Us Against The World

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(So back story, Cole and Lili faked their break up for privacy. They are living together and this is when Cole was getting all the hate) (this is fake) (⚠️⚠️)
Lili's POV
Cole and I are secretly dating, well to the public. We told them we broke up because we needed our privacy. In the beginning we didn't quarantine together but now we are and honestly, I think if we weren't we both wouldn't have survived the hate. It all started when I deleted some of our pictures off of Instagram. I told my family to unfollow him and I did the same. Cole un-followed me and that's how we left it. It was hard for the first while but then it got worse. Cole had spent time with a close friend of his, Kaia Gerber. I knew they were meeting up because I was asked to go but I didn't want to. And of course, when Cole is saw with another woman who isn't me everyone thinks he's cheating on me. So the rumours started. Everyone thought Cole cheated on me with Kaia or Cole broke up with me to be with Kaia. It went on for a while with the odd hate comments but then it got really bad. The death threats started to come. First it was one and then, with the blink of an eye, there was loads.
Cole's POV
Normally hate wouldn't get to me. I grew up with it. This type of hate hurt though. The name calling or body shaming is awful don't get me wrong but I know how to brush it off. This is different though, this makes me sick. People telling me that their going to slit my throat or kill all the people I love. I have already found quarantining hard but this makes it worse. I was currently lying on Lili and I's bed, staring at the ceiling. I have spent most of the day there, I was confused and wanted to be alone. It was currently 3pm and in lovely LA it was pouring with rain. Lili quietly come into our bedroom and lay beside me. She gently took my hand and run her thumb over it. I sigh and look at her. She rolls over and faces me. She sighs.
L: "you've been in here all day, your brother texted me, said you weren't answering your phone." She whispers looking dead into my eyes. I huff.
C: "yah, it's broken, I've ordered a new one. I sort of through it across the room." I whisper back, avoiding eye contact. Lili places her hand on my cheek, forcing me to make eye contact with her. She sighs.
L: "you can't let it get to you baby, your so strong and it's just a couple of selfish kids." She says smiling sadly. I shack my head.
C: "but it's not just a couple of kids though! It's everyone! Like how can someone dip so low? There threatening me and that's fine but then they start mentioning the cast, then my friends, I've had some of them telling me their going to shoot Dylan and then strangle my parents! The last one mentioned you and I'm not even going to tell you what they said because you wouldn't sleep another night in your life if you knew what this said! Like how am I supposed to feel safe here or in Van when there's people out there who plan to kill me or hurt the people I love the most?!" I ask finally breaking. She sighs and brings my head into her chest, letting me let out all of my emotion. After about 30 minutes I sigh.
C: "how did I go from a happy, Disney star 6 year old to a 27 year old afraid to leave his apartment?" I ask chuckling sadly, wishing I was still a carefree child. Lili sighs and kisses my head.
L: "I don't know baby, but you are safe, nobody would actually hurt you." She says a little confused. I sigh.
C: "they could though, it's happened to dad before, I was 7 and we were at a hotel. It was night time and someone broke into our room, they had a knife and was about to hurt dad but thankfully security got there in time. People are scary, really scary and when people threaten you, they scare you more." I say all of my emotions coming out. She sighs.
L: "I didn't know that, your so much stronger than them, and you just have to be careful when you go somewhere. There's a whole world out there, and yes there is so many scary or intimidating people but there is loads of people who love you and support you. And maybe now it feels like there's a world full of people who are against you but I promise you, there's more love than there is hate." She whispers before kissing my head. I nod. I look up to her and kiss her. I sigh.
C: "thank you for letting me rant to you." I whisper cuddling up with her. She smiles.
L: "no problem at all and thank you for ranting your emotions instead of keeping them closed in." She says holding me tightly. I smile and kiss her shoulder.
L: "I love you, never forget that." She whispers rubbing my neck. I nod and look at her.
C: "I love you too, so much." I say before kissing her. She smiles into the kiss and we spend the rest of the night cuddled up. It was us against the world.

(Just a short one for you all. I'm currently working on the second part of my previous one shot and the next chapter of him and his baby. This is just to show you the affect hate can have on someone. I'm not saying this is how Cole reacted to the hate but this is just one view of the situation. I believe that Cole and Lili are still together but are just getting the privacy they deserve and that Lili was there for Cole through every step of it and Cole for Lili. What do you think? Thanks 🧡 -G)

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