The Sprouse Family

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The Sprouse family. One of LAs most known and respected families. They were popular and very loved by the media but still managed to keep their lives private. They all knew the media wanted to know more but didn't really give them any especially at Christmas time. And so, here it is again Christmas, both Sprouse families favorite time of the year. For the adults and the kids.
Cole and Lili Sprouse married 8 years with 6 kids. Two sets of twins
Beth+Paige- identical. 8 years old- daddies girls
Cody 7 years old- mommies boy
Elizabeth (Izzy) 4 years old- daddies girl
Luke+Anna 1 years old- daddies boy+ mommies girl
Dylan and Barbara Sprouse married 10 years with 5 kids. 1 set of twins.
Rachel 9 years old
Zack+James- identical 7 years old
Jenny 5 years old
Brooklyn 2 years old

Cole's POV
Christmas time one of my favourite times of the year. Tomorrow Lili, the kids and I are going to Dylan's house for over Christmas. We had just put the kids to bed and currently I was sitting on our bed watching Lili pack her stuff. She look at me and laughed,
L: "Cole are you okay? You have been staring at me and smiling for like 10 minutes now." She sat beside me. I sigh
C: "I just love you! And I'm happy but mostly I'm in awe of your beauty." I laugh, she goes red. I hug her.
C: "god I love that we have been together for 12 years and I can still make you blush." She giggles hugging me tighter. I kiss her head and she leans up to kiss me. We both smile into the kiss. She pulled away and places her head on my chest. I pull her tighter.
C: "thank you honey so much." I whisper in her hair. She looks at me confused.
L: "for what hugging you?" She says laughing placing her head on my shoulder
C: "for everything. For being my best friend, for helping me with my depression and anxiety, for being there for me when I wasn't even there for myself, for saying yes when I asked you on our first date, for loving me and caring about me. Thank you for letting me muck about with my camera and take you and the kids on different shoots, for saying yes when I asked you to marry me, for saying I do. For holding me after every panic attack and after my dad died. For bringing all 6 of our beautiful kids to the world. For never kicking me out of the bed after an argument and for teaching me how to do the girls hair. For showing me different places I never even knew where on this earth and coming with me to different places. For always treating me so nicely even on the days which I wasn't so nice to you. For agreeing with some of my ideas and disagreeing. Thank you for opening up to me and showing your emotions. For making me laugh and smile everyday. For the birthday, anniversary's, christmases and everything else. For letting me spend one on one days with the kids and for all our the dates. For letting me go out with the lads and not getting mad if I have had a beer. For trusting me with all the kids when you go on a shopping day with your friends and for every time I tried to push you away you always stay. For being my shoulder to cry on but also giving me space when I ask for it. Thank you for taking care of me when I'm sick and for loving Dylan even with his annoyance. For treating your nieces and nephews like your own kids and not just on your side of the family but also mine. Thank you for changing my life but for the better in every way." By this time Lili was crying. She looked at me. I smile wiping her tears away.
L: "your welcome." She whispers. She kisses me but we both pull back when our bedroom door opens. In walks our 4 year old daughter Elizabeth or Izzy. She rubs her eyes because of the bright lights and looks at us. I smile at her.
E: "daddy?" She looks at me tiredly.
C: "yes baby." I say confused.
E: "I woke up from a scary dream so can we cuddle?" I sigh,
C: "yes we can baby come here." I say sliding to the end of the bed to pick her up. She walks over to me and I scoop her up. I go back to my original spot and Izzy puts her head in my neck. I look at Lili and she shrugs. I sigh. I rub her back
C: "baby can you tell me what your dream was about?" I whisper. She looks up at me.
E: "there was someone in the house and they hurt you." She says a couple of tears falling out of her little green eyes. I sigh.
C: "I'm not going to get hurt and there is no one in the house baby okay? Your safe here we all are" I say softly wiping the tears off of her cheeks. She nods and looks at Lili. She puts on her puppy eyes.
E: "mommy can I sleep with you and daddy tonight?" She asks pouting out her bottom lip. Lili smiles.
L: "you can but you have to sleep because remember it's Christmas Eve tomorrow so we're going to uncle Dylan and auntie Barbras house." She nods and grabs lilis hand. Lili smiles and strokes her little palm.
C: "baby can mommy cuddle you so I can get my pyjamas on then we can cuddle more?" She shacks her head and hugs me tighter. I sigh.
C: "I'll bring you one of my hoodies for you to sleep with?" I say hopefully. She nods and loosens her grip and goes over to Lili. I get up and quickly get ready for bed. I grab Izzies favourite one of my hoodies to give to her. I walk out and see Izzy sitting in my spot on the bed. When she sees me she jumps of the bed and hugs my legs. I laugh and pick her up wrapping my hoodie around her. She snuggles into me and grins my hand. I rub her back and kiss her head walking over to our bed. I look at Lili she mouths 'is she asleep'. I look down and nod. Lili sighs and shacks her head.
L: "she is the biggest daddies girl!" I smile.
C: "I love it and I wouldn't change it for the world! And you love it when ever they cuddle you!" I say laughing. She sighs turning of the big light and turning on the lamp.
L: "yes but I only get cuddles like that from Cody and Anna. I get small cuddles from Izzy, Paige, Beth and Luke. They just prefer you." She says. I laugh.
C: "they don't prefer me they love you! And anyway it's the same with me for Cody and Anna, god I can't remember the last time Cody fell asleep in my arms. He is 7 though so it's understandable and I'm glad that he and Anna are mommies kids because I would feel bad if all 6 of our babies were daddies kids." I say honestly she nods placing her head on my shoulder.
L: "I would feel bad for me too!" She laughs. Lili sneaks an arm around my waist but only gets to keep it there for a while until Izzy wakes up. I rub her back.
E: "I love you momma but daddies mine just for tonight, tomorrow night you two can cuddle!" She says firmly. I chock back a laugh and Lili moves her hand and head.
E: "thank you so very much now I'm going back to my sleepy time. Goodnight Mommy I love you. Goodnight dada I love you." She kisses my cheek then closes her eyes.
C: "we love you too baby so much, goodnight." I whisper kissing her head. When she's in a deep sleep Lili turns of the lamp and snuggles in beside me. I wrap my free hand around her and pull her closer to kiss her.
C: "goodnight beautiful I love you so much." I say pulling away.
L: "I love you too good night." She says.
The next morning.
Lili's POV
I wake up to Beth and Paige coming into our room. They come up onto the bed and start to jump up and down.
B+p: "its Christmas Eve it's Christmas Eve!" They shout. I look over to them.
L: "good morning girls. Can you whisper shout because I don't want you to wake up your siblings or dad." I say happily. Cole then speaks up.
C: "it's okay we are both awake but I'm not sure about the rest of the kiddos." He says rolling over. Once the twins saw him they flopped beside him to give him a hug. He hugs them both and they crawl over to me hugging me then plop in the middle. They suddenly notice Izzy.
B: "what Izzy doing here? Has she woke up already?" She asks confused. I smile.
C: "she had a scary dream so slept with us last night but she is awake just still tired so she's just staying quiet. How did you sleep last night?" He says stroking there heads. Cole was such an amazing dad and he had such an amazing relationship with all his kids. The both smile.
B: "I slept good and I'm really excited for Christmas!" She says excitedly. We both smile.
P: "I slept okay. I had a dream last night that it was Christmas Day so when I woke up it was some what disappointing." She says sighing.
L: "tomorrow love tomorrow!" I say happily she nods and smiles. Izzy then wakes up.
E: "good morning tomorrow is Christmas!" She says happily sitting up on Cole's chest. She yawns and waves to her sisters. They wave back. Cole the sits up.
C: "what do you want for breakfast kiddos?" He asks the girls.
B: "waffles!" She says happy.
P: "waffles yes!" She agrees.
I: "no bacon and pancakes!" She says annoyed. Cole strokes her head.
C: "how about I make waffles and some bacon?" He asks. They all nod and he lifts Izzy off of him. She sighs but let's him. I laugh. He turns around.
C: "do you want to come girlies?" He asks smiling. They all nod and jump of the bed. He picks up Izzy, puts her on his shoulder and grabs the twins hands. I smile at half of my family and get up and go wake up the other kids. Cody and Anna wait back but the Luke slowly runs down to Cole. I walk down the steps to see the love of my life with one of our sons on his hip and our daughters apart from Anna sitting on the counter tops around him. I smile at the sight and walk over to them. I place a kiss on his check and he smiles.
C: "good morning handsome, good morning cutie!" He says kissing Cody and Anna's heads they both smile. Anna giggles.
Co: "good morning daddy what are you making?" He asks curiously.
C: "I'm making some waffles and bacon!" He says excited. Cody squeals and jumps out of my arms and goes to the table. Everyone else follows and we all eat. We spend the rest of the morning getting ready to leave. It was 2pm and we were ready to leave. We get the kids in the car and all our bags as we are staying at Dylan's for a couple of nights. We finally leave a drive to Dylan's.
When we get there I go up and knock on the door and then go back to help Cole with the kids. We go in and hug everyone. I laugh when I see Dylan and so does Cole. He looks at us confused.
C: "nice shade of lipstick." Cole whispers winking at him. He smiles then runs to wipe his face. I hear a laugh behind me. I look around to see Barbras mouth being the same.
C: "Barbara, you have the same shade too all over your face." He says nodding. She laughs and runs off to wipe her mouth. I look at Cole and he laughed. I look into the play room to see all the kids playing apart from Cody. Cole looks at me confused.
C: "why is he not playing with the rest? Is he okay?" He asks worried. I shrug my shoulders.
L: "I'm not sure I'll go in and check on him." I say dropping my bags and walking into the playroom. I walk over to him and sit beside him.
L: "hey handsome what's up? Why you not playing with the rest?" He shrugs and looks out the window. I rub his arm and he walks out of the room. I also get up being very confused and follow him. He walks to our bags and opens his getting out the teddy Cole's dad got him. He hugged it and walked into the kitchen. He goes over to Cole and taps his side. Cole looks down.
C: "hey bud what's up?" Cody shrugs and Cole picks him up.
C: "do you feel sick or did something happen? Can you tell me?" He asks gentle. Cody starts crying. Cole hugs him.
C: "ahh buddy?" He says rubbing his back. They walk to the living room and sit on the couch, I stand in the door way. Cody was on Cole's lap. After Cody had calmed down a little he started to talk.
Co: "I just miss grandpa, I just wish he was here for Christmas." He says crying again. Cole sighs.
C: "ahh bud I miss him too but he is in a better please now and someday you'll see him again." Cody nods and lays his head on Cole's shoulder.
C: "I remember when I was your age one of my pets passed away and I was sat on grandpas knee just like you are now crying. Whilst I was crying Grandpa said to me, "son don't cry because it's gone, smile because it happened." So then me and grandpa went through loads of funny and happy memories that we had with that pet. So how about we do that for grandpa?" Cody nods and they begin. At the end the tears turned to laughs and the frowns turned to smiles. Cody feel asleep on Cole with a smile on his face. I didn't realise that Dylan and Barbara were standing beside me until they spoke.
D: "I remember when that dog died. God Cole was heartbroken. But dad did tell him that." He said smiling sadly. Barbara rubs his arm,
Ba: "that was pretty cute" I laugh.
L: "how long have you two been there? I didn't even know you were there." I say.
D: "from like the very beginning. I have to say though Cole going extremely soft is weird to see. Cute but weird." I laugh.
L: "he's like this at home with the kids and he is probably over cherishing this moment because Cody's a mommies boy and hasn't fell asleep in Cole's arms for a long time." They both smile
Ba: "are they all mommies kids?" She asks. I shack my head.
L: "No definitely not. Cody and Anna are the only ones that are mommies kids the rest are hands down daddies kids. Like last night Izzy came into our room because of a bad dream, went straight to Cole and he had to bribe her with one of his hoodies so she would come to me for like 2 minutes. He loves it though and wouldn't change it for the world." They nod and smile.
L: "what are your ones like?" They both laugh.
Ba: "if they are sick, scared or tired they'll go to Dyl but for other stuff they'll come to me so it's pretty even like it's not to bad. Seeing they all look like me apart from the hair I'm fine with it." She laughs. I turn around feeling a gentle tap on my leg. I see Paige looking up at me. I smile.
L: "what's up sweetheart?" I ask.
P: "where Cody? He isn't with us." She asked puzzled. I smile.
L: "he's on the couch with daddy asleep." I say stroking her hair. She looks confused.
P: "why?" I smile sadly.
L: "he just misses grandpa and was a bit sad but daddy cheered him up." She nods and goes back to playing. I smile and follow her just to check on everyone. When I walk in I see everyone playing together. I sigh and smile. I go to turn away but am stopped.
E: "mommy!" She says getting up. I smile.
L: "what's up Izzy?" I ask. She pouts.
E: "where's daddy?" She says worriedly. I laugh.
L: "baby he's in the living room with Cody." I say rubbing her arm.
E: "can I go see?" She asks. I nod and pick her up and carry her to the living room. When she sees him she smiles and lays her head on my shoulder. Cole finally noticed us. He jumped a little.
C: "hey" he whispers. Izzy waves.
L: "is he okay?" I ask nodding to a sleeping Cody. He nods and strokes Cody's cheek. I smile. Izzy wriggles our of my arms and waddles over to Cole, sitting beside him snuggling into his arm. I walk over and kiss the kids heads and kiss Cole's lips. I walk into the kitchen to Dylan and Barbara.
L: "hey in what rooms do you want us all in? I'm just going to bring the bags up." I ask them.
D: "just the same ones as always." I nod and grab all the kids bags. I got up and unpack each kids clothes and other things. When I was done I went back down stairs. I saw Cole, Izzy and Cody all asleep. The rest of the day the kids played and we all talked. Night time though was not so good as everyone was excited for Christmas.
Cole's POV
Lili and I were trying to put the kids to bed. I sigh walking out of Luke and Anna's room. Lili looks at me,
C: "two down four to go!" I say quietly. She giggles. After a while of fighting to get the kids to sleep we were finally done. We high hive closing the door to Paige and Beths rooms knowing all the kids are asleep. The rest of the night we spend it with Dylan and Barbara and prepare for Christmas morning.
Christmas morning
I was awoken by the Paige, Beth and Izzy pulling on the duvet. I rolled over from spooning Lili and faced them. They all smiled.
C: "Merry Christmas guys!" I say cheerfully. They all jump up on the bed. They give me a hug. I smile and look at the clock 4:30am.
C: "why are you all up so early? It's only 4:30!" I say confused. They sigh.
P: "well I woke up a while ago because I was just excited and then Beth woke up too. So we waited and talked for a while then give up so come to wake you up. We met Izzy at the door. We would have woke mommy up but she doesn't be happy at morning but you do." She wispers. I sigh.
C: "well since it's too early to get up, how about we go it your room and cuddle on your bed because we can't all cuddle in here because mommy is asleep and then we can wait till everyone else wakes up?" I ask sitting up. They look up at me.
I: "why daddy I want to go open presents!" She says crossing her arms. I sigh.
C: "Izzy remember presents only go to good children. And we will open them just not yet and we don't even know if there is any presents as Santa might not have been here? We don't know if he thinks you've been good?" I say sitting up. She sighs and nods sadly. I rub her back.
C: "you just have to wait. Anyway you want to open them with your cousins too don't you?" I ask her. She nods and looks at her hands. I pick her up.
C: "lets go to your room girls." I whisper to Paige and Beth. They nod and we all quietly walked out of the room. When we get to their room the twins get into the bed and I sat at the bottom of it with Izzy on my knee. I sighed knowing they will all be really tired tonight.
C: "girls please try and go back to sleep or you'll be tired all day and then will be grumpy." I say hopefully. The twins nod and snuggle into the blankets. I stroke there arms. One more I thought.
C: "Izzy baby please go to sleep." I say rubbing her back. She sighs.
E: "only if you don't stop cuddling me?" She says looking at me.
C: "I promise." She nods and closes her eyes. I lay down at the bottom of the bed Izzy cuddled into my chest. I just lay there watching my beautiful kids sleep. I knew I wouldn't get anymore sleep but it was Christmas and I was the same as a child. I was laying there for a while when I heard someone come into the room. I look over to see Cody at the door. I smile as he walks over. He looks at me puzzled.
Co: "daddy what are you doing here?" She asks. I smile.
C: "they woke up and we all couldn't fit with mommy in the bed so I brought them back here. Are you okay?" I say slowly sitting up. He nods quickly.
Co: "I'm just super duper excited because it Christmas daddy!" He say whisper shouting. I smile.
C: "it is bud it is but can you remember what time it said on your clock?" He sighs.
Co: "it said 6:30 so I thought it was okay as it was Christmas if I got up a little bit earlier." He says looking down at his feet. I nod.
C: "no your good bud it's a perfect time to get up." As I say this the girls wake up. They smile.
P: "can we get up now daddy?" She asks sitting up. I sigh.
C: "do you want to?" She sighs
P: "daddy I wanted too 2 hours ago so most definitely I would." She says getting up our of bed. I nod and stand up. I look at Beth who is still lying in bed. I smile and nod she gets up and sits on the bed. I raise my eye brows.
B: "can you pick me up? I'm don't want to walk!" She smiles, I chuckle and scoop her up setting her on my hip. I do the same to Izzy and we all walk out of the bedroom towards Lili. Cody stops in front of the door and looks up at me.
Co: "mommy won't be mad for waking her will she?" He asks nervously. I ruffle his hair.
C: "no bud you can wake her it's okay." I say. He nods and slowly walks in Paige behind him. They both climb up onto the bed and I place Beth and Izzy beside them. The girls all start to tap Lili but Cody doesn't he just sits watching. I smile, he has always been nervous to wake Lili up as he knows she isn't a morning person. I rub his back and he moved back so he was leaning on me. The girls finally got Lili to wake up.
L: "good morning girls." She says rubbing her eyes. She sits up. The girls scream quietly with excitement.
P+B+I: "it's Christmas!" She laughs and nods noticing Cody. She puts her arms out for him to hug her and he does. After the hug he comes back over to me. I look at Lili confused and she shrugs. The girls finally start talking.
P: "I woke up but daddy said it was too early so we went back to sleep but now daddy said it was an okay time to get up!" She shouts. I laugh and so does Lili.
L: "it is but do you want to go downstairs or just sit here talking?" She questions sarcastically. There eyes all light up.
P+B+C+E: "downstairs!" They all shout running off the bed. They stop at the door. We laugh and both get off the bed. Lili and I went to get Luke and Anna whilst the others got Dylan, Barbara and their kids. We all met at the top of the stairs every kid smiling. They all looked at us and we nodded. They ran down the stairs and we carried the babies. They all opened there presents and were extremely happy. Lili and I found out that Cody stayed with me because I reminded him of grandpa.
The rest of the day was filled with smiles, hugs, laughs, food and presents but mostly love.

I know that it isn't Christmas but I just wanted to do this. Also I love Christmas. Thank you- G

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