Our Love Story Would Save Us

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(Riverdale ended after 10 seasons but everyone is still in contact. Cole and Lili are married and have twins Jacob= 14 Hannah= 14)
3rd persons POV
Lili and Cole's marriage has been in the rocks, everyone knows it. They try, Cole more than Lili. It all started when they had a really bad argument, Lili was yelling whilst Cole watched and listened. The kids hate it. They never wanted their parents to slip but it wasn't in their control. Lili asked Cole to move out, which he did and he only comes to the house to see the kids as he's staying in an awful hotel.
Lilis POV
I was walking up stairs to leave some laundry in my room. I heard Hannah crying but Cole was with her so that's probably why. I stop walking and stand outside her door listening to their conversation.
H: "why does this happen?" She sobs. I hear Cole sigh.
C: "I don't know baby girl but I promise you, I'm trying so hard. I love your mum more than anything and you know that. There's only so much I can do because mum has to try too but I won't stop trying until I see the papers." He says softly. I look through the open crack in the door and see Hannah with her head on Cole's chest crying. Cole eyes were full of tears but he was being strong for her. I didn't notice Jacob until he spoke up.
J: "does mum not love you anymore?" He asks quietly. Cole sighs.
C: "honestly bud, I don't know. I don't even know how this started. It was one argument that blew it all up, and sadly it happens, with my parents it did. One thing for sure though is no matter how complicated this whole situation is and how ever it ends I will always be here for you two okay? Even if we do divorce, I'm still your dad." He says sadly. Jacob goes over to them and sits beside them. Cole wraps an arm around his shoulder and kisses him head.
J: "if you and mum do split up, will you find someone else like grandpa did?" He asks curiously. Cole shacks his head.
C: "no, whatever happens, wether we divorce or not, I will never not love your mum. She will be and was the first woman I loved and she'll be the last." He says. I let out a deep breathe and walk off to what used to be our room.
Cole's POV
It killed me only seeing the kids a couple of times every two weeks. It hurt. Jacob looks up at me.
J: "how are you so strong? I'm not the one getting the divorce and it makes me feel sick, physically and emotionally." He says honestly. I sigh.
C: "because, if I wasn't you two wouldn't be strong and as hard as this situation is on me and mum it's extremely hard one you two. It's completely different, for everyone and in some of our views not a nice change. It has already changed drastically, from the arguing, to me moving out and now everything. It will just keep changing and if we don't get back together it won't stop changing, your mom might start dating, maybe move on. Everything will change if this doesn't end well." I say sadly. He nods. Hannah sighs.
H: "I hate you not being here! It doesn't feel like home without you here! When your here it feels like home and then you have to go and it just feels like I'm living in a random persons house with my brother and mum! I just wish you were here!" She sobs as she puts her face in my neck. I sigh and rub her back.
C: "I know I'm not living here and maybe it doesn't feel like home but soon it will. It's just the effect of the change. And I'm always just a phone call away. I know I only see you a couple of times every other week but that's what a phones for. No matter the time or day if either of you need something or just want to talk I'll always be there. Just because I'm not living here doesn't mean I'm not there. Just pick up the phone." I say quietly. They both nod. Hannah slowly stops cry but I just hold them both, letting my last minutes with them tick by. Both of the kids had feel asleep beside me as I just sat enjoying their presence. I hear a knock on Hannah's door and Lili comes in.
L: "Jacob..." She starts but stops when she sees them asleep. She smiles.
L: "classic." She mumbles smiling. She sighs.
L: "I'm just gonna leave her cloths in." She says putting away Hannah's cloths. I nod.
C: "sure whatever Lils, sorry Lili." I say a little embarrassed. She doesn't respond so I just sit there. The silence was awkward, uncomfortable. We both had a lot to say but didn't say anything. I sigh.
C: "how are you?" I ask not looking at her. She smiles over to me.
L: "I'm great! I'm really good!" She says happily. I nod.
C: "great." I whisper disappointed.
C: "I'll carry Jacob in to his room then I'll go." I say before she walks out. She nodded in response. I gentle move Hannah off my chest and pick Jacob up. I carry him to his room and put him on his bed. He starts to wake up.
J: "dad? Where are you going?" He asks with his eyes still closed. I sigh.
C: "I have to go but I'll see you soon?" I ask sadly. He nods.
J: "okay, bye dad, I love you." He says smiling. I smile.
C: "I love you too bud so much." I say. I kiss his head before walking out, I walk back over to Hannah's room. I pick her up and put her into her bed. She fully woke up.
H: "do you have to go?" She asks sadly. I sigh.
C: "I'm sorry love but I do, I'll see you soon though." I say kissing her head. She nods.
H: "I love you dad." She says smiling. I smile.
C: "i love you too, so much." I say stroking her cheek.
C: "bye hunny." I whisper slowly leaving the room.
H: "bye dad." She says sadly. I slowly close her door and clear my throat. I walk back down stairs and grab my coat. I stop before leaving.
C: "I'm sorry to bother you Lili but have you seen my like old wallet? I used it to like save money in and stuff?" I ask her. She frowns.
L: "as in the grey one? The one you've saved money in and never touched from you were 15?" She asks confused. I nod.
C: "yah I just need some money to get some things sorted." I say quietly. She nods.
L: "okay, well I think it's in the cupboard with like the mail and stuff." She says confused.
C "thanks." I say shooting her a small smile before going over to the kitchen and getting the wallet. I quickly count what money I needed and put it back into the cupboard. I clear my throat.
C: "if the kids are ever going out or you need some extra money for them feel free to use that money. There's a couple of hundred bucks there so it should last a while." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "thanks."
C: "I sure you've probably got something planned but Dyl wants to go for dinner with the kids this week. I know your probably busy but it would just be for a couple hours. He misses seeing them. I'll talk to the kids about it closer to the time if your okay with it?" I ask her nervously. She frowns.
L: "Cole their your kids too, you don't need my permission to take them out." She says frowning. I nod.
C: "right yah sorry, we'll I'll let one of the kids know soon. Bye." I say walking to the door. I open it and go to step outside but I stop when I hear Hannah call me. She was running down the stairs. She come over to me and jumped into my arms. I wrap mine around her and kiss her head.
C: "what's wrong baby girl?" I ask nervously. She sighs.
H: "I just wanted one more hug before you go." She says, her voice being muffled as it was on my shoulder. I sigh.
C: "hunny I'll see you soon okay? Your uncle wants to see you and Jacob soon so we might go out for dinner with him one night, but if not I'll see you in two weeks." I say rubbing her back. She sighs.
H: "it's just so far away! I want to see you everyday! Your my dad!" She says crying again. She's been extremely emotional with this whole situation.
C: "baby I know it's a long time and I miss you and your brother every second of it but right now it just has to happen. When I get an apartment sorted out you both can see me more but right now, it just works like this." I say softly. She takes in a shack breathe.
H: "but why can't you just stay here? This house is big enough that you and mum don't have to share a bed. I need you here!" She sobs. I sigh.
C: "I can't stay here, your mum told me to go, so I have to go. If she doesn't want me here I can't be here. You have your mum and brother right here if you ever need someone and I'm only a phone call away okay?" I say my own tear slipping. Lili was standing there watching us but I didn't care.
H: "I....but......we...." She tries to talk but can't because of the sobs. I sigh.
C: "just focus on breathing, you can talk when your calm. I'm not going anywhere until your calm okay? Just take long deep breaths. In and out." I say calmly. I slowly sit down, leaning on the wall with her in my lap. I look at Lili.
C: "could you get her a glass of water?" I ask her. She slowly nods and walks into the kitchen. After a minute or two Hannah was calmer and her breathing was some what normal. Lili brought the water over.
L: "there you go." She says quietly. I take the water from her but as I do our hands quickly brush past each other. This was the first time we had touched each other I'm ages. I smile and move my hand away feeling slightly awkward.
C: "hunny can you take a drink?" I ask Hannah. She nods and takes the cup from me. She takes a sip and a couple more deep breaths. I rub her back.
C: "you okay?" I ask calmly. She slowly nods and lays her head on my chest.
H: "can you stay with me until I'm asleep?" She asks quietly. I look up at Lili and she nods.
C: "yah I will but then I'll go home but I'll text you in the morning?" I ask her quietly. She nods and cuddles into me. I wrap my arms around her. Lili slowly sits down across from us and we just sits there. After about 20 minutes Hannah was fast asleep.
C: "I'm gonna go lay her down." I whisper to Lili. She nods. I carry Hannah up and place her into her bed. I kiss her head and close her door. I sigh and run back down stairs. I grab my stuff and sigh.
C: "get her to text me in the morning when she's awake. If she's up during the night call. I'll see yah soon." I say walking out. Lili sighs.
L: "Cole!" She says making me stop in my tracks.
L: "thank you." She says seriously. I nod.
C: "that's what I'm here for." I say smiling. I close the house door and sigh. I drive back to the hotel I was staying at and go back into my room. I take a shower and flop onto my bed. I was so worried about the kids. They always were used to me and Lili together not apart. I was sitting on the bed watching Netflix when my phone rang, it was Lili. I quickly picked it up.
C: "hey is everything okay? Are the kids okay?" I ask nervously. She sighs.
L: "hey, yah their both fine. Hannah's still asleep and Jacob is asleep beside her, he said he wanted to be there in case she woke up." She says happily. I sigh in relief.
C: "that's good, so what's up?" I ask confused. She sighs.
L: "I was just wondering if you could come over tomorrow when the kids are in school? I just want to talk over some stuff." She says curiously. I nod even though she can't see me.
C: "yah sure, what time do want me round?" I ask a little confused.
L: "just when ever, I'm not doing anything so any time suits. I just want to go over some stuff about the divorce." She says calmly. That was like a stab to the heart, the little hope I had was gone. I sigh.
C: "sure yah I'll be there at 2." I say disappointed.
L: "great! I'll see you at 2." She says happily. I sigh.
C: "I'll see you at 2." I say hanging up. I throw my phone across the room and start sobbing. It had been such a stressful time and my anxiety was sky high. After I had calmed down I just go to sleep, dreading what tomorrow brings.
Lilis POV
I don't know what to do, I'm different, Cole's different. It's not that I don't love him, I do I just have lost a bit of love for him. It was after that argument, neither of us did anything it was just bottled up anger. I yelled at him and he just sat and watched. After I phoned Cole I sat on the couch and planned what I was going to say. It was 10 and there was a knock on the door. I slowly walk over to it and answered it. There stood the one and only KJ Apa. I laugh.
L: "oh my god, KJ hi." I say shocked. He chuckles.
KJ: "hey Lili!" He says happily. I move in for him to come into the house and he does. He sighs.
KJ: "I'm sorry to drop by all of a sudden, I'm over for a couple of weeks to see everyone so hopefully we can do like a meet up. Anyway where's Cole?" He says confused. I sigh.
L: "yah that's would be great! I haven't seen the girls in ages." I say avoiding his question. He frowns.
KJ: "is everything okay?" He asks nervously. I nod and smile but then I hear one of the kids come down stairs. It was Jacob. KJ laughs.
KJ: "hey Jacob! You've grown up!" He says happily. Jacob shrugs.
J: "yah people change, don't they mum." He says rudely. I frown.
L: "Jacob leave it." I say seriously. He shrugs and goes into the kitchen. KJ frowns.
KJ: "he's probably just tired! Sorry to bother you again but I was wondering if I could stay tonight? Only if it's okay with you and Cole of course!" He asks nervously. I open my mouth to say something but Jacob comes back.
J: "no you can't stay." He says annoyed. I frown.
L: "and why can't he? We have plenty of space." I say getting annoyed with his attitude. He sighs.
J: "well if KJ can stay why can't dad? KJ is in no way important to me but dad is! If KJ stays, dad comes home." He says a tear rolling down his cheek. KJ chuckles.
KJ: "have I missed something?" He asks confused. Jacob laughs.
J: "yah just a bit, mum and dad had an argument, well mum was yelling at dad and then she told him to leave. Dads at a hotel whilst mother here lives her best life. We only get to see dad a couple of times every two weeks and their getting a divorce!" He says to KJ. He frowns.
KJ: "god I'm so sorry!" He says sympathetically. I sigh.
L: "boy you know a divorce is for the best!" I say honestly. He chuckles.
J: "your not even sad! Have you looked at dad? He's a walking twig! You can see his ribs for heavens sake! He's probably in some cheap hotel with nothing going for him! The only time me and Hannah smile is when he's here! This has broke the family but it will kill dad." He says before running back up stairs. I let out a shaky breathe before turning round to KJ. He sighs.
KJ: "I'm gonna go." He says quietly. I sigh.
L: "no it's good, you can stay. He's probably just tired." I say giggling. He sighs.
KJ: "he isn't tired, he's heart broken. You have stuff to sort out with the people who love you most. I'll get a hotel. I'll also call Cole, if he isn't eating he's not good. I thought you out of all people would know that." He says before closing the door behind him. I sigh and swallow the lump in my throat. I turn off everything and go upstairs. When i pass Hannah's room I see the kids cuddled together. Hannah had her head rested on Jacobs shoulder and he had his arm around her waist. I close the door and walk into my bedroom. I miss Cole, I miss his kisses and how he always held me even when we were arguing. I don't want to divorce, I don't want to kill him but it's for the best, right? I get ready for bed, putting on one of his hoodies he left in the house and start crying. I hug his pillow, that still smelt like him.
When I got booked into a hotel, I rang Cole. After a couple of tries he pick up.
C: "hey!" He says happily but I knew it was fake. I wanted to know if he would lie to me so I pretended to not know anything.
KJ: "hey bro! Just thought I would check up on you all! I'm in town, hoping the cast could do like a meet up or something." I say also faking my happiness. He sighs.
C: "that would be great! We should meet up!" He says. I hear a loud scream in the background. I frown.
KJ: "Cole? Where are you?" I ask him worried. He chuckles.
C: "im at home, me and Lili are just watching a horror movie." He says trying to believe himself. I sigh.
KJ: "Cole I'm not stupid, I've been to your house, I know you'r getting a divorce and that your not eating." I say seriously. He sighs.
C: "I'm fine seriously, it's probably just someone being stupid in the room next to mine." He says chuckling. I sigh.
KJ: "Cole, don't lie to me! Jacobs heart broken so I can't imagine how you feel." I say sadly. He sighs.
C: "I feel like my life is falling apart! Is that what you want to hear? That I feel like the kids are the only thing keeping me alive! Tonight, Hannah was sobbing! Clearly Jacob was too! What am I supposed to do? I'm trying so hard to keep my head above water! I'm trying to be hopeful for the kids but I'm not getting anything in return! Lili isn't trying and right now I need her." He says chuckling sadly. I sigh.
KJ: "Cole, you can do it! Your so strong!" I say hopefully. He scoffs.
C: "the love of my life wants a divorce, my kids are on the verge of mental breakdowns, I'm falling apart mentally, my business is falling apart, I'm working my ass off and not getting paid, I only get to see the kids every other week, when I do they cry and cling to me like they'll never see me again. I'm living in a cheap hotel and out of a bag. I can't eat without feeling sick or vomiting. So now tell me I'm strong." He says clearly crying. I sigh.
KJ: "just talk to Lili, she wouldn't have married you if she didn't love you." I say hopefully. He sighs.
C: "there no point, I'm going over tomorrow and we're talking about the divorce, she'll probably give me the papers." He says depressed. I sigh.
KJ: "are you going to sign them?" I ask nervously. He sighs.
C: "she'll just hate me more if I don't so yah, I really don't want to but I have no choice. It's not even that I'm worried about that it's the kids, like what if she doesn't let me see them or they turn and start hating me? There've already got so much stress on their shoulders and it's just the beginning." He says sadly.
C: "I don't want one of them trying to do what I tried to do." He adds with a shaky breath. I sigh.
KJ: "is there anything else you can do to stop it from happening?" I ask unsure of his response. He sighs.
C: "I feel like I've done everything... wait there one more thing!" He says as he starts moving about. He sounds like he's looking for something. He sighs in relief.
C: "our wedding video, it has a separate tape that only Lili and I have watched. I made it before our wedding." He says chuckling. I frown.
KJ: "what is it?" I ask confused. He sighs.
C: "it's our love story." He says chuckling sadly. I'm even more confused.
KJ: "what?" I ask really confused. He sighs.
C: "I made a video, from fans videos or pictures, their versions of our love and their predictions for our future together. It's like all in one video." He says laughing. I sigh.
KJ: "how did she react when she watched it for the first time?" I ask remembering the old days. He sighs
C: "she cried, happy tears of course." He says laughing sadly.
C: "I have to save it Kage, all those years can't go to waste. I can't do that to the kids." He says sadly. I sigh.
KJ: "all you have to do is try, if it's meant to be be you'll make it out alive. I spend majority of the night talking with him.
The Next Day
Cole's POV
Today was my last chance to save my family. When it was time to leave I grabbed the tape and left. When I got to the house Lili opened the door. She smile and let me in. We go to the kitchen and sit at the table. I saw an envelope and a pen sitting on the table. I knew it was the divorce papers. She sighs.
L: "this isn't going to be easy for either of us, nor the kids but it's for the best. We've grown apart, we've yelled, I've yelled but it's not working. We have changed. We're not the same." She says sadly. I sigh.
C: "before we do anything, I want you to watch this. At the end, if you still want to do the unthinkable, as much as it kills me we can sign the papers and get a divorce." I say my eyes filling with tears. She nods. We go into the living room and I put the tape in. After about 30 minutes it was over and we were both in tears. She sighs.
L: "we aren't the same people Cole, we were young and stupidly in love back then!" She says pointing to the TV. I nod.
C: "we have changed, by looks but deep down we both know that we're still the same people. We've grown up sure! We're parents now of course we have but deep down we haven't. I know one thing for certain that my love for you has only grown, people thought I was in love back then, now I'm even more in love. These past months without you have been a living hell! I need you and the kids! So if there is anything that's the same in you, please show me it so we can save the one thing keeping me going!" I say letting the tears fall. She sighs.
L: "I don't know." She whispers wiping her cheeks. I nod and stop the tape. The front door opens so I quickly wipe my cheeks and blink back the tears. In walk Jacob and Hannah. When the kids see me they smile but frown.
J: "dad what are you doing here?" He asks whilst hugging me. I chuckle.
C: "I had to sort some stuff out with mum. Why are you kids home so early?" I ask kissing both their heads. Hannah sighs.
H: "our maths teacher was sick and the rest of our classes were maths so we just got sent home." She says giggling. I sigh.
C: "you guys are lucky! Only a half day in school!" I say chuckling. They nod.
C: "well how was the morning part of your days?" I ask smiling. They sigh.
J+H: "boring!" They both huff. I laugh.
C: "ahh you'll thank the awful school days when you both are amazing at your jobs!" I say honestly. They sigh.
H: "I hope so." She giggles. I smile.
C: "well I gotta go, I'm meeting your grandad, he wants to talk business." I say chuckle. They sigh and both hug me again. I nod.
C: "I'll call you guys later, Lili if you sign them and let me know when you want me to pick them up. I've tried but there's only so much I can do." I say sadly. She sighs and nods. I walk out to the hall and put my jacket on. The kids and Lili follow me out. Lili was holding the divorce papers. I smile.
C: "I love you kids and I'll see you later." I say walking out the shout back and I slowly close the door.
Lilis POV
As I watch him close the door something clicks in me. I drop the divorce papers and run after him. When he hears me coming he turns around. I run up to him and kiss him. It takes him a minute but he kisses back. He sighs and pulls away.
C: "was that a goodbye kiss?" He asks confused. I giggle and shack my head.
L: "more like a you just saved a marriage kiss?" I say unsure. He chuckles and kisses me again. I put my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my waist. After a quick make out session he hugs me. His face was in my neck and mine was in his shoulder.
C: "I love you so much." He says kissing my neck. I giggle.
L: "I love you too."

Who knew our love story would save us.

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