She Kept Her Promise

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(Requested by @Scook191. I hope you like it! This mentions death and cancer. I would like to say I don't know anything about this so I'm not sure if this is right or not and I'm so sorry if you or any loved one have ever experienced this before-G❤️)

Cole's POV
Recently I have been sick, I've been tired, I'll get random chills and fevers, I always have a sore head and I've been losing weight with out trying. Lili has noticed it, everyone has but I haven't told them about my other symptoms. I was at set, filming a scene at pops with Lili when I felt a wave of dizziness come over me. I tried to say my line but instead I must pass out.
Lili's POV
We were all at pops filming a scene. I watched as the colour drained out of of his face. I frown. Even though we were acting I knew something wasn't right.
L: "Cole? What's wrong?" I ask him. We were sitting on the stools in pops. He goes to same something but instead he passes out and falls to the ground. I gasp and everyone runs over to him. I drop down to the floor and put my hand on his forehead, he was boiling. I sigh.
L: "he's boiling! Can someone get a wet cloth please and a cold bottle of water?" I ask nervously. They nod and two people run out. I sigh.
L: "Cole! Wake up!" I say to him loudly. He was still breathing but he was out cold. About 3 minutes later the people come back with water and a towel. I put the towel on his forehead and the water bottle on his wrist to get him to cool down. About 5 minutes later he wakes up. I smile.
L: "hey baby!" I say smiling. He groans and goes to sit up but I gently push him back down.
L: "don't sit up! Just lie down for a minute! You took a big fall! Don't move!" I say gently.  He groans.
C: "I'm fine let me sit up!" He says groaning. I sigh.
L: "are you okay?" I ask him worried. He nods.
C: "yah I'm fine. I'm just stressed" He says sighing. I nod. He stands up and slips into one of the booths. I sigh.
L: "Cole take it easy!" I say seriously. He nods. Roberto sighs.
R: "Lili take him home and Cole take the rest of the week off. I don't want to see you until you've had a check from the doctor and told your okay." He says seriously. I nod.
L: "can you walk?" I ask Cole. He nods and stands up. I sigh and grab his hand. We walk to our trailer and I grab our stuff before going to our car. On the journey home Cole was really quiet. There was something he wasn't telling me. I sigh.
L: "are you okay? Your really quiet and pale." I ask him worried. He nods.
C: "yah I'm fine, I'm just tired." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "okay? You don't feel sick do you? You hit your head really hard" I say nervously. She nods.
C: "yah I'm fine. I feel fine." He says shooting me a small smile. I nod.
L: "as long as your sure." I say sighing. He nods and we sit in silence the rest of the way. When we get home I get him settled in bed. He takes a nap which he never does during the day, I know somethings not right. I went back to work the next day but Cole's taking some time off to rest.
The Next Day
Cole's POV
Today I have a doctors appointment. I know something isn't okay so I need to go and get checked. I have an appointment for 12pm so I got up and got ready. I arrived and waited for about 15 minutes before being called in.
D: "Mr Sprouse?" She asks looking around the waiting room. I nod and stand up. She smiles.
D: "if you want to come this way please." She says smiling towards me before walking into the room with her. She smiles.
D: "what can I do for you today?" She asks. I sigh.
C: "recently I have been feeling really sick. I've been dizzy, I get like fevers and shivers, I feel really tired all the time even after a good nights sleep, my joints and bones are sore but I haven't done anything to them and yesterday I passed out at work. I do that when I'm too stressed but I know the other symptoms are nothing to do with stress." I say sighing. She nods.
D: "okay, have you passed out before?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "yes but I had none of these symptoms and I was more stressed then than I am now." I say sighing. She nods.
D: "okay, well, this could be anything but I would like to take some blood tests just to check there isn't something bad going on." She says smiling. I nod and let her do it. I sigh.
C: "if you don't mind me asking what am I being tested for?" I ask her. She sighs.
D: "this could be anything from a bad virus to pneumonia. All though, hearing your symptoms they match to symptoms of blood cancer." She says sighing. I frown and shack my head.
C: "I'm sorry, cancer?" I ask her shocked. She nods.
D: "yes it could be leukaemia but we don't know anything until we get the results. It most likely won't be but we don't know. It's just a low possibility." She says smiling. I nod and she's finished up some check ups before sighing.
D: "okay so, this is serious so your results will be here tomorrow or the day after. When you come in to get them bring someone with you incase the news isn't good." She says nodding. I nod.
C: "yah okay, my boss wants to know if I'm good to work or not so can you like write me a letter or something?" I ask her. She sighs.
D: "take off until we get your results. Then we will go from there." She says smiling. I nod and thank her before leaving the office. I text KJ to meet me at the apartment because he was off work and Lili was still working.
KJ: "what's up bro?!" He shouts coming through the door. I smile.
C: "hey! Thanks for coming." I say smiling. He nods.
KJ: "sure! How are you after yesterday? Heard you like passed out?" He says sighing. I nod.
C: "yah. Well I went to the doctors today and she took a blood test. She thinks it could be a bad virus, pneumonia or leukaemia." I say sighing. He nods.
KJ: "yah leukaemia is like a really bad flu isn't it?" He asks me nodding. I shack head.
C: "no, it's a type of blood cancer." I say honestly. He raises his eyebrows shocked.
KJ: "sorry, blood cancer? As in the thing that kills people?" He asks me shocked. I nod and bite my lip. He gasps and sits down on the couch. I sit across from him.
C: "it might be, I'll know when I get my results back but she told me to tell someone and bring someone with me to get the results so I was hoping you would come with me?" I ask him. He nods.
KJ: "yah of course I will! How are you going to tell Lili? Or Dylan? Or your dad?" He asks me rubbing his face with his hands. I sigh.
C: "I'm waiting till after I get my results and then I'll think about that. So you can't tell anyone about this and you have to act okay? Even if I do have it I'm not telling everyone yet. Just act normal." I say sighing. He nods.
KJ: "yah of course." He says shooting me a smile. I nod and smile back. We chat until Lili comes home and we act normal, I act normal. The next day I get told my results are back so I call KJ and we go. We had just arrived and my heart was beating out of my chest. He sighs.
KJ: "how are you feeling?" He asks me as I park the car. I shrug.
C: "I'm fine! What ever happens, happens. I have no control over the situation." I say nodding even though I was petrified. He nods.
KJ: "I you think it will be good or bad?" He asks me as we walk in. I sigh.
C: "bad." I say gulping he nods.
KJ: "you know I love you bro right?" He asks me. I sigh.
C: "don't get all sentimental on me yet, wait till we get the news but I love you too, as a brother." I say winking at him. He laughs and rolls his eyes. We wait 10 minutes before we are called back into the room. She sighs.
D: "so, I'm not going to do a whole speech before telling you the results. So we tested your for leukaemia and I'm so sorry but the results come back positive." She says sighing. I nod. KJ gaps. Everything seemed to go fuzzy and quiet. All of a sudden I snap out of it. The doctor sighs.
D: "we need to run more tests to know more and talk about medications but for now I'm going to tell you, speak to your boss, your not going to be able to keep this routine of yours up for a long time." She says sighing. I nod. The only other thing I hear is a 65% survival rate but apart for that I'm zoned out. I don't even remember going back to the car. KJ sighs.
KJ: "are you okay?" He asks me sadly. I nod.
C: "yah I'm fine." I say nodding. He sighs.
KJ: "your going to be okay. You know that right?" He asks me. I nod.
C: "of course." I say shooting him a fake smile before looking out the window. He drives back to the apartment and he sits down when we got in.
KJ: "when are you telling Lili?" He asks me sighing. I just shrug.
C: "probably not for another while." I say sighing. He nods.
Over the next week I break the news to Roberto, my dad, Dylan and Skeet accidentally found out. I went for a scan and found out it was stage 2 which is bad but not spread. I had got a letter about my medication and I left it on my nightstand. I was sitting on the couch thinking about everything.
Lili's POV
I come out of the bed room angrily after having found the letter.
L: "believe it or believe it not, I wasn't snooping but I saw a letter on your nightstand." I says angrily. He looks petrified.
L: "from the hospital, to you, about chemotherapy?!" I shouts angrily. He puts his face in his hands. I sighs.
L: "why haven't you told me?! When were you going to tell me or were you just waiting till you had to tell me?!" I shouts. He sighs, as his eyes fill with tears.
C: "please stop shouting. My heads really sore and that isn't helping." He whispers not looking at me. I sigh.
L: "Leukaemia? Why haven't you told me you have cancer?!" I  yell at him. He sighs and stands up.
C: "because I was scared!" He yells back. I frown and look at him, my own eyes filling with tears.
C: "because if I tell you it's real! If I tell you it's real and there's a 35% chance that I might not be here in 5 years!" He yells finally snapping. I sigh and set the letter down.
C: "seeing KJ's face and Rob's and Skeet, dads, god and Dylan's." He say falling down onto the couch. I sigh.
C: "you have every right to be mad, and I understand if you want to leave before it gets too hard but please don't yell or slam doors." He say softly. I let out a shaky breath.
L: "oh baby." I whisper going over beside him. I rub his back.
L: "I'm so so sorry." I whispers through my own tears. He just shrugs. I bring his head into my shoulder. He sighs.
C: "I can't do it anymore. I can't be positive for everyone, or strong." He whispers, as my shoulder gets wet with tears. I sniff.
L: "you have to be though, your Cole Sprouse, you have to be strong, for you." I whisper kissing his head. He sinks into me. I sigh and run my hands through his hair. We just sit there for a while. He sighs.
C: "Dylan was nearly sick when I told him, dad just hung up." He says, his voice muffled in my shoulder. I sigh.
L: "how long have you known?" I ask him softly.
C: "I went to the doctors the day after I passed out and she said it could be leukaemia so she took a blood test, then the day after that I got my blood tests back and it come back positive. Then I was moved to the cancer ward in the hospital and I got scans and more testes done. I have stage 2 leukaemia which is bad but it hasn't spread. That was last Wednesday and it's Friday now so it's just been a week." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "who knows?" I ask him.
C: "the doctor told me to tell someone after my first appointment so I told KJ that day after I got home, we went to the doctors and he was there when I was told. That next day I told Rob. Skeet accidentally heard and I told my dad and Dylan." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "why didn't you tell me?" I ask him caller this time. He sighs.
C: "telling my dad and Dylan was one thing just part of this nightmare but I knew when I told you it was actually real, like it was really happening. Telling you was admitting to it and I wasn't ready to do that. I'm sorry" He whispers sadly. I sigh.
L: "it's okay baby, it's okay." I whisper back. I kiss his head.
L: "I love you." I whisper softly. I feel him smile against my shoulder.
C: "I love you too." He whispers kissing my shoulder. I smile and pull away from him.
L: "do you wanna go lie in bed and watch a movie?" I ask him. He nods and we go to the room. We watch a movie and order in some dinner. During our 3rd movie Cole falls asleep with his arms wrapped around my waist. I smile and kiss his cheek before throwing the blanket over us and cuddling into his chest. I smile and fall asleep myself. The next thing I know is waking up to my alarm ringing. I groan and turn around, hitting the stop button. I turn back over to see Cole already lying awake, he was staring at the roof, I knew he was thinking. I smile.
L: "what are you thinking about?" I ask him softly. He glanced at me before sighing.
C: "the fact that I'm living with cancer, and I have been for who knows how long. It's slowly killing me." He says shrugging. I sigh and swallow back my tears.
L: "do you want a cuddle?" I ask him. He nods so I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me. He sighs.
C: "your supposed to be cuddling me." He says sighing. I giggle.
L: "sorry." I say moving and wrapping my arms around him. He lies his head on my chest and sighs in relaxation. I put my hand on his back and one in his hair. He lays his hands on my stomach and one grips my sweatshirt. I smile and kiss his head.
C: "I love you." He whispers kissing my neck. I smile.
L: "I love you too." I whisper back. We lie like that for a while, not saying anything just being with each other. Cole sighs.
C: "robs bringing in a backup Jughead." He says softly. I frown.
L: "what?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "he's bringing in a second jug for when I'm too sick to work, I'll still be doing the voiceovers if I can but no more acting for a while." He says sadly. I sigh.
L: "the fans will be devastated, you must be devastated." I say softly.
C: "it's not even that. It's the fact that you'll fall in love with this man who's health and ripped and you'll leave me who's sick and after chemo will have no hair." He mumbles sadly. I gasp.
L: "no way! I'm not leaving you! I'm not kissing him either, Roberto can break bughead up until your back to work. That's not happening! I love you, even with this nightmare! I can promise you that!" I say seriously. He just shrugs.
C: "don't make any promises if your not 1000% sure you can keep." He mumbles sighing. I shack my head.
L: "well I am because I know I will, I love you, not your hair or your job, you." I say kissing his head. He nods and kisses my neck.
C: "I love you too." He whispers, his lips loving against my neck. I smile. We lie there for a couple before minutes before we get up and get breakfast. Neither of us had work till Monday but Cole wanted to tell everyone today so we were going on anyway. He sighs as we pull up.
C: "how will I even tell them? Like their my best friends." He stated sighing. I nod.
L: "I know but you'll be okay. They'll take it okay. They love you. You just have to tell them." I say sighing. He nods. We walk hand in hand to the lunch room where Roberto had gathered everyone. I squeeze Cole's hand before we go into the room. When we get in Cami looks at is confused.
Ca: "what are you two doing here? I thought you were off till next week?" She asks confused. Cole sighs.
C: "well yah but I have something I need to tell everyone." He says nervously. She nods and I sit beside her as Cole goes up beside Roberto. They whisper something among themselves before Cole speaks up.
C: "I know at this point you have all probably heard that I passed out at set, not the first time, but this time it just isn't as simple. I went to my doctors the day after because I had some symptoms that I wasn't sure about and I have been informed that I have Leukaemia, a type of blood cancer." He says sighing. Everyone gasps and cami grabs my hand. I look at her sadly nodding slightly. Her face softens. Cole continues.
C: "it's stage two which isn't amazing but not awful and I'll be starting chemotherapy soon." He says as he gulps. I shoot him a reassuring smile as he takes a deep breath.
C: "so, I'll obviously be taking time off work and I'll let rob go from there." He says smiling before stepping away and going straight outside. I sigh and squeeze Cami's hand. She smiles to me sadly.
Ca: "are you okay?" She asks me. I nod and bite my lip.
L: "yah, I know he isn't though." I say sadly. She nods. Roberto speaks up.
R: "okay so, we are introducing a new Jughead for when Cole can't work although if and when Cole is back he'll be back to Jughead. He'll still, if he can, be doing voice overs so that's good. Apart from that I think that's it unless you have any questions?" He says sighing. I nod.
L: "yah I do. Since Cole won't be acting as Jughead I'm not kissing the new actor." I say seriously. He sighs:
R: "Lili it's just acting, you have to." He says sighing. I shack my head.
L: "no I don't! I am not kissing another man whilst my boyfriend lies in a hospital bed with cancer! I'm not doing it so either break up Bughead or get a new Betty!" I shout storming out of the room. Cami calls me back but I just ignore her and go and look for Cole. I find him outside our trailer, sitting on the steps smoking.
L: "should you still do that?" I ask him. He just shrugs.
C: "don't come any closer, I don't want you inhaling this." He says sighing. I nod and take a step back. I sigh.
L: "why did you run out?" I ask him sitting down on the other steps at the bottom trailer door. He puffs out a cloud of smoke.
C: "why did you?" He asks me shrugging. I sigh.
L: "because Roberto was being heartless, you?" I ask him. He takes a breath of his cigarette before pinching it to put it out and throwing it in the bin just inside the trailer. He shrugs.
C: "don't want the pity, all of there faced dropped, like somebody had died." He says rolling his eyes. I sigh.
L: "don't say that." I say sadly. He scoffs.
C: "why because I might die? We are all going to die Lili. At some point we'll smile one least time, we'll laugh one last time and we won't know until it's too late. I could drop dead any minute, so could you, anyone could. We don't know when we are going to die and we take everything for granted. Like me, I took my acting and photography for granted. I never imagined I'd be told I can't do them, I never thought I'd be told that I'm being replaced and there a chance I might not make it to 40." He says shrugging. I could hear the pain in his voice.
C: "like 3 weeks ago we all took it for granted. I expected to see all my friends and get a phone call from my family, it never once occurred to me that it might not have happened. I expect to wake up to you each morning, when really I will never know. In the end we are all just going to die, wether it's naturally or by an illness or accident. It's just what happens. It's life." He says shrugging. I sniff, fighting back tears.
L: "why are you looking at it that way?" I ask him wiping a fallen tear. He sighs.
C: "because I have to be prepared for death Lil's. I don't know if I'm going to win or loose and I'm okay with that surprisingly. And I know it's going to be so f*cking hard because I've done research but in the end I either win or lose. And if I loose it's okay because I have had the best life I could ever wise for. Is there moments in life that I wish didn't happen? Of course there is and there's a lot of people I wish I would have hugged more but it's okay, because it's life." He says nodding. He looks down and bites his lip. I let out a sob and run over to him, leaping into his arms. He sighs and wraps his arms around me. I was on his lap, my face in his neck. He kisses my head.
C: "why are you crying baby?" He asks me softly. I sigh and let out a shaky breath.
L: "because I don't like the thought of losing you yet." I say sobbing. He chuckles.
C: "yet? When do you want to loose me?" He asks jokingly. I smack his back.
L: "you know what I mean." I say sniffing. He nods.
C: "I know." He says kissing my shoulder. He picks me up and we walk into the trailer. He sits on the couch, me still straddling his lap. He runs his hands through my hair. He kisses my head.
C: "I'm sorry I made you upset but you do have to know. There's a chance I won't make it and most do and there's more of a chance I will but there still is 35% I won't. And you need to be prepared, incase the worst happens, and I'm not saying you need to be okay with it you just have to come to terms with it." He whispers setting his forehead on my shoulder. I shack my head.
L: "no! I'm not coming too turns with it because I'm not losing you! If you go I go!" I sob gripping onto his jacket. He sighs and lifts his head of my shoulder.
C: "okay, stop thinking about it. I'm not going anywhere any time soon. Just breathe baby. Follow my breathing." He whispers kissing my head. He moves us so we are lying down and puts my head on his chest. I lay on top of him and his my face in his neck.
Cole's POV
I was rubbing Lili's back when she sighs.
L: "I don't want to lose you." She whispers looking up and me. I nod.
C: "I know baby, and I will try so hard so you don't okay?" I ask her rubbing my thumb across her cheek. She nods. I smile and kiss her. She sniffs.
L: "I'm sorry, I'm not the one who should be crying or scared." She says nuzzling her head back into my chest. I shack my head.
C: "no, you can be scared too. It's okay, your were there for me last night I know you will be all through out this and I'll be there for you too. Even if I can't actually hold you like this I'll try, just for you." I whisper kissing her head. She nods and plants a kiss on my neck. I smile and put my hand in her hair, twirling it around my finger. I smile.
C: "at least I'm the one losing my hair and not you, I would miss your golden locks a lot more than I would my own." I say chuckling. She giggles.
L: "I'll miss your though, I love running my hands through yours." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "are you still going to love me when I'm bald, like I might lose every hair on my body you know." I say smirking. She giggles.
L: "bald, hairless and toned. Don't mind if I do!" She says running her finger tip up my side. I chuckle.
C: "I love you." I say smiling. She looks up and me smiling. Her eyes still red form crying and her cheeks still damp. I take the sleeve of my jacket and pat her eyes, removing the access tears. She giggles.
L: "I love you too." She says smiling. I kiss her and we spend the next while cuddling until Cami, Mads, Casey, Van and KJ come in. Van sighs.
Va: "Cole we are so sorry!" She says smiling sadly. I just smile and shrug.
C: "it's good, it's out of our control and so far I'm okay. Is it going to be one of the worst experience of my life? Yes it probably is but as long as I have my best people with me I'll be okay." I say smiling. KJ frown.
KJ: "best people? What is that?" He asks me. I chuckle.
C: "well like you all, the rest of the cast, Lili, my family and my camera." I say nodding. Everyone laughs at my statement which causes me to smile. It was going to be one wild ride.

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