Grace Juliet Sprouse Part 3

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(Requested by coleyswife. I'm sorry it's short. I hope you like it!-G❤️)

Lili's POV
I felt bad for Cole, I knew how awkward he felt with my family. I don't know it it was because he's never experienced a fun, happy family or if it's because he just wants them to like him. When we get back down the stairs my mum sighs.
MSR: "so Cole, you built this house?" She asks him looking around. He nods.
C: "well, not literally but yes. I drew the plans, hired all the people but thankful I didn't build it seeing I wouldn't have a clue where to start." He says chuckling nervously. I smile and rub his arm. She nods.
MSR: "can we have a look around?" She asks me smiling. I nod.
L: "you sure can, well obviously there's the door and then the entrance closet for shoes and stuff. Then down here is our kitchen and living room. It's open planned and really roomy. It has the skylight windows on the roof and as you can see a lot of widows facing the garden for light too." I say smiling. My dad nods.
MRR: "why do you like the windows so much? Why are there so many?" He asks turning to Cole. I could hear Cole gulp before he sighs.
C: "well, the roof windows occur throughout the house because the are a source of natural light, same goes for all the windows. It saves electricity and that itself has a good effect economically. As for the big windows. Obviously the economical effect, also it really brightens up the room and in the future if we have more kids and we one of us has too come inside when they are outside we can keep an eye on them." He says nodding. He frowns at him self and shacks his head. I smile. Just as I was about to talk Grace starts to cry. My dad rocks her but she doesn't settle so I take her but that didn't help either. Cole sighs and gently lifts her from my arms, setting her on his shoulder and gently bouncing her. After within a minute she had stopped crying and was back asleep. I smile.
L: "okay, well up stairs? I ask them. They nod. Cole sighs.
C: "I'm gonna run up in front of yous to change her diaper, sorry." He says before walking in front of us and going into Graces nursery. I smile and show them the rest of the house before we go back into the living room.
Cole's POV
When I was in Graces nursery I sigh.
C: "what am I doing princess? I make everything so awkward and I probably always will." I say whilst changing her diaper. I huff.
C: "I have to ask your grandpa a big question too, a life changing one too. What do you think of this?" I ask showing her the ring I had bought to propose to Lili with. She looks at the shininess of it and then looks around the room. I nod.
C: "I guess that's a yes then." I say chuckling before fixing her hair and going back downstairs. Lili smiles.
L: "is she okay?" She asks me smiling. I nod.
C: "yet, just a wet diaper." I say smiling. She nods. I sigh.
C: "Mrs Reinhart would you like to hold her?" I ask her. She nods and I pass her to her. I sit beside Lili. She smiles and kisses my cheek. I smile. She grabs my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. I nod a little and look outside. I zone out a little because I don't here what there saying. A while later I was in the kitchen whilst the rest were outside. Mr Reinhart comes in and leans against the counter tops.
MRR: "I can see your very nervous around us or well me pacifically and I wanted to know why? Also why you laughed when I told you about how my grandmother died?" He asks me. I sigh.
C: "I don't have an excuse for that other than when I get nervous or in a sad situation I have a tendency to laugh. I laughed at my own grandfather's funeral, I was then told to leave but still." I mumble sighing. He chuckles. I frown and look at him.
MRR: "it's just, I, a town man from Cleveland is intimidating Cole Sprouse, the ex-Disney star and now CW star. It just makes me feel powerful but I'm still confused why you are so nervous around us?" He asks confused. I sigh.
C: "I've never had this whole, happy family sort of thing. It was always parents yelling until there was one parent but that's doesn't matter, it just overwhelms me. And yes, it's intimidating. I also want to try and make a good impression but I seem to be failing at everything. I just don't do well with people, I blame it on years of only seeing the same people." I say shrugging. He chuckles.
MRR: "I suppose. When did you make your first friend?" He asks me. I sigh.
C: "do people I used to work with count?" I ask him. He shacks his head. I sigh.
C: "my fourth week of college." I say chuckling. He laughs.
MRR: "oh god. So was your first kiss on set too then?" He asks me. I shack my head.
C: "no actually, this girl was just in the background for an episode and will I made friends with her. Her dad like drove hearses so I was with them for the day and he was at this like group hearse thing. So in classic 8 year old fashion we crawled into the back of it and she kissed me. That was the last time I saw her actually. Her dad was a little creepy." I say shrugging. He laughs and sighs.
MRR: "I'll be honest, I was quit skeptical when Lili told me she was dating you. Like the kid she was obsessed with through the TV. But when we first met you it was okay, I was still skeptical and until today I was. I saw how you built a house for your family and I can tell how much you love Lili. It really shows." He says smiling. I nod and look down.
C: "thank you. I wanted to ask you a question and this might ruin the progress I've made but you know me, I make everything awkward." I say chuckling nervously. He nods.
MRR: "whats up?" He asks me. I sigh.
C: "I know traditionally you get married before kids but well we sort of done it the on their way about so I was hoping for your permission to marry Lili?" I ask him nervously. Silence. It was quiet. That's all I heard. Silence. My head was beating out of my chest. I gulp. He was looking down. He looks up at me smiling.
MRR: "yes, you have my permission." He says happily. I sigh in relief and nod.
C: "thank you so much!" I say happily. He nods.
MRR: "do you have the ring?" He asks me. I nod.
C: "yah." I say quickly making sure no one could see before pulling the ring out of my pocket. He smiles.
MRR: "it's beautiful, really beautiful. It looks expensive." He says shocked. I shrug.
C: "it reminded me of Lili." I say shrugging. He nods.
MRR: "yes it's very Lili." He says chuckling.
L: "what's very me?" She asks walking in with Grace. We both sigh.
MRR+C: "the house." We both say at the same time. She nods.
L: "yah well, I like it to be me." She says shrugging.
L: "I believe Grace wants you. She whines in everyone's arms." She says passing me Grace. I nod. She kisses my cheek before walking back out.
L: "come outside, we're talking about food options!" She shouts before going back outside. I chuckle.
C: "what do you think princess? What will we get for dinner?" I ask her smiling. She just looks at me, crinkling her face before closing her eyes and sighing. I nod.
MRR: "I'm feeling Chinese? Is there a nice Chinese around here?" He asks me. I nod.
C: "yes! Chinese sounds great and I'm not sure, we could check though." I say shrugging. He nods and we go outside to persuade the woman to get Chinese. After a couple of days I was totally comfortable with the and them with me. I proposed to Lili 1 month after I asked Mr Reinhart, she said yes and in 6 months time she'll be Mrs Sprouse.  

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