Just The Boy Best Friend

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(Cole and Lili are in high school. They have been best friends form they were babies. They have always went to school together and are really apart. Cole has a huge crush on Lili and has for ages but Lili doesn't know.)

Lili's POV
Cole is on our high schools ice hockey team. He was amazing at it but I always worry about him, it's a dangerous sport. I'm more into music and so is Cole but he loves his sports. His parents were currently out of town so he was staying home alone but he lived across the street from my house so it was good. I had just got done with school and was going to meet one of the other ice hockey players for a date.
Cole's POV
I was practicing on the ice until I saw Lili come in. I frown and skate over to the wall to talk to her.
C: "Lil? What are you doing here? I thought you were going to your grandparents house after school?" I ask her taking my helmet off. She sighs.
L: "I didn't know you were here." She says nervously. I nod.
C: "yah well, I got no homework, I thought my best friend was busy but I guess not or she lied to me and since mum and dad aren't home I have spare time. I just wanna get the practice in. Why are you here? Are you free? Do you wanna go get food?" I ask her. She looks down and gulps. One of my teammates comes running over. I don't personally like him, he was a jerk. Noah.
N: "Reinhart! You ready for our date?" He asks running over to her. I frown. Lili looks up at me sadly. I nod.
C: "right of course. You could have just told me instead of lying to my face. Have fun." I say shooting her a small, fake smile before putting my helmet back on and skating away. I grab a puck and forcefully slam it into the way. I'm not mad she's going on a date, okay maybe a little because of my crush on her but it's the fact she lied to me. I practice for a while more before changing and driving myself home. When I do I take a shower, wash my practice clothes and make myself from dinner. Just as I was about to sit down to eat a load screeching noice come from the washer. I frown and go in. I had broke it. I sigh and bag up my half washed clothes, going across the road to my second home. I knock on the door and Dan, Lili's dad opens it. He smiles.
D: "Cole? What's up?" He asks me smiling. I sigh.
C: "I was wondering if I could use your washer and dryer? I broke ours and I have practice tomorrow so they need washed. If not I can go somewhere else." I say smiling. He nods.
D: "sure come on in son. You know where it is." He says letting me in. I nod.
C: "thank you." I say nodding. He pats my back and walks into the rest of the house. I put my clothes in and just as I shut it Amy, Lili's mum comes over.
A: "Cole? Where's Lili? I thought she was spending the evening with you because your home alone?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "I am home alone but Lili isn't with me. She told me she was going to her grandparents after school but nope." I say sighing. She frowns.
A: "do you know where she is?" She asks me frowning. I sigh.
C: "maybe." I say shrugging. She sighs.
A: "I know you hate ratting her out but tell me?" She says seriously. I huff.
C: "she's on a date with Noah from the ice team again. She come by after school to meet him but she didn't know I was there. She lied to you and me." I say shrugging. She huffs.
A: "did you ask her to do something?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "yah well, I did like 3 days ago, there's a movie we have talked about going to see for ages so since I am alone I asked her if she wanted to go and she told me she couldn't because she was going to her grandparents house. Obviously not. It doesn't shock me, she's at dating age, I'm Just The Boy Best Friend, I can't hold her back" I say shrugging. She nods.
A: "okay well, thank you for telling me. I'll phone her. Let me know if you hear anything from her." She says smiling. I nod and shoot her a smile. I go back home and reheat my dinner, eating it before going back over and taking my clean clothes. I thank the Reinharts before going home. Just as I get in my phone starts to ring. I pick it up.
C: 'hello?'
L: 'hey, can you come pick me up?' She asks me. I sigh.
C: 'where?' I ask a little annoyed. She sighs.
L: 'the movie theatre.' She says softly. I nod.
C: 'I'll be there in 10, stay safe.' I say hanging up before grabbing my keys and phone. I drive to the theatre and pick her up. When she sees my car she comes over and hops in. I shoot her a small smile.
C: "did the jerk leave you hanging again or did he just not wanna give you a lift home?" I ask her. She sighs.
L: "he couldn't give me a lift home, thank you for giving me a lift. I'd be lost with out you." She says sighing. I just shrug.
L: "I didn't think you'd come, after well, everything." She says shrugging. I nod.
C: "yah well just because I'm angry and pi*sed at you doesn't mean I'm just going to leave you there. It's dangerous." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "I'm sorry." She says looking down a her hands. I nod.
C: "yah well, you should apologise to your parents too. Your mum is pi*sed." I say sighing. She frowns.
L: "did you tell her?!" She asks me shocked. I nod.
C: "yah, I had to. You can't go on a date with a person you don't know at all and not tell someone where you are. You know he's a prick, we all do. He's a complete jerk, I personally hate him. It's your like 17th date, you know how it works by now. You've annoyed a lot of people tonight." I say tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. She sighs.
L: "I don't want the lecture and you've been on dates too." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "I know, but only 3 and 2 technical because the 3rd one didn't even turn up! And you might not want the lecture but your getting it!" I say seriously. She huffs and rolls her eyes. I sigh and focus on driving. I bite my lip out of sadness and anger before shacking my head and clearing my throat. Lili sighs.
L: "look, I'm sorry I just-" She goes to say but I cut her off. I shack my head.
C: "no, don't bother. I don't want to hear it." I say sighing. She looks up at me.
L: "please?" She asks me sadly. I shack my head and look her in the eyes.
C: "no, not until you figure out if your going to keep choosing other boys over me. I'm done running around to you after every date, every heart break. I've watch boys like Noah break your heart for years and I'm done. I'm done. I hate doing this to you but it's hurting me more than it should and needs to." I say gulping. She frowns.
L: "what?" She asks me her voice cracking. I sigh and look down.
C: "I can't let you keep hurting me without even knowing it. I need you to figure out how you feel. I love you and not in the way we say it like we love each other as friends, I love you. I have for a very long time and every time you go on a date and end up crying to me a piece of my heart chips away each time. I can't keep doing it to myself. I don't want to but I need to. I'm sorry. Please only contact me if it's an emergency or you've made your mind up because I need to heal" I say my eyes filling with tears. A tear runs down her cheek. She just shacks her head and gets out of the car. Thankfully we were back at her house.
L: "I hate you!" She yells before slamming the door and running into her house. I sigh and pull up to my own house.
Lili's POV
I run straight from the car and go to my room. I jump on my bed and sob into my pillow. I hear my mum come running up stairs. She busts into my room and runs over to me, ripping me away from my pillow and pulls me into her shoulder. I sob into her shoulder for a while before calming myself down and sitting up. She sighs.
A: "hunny? What's wrong? What happened?" She asks rubbing my back. I sigh.
L: "I asked Cole to pick me up from my date and he was annoyed and angry at me. I understand why because I lied to him but then he gave me this lecture and I felt bad enough so I just give him attitude. I then hurt him and he got sad because he bits his lip and shook his head like he always does. I tried to apologise but he wouldn't let me and he then persisted to tell me to either choose between him or other boys and he told me that he loves me romantically and than I-i was hurting him when I was dating. He said he didn't want to make me choose but he had to and that I have to only contact him if it's an emergency or when I've made my decision. I then told him I hated him and ran out of car." I say sighing. She sighs.
A: "and do you hate him?" She asks me. I shack my head. She nods.
A: "and do you love him romantically?" She asks me, her eye brows raised. I shrug.
L: "I-I don't know, I don't know what to feel or, or who to go to." I say confused. She sighs.
A: "well, I'll leave you with this. Cole is your best friend, he's been with you in good times and bad and even through all you've put each other through he's never left. He's made you laugh harder than anyone else, to the point where you've had tears streaming down your face. He's made you smile, giggle, cringe and smirk. He's calmed you down when no one else could and he's always been a shoulder to cry on. He's held you nearly every time you've cried from you both were about 3. We all knew he loved you more than friends, and maybe you did too, he made it obvious. He has for years, he even told me. He'd do anything for you. I think this is the first time he's made you cry from sadness but I don't think it's because he's made you choose, I think it's because you afraid to loose him, aren't you?" She asks me softly. I nod and wipe my cheeks.
L: "I don't want to lose him, I can't loose him but I don't know how I feel." I say sadly. She nods.
A: "take some time, way out the pros and cons, I'll be downstairs if you need me." She says kissing my head before leaving my room. I sigh and lie back down on my bed. I stare at the photo I have of Cole and I on my desk. We were at a park, sitting against a tree. I don't know how I feel. I love him of course I do but as a brother or as a romantic feeling. I go to my dresser and put on his sweatshirt. He always kept on here for me to wear. He knew it helped with my anxiety. I just lay there, my head spinning. I fall into a deep sleep, not waking up till my alarm blurs into my ear.
Cole's POV
I go into my own house and lock it before going to my room. I just sit on my bed, I had hurt the person I love most, so much she hates me. She hates me. That thought ran through my head. She hated me. I just lay on my bed till I hear keys in our front door. I frown and wipe the tears off my cheeks, before running down stairs. I expected to see my parents but I saw Amy. I frown.
C: "Amy? What's wrong? Why are you here? How did you get in? I locked the door." I say confused. She sighs.
A: "I have a key. Your mum gave me it in case of an emergency before they left on the trip. And I'm here to check on you, Lili told me what happened." She says softly. I nod.
C: "yah d*ck move I know." I say sighing. I shack my head and look down. She sighs.
A: "it wasn't a d*ck move Cole, you couldn't keep you feelings in for much longer, we all knew it. You've loved her from you were about 8. That's a long time, nearly 10 years. She didn't know she was hurting you but you had to stop her at some point. You would have been ruining your future love life if you didn't." She says sighing. I just shrug.
C: "I don't really care about that right now." I mumble sighing. She nods.
A: "no of course not but you will in 3 or 4 years. Your 17! You'll be going to college or getting a job this time next year. You and Lili have been attached at the hip from the first day you met. She was just a week old and you were just over a month. I honestly don't think an argument will ruin that." She says shrugging. I scoff. 
C: "no it won't, we've had worse ones but what I said will. It's like going onto the ice to play without a helmet, destined to end terribly." I say sighing. She sighs.
A: "you won't know until she figures herself out. I have to go home home but call us if you need anything." She says shooting me a small smile before leaving. I sigh and lock the door. I go back upstairs and get into bed. I was so tired but I just couldn't sleep. My head was spinning. I don't get much sleep that night, too many thoughts, too many emotions. The next day I get up and drag myself to school, I didn't want to go but my parents would be mad if I didn't go. I wouldn't normal drive or walk with Lili but today it was just me. Every class I have is with Lili but she didn't turn up, it really doesn't shock me. After school, which seemed to drag on for years, I go to ice hockey practice. I get geared up and I got on the ice. I was standing with my friends and I didn't didn't have my helmet on yet which, thinking back was a terrible idea. Our coach was standing in the sidelines with other team members. Noah and one of his jerk friends come over.
N: "rumour has it you broke that Reinhart girls heart last night after our date. You confessed your undeniably love for her and then told her to choose over you, a nerd, or well and other hotter boys." He says smirking. I just roll my eyes and turn my back to him. He sighs and skates around in front of me. He sighs.
N: "your not so protective over her are you?" He asks me. I sigh.
C: "yah well you're not the best either, you left her alone after your date. Once again I had to go and pick up the pieces just like you did on the first date." I say shrugging. He shacks his head, an angry expression crept over his face. I knew one of my friends were videoing it, they always do when I get into fights, they find it entertaining. All of a sudden I feel a fist hit my cheek, I didn't flinch but instead I punched him back, harder.  Everyone around us gasps and the boys move back a little. Our coach notices and starts to come over but before he could Noah had picked his hockey stick up and hit me around the back of the head with it. I wince and stumble back. Our couch pushes Noah to the ice and comes over to me.
Co: "of the ice, now." He says putting his hand on the bump on my head and helping me off. He sits me down on the side lines.
Co: "what the hell?! Why?! What's the hell happened?!" He asks me angry. I sigh.
C: "he was being a d*ck, he punched me, I punched him back then he hit me around the head. The point is he broke team rules so he'll have to be suspended." I say smiling. Our coach shacks his head.
Co: "of course he will be, in face he might be told to leave fully but you need to be carful Cole! Your parents aren't home! Are you okay? Do you feel sick?" He asks me. I shack my head.
C: "no I feel good. I'm just happy I punched him, I've wanted to do that for years. Jerk." I say sighing. All my friends laugh and my coach sighs.
Co: "okay well, you can go to first aid than home. I'll drive you." He says sighing. I nod. I get changed before going to first aid. He didn't think I had a concussion but I have to take it easy for a couple of days and if I feel sick or not good I have to go to hospital. My coach drives me home and tells me to keep icing my head. I let my self in and grab some frozen peas form the freezer. I lay on the couch with the ice on my head. I turn on the TV and watch my favourite show. My phone started ringing and I quickly pick it up, hoping it was Lili but it wasn't, it was my mum. She was FaceTiming me. I smile and answer it.
C: 'hey mum! How's Brazil?' I ask her smiling. She looks worried.
CM: 'I'm good, it's great. How are you? Your coach phoned me. Are you okay? Who hurt you?' She asks me worried. I sigh.
C: 'I'm fine! It was Noah Clarke, he hit me around the back of the head with a hockey stick.' I say sighing. She winces.
CM: 'ouch! Did you go to hospital? Do you want us to come home?' She asks me. I shack my head.
C: 'no! Stay! I'm fine! And no we didn't. Everything's okay, I'm okay. No go eat dinner! That restaurant looks amazing by the way.' I say sighing. She nods.
CM: 'okay, well call us if you need us. We love you and we'll see you soon.' She says blowing me a kiss before hanging up. I sigh and lock my phone, throwing it too my feet. As the time goes on I start to feel not so great, I felt dizzy, nauseous and my head was really hurting. I knew it wasn't good and I needed to go to hospital, even though I hate them and they scare the cr*p out of me I knew I had to go. I grab my phone and dial Amy's number. I knew she's be home from work and she'll be able to drive me to hospital. She picks up her phone.
A: 'hey Cole! Everything okay? Why are you calling? Could the school not get me?' She asks worried. I sigh.
C: 'I- I'm at home. I got hit on the head- I don't feel go-' Is all I get out before everything goes black and I drop the the floor.
Amy's POV
When I heard Cole collapse I knew it wasn't good so I quickly grabbed my keys and ran over to his house. When I get in I see Cole on the floor having a seizure. I gasp and run over to him. I put my hand on the back of his head and phone the emergency services. An ambulance was 5 minutes away. About 2 minutes later Cole had stopped having a seizure but he was unconscious. With in the next couple of minutes the paramedics where here and had him strapped onto a stretcher, just as they were about lift him he started having another seizure. They make hike safe and we sit it out nervously. After about 10 minutes we get him in the ambulance and they drive him to hospital. I went in the ambulance with him and held his hand the whole way. He looked so pale. Cole was like a son to me. When we get to the hospital they take him back and tell me to call anyone who should know. Just as I was about to call his parents Lili started to call me.
L: 'mum? Where are you?' She asks me sighing. I gulp.
A: 'I'm at the hospital.' I say softly. She gulps.
L: 'what? Who's? Is dad okay? Is it you? Did you have an accident? Is it grandma or grandpa?' She asks worried. I sigh.
A: 'no we are all okay, it's Cole. He had a seizure, well two.' I say sighing. She gasps.
L: 'what?! Why?! What's? Is he okay? What happened? What hospital?!' She asks me worried. I sigh.
A: 'just the local one. Tell dad and he'll drive you too the hospital. Stay safe. I need to call his parents.' I say softly. She sighs.
L: 'yah okay, bye.' She says before hanging up. I sigh and call his parents. They were sleeping but thankfully picked up. They were really worried, in fact his mum started to cry. Cole was really close with his mum and this was their first holiday without Cole. They were trying to get a flight home. After a while and a phone call to his ice hockey coach Lili and Dan come through the door. Lili runs over to me. She was crying.
L: "where's Cole?! Is he okay?! What's happened?!" She asks me worried. I sigh.
A: "I don't know. I don't know anything else. He called me and just said that he got hit in the head before he dropped the phone and I guess started having his first seizure. I run over because I was worried about him and about 2 minutes later had had stopped having a seizure. I had called the emergency services and they were 5 minutes away. Just as they were about to take him away he started having a second one. They took him back when we got here and I don't know anymore. His coach is coming over to explain what happened to the doctors." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "I can't believe this." She mumbles before sitting down. I sigh and rub her back.
L: "if I wouldn't have been such a b*tch, he would have gotten to hospital a lot earlier and wouldn't be here!" She says annoyed. I sigh.
A: "this isn't your fault. It's who ever hit him around the head." I say sighing.
Co: "it was Noah. Noah hit him around the head." Cole's couch speaks up. We all look at him. Lili sighs.
L: "see it is my fault. If I didn't go on a date with that stupid boy Cole wouldn't be in hospital and I'd still be with my best friend." She says taking a deep breath. I sigh.
A: "it's not your fault. Lying to Cole wasn't a good thing but it is Noah's fault. It's all his fault." I say seriously. She just sighs and buries her face in her hands. I rub her back.
Co: "I'm going to speak to a doctor and let them know what happened. It was a hard it, he hit his with his hockey stick. The nurse said he didn't have a concussion but I guess it's worse than a concussion." He says sighing. I nod and he walks over to the nurse.
Lili's POV
I was so worried about Cole. I didn't know if I would see him again and the last words I said to him are 'I hate you'. We sit in the waiting room for another 2 hours before a doctor comes out.
Do: "anyone for Cole Sprouse?" He asks. We all junk up form are sets.
Do: "are you his parents?" He asks my parents. My mum sighs.
A: "no but we are very close to him and I brought him in." She says sighing. He nods.
Do: "are his parents here?" He asks frowning. My mum sighs.
A: "no but they are trying to get home. They are in Brazil." She says shrugging. He nods.
Do: "if you'd like to follow me. I'd rather speak to you all in a private room in stead of out here. It's a detailed situation." He says sighing. I grin my mums hand in fear. She nods and we walk into one of the private rooms. He sighs and sits down.
Do: "Cole's ice hockey coach explained that he was punched around the face and hit around the back of the head with a hockey stick. So, from being hit on the head it has caused him to have multiple seizures. When we got him we took him for scans. He was still unconscious. He went into a 3rd seizure and after feel into a coma. We don't know when he'll come out of it but for know he's been given rejection medication for the head trauma and it seems to be working so far. We don't know what's wrong yet but we are still running tests on him. You can go in and see him. Talk to him, he can't speak to you or see you but he can hear you. It might help him too. We don't know how long he'll be in it for. It could be days, weeks or months but there will get a point. If his isn't awake after about 4 weeks we will need to look more into his brain activity but so far we aren't extremely worried. Be quiet when your in there, no sudden movements or load actions.  You can go in two at a time or on your own but all three of you please don't go in. Because he is 17 someone can stay with him over night but that's not necessary as he isn't awake. He's on floor 2 room 88b." He says smiling. I nod. My dad sighs.
D: "thank you so much doctor." He says shacking his hand. The doctor nods before walking out of the room. My mum sighs and pulls me up with her.
L: "I don't want to go." I whisper gulping. She sighs and wraps her arms around me. I sigh and rest my head on her shoulder.
A: "I know your scared but you have to go and see him. He'd want you to. You may have been fighting but he still loves you, even if it's not in the same way you love him." She says gently. I nod. We walk to his room and just as we were about to go in I stopped. My dad looks at me sadly, rubbing my back and gently pushing me into the room. When I saw Cole my heard broke. He was attached to a bunch of machines and there were loads of wires coming out of him. I let out a quit sob, the tears I had once held in now freely falling. I shack my head before running out of the room. I couldn't do it. I couldn't look at him like that. I run back outside and sit on a bench taking deep breaths. My dad comes out and sits beside me.
D: "you okay?" He asks me. I just shrug. He sighs. We sit in silence for a while until my mum comes out. She sighs.
A: "visiting hours are over but I'm going to stay here tonight until his parents get in. They've got a flight and they should be here around 3 tomorrow. If you could bring me a bag of stuff I need that would be great." She says smiling. My dad nods. My mum looks at me and sighs.
A: "I know that's hard and nobody wants to do it but after everything I thought you'd at least hold his hand." She says shacking her head. I sigh and look down. My dead rubs my shoulder. I nod and walk to the car with my dad. We don't talk much more. I stay home when he drives to hospital. Whilst he's gone I go over to Cole's house. I unlock the door and go up to his room. I grab a pair of his sweatpants, a sweatshirt, a sweatshirt for tomorrow, the blanket that lays on his bed and I take his phone from downstairs. I lock up the house before going back home. I change into his clothes and curl up with the blanket. I put on his favourite movie and lie in bed. I'd never felt like this. I bury my hand in the sweatshirt and cry. I wanted to see him but I couldn't. I hear my dad come rushing up the stairs. He comes into my room and wraps his arms around me. I cry into his shoulder. After a while he sighs.
D: "how did you get Cole's stuff?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "I went to his house. I also have his phone." I mumble sighing. He chuckles.c
D: "and you said you didn't love him?" He asks me chuckling. I sigh.
L: "I do love him." I say sighing. He pulls away and looks at me seriously.
D: "what did you say?!" He asks me shocked. I sigh.
L: "I do love him." I repeat just as shocked. He sighs.
D: "as like a brother or a boyfriend?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "as a boyfriend." I say sighing. He smiles.
D: "thank the lord! It only took you 5 f*cking years!" He says happily. I giggle. We finish watching the movie together and them go to bed. The next morning we wake up and wait a while till visiting hours begin. When we get to the hospital Cole was getting a bunch of tests done so we could go to see him but I told my mum I had made my mind up and just as my dad was, she was extremely happy. When the nurses left Cole's doctor come over to us smiling. He sighs.
Do: "so! Surprisingly Cole has come out of his a coma! He's reacted well too all his medications so before we take him for more scans I'll let you go see him!" He says happily. We all smiles like little kids.
D: "thank you so much doctor!" He says happily. He doctor nods before walking away. We all happily walk to his room.
Cole's POV
When I woke up I felt awful. My head and body hurt. Doctors were rushed around me and unhooked me form a bunch of machines. One o former explains to me what happened. I couldn't remember any of it. After the left I just rest my eyes until I hear the door open. I open my eyes to see Amy and Dan. They smile.
A: "hey honey! How are you feeling?" She asks rubbing my arm. I sigh.
C: "my body hurts and my heads pounding but apart from that amazing." I say softly sighing. She laughs gently.
D: "do you remember anything that happened?" He asks me. I shack my head.
C: "no, all I remember is my coach dropping me home and that's it. I remember getting hit around the head and I remember Noah doing it but form going home on till I woke up not a thing." I say softly. I couldn't speak at normal volume because it hurt my throat but the doctor told me it would for a couple of minutes. She nods.
C: "are my parents coming home?" I ask them. They nod.
A: "yes, they are landing at about 2 so they should be here about 3. Your mum will be super happy your awake. She was nearly sick when I told her." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "doesn't shock me." I say chuckling. She nods.
A: "well, we'll go call them now." She says smiling. I nod. The walk out of the room. Within minutes another person walked into the room. I knew exactly who it was. Lili. I wanted to play with her so I slowly opened my eyes and look at her. She smiles softly.
L: "hey Cole." She says softly. I frown.
C: "how do you know my name?" I ask her, faking confusion. She frowns.
L: "what? It's me. It's Lili." She says confused. I sigh.
C: "I don't know you. I'm sorry, you might have the wrong person but I don't know anyone called Lili." I say sighing. She looks at me sadly.
L: "oh okay. Are you sure? I was your best friend from we were babies. You bound to remember something." She says sighing. I shack my head and hold back a laugh but it fails because I crack a smile. She frowns.
L: "what? Why are you smiling?" She asks me confused. I sigh.
C: "you are far to easy to fool." I say sighing. She frowns.
L: "what? So you do know who I am?!" She asks me. I nod.
C: "of course I do you dummy!" I say chuckling. She huffs and sits beside me on the chair.
L: "your a b*tch. I thought you didn't remember me." She says sighing. I chuckle.
C: "that was far too easy." I mumble sighing. She sighs.
L: "how are you feeling?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "pretty good seeing in the last 48 hours I've had 3 seizures. I'm just sore, everywhere." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "it sounds painful." She says sighing. I nod.
L: "Noah's being kicked out of school." She says sighing. I sigh.
C: "oh, I'm sorry." I say sighing. She frowns.
L: "why are you sorry? He's the one that put you here." She says confused. I sigh.
C: "I know but you and him sort of had a thing and I don't want to ruin that. He might have been a d*ck to me but he must have been nice to you if you went one two dates with him." I say sighing. She shacks her head.
L: "no, he is a d*ck. he always has been. I was just too in love with you and trying to cover that up to notice it." She says sighing. I frown.
C: "what did you just say?!" I and her shocked. She sighs.
L: "I figured out last night. I kept going on stupid dates with stupid people because I was trying to cover up my feelings for you and trick myself into thinking they weren't there." She says sighing. I frown.
C: "are you sure? Is this just because I nearly died or is it actually true because the last time we spoke you made it seemingly clear that you didn't like me." I say chuckling nervously. She sighs.
L: "I was just annoyed. I don't hate you, I never have. I love you and I think I have from you could love someone." She says sighing. She looks down. I sigh and grab her hands. I frown.
C: "you need to moisturise you hands, anyway that's beside the point. Well, I don't really have a point." I say sighing. She giggles and looks up at me. I sigh.
C: "I love you, but if you don't love me that's okay." I say rubbing my thumb across her hand. She sighs and stands up, leaning over to me and smashing her lips against mine. It takes me a minute to respond but when I do I kiss back and when I say it was the best kiss I ever had I wouldn't be lying, well it's only my second kiss but my first was nothing co pared to this. I smile and put my hand on her neck, pulling her closer. She smiles. After a while we pull away.
C: "well I guess that shuts me up." I says chuckling. She rolls her eyes.
L: "I should do that more often." She says giggling. I nod.
C: "you definitely sho-" I say before she cuts me off by kissing me. I chuckle. She pulls away sand sits back down. She laces our hands together.
L: "you know your still Just The Boy Best Friend right?" She asks me smirking. I nod.
C: "yah well, I thought that was clear when you kissed me but I know know." I say chuckling. She giggles.
L: "I love you." She says smiling. I sigh.
C: "I love you too gorgeous." I say back.

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