guilty he's probably dead and they were the last words I said to him. I was sitting in my trailer on set waiting to be called to film and thinking about this day 1 month ago. He was just trying to help me and I lashed out. I hate myself for it. I was brought out of my thoughts to Cami coming into my trailer telling my they needed me on set.
Cole's POV
He come back today give me another beating. He said tomorrow he would kill me so I have to get out of here. I noticed when he left he dropped my phone so I tipped myself onto the floor and turned my location back on and called KJ.
I was in the makeup trailer getting my makeup done when my phone started ringing. I was shocked to see the caller Id. Cole. I slid my finger to answer anxiously.
KJ: "Cole is it you." I heard a cough and a gag so I knew it was bad.
KJ: "Cole where are you?"Please bud tell me." I pleaded down to phone to my lost best friend
Cole: "KJ track my phone and bring the police and be quick I'm dying Kages." Cole whispered done the phone.
Cole: "KJ please come quick am do not tell Lili please."
KJ: "Cole I'm coming soon." I cried down the phone.
Everything went quiet then I heard a bang. This was the last straw I knew I needed to get to him now but not alone. I ran grabbed Charles, Skeet, Jordan and Drew. I explained to them and we told Machen to gather the rest of the gang and meets us at the hospital when we text them. We went to get Cole maybe alive or maybe not.
Lili's POV
I saw KJ, Charles, Skeet, Jordan and Drew run to their cars they all looked sick I got really worried. I walked to the main set to see Machen, Cami and Mads all crying and hugging. I run up and pull them apart
L: "what the hell has happened?!" I asked nearly crying too.
Mach: "Lili please go back to your trailer we need to talk to Roberto, Mads go with her?" mad's nodded
L: "NO TELL ME WHATS WRONG!" I yell "It's Cole he's dead isn't he!?" I cried more
Ca: "No Lili come on we will explain lat..." as she was about to finish the cast group chat got a text from Skeet: "HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW"
I looked at my friends in disbelief. They found him.
L: "They found!?"him I stayed dropping to the floor.
Mads+Cami+Mach: "Yes"

All the cast drove to the hospital hoping for the best news possible. He's alive. But they knew it was highly unlikely.
Lili's POV
I ran in to see Skeet and  KJ pacing around the waiting room the rest just sitting there crying. That's when I knew it was bad. I bolted to KJ
L: "He's dead isn't he!?" I whispered crying
KJ: "No but he's close" KJ whispered the last part but I heard and dropped to the floor my knees buckling underneath me.
We all sat in the waiting room including Cole's dad, mum, Dylan and Barbra. Awaiting the worst possible news.
8 hours and 15 minutes later the doctor come out
D: "Cole Sprouse?" we all jumped up from are sets or the floor waiting to hear if we would get our loved one back.
D: " Okay so I would like to talk to family and a Lili only in a separate room please." I looked to his brother, mum and dad and nodded. We followed the doctor to a privet room and he sat us down.
D: " Okay so Cole went through hell this past month and this has took a lot of presser on his body. He was beat, shot, stabbed and killed." When he said that my heat stopped.
D: " Thankfully we where able to resuscitate him and he is now in seduced a coma as we treat his wounds. He will be awake soon but he wouldn't let anyone touch him. He just yelled and called for you  Lili. I would recommend he would wake up to only you in the room with him so he stays as calm as possible. Still he is stable and had many wounds but he will probably live." We all let out a breathe we didn't even know we where holding in.
L+D+M+D: "Thank you Doctor"
I stood up and hugged his mum, dad and brother and went to see my baby.
Cole's POV
I woke up in a whit room with a bunch of people surrounding me. I screamed every time they came near or touched me and cried for Lili. Until everything went black.
Cole's Dream
I was being hit and hit and shot and stabbed over and over again. Until I bolted up and screamed. I screamed again at the touch of someone on my arm.
Cole's POV
I then heard a gentle voice
L: "Shhh Cole baby it me it's Lili." I felt my self slightly relax with her touch.
C: "Lili" I cried out not being above to open my eyes with they being swollen over.
L: "Yes baby it's me your safe." She lightly pressed a kiss on his forehead as I forced his eyes open to look at his scared girlfriend.

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