How Did You Not Know?

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(This is all fake)
Coles POV
Riverdale had been on a 6 month break and it has been the worst 6 months yet. First of all on the last day of set Lili broke up with me. She didn't give me a reason she just done it. It will be awkward when she is at set but sure. Then KJ come to LA with me as I went to see Dylan, Barbara and my god son Ben. He's 5 and is the perfect mix of Dylan and Barbara. Dylan and Ben had come to pick KJ and I from the airport and on the way we got into a really bad car accident. Ben broke his foot and had a big gash in his head, KJ broke his nose, which was all as he got out pretty lucky. I broke my arm, broke some of my ribs and had a bad concussion. Dylan was the worse though. He broke his arm and has done something to his back. He is parallelised from the waist down but the doctors said with time and work he should be able to walk again. Poor Barbara was heart broken when she found out. It wasn't our fault though. It was a drunk driver. I remember Bens scream when the car hit us. It was one of the most heart breaking things Ive heard. Since the accident I have been keeping Ben. Barbara and Dylan have had to stay at hospital and will be for a long time. Me being Bens godfather I'm taking care of him. Since Dylan and Barbara have to stay at hospital I have to bring Ben to Vancouver with me. KJ has been helping me with Ben and personal stuff after Lili broke up with me. I haven't really had time to think about it because of everything but when I do it hurts like hell. KJ, Ben and I were on our flight. Ben was asleep, KJ was watching a movie and I was scrolling through my photos. I had loads of Lili and I. I start to breath quicker as from our breakup my anxiety attacks have come back. KJ takes my phone away from me and puts his hand on my shoulder.
KJ: "breathe and don't look at them, you've been through enough. Don't delete them if you don't want to but don't look at them, focus on Ben and helping Dylan with your twin powers. Also don't go on twitter or instagram as our accident is viral and everyone knows about Dylan." He whispers closing off my phone. I nod and sigh,
C: "this has been the worst 6 months of my life." I whisper rubbing my face with my hands. He rubs my back.
KJ: "I know but at least Dylan's fighting and everyone has your back, nobody is really pleased with Lili and Ben is okay. Also you two are staying with me so it will be like a lads night every night." He says trying to make me happy. I smile and nod. We sit in silence until Ben wakes up. He sighs and moves into my lap from his seat. I sighs and kiss his head.
C: "what's up bud?" I whisper as he cuddles into his chest. He looks up at me.
B: "I don't want daddy to not walk again, I want him to be able to play soccer and for him to chase me around the house when I don't want to go to bed. I want to see him smile again." He says sadly. I frown.
C: "oh buddy you will, he will smile again I promise and he will also walk. It might take some him but he will. You all will be back to playing soccer and him chasing you when you don't want to go to bed again. Okay?" I say stroking his cheek. He nods and leans his head on my shoulder. I grab my phone from KJ.
C: "well I need your help, I need you to pick a new background for my phone. Will you pick two pictures for me?" I ask, he nods and grabs my phone. He goes into settings and gets to wallpaper. He picks out a photo of KJ and I as my lock screen and one of Dylan, himself and I. When he's done he plays some games on my phone and watches a movie, he doesn't move off my knee but I was okay with it. After the flight we all went back to KJs place as that is were we were staying. KJ played with Ben whilst I unpacked our bags. When I was done I got a phone call from Barbara. I answered quickly.
C: "hey." I say sighing.
Ba: "hey Cole how's my baby?" She asks nervously. I laugh.
C: "Bens good, he slept most of the flight and is currently playing with KJ. How's Dylan? Any progress?" I ask sighing. She sighs.
Ba: "he's asleep but earlier he said he had feeling in his toes so hopefully that's something." She says sadly. I sigh.
C: "ahh it's better than nothing. Is he okay though, mentally?" I ask her. She breathes out.
Ba: "honestly I don't know. He isn't the normal talkative Dylan. He's very quiet. He really only sleeps, eats, watches videos of a Ben as a baby or just sits and stares. I haven't seen him smile from the morning of the accident or laugh. I just don't know what to do." She says sadly. I sigh,
C: "yah Ben on the flight said his missed seeing him smile. Okay well since Ben makes him happy, when he wakes up face time us. Hopefully we can make him smile. I guess just keep talking to him. He loves you too much not to talk back." I say hopeful. She sighs.
Ba: yah I hope so, well I gotta go, somebodies phoning Dylan but tell Ben I love him and I'll speak to him later." She says moving about.
C: "will do, give Dylan a hug from me bye." I say smiling. She sighs.
Ba: "yep, bye." She says hanging up. I sigh and walk back out to the boys in the living room. I smile when I see Ben and KJ sitting on the floor playing with his cars.
C: "hey buddy, I was talking to your mommy she says hi and that she loves you." I say sitting down beside him. He nods.
B: "is daddy okay?" He asks nervously. I smile.
C: "he is, he has feeling in his toes now so that's good." I say ruffling his hair. He nods and sighs.
B: "when can I talk to them?" He asks lining up the cars. I nod.
C: "daddy was taking a nap but when he wakes up they will face time us." I say smiling. He nods. I sigh.
C: "I'll be back in a sec bud." I whisper standing up. I walk to the kitchen and grab a glass of water. I sigh and sit on the counter letting the stress and pain hit in. I swallow back the lump in my throat when KJ comes in.
KJ: "what else did she tell yah?" He asks nervously. I sigh.
C: "he haven't smiled or laughed from the morning of the accident. All he does is sleep, eat, watch videos of Ben or sits and stares into space. He isn't as talkative either." I whisper sadly. He sighs.
KJ: "god." He whispers. I chuckle sadly.
C: "this is going to sound weird but my life is like a game of jenga. My life is the tower and Lili is the piece that holds it all together. She pulls out and my whole life comes tumbling down." I say wiping a fallen tear. He laughs.
KJ: "that is true." He says sadly. I sigh.
KJ: "you do know your allowed to cry." He says laughing. I roll my eyes.
C: "no I have to be strong for Ben. When Dylan's back and Ben is back with them I will let all my emotions out. I'll just keep them locked up like I always do. I'll let them out when I know everything is okay again. I just need to get through this season of shooting with her and get used to seeing her but secretly loving her. I would really love to know why she broke it off though. Did I do something? Did she cheat on me? Was she forced too? Was I not good enough? Did she not love me? Like she literally just said 'were over pack your stuff and leave' it was like one minute we were hopelessly in love and the next she broke up with with me. It's all so confusing. I'm tired because I have that many worries and questions floating through my head so I haven't been sleeping the full night. I'm not hungry. The panic attacks have got to the point were they hurt. Normally I vent all this crap to Dylan but I can't so your getting it sorry." I say wiping fallen tears. He sighs.
KJ: "it's okay, let it all out." He says sadly . I sigh.
C: "it's just so annoying ." I say seriously. He nods.
Lili's POV
Before our 6 months Riverdale break I broke up with Cole. I broke up with him because I felt myself falling out of love with him. I still love him but not just as much as I used too. During the break I have been at my parents house. I haven't been on any social media's and haven't been watching the news. I told my parents and sisters not to tell me anything either. I needed break mentally too which I also think is why I broke up with Cole. I really regret it but sure it's done now. I remember his face when I told him. It literally broke. My family knows they think I'm stupid for doing it. I personally agree. I was back in Vancouver for filming and was at set. I had just arrived and was walking to my trailer which used to be mine and Cole's. I was just outside it when Cole and his godson walked out. Cole didn't notice me until Ben did. He waved and Cole looks up confused. He sighs.
C: "come on bud let's go find KJ." He says walking faster. I stood there watching as they walked away. They were away from me but I could still hear them. Ben spoke up.
B: "why are you not talking to her, you love her?" He asks looking back at me. Cole sighs.
C: "because she hurt me and I don't think she loves me back." He says sadly. I sigh feeling guilty. Ben nods.
B: "you don't seem hurt? Not like daddy is?" He asks confused. Cole sighs.
C: "it's my feelings that are hurt so you can't see it and anyway I have to be strong for you, your mommy and daddy. If I'm strong it will help your daddy get better." He says happily. I don't hear Bens response but am left confused by what he said. What happened to Dylan? Why does Cole have to be strong for them? I sigh and go into my trailer. I notice that the self that Cole kept some of his stuff in was empty. I let a tear slip but quickly wiped it away when I heard my trailer door open. In walks Cami and Mads. I smile.
L: "hey guys, I haven't seen you in ages." I say happily they nod.
Ca: "why did you do it?" She asks sadly. I frown.
L: "do what?" I ask curiously. They sigh.
Ca: "breakup with Cole? He has had the worst time ever and he really needs some one he can talk to." She says sadly. I sigh.
L: "I needed a break! What has he been through that's so bad?" I say getting annoyed. They shack their heads.
Mad: "have you been living a rock? How have you not heard it was like all over the news?" She says shocked. I frown.
L: "I was taking a break from social media, what happened?" I ask nervously.
Ca: "they were in a really bad accident. Dylan is still in hospital. That's all I know." She says sadly. My heart drops.
Mads: "I'm going to see him now, just to check in and meet Ben." She says leaving the trailer. Cami nods and follows. I just follow feeling guilty and anxious. We had to walk around but we finally found him in KJs trailer. He was sitting with an asleep Ben on his knee shirtless. He looked really hot, his hair was messy and his face was more toned than it was 6 months ago. Honestly his whole body was toned. He had a better 6 pack than KJ honestly. KJ clears his throat and Cole looks up. He smiles when he sees us but it drops when he sees me. He sighs,
C: " Cami, mads, Lili." He says my name not impressed. I nod and the girls smile.
Ca: "hey mads and I were just coming to ask if you were all okay after the accident." She says walking in. He sighs.
C: "physically the three of us are okay, mentally maybe not. Dyl is the worst though." He says quietly as Ben starts shack and cry. He sighs and sits him trying to wake him up. Ben doesn't wake so Cole starts to talk to him.
C: "Ben buddy wake up!" He says loudly. Ben starts to move in his sleep but he then let out a loud scream. His eye bolt open and he stops screaming. He looks around the room and starts to sob. Cole sighs and brings him into a hug.
B: "it was I-'' he tries to talk but was cut off by a sob. Cole sighs.
C: "I know bud it's okay you don't have to say it. Your okay now, its just a dream." He says quietly.
B: "what about daddy?" He says quietly. Cole smiles.
C: "he's okay, he's with mommy in LA, remember you made him smile earlier." He says happily. Ben smiles and nods.
B: "can we go outside?" He asks quietly. Cole nods.
C: "we can." He says getting up. They walk outside and Cole sits on the steps with him.
KJ: "he'll be back in a second just he keeps getting nightmares from the crash." He says sadly. I nod. We wait in silence until Cole comes back in. When he sits back down Ben gets off his lap and grabs a blanket before going back onto it. He doesn't sleep but he just cuddles into Cole. He sighs and strokes his head.
Mads: "what injuries did you all have? Is Dylan okay?" She asks sitting across from him. He sighs.
C: "KJ broke his nose and that was all, Ben broke his foot and had a bad gash on his head, I broke some my my ribs, had a bad concussion and broke my arm. Dylan was the worst, he broke his arm and done something to his back. He is paralysed from waist below. He should be able to walk again but it will take time and effort." He says sadly. The girls sigh but I'm completely confused. I sigh.
L: "what happened?" I ask clueless. KJ laughs.
KJ: "how did you not know?" He says seriously. I sigh.
L: "I was taking a social media break." I say shrugging. Cole chuckles.
C: "that's not the only thing your were taking a break from." He mumbles laughing. KJ chuckles and high fives him. I look at him.
L: "seriously?" I ask him unimpressed. He sighs.
C: "okay what? Can I not have a joke? I have had the worst 6 months. You broke up with me for no reason, KJ knew I wouldn't be okay and actually cared so come to LA with me. We got into a horrific crash. I still remember his scream. My twin is in a different state paralysed. I have a 5 years old to watch. Ben hasn't slept a full night from it happened, neither have I. My anxiety is through the roof. My depression is coming back again. I have to be strong for everyone. I no longer have an apartment because you moved in with me but then you kicked me out of my apartment. I'm constantly afraid that he will hurt himself or something will happen with Dylan. I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown but have to hold it back because my family needs me. So you now stand there and tell me that I can't try and lighten up the mood a little in a really sh*tty time?"  He says annoyed. I sigh. He nods.
KJ: "why did you even do it?" He asks confused. Cole hums in agreement.
L: "I was doing like a whole break thing, I took a break from everything." I say honestly. Mads laughs.
Mads: "if you were taking a break you could have just told him it was a break not completely break up with him and kick him out of his own house." She says wisely. Cole huffs. I sigh.
C: "I'm not trying to be rude honestly but why are you here Lili? You found out what happened. What else do you want?" He says annoyed. I sigh.
L: "gee thanks." I say quietly. He scoffs.
C: "well huh? If it was you in my position where the one person you love the most had just dumped you and was standing in your trailer for no reason I think you would want the same." He says rolling his eyes. He always looks extremely hot when he does that. Honestly it turned me on a little. I nod and walk out. I go to my trailer and cry feeling sorry for myself.
When Lili left Cole sighs. Cami laughs.
Ca: "Cole do you know your shirtless, your hair is messy, you have a child on your lap and you rolled your eyes?" She says surprised. Cole laughs.
C: "yes Cami funny enough I do know." He says sarcastically. She sighs.
Ca: "right but all them things turn Lili on. She literally loves them." She says eye brows raised. Cole laughs.
C: "yes Cami, believe it or not but we were together for 4 years! And I was possibly doing some things on purpose. I rolled my eyes on purpose and messed my hair up but the other things where not on purpose." He says honestly. She smiles.
Ca: "any way, KJ watch out Cole could be beating your abs anytime now." She says nudging me. I yelp.
KJ: "no he will never win the Apa abs." I say proudly. He scoffs.
C: "the worst thing is you work to do that, I literally just didn't eat for what like two days because I didn't get a break and stress worked out. It didn't really take much." He says confused. I laugh.
Ca: "well what ever your doing keep doing it because Lili was practically drooling when she saw you." She says smiling. Mads laughs.
Mads: "she was definitely undressing you with her eyes." She says laughing. Ben speaks up
B: "uncle Coley, what does she mean?" He asks quietly. The girls burst out in laughter. Cole looks at me for help. I just shrug.
C: "em you'll know when your older okay?" He says peacefully. Ben hums in response and hops of his lap and starts to play with some toys. Cole smiles and looks at Mads.
C: "seriously?" He says laughing. She smiles.
Mads: "sorry I thought he was asleep." She says innocently. He laughs.
KJ: "can we go get lunch? I'm starving." I say as my stomach rumbles. They laugh.
C: "sure, Ben lunch time bud." He says getting up. Ben jumps up.
B: "okay but who are they?" He asks pointing to the girls. They smile.
Ca: "I'm cami." She say sweetly and Ben nods. Mads goes next.
Mads: "I'm Mads." She says kindly stroking his cheek. He nods and smiles.
B: "your Cheryl." He says happily. Mads smiles widely.
Mads: "yes I am! How did you know?" She says confused. Ben smiles.
B: "Coley showed me pictures because he said I'm too young to watch the show but when I'm older I can." He says sadly. I look at Cole and he shrugs. We go to the lunch room and pick what we want to eat.
Cole's POV
When I had got Ben his food I got my own. I noticed Lili and she looked like she had been crying. Nobody else would have noticed but after four years of a relationship I know how she is. I sigh and walk back over to our table everyone was already sitting down there.
C: "can one of you go over to her? She doesn't look like it but I know her, she's been crying so will one of you go ask if she's okay?" I ask pleading. KJ shacks his head.
KJ: "I'm not going, Cole you go! You love her and she loves you so boom." He says smiling. I shack my head.
C: "no way! I do love her but she doesn't love me because if she did she wouldn't have broken up with me. One of you girls go, she'll need to vent and it isn't period so if she uses that excuse she's lying it's not till the end of the month. If she's still alone tell her to come over too, it's not fair she's on her own." I say eating my food. Mads sighs and stands up. She walks over to Lili.
Mads POV
I walk over to Lili. She was sitting at a table alone. I pull a seat out from beside her and sit down. She looks at me confused.
L: "hey?" She says confused. I smile.
Mads: "hi, he is going to kill me for saying this but Cole wants to know if your okay? He said you've been crying and it to pull the period card as it isn't till the end of the month. So what's up?" I ask leaning my elbows on the table. She sighs.
L: "how does he know I've been crying?" She asks nervously. I sigh.
Mads: "Lili you two were together for 4 years, if you hadn't have broke up with him by the end of the year you probably would have been engaged. He knows you better than he knows himself." I say not realising I had just let slip one of Cole's biggest secrets. She looks at me surprised.
L: "he was going to propose?" She asks curiously. I sigh. 
Mads: "you weren't supposed to know but he was talking last month about doing it. He was looking at rings. He sent me loads of different photos. He didn't get round to actually buying one but he was going to in LA but then you broke up with his and yep." I say shrugging. She sighs.
L: "god I'm so stupid." She says rubbing her face. I sigh.
Mads: "no offence but you are. He loves you so much and he thinks you don't love him." I say sadly looking over at him. He was laughing with KJ.
L: "he doesn't look sad." She says sadly. I laugh.
Mads: "that's all a front. You weren't there after you told him you were over. He passed out. Also sort of punch a wall so if you go down them halls you'll see a fist mark." I say pointing down some halls. She sighs.
L: "shit." She says sadly. I nod.
Mads: "why were you crying Lili?" I ask sighing, she chuckles.
L: "I was just feeling sorry for myself. Feeling stupid. Feeling guilt. He's been through so much and he needed me the most. Whilst I was doing nothing with my life but being selfish. His twin might never walk again, he was in a bad accident, he's depressed, he is severely anxious. He's looking after a 5 year old whilst working. His payments weren't going in either so he might not be getting paid either. He's living with KJ. And I'm here living in his apartment, broke up with him because of social media. I am a stupid selfish person." She says playing with my food. I sigh.
Mads: "I'm giving you some hard love here but how about you get off your ass, go over and apologise, tell him you still love him, ask if he's okay, then hopefully he'll open up to you. That's obviously if you want to." I say calmly. She nods.
L: "yah I'll do it tomorrow." She says nodding. I smile.
Mads: "right well bring your food over come sit with us." I say getting up. She sighs.
L: "I can't what about Cole?" She says nervously. I sigh.
Mads: "he told me if you were still sitting alone to tell you to come over." I say shrugging. She smiles and grabs her stuff. We walk over to the table and sit down. Cole nods to us and carries on talking to Ben.
B: "why is she here?" He asks curiously. Cole sighs.
C: "don't call her she call her Lili and Lili is here because it isn't fair she has to sit on her own. The people round this table aren't just my friends they are also Lili's." He says cutting up his french fries. Ben nods and eats his food. Cole and KJ talk whilst the girls and I talk. For almost a moment I forgot that they were broken up but was reminded when I noticed that they didn't make eye contact at all.
The next day
Lili's POV
Today I was going to try and a make things right with Cole. I was nervous but also excited. I was walking past the green room when I heard sobs. I quietly walk in and see Cole sitting on the floor crying. I sigh and sit beside him. He sighs.
L: "I was going to ask why your in the green room crying but I think I already know the answer to that question." I say quietly. He chuckles.
C: "sorry, I just wasn't strong enough to hold it in anymore." He says wiping fallen tears from his cheeks. I sigh.
L: "I'm actually glad you didn't hold it in anymore, you would have made your self sick." I say playing with my fingers. He nods.
C: "I literally told KJ to watch Ben and run." He says laughing. I smile.
L: "Bens a Sprouse he'll be fine." I say taking his hand. He doesn't pull it away which is good. I sigh.
L: "I'm sorry for breaking up. I honestly don't know what I was thinking when I done it. I could have just told you I needed a break. You would have understood. It would have been long distance but it would have been better than breaking up." I say honestly. He hums in response.
C: "at least with you not coming to LA you didn't have to go through the accident. You were safe and at home." He says shrugging. I was about to respond but his phone rang. He sniffed and answered. He smiled.
C: "hey, how are you?" He says happily. He laughs.
C: "I'm glad your laughing and it isn't fake." He says smiling widely. He looks shocked.
C: "what?!" He says shocked. He smiles.
C: "wow." He says smiling. He laughs.
C: .where will you all stay though?" He asks nervously.
C: "okay!" He says happily. He scoffs.
C: "why though? I though you loved LA?" He asks curiously. He laughs.
C: "who knew you could be so soft? So you want me to tell Ben or surprise him?" He asks happily. He nods.
C: "I will tell him now then, right bye love you." He says before hanging up. He laughs.
L: "what's up?" I ask him curiously. He sighs.
C: "Dylan and Barbara are moving out to Vancouver, they want to be close to me and the physical therapy is better in Vancouver than LA. They got an apartment like really close to the hospital so they can stay in there instead of the hospital. I still have to keep Ben but we'll be able to see them more now." He says happily. I smile.
L: "that's amazing! When are they coming over?" I say rubbing his hand with my thumb. He sighs.
C: "not until next month but they are still coming." He says shrugging. I nod. He sighs.
C: "what are we doing?" He whispers looking at our hands. I shrug.
C: "we are ex's." He whispers looking at me. I shrug.
L: "I don't want to be." I whisper. He nods.
C: "me neither." He whispers back sadly. I sigh.
L: "we don't have to be?" I whisper nervously. He hums.
C: "why are we then?" He asks confused. I sigh.
L: "cause I was stupid." I whisper laughing lightly. He laughs. I lay my head on his shoulder, he sighs.
L: "I would love to kiss you right now." I whisper sadly. He sighs.
C: "same for me." He whispers back. I lift my head off his shoulder and kiss him. He automatically kisses back and we both smile into it. It was a slow, passionate and loving kiss. It was full of need, want and desire. When we pull away we rest our foreheads together.
C: "I guess we're not ex's anymore huh?" He whispers laughing. I giggle.
L: "I don't think so." I whisper back giggling. He smiles. We kiss again this time being with more want and desire than anything. We pull away.
C: "can we just forget about our breakup?" He asks looking into my eyes. I nod.
L: "yes please." I say before kissing him again. It was like we couldn't get enough of each other. I straddle his lap and lick his bottom lip for entrance. He gladly gives me it and we carry on making out. Cole laughs.
C: "I have f*cking missed you." He mumbles when we stop to catch our breaths. I laugh.
L: "me too baby me too." I whisper pecking his lips. He laughs.
C: "we should probably get up. We are currently sitting on the very cold floor of a very old room." He says looking around. I giggle.
L: "it's cold for you but not me." I say standing up. He laughs.
C: "yep, I also need to go check if Bens okay, he'll think I've vanished." He says laughing. I smile.
L: "he hasn't been able to leave you side then?" I ask gently. He hums.
C: "yah this is the longest I've been without him during the day." He says shrugging. I nod. We walk out of the room calmly but inside both of us are dying. We walked hand in hand back to the trailer. When we went to the trailer Ben was sitting on the sofa playing with a teddy bear. When he saw Cole he ran up to him.
B: "I thought you were gone!" He says hugging him. Cole laughs.
C: "I'm not going anywhere but I do have something to tell you." He says picking him up. His face lights up.
B: "whats up?" He asks excitedly. Cole smiles.
C: "well your mommy and daddy are coming here. Your daddy and mommy have bought an apartment beside the hospital. Your daddies treatment is better here so it will help him and he also misses you. You will still stay with me but you'll get to see them more often." He says smiling. He nods his head excitedly.
B: "when are they coming?" He asks nervously. He sighs.
C: "not until next month but when your daddy phoned me he was laughing which means he's happy again." He says happily. Ben yelps in excitement.
B: "daddies getting better." He says excitedly. Cole nods.
C: "he is bud." He says happily. Ben hugs Cole and snuggles into his neck. I remember when I met Ben for the first time. He was never this cuddly but I guess he just loves Cole. When we told everyone about us being back together they were so happy.
Cole's POV
I was so happy being back with Lili. It made everything feel okay again. Ben and I moved in with Lili as our apartment was bigger than KJ's. After a while Dylan and Barbara moved over to Vancouver. Dylan slowly got better and so did I. One year after the accident he was back to walking and chasing Ben around. The first day Dylan could walk again he proposed to Barbara so they will be getting married. I was currently sitting in a very quiet apartment. I sigh.
C: "this feels so weird." I whisper to Lili she nods.
L: "yah it is." She says sadly.
C: "this is the first time I have walked into this apartment with out him with me. He has been with me 24/7 everyday for at least a year and three months. Now he's back with Dylan and Barbara and this apartment is too quiet." I say sadly. She hums in response.
C: "we need to get a dog." I blurt out. She laughs.
L: "seriously?" She laughs, I nod.
C: "yah, I miss not having someone to play with and not having an extra person to look after. If we had a dog I would be able to do them things, so let's get a dog." I say seriously. She laughs.
L: "sure let's go for it." She says kissing me. I kiss back. The next day we were adopting a dog.

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