Grace Juliet Sprouse

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( Requested by 3333mc I hope you like it!-G❤️)

Cole's POV
Lili is pregnant and very emotional. Thankful she's passed morning sickness but she's hormonal and tired. She's 8 months pregnant so she's got a big baby bump. She was off work and I had just got home. I walk into our living room to see Lili lying on the couch with a face mask on and her favourite sad movie playing in the background. I sigh.
C: "hey gorgeous." I say softly. She tilts her head back to look at me and waves.
L: "hello. How was you day?" She asks sounding mad and upset. I sigh.
C: "it was busy and I missed my two favourite girls but what's up? You don't sound okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I say sitting at her feet and gently rubbing them. She sighs.
L: "you'r daughter keeps kicking me, I want a McDonald's, I want cuddles, I want to watch you as a child on friends but I can't find the remote, I'm tired and I'm sad and I want your cuddles." She says huffing. I sigh.
C: "okay well how about I order you some food from McDonald's and get it delivered, we go to bed and you can watch friends, I'll rub your belly to stop our daughter from kicking and we can cuddle?" I ask her. She nods.
L : "yes but you need to carry me to the room because I'm too tired to walk and order some ice cream too because we don't have any." She says peeling her face mask off. I nod and turn the TV off before carrying her to our bed. I order her food and dessert before hopping in bed beside her. She smiles and cuddles into my chest.
L: "take your clothes off." She says tapping my chest. I frown.
C: "baby I can't, your food will be here and I need to answer the door." I say brushing the hair out of her face. She sighs.
L: "well then just take your shirt off. You can put it back on before you answer the door. I just want to feel you." She says softly. I nod and pull my shirt off. She smiles and places her head on my chest and places her hands on my abs. I smile and kiss her head.
C: "what did you do today baby?" I ask rubbing her arm. She sighs.
L: "I got up and ate some breakfast, I took a bath, I got dressed then decided to change back into my pyjamas. Then I just cried, watched movies and ate." She says sighing. I sigh.
C: "why where you crying baby? Why were you sad?" I ask her sadly. She sighs.
L: "I missed you, your daughter was kicking me because she knew you weren't there, I was tired but I couldn't sleep without you, I was hungry but I didn't want my food I wanted McDonald's." She says hiding her face in my neck. I sigh.
C: "I'm sorry baby. Why didn't you call me?" I ask her rubbing my hand across her bump. She sighs.
L: "I don't want to disturb you because I know your working extra hard to get time off." She says sniffing. I sigh and kiss her head. She was crying.
C: "it's okay baby, you call me whenever okay? I don't care if I'm the business man alive, I will always have time for you two oaky?" I ask her. She nods.
L: "I'm sorry I only said she was your daughter. I know she's mine too and I'm sorry. I'm just in so much pain when she kicks and she was making me annoyed." She says between tears. I sigh.
C: "I'm sorry baby, is she still kicking?" I ask rubbing her belly. She shacks her head.
L: "no because she knows your here. She only kicks like that when your at work or she can't hear you. I swear she'll come out and never look at me again. She'll go straight to you." She says giggling. I chuckle.
C: "I will make sure that doesn't happen. She may be a daddies girl but she will love you just as much. You give her the gift of life. She better be very thankful, especially through all the pain she's put you through." I say chuckling. She nods and kisses my neck sweetly. I just hold her for a minute until the door knocks. I smile.
C: "your foods here." I whisper kissing her head before slipping out of her grip, throwing a shirt on and going to the door. I pay him before bringing our food to the room. I smile.
C: "here you go gorgeous!" I ask passing Lili her food. She smiles and tucks into her food. I sit beside her and watch as she devours the food, like she has never tasted it before. She frowns.
L: "why are you watching me? What have I done?" She asks as she tears up again. I sigh.
C: "oh no baby I'm sorry! I was just in awe of your beauty! You did nothing wrong!" I say kissing her head. She nods slowly before cuddling into my side and finishing her food. We spend the night cuddled up, together, Lili bursting into tears in random moments  but she was okay. We both were.
The Next Day
Lili's POV
Today Cole was off work and thank the lord because I was in such a bad mood. Everything was going wrong. This morning I spilt my drink, then I nearly slipped and fell, then I missed a FaceTime call from my aunt to see my goddaughter. It was all going wrong. I was in the bath trying to relax. I went to shave my legs but my bump was in the way causing me to let out a sob.
L: "Cole!" I shout between sobs. I head him coming. He opens the bathroom door.
C: "what's wrong baby? Are you okay?" He asks worried. I sigh.
L: "I can't shave my legs because I'm too big!" I say throwing my razors down and letting out sobs. I see Cole bite back a smile and a laugh. I sigh.
L: "don't laugh at me! It's your fault I'm in this situation! If you didn't have me pinned to that bed we wouldn't be here! I could be working! And not crying every 5 seconds!" I shout between sobs. He sighs and sits beside the bath, grabbing my razor and shaving my legs.
C: "it's okay. I'm so sorry for laughing. I won't do it again and I'm pretty sure it takes two to tango. You love our baby girl and you know it, just as much as I do. I know you miss working and everyone misses you but your carrying our baby. That's such an amazing thing that in less than a month we will be bathing our daughter. So even through the pain, the tears and the sweat I know you know it's worth it. Just relax, I'll take care of your legs." He says softly. I sigh.
L: "I know." I mumble between tears. He smiles sadly and rubs my knee whilst concentrating on shaving my legs.
C: "why are you wanting this done? I thought you were waiting till closer to your due date?" He asks confused. I sigh.
L: "I want to go on a walk wearing a dress but I can't with hairy legs." I say relaxed. He nods.
C: "you could, men do it." He says shrugging. I frown and look at him.
L: "what so men go on walks wearing dresses with hairy legs?" I ask him laughing. He chuckles.
C: "well some do but me personally, I don't although I'd say there is a strong number of men who would." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "you've wore a dress 4 times, I'd say you could be up for it."
C: "I wasn't in a healthy mindset when they happened." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "yah well, you were forced by Disney twice, you and KJ got drunk and dressed in Cami and I's clothes, including heels and the other time you were dared to wear a dress. I think you were probably drunk then too." I say laughing. He nods.
C: "I don't make the best decisions when I'm drunk but it's the perks of being young and now I'm setting into man stage, which hopefully won't contain dressing in my girlfriends clothes and getting drunk." He says laughing. I smile.
L: "are you going to miss being young?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "of course I will but I'd give it up anyway for our daughter and you." He says seriously.
C: "what about you?" He asks curiously. I sigh.
L: "a lot, in fact I could kill for a glass of wine now." I say resting my head back on the wall. He sighs.
C: "I'm sorry baby." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "you haven't punched a drink either?" I say confused. He nods.
C: "it's not fair if I can still drink and you can't. The day you told me you were pregnant I said 'we would do it all together', that included me not drinking. I have also cut down my cigarette intake." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "your the best." I say smiling. He nods. By the time he had finished doing my legs I had fallen asleep, feeling very relaxed. I feel Cole pick me up and wrap the towel around me. He dries me off before putting me in comfortable clothes and lying me in bed. He lies behind me and throws his arm around my waist, setting his hand on my stomach.
L: "that was good practice." I mumble sleepily. He chuckles.
C: "when did you wake up?" He asks confused. I sigh.
L: "I'm not awake, well I am but I'm asleep." I say before moving so my back was as close to his chest as possible. I was quit clingy. He smiles and kisses my cheek.
C: "I love you, so much." He whispers setting a pice of my hair out of my face and resting his head just behind mine. I smile. I was too tired to respond. I just grip his hand and hold it, falling into a deep sleep. I woke up a while later still being in that one position with Cole behind me. I smile and turn over to cuddle into him. I was cold even though I had the blackest over me. Cole wraps his arms around me in his sleep and nuzzles his face in my hair. I smile and close my eyes again. I don't wake up for hours again.
1 Week Before Lili's Due Date
Cole's POV
I know how much Lili has been missing spending time with the girls and she was just about ready to pop so I have booked for Mads, Cami, Van and Lili to go and get massages, manicures and pedicures. I didn't have a clue about any of this stuff but the girls kept me informed. I haven't told Lili yet. I smile when I hear the door knock meaning the girl were here. I had told Lili to get dressed and be ready without telling her what was happening. I go and answer the door, bringing the girls in. They don't tell Lili either but just grab the other things she'll need.
L: "seriously guys where am I going? What's happening?" She asks confused. I smile and kiss her head.
C: "you trust us right?" I ask her. She sighs.
L: "normally yes but right now not really." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "okay but just go with the girls. I know where your going and you'll enjoy it, I promise you that." I say smiling. She sighs.
L: "okay but it's isn't far right? What if I go into labour and your not there?" She asks worried. I sigh.
C: "it's close so if something does happen I'll be there before you know it." I say reassuringly. She nods and kisses me quickly before being dragged away by the girls.
L: "I love you." She shouts whilst laughing.
C: "I love you too." I happily. I was glad she was happy. I knew she was missing her family and the cast. I was tiding the place up when my phone starts ringing. I pick it up immediately seeing it's Lili.
C: 'baby everything okay?' I ask worried. She sighs.
L: 'I love you so much.' She says sounding sad. I frown.
C: 'I love you too. What's wrong?' I ask confused. She huffs.
L: 'nothings wrong, I'm here at the place and I'm very happy, and now I'm crying. I just, thank you so much.' She says sniffing. I sigh.
C: 'your more than welcome! You deserve it. I know how much you've missed the girls and with our baby coming soon I knew it would be a while till you could pry yourself away from her so I thought it would be good.' I say honestly. She sighs.
L: 'you've made me cry more now! Oh I hate being pregnant but I love it!' She says laughing. I smile.
C: 'go have fun gorgeous, call me if you need anything.' I say happily. I hear her sniff.
L: 'okay will do.' She says sighing.
C: 'I love you two.' I say smiling. She giggles.
L: 'we love you too.' She says before hanging up. I smile and walk into our daughters nursery. It was nearly finished. All we had to do was finish putting the clothes away and build the changing table. I let out a fuff before grabbing my glasses and finishing up the last bits. I build the changing table, filling it with all we need and put the clothes away. Just as I'm done I hear a group of laughing girls come through the door. I close the nursery door before walking out the them. I smile.
C: "hey! How was it?" I ask smiling. Lili smiles and comes over to me wrapping her arms around me and hugging me. I smile.
C: "did you have fun?" I ask her kissing her head. She nods.
L: "it's was so fun! What do you think?" She asks holding her hands out. I smile.
C: "there gorgeous baby." I say smiling. She nods.
L: "I went baby pick, for well, our baby girl and then the same on my toes. OMG that massage was amazing. They give me a back one whilst I was sitting up and it was heavenly! So relaxing!" She says happily. I chuckle. The girls stay for a while to see the nursery and all the stuff. Lili cried again which didn't shock me when she found out I had finished the nursery. The hormones were really high. After the girls left and I got Lili calmed down we just cuddled on the couch, I had honestly never seen her so relaxed, even after crying.
L: "can you make me dinner?" She asks looking up at me. I nod.
C: "what do you want?" I ask her smiling. She sighs.
L: "pizza, fries, chicken and orange juice." She says smiling. I nod and kiss her head before peeling myself away from her and going into the kitchen. I make her the pizza and fries before doing the chicken. Whilst I was making it I felt arms wrap around my waist and a head lean on my back. I smile.
C: "you okay baby?" I ask her. She nods.
L: "yah I just missed you." She says sighing. I nod and turn around, wrapping my arms around her and bringing her into my chest. She smiles and pushes her head into my shoulder. I kiss her head.
C: "I love you." I whisper to her. She smiles.
L: "I love you too. Are you nearly done?" She asks smirking. I chuckle.
C: "about 15 minutes." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "okay, well since we have 15 minutes can we go and double check we have everything?" She asks smiling. I nod.
C: "sure but this is the last time, we've already checked 10 times." I say chuckling. She nods and drags me into the nursery. We go through the list of things multiple times before I go back to the food. It was finally done. I dish it up to Lili and she practically inhales it. As she finishes eating I hear her gasp. I frown.
C: "baby? What's wrong?" I ask worried. She gulps.
L: "I've either just p*ssed myself or my waters have broke." She says laughing. I nod.
C: "okay well, smell the liquid, it will smell if it's pee." I say shrugging. She looks at me
L: "why are you so calm?" She asks me frowning. I just shrug.
C: "I don't know? Is it pee?" I ask her. She shacks her head.
L: "nope, definitely my waters." She says nervously. I nod.
C: "okay then, I'll go grab the bags." I say smiling. Lili huffs.
L: "why are you so calm? Have you been through this before or something?" She asks standing up. I chuckle.
C: "no but I've read a lot." I say walking back in the the two bags. She nods.
L: "can you grab me my phone and a spare pair of leggings please?" She asks taking a deep breath. I nod and quickly grab her stuff before helping her too the car. On the way the pain began and it was not fun. We go to the hospital and after a long 8 hours of labour we had our beautiful baby girl in our arms. She was lying against Lili's chest as we both cried. I sigh and kiss lili's head.
C: "I'm so proud of you." I whisper in awe of our daughter. She giggles and sniffs.
L: "I'm proud of you too. I think your hands purple form me squeezing it, I'm shocked you didn't wince once." She says looking at my hand. I nod, it was a bit blue. I laugh and shack it.
C: "I'm fine." I say smiling. Our unnamed baby opens her eyes and looks at me, shooting me a smile. Lili laughs.
L: "omg, total daddies girl already!" She says laughing. I nod and run my thumb across her cheek. She closes her eyes. I sigh.
C: "Grace Juliet Sprouse." I whisper. Lili looks at me.
L: "what did you just say?" She asks smiling.
C: "her name, Grace Juliet Sprouse." I say seriously. She looks at me and the bundle in her arms.
L: "I love it! It's amazing! I love it!" She says happily. I nod.
C: "it's suits her." I whisper. Lili nods and sighs as a tear falls down her cheek.
L: "it's beautiful. She's beautiful." She whispers kissing Grace's head. I nod.
C: "of course she is! I'm her dad!" I say sarcastically. Lili laughs.
L: "your still going to joke? Even after I just give birth?" She asks laughing. I nod.
C: "we need to bring her up right. There's always a place for sarcasm, well apart from funerals or when someone has died but we have a couple of years until she has to learn that." I say laughing. Lili rolls her eyes.
L: "she looks just like you. Dirty blond hair." She says running her hand across her head. She has a lot of hair.
C: "the girls will have fun styling that." I whisper leaning my head on Lili's shoulder. She nods.
L: "we'll need to get bows and clips!" She says happily. I laugh.
C: "don't torture her. It's cute but not practical, like shoes." I say laughing. Lili sighs.
L: "shut up. What do you know?" She asks smirking. I sigh.
C: "you may have forgotten I have been a lady 4 times, I know a bit." I say winking at her. She laughs and kisses my head. I look at her and kiss her lips.
C: "I love you." I whisper our foreheads leaning against each other. She nods.
L: "I love you too." She whispers smiling. I sigh and look down at Grace.
C: "we made her." I whisper slightly in shock. She nods.
L: "we did." She says smiling.
L: "do you want to hold her?" She asks me. I laugh.
C: "I thought you'd never ask." I say laughing. Lili sighs.
L: "take your shirt off, skin to skin." She says nodding to my shirt, I nod and pull my shirt over my head. Lili passes me Grace and I hold her against my chest. I smile and kiss her head.
C: "she's so small." I whisper. Grace wriggles in my arms a little before curling into a ball and going to sleep. I gently rock her and place a blanket over her back. I smile and look at Lili. 
C: "can you cover your chest? I don't like the thought of my dad or Dylan walking in and seeing your chest." I say laughing. She giggles and nods before pulling her gown up over her chest. I smile.
C: "thank you." I say smiling. She giggles and nods. Just as I finish speaking my dad and Dylan come into the room.
M: "let me see my granddaughter!" He says happily. I chuckle.
C: "dad, Dylan this is Grace Juliet Sprouse." I say smiling. They gasp and come over beside me. I smile and turn around a little so they can see her. They all get their own cuddle and some of our friends come in. We FaceTime Lili's family and they book a flight sooner. Finally it was the end of the day and everyone had left so it was just the three of us again. Lili had fed Grace and was struggling to keep her eyes open.
C: "go to sleep baby." I whisper kissing her head. She sighs.
L: "what about Grace?" She asks. I smile.
C: "I've got her. Just sleep." I whisper rubbing her arm. She nods and lays her head on my chest. I was laying in the bed beside her and Grace was asleep in her cot thing the hospital had. I smile and rest my head on Lili's. It was a bitter sweet day. About 25 minutes later Grace starts crying so I quickly move Lili who was fast asleep of me and gently lift her, rocking her as she stops crying. I smile and try to lie her back down but she starts to fuss again so I just sit in the small couch that was in the room with her in my arms. I just sit there looking at her. She was beautiful. Grace Juliet Sprouse.

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