My Rose

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(Requested by LiliReinhartsimp I hope you enjoy it! I added a little twist to your request so I hope it's okay. I'm so sorry its so short.-G❤️)
3rd Persons POV
The Titanic, the newest, biggest ship about. To set sail from England and to dock at New York. 3 classes, Cole sat in 3rd class and Lili in 1st. Lili came from a very rich family, set to be married within the year, against her will. Cole was quite the opposite, he come alone, after winning a ticket onto the ship, and didn't really have much. He loved to draw, especially naked french ladies. When they entered the ship they got their rooms. Lili's was a lot better than Cole's. His consisting of a bed, a pole, sink and toilet. Lili's was a luxurious room, it had a 4 post bed, a large bathroom, a desk, a small couch and other rich quarks. As Cole freely walked around the ship, Lili was at her forced fiancées side. Not being aloud to leave his sight. She hated it but being the good soul she was she didn't say anything. She didn't rebel. She walked to dinner, their arms linked, a fake smile plastered on her face. She hadn't see any lower class people. They weren't aloud to meet. It annoyed Lili, that I'm this world, if you didn't have nice clothes and money in your pockets then you can't meet others who do. She sat in the fancy dining room, watching as her mother shared more interest in her fiancé than she ever has. She thought about the 3rd class people. What their rooms, dining rooms and food would be like. Surely it wouldn't be as glamorous as this but still, was it glamorous? Probably not. She could not imagine it but she had to find out. Maybe she could sneak out of her room and walk around the ship. That thought did sound very thrilling. So she planned it. Her fiancé would be sleeping and she'd creep out. She'd search the ship, entering lower class sections, hoping not to get caught. When night came, she faked being asleep till she heard snores coming from her fiancé and then she left the room.
Lili's POV
I searched around everywhere. It was amazing. This ship was amazing. I was currently in the lowest class section. I was standing against a railing looking out onto the see.
?: "what's a pretty girl like you doing down here?" A mysterious voice asks. I smile and turn around. He was very handsome but his clothes were a little dull and ripped.
L: "just finding myself here. I wanted to check the lowest classes section." I say shrugging. He nods.
?: "what's your name?" He asks me.
L: "Lili, yours?" I ask. He clears his throat.
C: "Cole." He said standing beside me. I sigh.
L: "care to show my around your class Cole?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "of course." He says holding his arm out. I smile and link arms with him. He sighs.
C: "you love your fiancé?" He asks me. I frown.
L: "how did you know?" I ask him confused. He points to the big ring on my finger. I sigh.
L: "forced marriage. I don't love him." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "at least your marring a rich man." He said shrugging. I sigh.
L: "I don't need a rich man, I am a rich man." I say rolling my eyes. He scoffs.
C: "good rich people have stinking attitudes.  You enjoy being rich?" He asks me curiously. I sigh.
L: "yes, I adore the jewels and the fancy dinner. I don't adore the people though." I say sighing. He nods. I sigh.
L: "show me your room! Let me see how you life!" I say happily. He sighs.
C: "sure but be aware, it doesn't have a lot. It's dark and isn't shiny. The only reason I have it is because I won a ticket on here." He says chuckling. I nod.
L: "I guessed." I say nodding to his clothes. He rolls his eyes.
C: "hey, they might not be anything special but what's underneath is." He says winking. I roll my eyes.
L: "what do you do?" I ask him, as we walk through the huge boat. He sighs.
C: "I draw french ladies." He says smirking. I nod.
L: "I have an inkling they aren't clothes ladies? Would I be correct?" I ask him giggling. He nods.
C: "you would be correct." He says smiling. I nod. He sighs.
C: "so my room." He says pushing a door open. I frown.
L: "how? We're practically at on bottom. Oh my goodness! What is that Pole? Gosh! This is awful!" I say shocked. He sighs and throws himself on the bed, proving his head up on his hand.
C: "I think it's quite glorious! Better than my home. As for the pole, I could be a firefighter, or a dancer. Swinging around a pole. It would be quite fine. With a body like mine, and some single ladies. I think the money could come in." He says shrugging. I giggle and sit down on the chair. I sigh.
L: "are you free? Are you tied down by a woman?" I ask him sadly. He huffs.
C: " it would be wrong for me to be tied down. Being tied down only happens to people of your class. I'm free, never to be tied down, if so I'd have to stop doing my job. I love drawing. I wouldn't give it up for a woman." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "would you ever paint me?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "would you be unclothed in front of me?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "there's the problem. It's disrespectful to be unclothed in front of someone who you aren't romantically involved with." I says sighing. He sighs.
C: "this is disrespectful hun, this is illegal." He says smirking. I sigh.
L: "what can I say, I'm a risk taker." I say giggling. He chuckles.
C: "I'm sure you are." He says chuckling. We sit and chat till the early hours of the next morning. I ended with my head on his chest, his hands running through my hair.
L: "may we do this again?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "is it too risky?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "my fiancé sleeps like a baby, my mother sleeps well and I sleep walk, so no." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "meet me at the front again tomorrow at the same time. We'll make it nightly thing and who knows, maybe a romance will strike apron us." He says smiling. I sigh.
L: "we can only wish." I say sighing. He sighs.
C: "you better get going hun. Breakfast begins at 6 and we are early risers. I'll get thrown over if your caught." He says brushing the hair out of my face. I nod and sit up.
L: "I'll see you tonight." I say smiling. He smiles.
C: "see you tonight hun." He says before I walk out, with a smile on my face. I walk back to my room to see my fiancee stretching. He sighs.
Fi: "where have your been?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "I went for a walk early this morning, around the ship. It's beautiful. Don't worry, I stayed in our area, I don't want to mix with them. I saw the sun rise of the sea! It was gorgeous!" I say, it all being lies. He nods.
Fi: "good, now, get changed, then we can meet your mother for breakfast." He says leaving my clothes out, he really plans it all. I nod and bring my stuff to the bathroom and I dress myself. We do everything again, I fake like I enjoy spending time with everything, although today I was excited for tonight. Excited to see Cole. So after what seemed to be a year long day I was finally with him, back in his room, back on his chest, talking about everything. Well, more me complaining about my crappy life. He sighs.
C: "we could just run away?" He asks me. I frown.
L: "what?" I ask him confused. He sighs.
C: "when we get to New York, we'll plan to meet somewhere with all our belongings and we'll hide in some place. Then when everything's died down we'll get a nice place and start a life together. I don't have much money but I could get a loan off a friend." He says shrugging. I sigh.
L: "your crazy! I couldn't possibly! My mother and fiancé are on my back 24/7! Your mad!" I say laughing. He chuckles.
C: "just a thought hun." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "if only we could." I say sadly. He nods.
C: "if only." He says sighing. I nod. We sit in silence for a while.
C: "you ever feel in love?" He asks me. I nod.
L: "once. I was young. You?" I ask him, looking up at his beautiful face. He nods.
C: "yah, once." He says sighing.
L: "it's a beautiful thing. It's a beautiful thing to feel and experience." I say smiling. He sighs.
C: "I've never been loved. What does it feel like?" He asks me curiously. I sigh.
L: "your parents?" I ask him shocked. He shacks his head.
C: "I don't know them. What does it feel like?" He asks me again. I sigh.
L: "it's amazing, there is no better feeling." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "sounds it." He says sighing. I nod and run my hand down his chest. I was really growing found of him. He kisses my head. Over the next couple of days we get a lot closer, if possible. Doing the same thing each night. Sneaking together, staying in his room and being together. Tonight though, was different. I agreed to meet up with him but instead I went to his room, leaving a note on the railings telling him to go back to his room. I was laying on his bed, with my robe on, awaiting his return. When I hear him coming I smile. When he walks in his eyes widen.
C: "hun?" He asks me confused. I smirk.
L: "I want you to draw me like one of your french girls." I say smirking. He gulps.
C: "you want me to draw you?" He asks me. I nod.
L: "yes, but not in this." I say sitting up. I slide the robe of my shoulder.
L: "in... this." I whisper, fully stripping. He nods and looks me up and down. He grabs his stuff and sharpens the pencils. He sighs.
C: "look at me and stay still." He says gulping. I nod. After a while he was done. I smile.
L: "may I see this masterpiece?" I ask him. He nods and turns it around. My eyes widen, I sit up.
L: "that is breathtaking!" I say shocked. He sighs.
C: "you are breathtaking." He says looking me up and down. I smile.
L: "I'd say you are too, with skills like that." I say sighing. He chuckles.
C: "you wanna see?" He asks me. I smirk and stand up, walking over to him
L: "mhm." I mumble, kissing him. We have a very busy night. This night was not as sweet as our previous ones had been. It was amazing though. We now lay on my bed, us both unclothed, the thin cover, covering half of our bodies. He sighs.
C: "that was amazing." He says sighing. I giggle.
L: "you really are amazing." I whisper, running my fingers down his chest. He chuckles and kisses my head.
C: "so are you." He whispers. I sigh.
L: "even though I just cheated on my fiancé, I don't even feel guiltily. Your worth it." I say smiling. He sighs.
C: "don't mention him." He says sighing. I nod. We finish our moment before I have to leave again. It was annoying but at least I got to see him. Meeting him has been the best bit of this trip. We bump into each other during the day, sending quick smirks or winks but not getting caught. It was very thrilling. That night we meet again. He grabs my hand.
C: "come with me." He says before starting to run. I giggle and follow him. Before we get to where he wants to go he stops.
C: "close your eyes." He says smiling. I nod and close my eyes. He pulls me to the very front of the ship. He sighs.
C: "step up." He whispers in my ear. I frown.
C: "do you trust me?" He asks me. I nod.
L: "of course." I say smiling. I step up on the railings. He stands beside me.
C: "open your eyes." He whispers, leaving a kiss just behind my ear. I smile. We were at the very front of the boat. I giggle.
L: "it feels like I'm flying!" I say spreading my arms. He chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist, resting my face in my neck. He made me so happy. His eyes, his laugh, his smile, him. I loved him, with my whole heart. I tilt my head back, leaning it on his shoulder.
L: "I feel like a bird! Soaring through the sky!" I saymhappily. He nods and kisses down my neck. I giggle and interlock our hands. We stay out there for a while before going back to my room, we have another amazing night, little did we know the next wouldn't be as amazing. As for that night. We were standing at the front of the boat again when all of a sudden there was a crash and the boat jerked. We both gasp. The boat slightly tips back. I frown.
L: "what's going on?!" I ask him afraid. He sighs.
C: "I'm not sure hun. I'm sure it's nothing." He says smiling. I nod. I knew something was wrong, he did too but I knew he didn't want to scare me. Suddenly there was a bunch of screaming and the boat tips more, sending us sliding down to the bottom of it. He grabs my hand and one of the railings.
C: "hun! You okay?" He asks me. I nod.
L: "are we going to die?! We're sinking!" I shout between tears. He pulls me up beside him.
C: "hold onto the bars." He says sighing. I nod. He wraps his free arm around my back and grabs on to the railing beside where I was so he was holding me but also onto the railings. Everything went still for a moment, before another crash come, pushing us into the freezing cold water. We were separated and I didn't know where Cole was. I was hoping he could hear me shouting. I got myself pulled onto a large piece of wood and I sit there, shouting for Cole.
C: "Lili?" He asks coughing. I whip my head around.
L: "Cole! OMG!" I say between shivering. I was still on large piece of wood. I move over.
L: "come up." I say grabbing his hand. With the very little strength I had left I pull him onto the wood. I hug him and sob into his freezing body.
L: "I thought I had lost you! I thought you were dead!" I say, my teeth clattering together. He sighs.
C: "I guess I'll have to re-draw you." He whispers, leaving a kiss on my nearly frozen hair. I smile. He lifts my head up and kiss my lips.
C: "we'll be okay. You'll be okay." He whispers against my lips. Everything was numb. I couldn't feel everything. He was coughing up salt water. I sigh.
L: "you'll be okay too. You have to be. We die together or not at all." I whisper sadly. He nods and smiles slightly. We sat there for another couple of minutes and help was slowly starting to arrive, we could see the lights. I sigh.
L: "helps coming." I whisper to Cole. He groans.
C: "it's too late." He whispers. I frown.
C: "I love you hun, very much." He whispers before his eyes shut and he stops breathing. I gasp and let out a sob.
L: "Cole! Cole! Come on! Cole!" I shout between sobs. He was dead.
Cole's POV
I was peacefully sleeping when I heard a scream and a sudden movement from our bed. I jump awake to see Lili sitting up in tears. I gasp and turn the light on.
C: "Lil's baby! What's wrong?" I ask her confused. I wrap my arms around. She buries her head in my chest.
L: "I- you-we." She tries to say. I sigh.
C: "just take a deep breath. I'm right here. Your okay. We're safe. I've got you." I whisper rocking her back and forth. She sobs into my chest for about 10 minutes before she calms down.
L: "we were on the Titanic, it was us instead of Jack and Rose and we slept together and then when the boat sunk you died right beside me. You just died! It felt so real!" She says working herself up again. I sigh.
C: "shhh. It's okay. It was just a dream. I'm right here." I whisper kissing her head. She sighs.
L: "I'm never going on a boat again." She whispers tightening her grip on me. I sigh.
C: "I don't think we should watch The Titanic before bed again." I whisper chuckling. She giggles.
L: "I'm never watching it again." She whispers giggling. I smile and kiss her forehead. My Rose.

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