The Little Things That Make Me Love Him More

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So this story is a little different. The writing in BOLD is a thing the Cole does that makes Lili love him more each day and the writing in NORMAL font is an example. These are all from Lili's POV. Let me know if you would like one from Cole's POV. Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy! -G ❤️)

The way he always wakes me up
I was asleep until I felt soft kisses being placed one my face. I bite back a smile just so he can keep kissing me. He chuckles.
C: "I know your awake baby." He whispers between chuckles. I huff even though I'm smiling and turn over. He sighs and comes behind me, throwing his arm over my waist.
C: "you can't be mad at me. You have an hour to get ready." He whispers kissing down my neck and shoulder. I smile.
L: "an hour is plenty of time." I mumble. He sighs.
C: "will you have time to wash your hair? You said last night you were going to wash it." He mumbles against my skin. I nod.
L: "I suppose so." I say sighing. I turn to face him. He smiles.
C: "good morning beautiful." He says. I smile.
L: "good morning." I say back. I kiss him and sit up. He smiles and gets of the bed. He wakes me up with kisses every morning and I absolutely love it.

How he's always willing to help me get ready
I was getting ready to got to brunch with Cami and Mads. I was running a little late. Cole comes into the bathroom.
C: "you okay?" He asks me. I nod.
L: "yep I'm just running a little late. I still need to straighten my hair and do my makeup." I say sighing. He nods and grabs my clip splitting my hair. I frown.
L: "what are you doing?" I ask him frowning. He smiles.
C: "straightening your hair." He says before brushing my hair. I smile. This wasn't the first time he had done this. I look at him in the mirror. He was so concentrated. I smile and finish my makeup. By the time I was done he had finished my hair. He smiles and runs his hands through it before kissing my head. I smile.
L: "thank you." I say happily. He just smiles and winks. Thanks to him I was only a couple of minutes late.

How even on his busiest days he makes time to talk to me
Today was one of Cole's busiest days. He had a photo shoot this morning, he's at set till 7 and then he has an interview on set and he should definitely be home by 9. Sadly though, I have to be at set for 9 for a night shoot so we most likely won't see each other. I was still at home and Cole was at set. I was chilling on the couch when my phone rang. It was Cole. I smile.
C: 'hey baby, just thought I'd call to see how you are now I've got a minute.' He says sighing. I smile.
L: 'I'm good, yah I'm good. How was you shoot? What are you doing?' I ask him hearing a lot of background noise. He sighs.
C: 'Im getting changed between sets. I literally have like 3 minutes before I'm need back for a scene with the serpents anyway, it was good. Yah, the model ended up being sick at the set but thankfully the back up model was there. She vomited all over her costume. It was disgusting but she felt so bad. Anyway what have you been up to?' He asks me. I sigh.
L: 'nothing, I slept to 10, got ready, went out to get a coffee. I went on a walk and come back here. Nothing exciting.' I say sighing. He sighs.
C: 'oh okay, well I got to go. I need to get to set but I love you and if I don't see you later good luck with your scenes.' He says sighing. I nod.
L: 'okay and I love you too.' I smile smiling.
C: 'bye.' He says before handing up. I smile. He had literally 3 minutes and he called me. I giggle a little before getting on with my day.

He always gets me flowers
I was sitting in Cole and I's apartment watching TV alone. Cole was filming Five Feet Apart so I was alone in LA. It was late after noon and pouring down with rain. There was a knock at the door. I frown, I wasn't expecting anyone. I go over and answer it to see a box of flowers sitting at the door. The were my favourites. Sunflowers. I frown and pick them up bringing them into the apartment. I see a little note in them so I pull it out. It read:
I hope this brings a smile to your face. I miss you so much. I love you, Cole xx
I smile and smell the flowers. They were amazing. I send a text to Cole thanking him before putting them in some water. He was just adorable.

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