They Found Him!? Part 1

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(So this is a newer and hopefully better version of my first AU. I hope you like it 💜) (⚠️⚠️Some touchy and awful subjects ⚠️⚠️)
3rd Persons POV
L: "just go!" Lili yelled feeling annoyed and angry with her boyfriend. Cole sighs.
C: "Lil's please listen!" Cole tried to speak but she interrupted him.
L: "Cole! Just f*ck off! I don't want you here! GO!" She yells. Cole nods with tears rolling down his face, he grabs his coat and leaves their apartment heart broken. Whilst Lili was sitting in their apartment feeling just as heart broken. They were having a big argument. Cole had, the previous week, went out for drinks with Dylan. Dylan, being single for the night because he and his girlfriend had argued and split up, kissed a girl he met at the club to then regret it and get back with his girlfriend Barbara. A fan took a photo of the kiss but because it was dark everyone thought it was Cole. Lili had seen the photo that Cole didn't know about and questioned him. As Cole didn't have a clue, he denied it. Then it turned to them both heart broken and Cole walking the dark, cold streets of Vancouver.
Cole's POV
I knew I shouldn't have went out that night. I guess it was one night away from reality. Also clearly a night that's just broken hearts. It was Dylan who kissed her, I was sitting at the bar sipping my beer. Lili clearly didn't want to hear my opinion. I was walking down the side street, the one that led to KJ's apartment, to crash at his until morning. I had texted him already but got no reply so I'm just going there. I was on the creepiest, darkest and eeriest street in Vancouver when all of a sudden an arm sneaks round my face, covering my mouth and knocking me out. From then on, everything went black.
Lili's POV
I was sitting on the couch, crying my eyes out. It was late and I wished Cole was with me. The thought that he cheated on me made me sick. It was 10pm and my phone was ringing. It was Dylan. I sigh and pick it up.
L: "if your calling on behalf of Cole, I don't want to hear it! He kissed on her end off." I say annoyed. He sighs.
D: "Lili seriously! Listen to yourself! Was Cole wearing that outfit when we left? No he wasn't! It was me! I was making out with her whilst he sat at the bar! I promise you it was not him! He may be stupid sometimes but he's too smart to get rid of you!" He says trying to get it into my head. I sigh. He's right. He wasn't wearing a leather jacket when he left, he was wearing a hoodie and jeans. I sigh,
L: "he wasn't wearing that, couldn't be bothered to dress nice so he wore jeans and a hoodie! I told him to leave!" I say sobbing down the phone. He sighs.
D: "why are you talking to me then? If he's walking the streets of Van? He either in a coffee shop or at KJ's." He says wisely. I sighs.
L: "yah, bye." I say before hanging up the phone. I try calling Cole but he doesn't pick up. I keep ringing him until I give up after 20 calls. I phone KJ in hope he's there and just not answering my call. After a couple of rings he picks up.
KJ: "what's up Lil's?" He asks chuckling. I sigh.
L: "is Cole with you?" I ask no bothering to say hello. He chuckles.
KJ: "no, is lover boy not home yet? Probably at set." He sighs. I sigh.
L: "KJ! You don't understand! We had a huge argument and I told him to leave and now he isn't answering my calls and he isn't with you! Where could he be?" I ask nervously. He sighs.
KJ: "I don't know. He normal stays with me when you argue which has only been once. Unless he sat set, in the trailer. There's a bed and heating. Cami's filming late tonight so? Try here maybe?" He ask confused. I sigh.
L: "thanks! Let me know if he gets to yours! Bye!" I say before hanging up the phone. I automatically ring Cami hopping he's in our trailer. I ring her and she automatically picked up.
Ca: "heart breaker showed his true colours?" She asks knowing what happened. I sigh.
L: "it wasn't him, it was Dylan and now I don't know where he went because I didn't let him talk and I chucked him out. He isn't t with KJ and he isn't picking up the phone so please tell me he's at out trailer?" I ask hopefully. She sighs.
Ca: "nope, he's not there. It's still locked because I went by like a minute ago because I wanted to yell at him but it was all in dark and no one was there." She says confused. I sigh.
L: "where could he be?" I ask sadly. She sighs.
Ca: "I'm sure he'll come back, he can't go a day with talking with you. I have to film but keep me posted." She says sadly. I sigh.
L: "okay, bye." I say a little disappointed. I leave Cole a voice mail and hope to God that he's safe.
Cole's POV
All I remember is waking up in a room with grey walls. It was cold and smelt like smoke. I didn't mind the smell because I smoked but I was really freaked out. I was tied to a chair and had a gag in my mouth, my arms and legs were both tied. I tried to move my way out but nothing would work. I tried to help myself from having a panic attack but I knew it was no hope. Next thing I know is that I've passed out again. This time because of an attack.
I was rudely awoken by a bucket of water being chucked over my face. I try to gasp but couldn't. The person who took me walked over to me and takes out my gag. I cough and try to catch my breath.
?: "keep your mouth shut, the only reason that come off was so I could kiss you." She says before smashing her lips soon mine. I knew it was a girl because of the voice. She had a ski mask on and was wearing all black. I tried to move my head but she grabbed it harder. I didn't have the strength to fight back. She unclothed herself and me and carried on doing what ever she wanted. She just kept going, the longer she went, the more it hurt. After what felt like hours she finally left, throwing a blanket over me. She locked the door, leaving me sobbing, cold and feeling awful. I lay on the cold floor not having the strength to move my own body. Hours go past until someone else comes in. This time it was a man. He throw clothes at me.
??: "put them on!" He shouts. I slowly but surly put them on, afraid to touch myself, afraid of my own self. He watches my every move. After I put in the clothes, he punches me, a couple of times. When he stops I spit out the blood in my mouth and go to speak.
C: "why are you doing this?" I ask scared for the answer. He laughs, a creepy laugh.
??: "because, your mommy wanted to get revenge on your dad so you were out best bet." He says simply. I frown.
C: "Chrissy? She wouldn't do that!" I say shocked. He sighs.
??: "oh no not her, the one who birthed you." He says before slamming the door shut. I sigh, she was always a rude selfish person. She never cared, nor wanted us. I tired to wipe some blood off but nothing worked. Might I add, I was soaking wet too. I sat there back on the chair, cold, sore, wet and feeling really scared.
Lili's  POV
It was really late and still no sign of Cole, I was worried sick. I had tried everyone we knew in Vancouver and every hotel around. Nothing. It was like he shut the door and he was gone of the face of earth. There was no trace of him anywhere. He was gone because of me.
A week later
Still no sign of Cole, we told the police and they've been looking for him but still nothing. We have been trying to film scenes without him but everyone was just to side tracked. Nobody could concentrate, especially me. I haven't slept a whole night yet, only a couple of hours every night either waking up feeling lonely, sad and anxious or just not being able to sleep at all. The police have tried to track his phone but nothing was working, his location had been turned off and he wasn't answering our calls. The fans are starting to wonder where he is too but I can't tell them he's missing. Some of the cast are thinking the worst, that he's dead but I know he isn't, well I hope he isn't. I think some one has took him, so does Dylan. We've been trying to think about who or why someone would take him but nothing come up. I was currently sitting on FaceTime with Dylan, he was thinking about anyone who could of took him. He sighs.
D: "I don't know, nobody hated him, he hated no one!" He sighs feeling very frustrated. I sigh.
L: "know body from your child hood? Like from Disney or Big Daddy?" I ask hoping for an answer. He shacks his head.
D: "there's no... wait there's one person who's had it out for dad!" He says as he starts to move about his apartment. I frown.
L: "who? Why would they do something to Cole though? If they have something against your dad what does Cole have to do with it?" I ask nervously. He sighs.
D: "I her view, if your close to my dad your getting punished. He's been taunted before by her, we were 13 and we were talking with her on the phone. She's messed up. I've got the phone number!" He says bringing a smile to his face. I sigh.
L: "who is it? Who's number is it?!" I ask hoping we're finally getting an answer.
D: "our mother." He says scoffing. I frown.
L: "Chrissy? She wouldn't do that!" I say shocked. He sighs.
D: "not Chrissy! Our biological mother! She's had it out for dad but has never go to him so always went for Cole and I. I knew where she'll be! I don't exactly but she has a thing for storage units. She built like a room inside of one in LA when her and dad broke up. She a creepy woman." He says hunting around in drawers. I sigh.
L: "okay, I'll check all storage until places over here!" I say opening up google. He sighs.
D: "wait through, I'm flying over tonight and then we'll go together. If the last thing I do is find him, so be it." He says sadly. I sigh.
L: "how will we know which one is hers though? It's not like we can just open them all." I say nervously. He sighs.
D: "perks of being famous, we'll get a warrant. The police will have them opened and emptied one per day." He says tossing clothes into his suitcase. I sigh.
L: "go pack, I'll do research on places around here and let me know when you'll be here. I'll talk to the police too, hope they'll get us a warrant." I say hopefully. He nods.
D: "okay, keep me posted if anything else happens." He says before hanging up. I burst out into sobs, the thought of him being locked up in one of them scared the sh*t out of me. Cami comes running into my room, as she was staying with me because she didn't want me to be on my own. She hugs me and I cry into her shoulder. Its been so hard but she's been there for me, along with everyone else. She sighs and rubs my back, just like Cole did. She sighs.
Ca: "what's wrong?" She asks. I sigh.
L: "Dylan thinks their biological mother took Cole and is keeping him in a storage unit." I sob. She sighs and hugs me tighter. I continue to sob into her shoulder until I fall asleep.
Cole's POV
These last couple of days have been awful. The people who have me have been doing the same thing over and over again. They give me a glass of water each day and have let me wash myself with a bucket of water once. They beat me and r*pe me. It's a constant cycle of pain. They won't stop until I'm dead. All because of my mother. Lili probably still hates me. Everyone probably does. They don't let me talk anymore. I'm on silent mode.
One month later
Lili's POV
It's been more than a month and still no sign of Cole. Dylan is in Van and we have been searching all the storage units. Today we were looking at the last one. It was right beside Vancouver hospital and was very old.  There was over a hundred storage units. The police had a warrant. They were giving up, so was I. Today was our final chance to find him. Our only chance to save him. If he's alive he probably thinks I hate him. That thought makes me sick. We were sitting in silence, both super scared. There was a knock on the window. Both of us jump. I roll the window down. (Police officer = PO)
PO: "we've looked in all, of the, but 3. One of them is in the name M Wright, which I believe could possibly be where he is. If you two want to come, we're opening it, obviously, we're preparing for the worst. You don't have to come, we can let you know what's going on after it's opened but I'm sure if he's in here, you two would be the two people he'd want to see." He says shrugging. I sigh and look at Dylan. He nods. I sigh again,
L: "we'll come but do you think he's dead?" I ask holding back tears. He sighs.
PO: "I don't know, and we won't know until we find him. He could be here and he might not, we won't know until we check." He says unsure. We both nod and get out of the car. We slowly walk up to the unit. There were loads of officers and 4 paramedics standing at the side. All of the officers had guns. They slowly all started to get closer to the door and within seconds the door was opened and they all went running in. There was a make shift room inside it with 4 grey walls. The police barge a wall door and one of them yells for the paramedics and they there was a gunshot. I jump and grip Dylan's hand. He sighs.
L: "who did they just shoot?" I ask tears slipping down my face. He sighs.
D: "I don't know." He whispers. There was two more shots. I burst out into sobs and turn away, facing the lookers who can't mind their own business. Two more paramedics come running in and over to the unit. The officer we were talking to before comes running over, looking nervous, shocked and sad. He sighs.
PO: "he's in there." He says before I cut in.
L: "they found him?!" I ask in complete shock. He nods
PO: "yes, although he's unconscious. He's been stabbed. In the room with him is your mother, another woman and a man. We shot the three of them but aren't dead. She stabbed him when she saw us. He's not got clothes on him so we can see all his wounds. If you two want to go over to the hospital, their bringing him now." He says as he's carried past us on a stretcher. I swallow the lump in my throat and nod. I run to the car and as soon as I'm sitting down I start to sob. Dylan comes in.
D: "Lili you need to breathe." He says looking at me. I sigh.
L: "this is my fault, if I didn't kick him out, we'd be at set or at home. Safe." I say annoyed. He sighs.
D: "this is not your fault, it's our biological mothers. She's messed up. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. All we can do now is be there for him, this past month has been hell for him, I can't imagine how he feels. He's been hurt Lili, in ways no one should ever be. Let's face it. He might not let us touch him, he's lost all trust in humanity. It kills me at the thought of all this so I can't imagine how you feel but we need to be there for him. He needs us now." He says staring out the window. I nod and we start driving to the hospital. When we get there the Police officer was waiting at the front. He sighs.
PO: "their cleaning and stitching all his wounds. He's not awake yet but the doctors will let you know when he is. As for the kidnappers, they'll be arrested, taken to court. Hopefully Cole will be up to court but if not, we have enough proof." He says sadly. We both nod. We wait in the waiting room. An hour later the doctor comes back. (Doctor= DO)
DO: "okay so, Cole, he's awake, he isn't talking and freezes every time we touch him. He's been hurt badly, he'll need help, a lot of it. I'm not going to lie, he's been beaten and r*ped, more than once. He's got a stitched gash from the stabbing, couple of broken ribs, a gash of his head, he has internal bruising and a lot of cuts and bruises. We're keeping him in for a couple of days for observation. You can go and see him but be careful." He says smiling sadly. We both nod and shack his hand. Dylan sighs.
D: "go see him, i'll come over in a bit, give you two some time alone." He says smiling. I nod and walk into his room. When I get there, Cole was lying facing the wall, he was crying and his body was shacking. He was having a panic attack. I quickly go over to him, I squat across from him, not too close. He makes eye contact with me, I see the pain in his eyes. He tenses up and shuts his eyes closed, really tightly. I sigh.
L: "Cole baby, it's me and I promise you I'm not going to hurt you. I just need you to take some deep breathes. I'm not going to touch you until you give me permission okay?" I say gently. He takes a few shaky breathes and looks me in the eyes. After a couple of seconds he nods. I smile sadly and sit in the chair beside his bed. I sigh.
L: "I'm so sorry baby, I know you wouldn't do that, I know it was Dylan. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, that I didn't let you speak and that I told you to leave." I say tears slipping out of my eyes. He just shacks his head, his body still shacking. The door then knocks, making Cole jump. Dylan walks in. He sighs.
D: "hey baby bro." He whispers smiling. Cole shoots his head and looks at Dylan. You could see his body relaxing. He glares at Dylan like he normally does. Dylan sighs.
D: "yah, 15 minutes blah blah blah, I'm still physically older." Dylan chuckles, sitting on the other chair. He sighs.
D: "can I touch you?" Dylan asks in a soft gentle voice. Cole nods and Dylan grabs his hand. I stand up.
L: "I'm just going to let everyone know your okay." I say before walking out. I sit outside his room and let everyone know. He trusted Dylan but not me, that made me really sad.
Dylan's POV
After Lili left we just sat there in silence. Cole sighs.
C: "you can't let them in!" He whispers seriously. I nod.
D: "I won't but why? They won't hurt you." I say a little confused. He sighs.
C: "I don't trust them. I only trust you because you're too much of a perfectionist to give me a beaten. Anyone else give me about a month." He says before sighing. I nod.
D: "okay but you know Lili wouldn't hurt you, she loves you more than anyone." I say honestly. He sighs.
C: "she also holds the most power." He says before turning his back to me. I sigh.
D: "she wouldn't beat you, she loves you more than anything and she has nothing against you." I say softly. He sniffs.
C: "she might not beat me but she could r*pe me." He says annoyed. I sigh.
D: "she wouldn't, she couldn't." I say shocked he would even think that. He sighs and looks back over at me, his face covered in tears.
C: "yah and news flash Dyl! Your mother shouldn't stab you! Your uncle shouldn't beat you everyday for a month and your cousin shouldn't r*pe you! The people we know, or thought we knew really aren't who they act to be!" He says before turning back around and sobbing. I take a deep breathe and wipe a fallen tear. I go to touch him but he stops me.
C: "please don't touch me!" He says scared. I nod and leave the room. Lili looks at me confused.
L: "what's wrong?! Why have you left the room?!" She asks panicky. I sigh.
D: "it was family, blood family! Our own blood! Our mother, uncle and cousin! They did that to him!" I say annoyed. Our dad comes running around the corner. He sighs.
M: "where is he?! Where's Cole?!" He asks panicked. I sigh.
D: "it was them dad! Our mother, her sick brother and that little brat we call our cousin!" I say tears falling. He sighs and walks over to me. He hugs me and looks through the window to Cole. He sighs.
M: "we'll go get a coffee, if you want too, try to calm him down a little, he'll go into panic attacks if he doesn't." He whispers to Lili, she nods and we walk off. I explain everything to dad, everything I know.
Lili's POV
I gently walk into Cole's room. He was sobbing, uncontrollably. I sigh and walk over to him. I look at him.
L: "Cole baby please breathe." I whisper. He doesn't respond, all he can do is sob. I sigh, there was nothing I could do. I think for a second before hugging him. He tries to get out of my grip but I just hold him tighter. After about a minute of Cole fighting he finally gives up. He buries his face in my neck and sobs, clinging onto me like I was the only thing keeping him alive. I sigh.
L: "shh, baby your okay." I whisper through my own tears. Seeing him like this broke me.
C: "Lil's" he sobs, barely breathing. I swallow the lump in my throat.
L: "I'm right here baby, I'm not going anywhere. Just try and breathe. Nobodies going to hurt you." I whisper rubbing my hands through his hair. He takes slow, shaky breaths. After 10 minutes he calmed down a little. I rub his back.
L: "can I lie beside you baby?" I ask gently. He nods and moves over, trying not to hurt any wounds. I lie beside him, wrapping my arms around his frail, weak, boney body. He lays his head on my chest and grips onto me. I sigh.
L: "go to sleep baby, I'm not going anywhere." I whisper kissing his head. He nods and moves a little.
C: "I love you, I'm sorry." He whisper before closing his eyes. I smile sadly.
L: "you have nothing to be sorry for my love. I just want to make sure your okay. I love you too." I whisper before kissing his head. He snuggles into me and falls asleep, instantly regretting his decision.

Hey everyone, this is a re-write of my first story so I hope you all like it. Thank you for all the votes, comments and reads. It really means a lot. -G ❤️❤️

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