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(Lili and Cole are together but don't live together)
Cole's POV
I shoot up from my bed running to the bathroom vomiting up all my food from
yesterday. After 10 minutes I get up, wash my face and go back to bed. I look at my phone and it was 1am. I sigh and try to go back to bed but my head, throat and body was pounding. I sigh and went to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water and some pain killers. I gulp them back and flop back into bed. When my head hits the pillow I fall asleep. 20 minutes later I wake up again vomiting. I roll my eyes and try to go back to sleep but fail as I vomit again. Finally at 3am I fell back asleep not waking up till my alarm at 6:30. I grown and turn it off. I look outside to see it pouring down with rain. I huff and slowly stand up. When I do my head spins and I grab onto my bed for some support. I slowly start waliking and take a quick shower before brushing my teeth and getting into some comfy clothes. I take some more pain killers and fill myself some water. I pack my stuff and drive to set. When I get to set everyone was there so I hurried in and made my way to the makeup trailer. Lili was getting her makeup done. She smiles,
L: "good morning Coley!" She says happily. I smile and hide how sh*t I feel.
C: "morning." I say giving her a kiss on the head. She frowns.
L: "you okay?" She asks taking my hand. I nod.
C: "yah I'm fine just have a bit of a cold." I say untruthfully. She nods unconvinced.
L: "okay but if you feel worse tell me and we're going home." She says seriously. I nod.
C: "I'll be fine." I say not believing a word. She nods. I kiss her hand and sit down to get my makeup done. Half way through I took a coughing fit. When I was done I sigh and take a gulp of water. Lili looks at me.
L: "your more sick than you say?" She asks eye brows raised. I chuckle, well try to.
C: "no I'm fine, I just have a cold." I say smiling. She nods.
L: "right just a cold." She says unimpressed. I sigh and carry on getting my make up done. I carried on with my day feeling worse by the minute. It was currently lunchtime and I had just walked into the lunch room to try and eat something but the second I smelt the foods I run to my trailer and vomit.
Lili's POV
I knew Cole was more sick than he said as he was as white as a ghost. I was sitting in the lunch room with everyone when Cole come in but went running out. I sigh. Cami looks confused.
Ca: "what's up with him today? He's really pale, he hasn't ate a thing and he just is weird." She says nervously. I nod.
L: "yah I think it's more than a cold." I say sadly. I get up and walk over to his trailer. When I go in I hear him vomiting. I sigh and sit down until he comes out. He smiles.
C: "hey, I thought you were in the lunch room." He says nervously. I nod.
L: "more than a cold?" I says asks curiously. I sigh.
C: "if I tell you no will you believe me?" He ask sitting beside her. I shack my head.
L: "no I won't." I say seriously. He sighs.
C: "okay a little worse than a cold." He says shrugging. I frown and him knowing he's lying.
C: "okay maybe it's a lot worse than a cold." He says shrugging again. I sigh.
L: "so that wasn't your first time being sick?" I ask surprised. He shacks his head.
C: "nope about my 7th ." He says sighing. I gasp.
L: "gee Cole you need to go home! You should be asleep baby not working you ass off." I say feeling his head. I sigh.
L: "you also have a fever." I say sadly. He nods.
C: "that explains why I feel freezing." He says chuckling. I sigh.
L: "why did you come to work? You'll just make your yourself more sick." I say grabbing his hand. He smiles.
C: "if you can get out of bed you can go to work. I'm not bed ridden so I'm fine. Unless I haven't got a voice or can't get out of bed I'm going to work. Been the same way from I started at like a baby so it isn't going to change being an adult." He says seriously. I sigh.
L: "So you've never took a sick day?" I ask shocked. He thinks for a second.
C: "I think in my whole life time I've took about 5. 3 when I was in suite life on deck because I had strep and couldn't talk. 2 because I had a infection and if I did work it would have got worse." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "I've had more and have been working shorter than you." I say rubbing his hand. He sighs.
C: "you learn to work through the pain." He says sadly. I sigh.
L: "well today you're not working through the pain your going home. Grab your stuff I'll go tell Rob." I say getting up. He sighs.
C: "I'm fine, seriously I don't need to go home. I'm fine." He says seriously. I smile and sigh.
L: "nope, your going home and you can't tell me other wise." I say kissing his head before walking out. I walk to Rob.
L: "hey Rob." I say happily. He sighs.
R: "Lili perfect, do you know where Cole is? He is needed on set" He asks. I sigh
L: "I'm bringing Cole home. He's really sick and should be in bed not here." I say seriously. He nods.
R: "yah I though he looked pale. Okay well don't let him come back in until he's fully better." He says nodding. I nod and walk back to the trailer. When I go back Cole was sitting with his jacket on shivering. I smile sadly and grab my bag.
L: "lets go babe. Rob said not to come back until you feel better." I say taking his hand. He nods and slowly gets up. We walk to the car. On the drive to his apartment he was quiet just staring out the window. When we get to his apartment he hands me the keys I smile.
L: "how did you know I didn't have mine?" I ask unlocking the door. He laughs.
C: "because unless I remind you they are never with you. I can guarantee you there probably in your kitchen currently." He says taking his shoes of. I nod.
L: "yah they are." I say shrugging. He sighs.
C: "I'm going to take a shower." He says walking off. I nod and sigh. He was so sick I felt sorry for him. I smile when I notice how tidy the apartment was. He always kept everything so tidy. I sit on the couch and wait until he's done in the shower. When he comes out he was in a sweatshirt and sweatpants. He smiles.
C: .you can go now. I don't want to get you sick and I won't be going back to set." He says taking a glass of water. I sigh.
L:  "nope, I don't care if you get me sick I'm staying until your better." I say sternly. He nods.
C: "well if you are we have to cuddle." He says seriously, I smilie.
L: "okay." I say following him to the bedroom. When he gets into bed I lye beside him and he rests his head on my chest. I smile and kiss his head.
L: "how do you feel?" I ask combing my fingers through his hair. He sighs relaxed.
C: "sh*t." He says quietly. I smile sadly.
L: "try and go to sleep. Hopefully you'll feel better then." I say kissing his head. He hums in response and kisses my shoulder. I carry on rubbing his head and within minutes he's fast asleep. I smile and close my eyes. I wake up an hour later to Cole jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom. I sigh when I hear him throwing up. He comes out after a bit and I frown.
L: "were you sick again?" I ask as he gets back into bed. He sighs.
C: "to a degree seeing I have nothing left in me." He says sadly. I sigh and kiss his head.
L: "you are really sick." I say sadly. He nods.
C: "I'm really sick." He says snuggling into me. I sigh. We talk about stuff until he goes to sleep again. I check my phone when I got a text. It was from the Riverdale group chat.
Ca: 'Lili whats up? Why are you and Cole not at set?'
KJ: 'you okay mate?'
L: 'hey Cole is really sick so we probably won't be at set for a couple of days.'
Mads: 'omg I have to go clean!'
Ca: 'ahh I hope he gets better.'
L: 'me too Cami me too.'
KJ: 'is he that bad?'
L: 'yes, he's been sick about 10 times, had a fever and his throat is really sore.'
KJ: 'oh god he is sick.'
L: 'yah he is.'
Sk: 'hope he gets better. He hates being sick and missing work.'
L: 'thanks guys x' I smile and place my phone down. I stay were I am playing with Cole's hair admiring his face. He looked so peaceful but in pain also. He smiles.
C: "why are you staring at me?" He asks whispering. I smile.
L: "I thought you were asleep." I say giggling. He sighs.
C: "I thought I was fine but that was very wrong." He says chuckling. I sigh.
L: "your too cute." I say kissing his head. He sighs.
C: "your too pretty." He says still with his eyes closed. I smile.
L: "how do you know I look pretty?" I ask curiously. He smiles.
C: "because you always look pretty." He says playing with my fingers. I smile.
L: "thank you." I say blushing. He laughs.
C: "now your blushing and smiling because you can't be complimented with out blushing." He says shrugging. I smile.
L: "maybe I'm not but maybe I am." I say shrugging. He sighs.
C: "you are." He says nodding. I smile and kiss his head. He sighs.
C: "I wanna watch a movie. I'm going to crash on the couch." He says getting up. I sigh.
L: "I was so comfortable." I say standing up. He smiles.
C: "I would apologise but it would be meaningful so I'm just not going to bother." He says taking the blankets off the bed. He brings the duvet over to the couch and flops on it. I smile and sit beside him. He puts his head on my lap and turns on Netflix. We turn on 'how I met your mother' and binge watch it all night. I crash at his place for a couple of nights until I know he's completely better. Sadly though he had to stay at mine because what ever he had I got so I was sick for a week. It was his turn to be a doctor.

Hey everyone! Sorry I've been  little slower at posting as I'm back at school so can't write during the day. I'll try my best to at least get one story up a week but please bare with me. Thank you for understanding- G

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