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3rd Person's POV
Cole Sprouse, a big singer, a popular singer, a busy singer. He spends most of his working time either in a bus, travelling to different places and performing at concerts or doing interviews and public meetings for his fans. This leaves very little time for family, friends and most importantly, girlfriends. His girlfriend, Lili Reinhart only sees him about once a month. This could be for an hour, a day or a couple of weeks before he's back on the road. He doesn't take larger breaks sometimes. They loved each other greatly, but with very little free time, a whole fan base of fan girls and not being aloud to date publicly they were sometimes on the rocks, relationship wise. It annoyed Cole that he couldn't see Lili all the time, some times FaceTime wasn't a choice either because of being on vocal rest, like now. They FaceTimed and texted so they could see and speak to each other, or we'll Lili spoke, Cole typed. Cole was currently lying on the bed in his hotel room, which was more like an apartment, on FaceTime and texting with Lili. He was sick and on vocal rest as just that morning he was told he had a chest infection and tonsillitis. Lili frowns.
L: "you okay?" She asks him worried. He nods and sends her a text. 'I'm fine just in pain'  Lili sighs.
L: "did you take pain killers? So you have meds?" She asks. He nods and holds up the two bottles of pills. Cole's older sister Annie walks in. There was only a years age difference. She smiles.
A: "hey baby bro. How you feeling?" She asks him sitting beside him on the bed. She smiles.
A: "hey Lil's! How are you?!" She asks happily. They were close. They acted like sisters and loved each other. Lili sighs.
L: "I'm good. I wish I could be with your sick prone brother instead of four hours away but sure." She says shrugging. Annie nods and ruffles Cole's hair.
A: "yah. I'm accusing he's wishing that too because he's very grumpy." She says sighing. Cole nods and coughs before throwing himself into a laying down position. Lili smiles.
L: "are you still performing tonight?" She asks. Cole looks at Annie. She sighs.
A: "if you don't do tonight, you'll go to the next place and at the end come back here and do 4 shows. Which would make the tour like a week longer." She says sighing. Cole nods and buries his face on his cushion. Annie smiles sadly and rubs his back, taking the phone that had been thrown in the process. She lays beside him.
A: "I know you don't always love my opinion and always prefer mums or Lili's but, I think you fight and get this done. Take the break that you have which is a week now and go home then you should be better. It saves you less tour time and actually more break because if you didn't you'd be loosing this break. I just personally think that would be best. I know you miss mum and Lili so if you go tonight, get it done you'd get the time off to go home." She says softly. He nods and grabs the notepad to write what he wanted to say. Lili was watching nervously from her home town. He holds the paper up. It read, 'I agree but at the same time, I can't sing. My throat hurts, my head hurts, my body aches, I'm drugged higher than the clouds, it's hard to breathe and I don't want to do more damage but at the same time I know it's been months from I've seen Lili and mum and I really miss home. I just don't know what do do.'
Lili's POV
I sigh.
L: "can you talk at all? Did you lose your voice?" I ask him. He shacks his head and looks at Annie. She nods.
A: "no he's still got his voice. It's just a chest infection and tonsillitis. It's weak but still there. It would be painful to sing but with a push he could." She asks looking at me. I nod. Cole writes on the paper. 'What do you think I should do?' I sigh.
L: "well, the part of me that's breaking seeing you like this is saying cancel and go to the next and take a shorter break but the one that is selfish and misses you so much that it hurts is saying do this one last one. Don't even sing as much just do it and fly home." I say sighing. He nods. 'I'll do that then.' He writes. I smile softly.
L: "ahh! I wish I could hug you!" I say annoyed. Annie smiles.
A: "oh I know! I can't wait to hug you either!" She says happily. I giggle and roll my eyes. Cole shacks his head and leans his head on Annie's shoulder. She frowns.
A: "you okay?" She asks him in a whisper. He shacks his head and points to his throat, head and chest. She nods.
A: "you want some lemon water?" She asks him. He nods. She nods and gently moves away from Cole and brings the phone with her to the kitchen area. The hotel room was like an apartment. Everything was in like separate rooms. She sighs.
A: "what else do you do to make him feel better? I have never seen him so weak or ill." She says mixing the water. I sigh.
L: "I just hold him which obviously you two can't do. I don't know what else. Where are you guys? Like how far would a flight be from here to you guys?" I ask her. She sighs.
A: "about 3 and a half hours." She says sighing. I nod and pull my laptop up.
L: "okay. There's a flight in like 3 hours, which would have me there half way though his show. So, what if I fly out stay in the hotel/apartment your staying in, then surprise him after the show." I say shrugging. She nods.
A: "he'll love that." She says smiling. I nod and book the flight. She sighs.
A: "just don't be sad if he doesn't tackle you when he sees you. He's been like this for like, weeks. You could tell he was getting sick." She says. I nod. Annie puts her finger up to her lips and I nod. She sighs and sets the cup on the night stand. She sits by Cole.
A: "when did you take the meds?" She asks him, brushing his curls out of his eyes. He thinks for a minute before holding up 2 figures.
A: "only an hour ago?" She asks him. He nods. She sighs. Cole takes a drink before laying down, leaning against Annie and closing his eyes. I smile.
L: "enjoy your performance tonight baby. Don't stress yourself too much and I'll see yah soon yah?" I ask him softly. He nods slowly. I smile. God how much I couldn't wait to kiss him. After a while soft snores come from Cole. I smile.
L: "I gotta go pack but I'll see you later. Could you text me the address? I'll get an Uber there later." I say softly. She nods.
A: "of course. I can't wait to see you. Stay safe, let me know when you land." She says smiling. I nod.
L: "will do. Bye." I say before hanging up. I pack myself a suitcase of stuff I need before texting my family and telling them the plan and going to the airport. It was all a bit of a rush but I'm just glad I'd get to be with my baby. I checked social media before my flight. All Cole's fans were going crazy about his show. It made me so happy that he was so loved. After my what felt like a long wait and flight I was in the car driving to the hotel/apartment.
Cole's POV
After I got ready for my show I go on the stage, waving to everyone. I clear my throat before walking into the mic.
C: "so! Guys! I'm here! Finally! Hello!" I say happily. The crowed was screaming and yelling my name. I sigh and sit down on the stool I had.
C: "so. I hate disappointing you all because you're all amazing and the best but this morning I was told I had tonsillitis and a chest infection so please bare with me for this show. I'm sicker than ever so go easy on me. I'm not going to sing as much. So instead we've got a little Q and A bit sorted but that's for a break in the middle. Anyhow. Let's get start yah?" I manage to croak out. The crowd yells and screams again. It made me so happy and the throbbing pain just a little less relevant. I managed to sing one song through the pain and I took a break, just talking to the fans and asking some of there questions. One stood out the most to me. She asked,
Fan: "do you have a girlfriend? I'm assuming your straight, sorry if I'm wrong." She says giggling. I nod.
C: "well, you assuming right. I am straight and to answer your question, yes I do. I'm not telling anyone, unless you know me personally, how she is or anything about a relationship but I am dating someone." I say chuckling. The crowds scream causing me to laugh again but that made me start to cough so I took the mic away and turned from the crowd. After I compared myself I took a drink and carried on singing my next couple of songs. I normally sing 15 songs but tonight I only song 8 because I lost my voice in the end of the concert. After it I go backstage. Annie wraps me in a hug.
A: "I'm so proud of you! You were amazing! Amazing!" She says happily. I smile lightly.
C: "thank you." I say softly, using all the strength in my voice. She kisses the side of my head causing me to dodge it. She smacks my arm.
A: "let's get you home. Or well, back to the hotel/apartment. We are going home tomorrow! Mum and dad are starting meal prep tonight. I can't wait. Food here is sh*t. Dads is so much better. Or well, mums baking is good too." She says as we walk to my dressing room. I frown at her.
C: "it isn't Christmas yet. Why are they making a big deal out of it?" I whisper. She shrugs.
A: "I know. If the weathers good we're having a barbecue when we get home, even though it is winter." She says shrugging. I nod and go to the bathroom to get changed before we leave and drive to the hotel/apartment. When we get there I sensed Annie getting like giddy, like she was hiding something. I brush it off just presuming it was because we were getting home. It was her choice to come out here. Lili joins me on a little part of it, like one country. Sometimes my parents come or Annie and sometimes it's just me. I prefer when my family is here. It's less lonely. I sigh and look at Annie.
C: "why are you so happy all of a sudden? I swear you went from being in your usual Sprouse mood to being like dad when he got the new car he always wanted." I whisper frowning. She giggles.
A: "hey! Your a Sprouse too! And I having a resting b*tch face, I got it from mum so shut up. And there's no reason! I'm just happy!" She says happily. I roll my eyes.
C: "your voice is dripping of b*llsh*t. And why are you my sister?" I whisper to her frowning. She sighs.
A: "well, after mum and dad had me th-." She goes to say but I interrupt her.
C: "I don't need an explanation. I know all that sh*t. I'm not 12. I'm 20 Ann." I whisper sighing. She nods.
A: "yah I know." She says smugly. I roll my eyes and we finally get to the apartment/hotel. I huff, being out of breath.
C: "I need to workout more." I mumble. Annie slaps my arm.
A: "no you don't! You'll be nothing if you do. Your just sick." She says handing me the keys. I roll my eyes and unlock the door. I let out a sigh of relief and pull my coat off. Annie was looking around like she was looking for something. I sigh.
C: "your creeping me out. What is up? Your like? I don't know, like you've lost something." I whisper sighing. She shrugs. I sigh.
C: "I need water." I mumble. She nods and follows me to the kitchen. I push the door open but as I go into the room. I see someone standing in the kitchen.
L: "hey! How was the concert?" She asks me casually. I just walk up to her and wrap my arms around her.
Lili's POV
He walks up the me and wraps his arms around me, burying his face in my neck. I smile.
L: "hi baby." I whisper happily. He sniffs.
C: "hi." He whispers back. I smile but it drops when I feel my neck go damp.
L: "why are you crying baby?" I ask him shocked. Annie sighs.
A: "I'll talk to you later. I'll be in my room if you need me." She says sending me a smile before closing the door, leaving the room. I gently try to pull Cole out of the hug but he just holds me tighter. I sigh.
L: "baby? What's wrong?" I ask him worried. He sighs.
C: "everything's just sh*t at the minute." He whispers sighing. I frown.
L: "why are you whispering?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "I lost my voice." He whispers sighing. I nod.
L: "can you explain a little more of why everything is sh*t?" I ask him hopeful. He sighs and wipes his cheeks, not letting go of me.
C: "it's just everything. I'm exhausted and this sickness is terrible. I hardly get a minute and I love my job, I do and my fans are amazing but it's too much some times. Like, I miss you all the time and mum and dad, gosh I haven't even seen my friends in about a year. I just, it's not even the fact that I'm travelling. I guess, I get lonely. You know, when you or my family isn't here it's so utterly lonely and even though I love everyone here, apart from my manager but that's a story for another day, and there like my work family there not my mum and dad or you but then I can't have you guys here with me all the time because I get lonely. You have your own family and your own life, my parents do too and some does Ann, that's why I never ask any of you to come and why I never decline when someone offers to come. It's just so much stress and tonight, for example, like I could hardly breathe and they just expected me to blast out 15 songs at full force. I just couldn't and now it feels like I have knives being sliced down my throat when I swallow. I just. Everything's just sh*t at the moment." He whispers huffing. I sigh and rub his back, leaving a kiss on his head. I hold him tighter. My hand goes to the back of his neck and I gasp a little.
L: "gosh your boiling! When did you last take some medicine?" I ask him worried. He sighs.
C: "before the show." He whispers. I nod.
L: "you can have some more then. I'll get you some then we can go to bed yah?" I ask him. He nods but doesn't let go of me. I giggle.
L: "you gotta let go baby boy." I say softly. He nods.
C: "sorry." He whispers blushing a little. He leans against the counter. I smile and stroke his cheek.
L: "there you go." I say paying him the stuff. He mumbles and thanks before taking the meds and wincing when he swallows. I sigh. He places the cup down. I smile softly and grab his hand, walking over to his room.
Cole's POV
I sigh.
C: "slow down. One of us can hardly move let alone walk this quick." I whisper dragging Lili back a little. She giggles.
L: "sorry love." She says walking slower. I nod. When we get to my room I strip to my boxers and Lili changes into some of my sweats and a t-shirt. I crawl into bed, letting out a deep sigh. Lili sighs sadly and joins me. I smile lightly and cuddle into her, practically laying on top of her. She giggles and runs her head through my hair. I sigh relaxed, resting my face in her neck and clinging onto her, afraid she'd be gone as quick as she came. She kisses my head.
L: "try and get some sleep baby. It'll hopefully make you feel better." She says softly. I nod.
C: "I really wanna kiss you but I'll get you sick if I do. Well technically I wouldn't because neither are contagious but still." I mumble. She sighs.
L: "I know. When you feel better we can catch up on missed kisses, and other things." She says cheekily. I chuckling but it only makes me cough. I sigh.
C: "I'm good with that." I mumble. She giggles. I kiss her neck. She sighs. She strokes my cheek which felt very relaxing. She goes to pull her hand away but I stop her.
C: "no don't! That feels nice." I whisper whine. She giggles and moves her hand back, rubbing just underneath my eye with her thumb. I sigh and slowly drift off into sleep.
Lili's POV
I smile when I hear Cole's breathing even out and I know he's asleep. Rubbing his cheek knocked him out. I kiss his head and close my eyes myself but soon I'm interrupted by a soft knock the on the. Annie walks in. I smile.
L: "hey. He's asleep." I say softly. She nods.
A: "is he okay?" She asks me. I nod.
L: "yah. He's just ready for a break. He was exhausted, probably the reason he got sick. Overworked himself." I say softly. She nods. She smiles and nods to my hand.
A: "rubbing his cheek send him to sleep?" She asks me softly. I nod. She nods.
A: "it always has, from the day he was born. I remember he was 4 and he had fallen and like bashed up his knee, you've probably seen the scar, and nothing could calm him. Mum wasn't home and dad was busy so grandma was watching us and she cuddle him in and started doing that. She had done it from he was a baby, it always shut him up. It was great. It saves me from actually knocking him out, I did try to once when we were kids though. He was just so loud." She says shacking her head. I giggle softly, trying not to wake Cole. She giggles.
A: "I can't really talk, it puts me to sleep too, I just wasn't as hard to put to sleep or control as a child or adult." She say softly. I laugh and little to loudly causing Cole to move. I look down at him nervously but he was still asleep. I sigh in relief. Annie and I catch up for a while but our conversation was interrupted by Cole coughing in his sleep. It sounded more like a bark honestly. It ends up waking him. He sits up and grabs his water. I sigh.
L: "you okay baby?" I ask him. He nods mid drink. He sighs.
C: "Ann, you you get me them things Mark give me earlier, there in my coat pocket." He whispers pointing to the coat beside Annie. She nods and pulls out a pack of throat sweets or something. He smiles at her thankfully and takes on out, frowning. I frown.
L: " do they help?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "yah. They just taste awful but they do, eventually." He whispers. I nod. He lies back down against me. I smile.
L: "you feeling any better?" I ask him. He shacks his head.
C: "no, the same if not worse." He mumbles. I sigh.
L: "you got checked out by a doctor right?" I ask him worried. He nods.
C: "I can't remember what they said." He mumbles. I nod. Annie sighs.
A: "tonsillitis and a chest infection. Probably shouldn't have performed tonight but it's better than flying I suppose." She says shrugging. He nods. I sigh.
L: "you overwork yourself?" I ask him. He nods. I go to say something but he stops me.
C: "don't. I've had my lecture form mum, dad and Ann. I don't need you lecture. I know I shouldn't work this much, I know it isn't healthy, I feel the pain now." He whispers. I nod.
L: "sorry. We just care about you." I whisper. He nods.
C: "yah and it's great and all but I don't appreciate the lectures. Now, I'm going to sleep, don't wake me unless it's an emergency, in fact only I'd someone's dead." He whispers making himself comfortable cuddled into me and closing his eyes. I giggle.
L: "I love you." I whisper, leaving a kiss on his head. He nods.
C: "I love you too." He whispers. Annie smiles. She stays and we talk for a while before she goes to bed herself. Cole was passed out beside me, slightly snoring. I sigh and gently lift Cole's head on my chest, needing to get ready for bed myself. I hoped not to wake him but I did. I sigh.
L: "sorry baby. I'm just going to the bathroom, you need anything?" I ask him. He just shacks his head and closes his eyes again. I smile and go to get ready for bed. I do my face routine and get changed before crawling back into bed beside Cole. I sigh.
L: "what way are we laying tonight?" I ask him. He rolls over and lays in his side. I smile and lie behind him, leaning up to kiss his head. I put on of my hands in his hair and the other around his waist. He links out hands together.
L: "goodnight baby boy. I love you." I whisper. He smiles lightly.
C: "goodnight. I love you too." He whispers before moving closer to me and quickly falling asleep. It didn't take me long to join him because even though there was no time difference, I was exhausted from flying here.
Cole's POV
The next day I wake up wrapped in LilI's arms. I smile lightly but it's quickly drops when I feel the pounding in my head, throat and chest. I wince and unwrap myself from Lili to get my medicine. Today I'm going home, thankfully we're flying privately home. I can't wait to get home. I haven't seen my parents in about a year. I've spoke to them but I haven't seen them in person. Lili was coming too obviously. She had an amazing relationship with my family. They were like her family. My parents treat her like their second daughter. Lili is close to her own family but she just blended so well with mine too. After I swallow back the pills I take a throat sweet to soothe the aching. I crawl back into bed. Lili hums.
L: "you okay?" She asks me, wrapping her arms around me. I nod.
C: "yah just getting meds." I whisper. She nods.
L: "you got your voice back yet?  Your whisper morning voice just isn't as pleasing as a morning voice." She says. I smile and roll my eyes.
C: "no and I'm so sorry to disappoint you." I whisper smiling. She rolls her eyes.
L: "oh shush! What time are we leaving at? What time is it now?" She asks confused. I sigh.
C: "it's 8 and we are leaving at 11." I whisper. She nods.
L: "I need to start getting ready. Shower with me?" She asks me. I nod and sit up. She smiles and kisses my cheek before we go and have a shower. When we get out Lili dries her hair, drying mine for me too and we get dressed into sweats since we were travelling. We got out and have some food with Annie. She sighs.
A: "so, if anyone asks, Lili is my best friend right? We meet when we were kids. She's not the person you are dating and she is only with us now because she's spending time with me." She states. I nod.
C: "same as always." I whisper. She nods. Lili sighs.
L: "will I ever be known as your girlfriend?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "yah. We just have to wait 2 more years till my contract finishes with my current manager. Believe me these 2 years can't go quick enough." I whisper shacking my head. Lili nods. We all finish up and fly out home, only getting stopped a couple of times, fans asking for photos with Annie and I and crying about meeting me. I hated that I had to talk to them through a whisper but they all understood. After a 4 hour flight I was finally back where I belong, home. We got drove home and it made me so happy to see the place I grew up, the school I first performed in, the pub I'd sing in on the weekends, the playground Lili and I had our first kiss in when she was visiting her Aunt for the summer. She grew up in the next town from us, she was visiting her aunt who lived next to us and we become friends, then we had our first kiss at the playground. We were 16 and started dating when we were 17. We've been dating ever since. 3 years. Lili sighs.
L: "we're here baby." She whispers. I shack my head, snapping myself out of the daze I was in and see my cute little house. Well it was my parents but I grew up in it. I smile and grab my backpack and getting out. We had a driver so he would get our bags. I close the door behind Lili and excitedly walk up to her front door. I open the door, knowing it would be open, letting the ladies in first. It was all decorated for Christmas. I see my mum come around the corner, covered in flour. Her face lights up when she sees us and drops the towel she was holding. She rushes over to us and wraps her arms around me. It was great to be back in her arms. Even though I'm 20 I still loved being home, with my family. She kisses my head. (Cole and Annie's parents = dad =D mum=M)
M: "oh my sweet boy! Welcome home!" She says squeezing me tightly. I smile.
C: "hey mum." I whisper. She pulls away from the hug, her arms still on me.
M: "why are you whispering?" She asks me frowning. I sigh and look over to Lili and Annie, asking them to explain.
A: "he's sick. He's got tonsillitis and a chest infection, he also lost his voice so he's whispering." She says matter a factly. My mum looks at me, tilting her head.
M: "did you perform last night?" She asks me sighing. I nod. She shacks her head and cups my cheek.
M: "your very smart yet you have little to no common sense." She says tapping my cheek lightly. She moves over and hugs Lili. I frown.
C: "where's dad?" I ask whispering. Mum shrugs.
M: "I'm not sure, kitchen I think." She says shrugging.
A: "dad! Your kids are home! You know, the two kids! Annie and Lili! Your daughters?! Oh and your son but we all know Lili and I are you favourite!" She shouts, her voice echoing through the house. There was a crash and my dad comes around the corner.
D: "there's my favourite kid! Lili! How are you?!" He asks, wrapping Lili in a hug. Everyone laughs, well I try too. Lili smiles.
L: "I'm good thanks. Nice to see you." She says hugging him back. Mum hugs Annie and speaks to her and my dad hugs me.
D: "how are you son? It's good to have you home." He says softly. I smile.
C: "I'm okay." I whisper. He nods.
D: "you sick?" He asks me. I nod. He nods and kisses my head before going to hug Annie. After hugs and exchanged hellos we all go into the kitchen to be hit by the smell of fresh bread and different foods. Annie hums.
A: "you've been busy! It's smells amazing!" She says happily. I nod and go over to the muffins that were sitting out. I nod and take one, sitting in the counter. My mum looks at me, eyebrows raised.
M: "you okay there?" She asks me. I nod. She smiles and shacks her head. The one good thing about having a baker mum and chef dad was the food. After I finish my muffin I move on to my dads chicken and rice. He frowns.
D: "did he eat today?" He asks everyone. Lili nods.
L: "yah he had a bowl of cereal this morning." She says sighing. I shrug.
C: "I've been deprived of good food." I whisper shrugging. Annie nods.
A: "the food in some places is sh*t. Like, awful." She says helping herself to some food. Lili joins us and her and Annie eat some chips. My mum sighs.
M: "you guys have been home for like 5 minutes. Your going to eat me out of house and home." She says shacking her head. She shrugs.
C: "you love it. Don't lie. It reminds you of when we were kids. You love it because you love us. Just to let you know I'll be sleeping till 3pm tomorrow so don't wake me." I whisper. She nods.
M: "I do love it. And that's okay. But 3pm? Isn't that a little too long? Like maybe 1 or 2?" She asks me. I shack my head.
C: "no, you know what I sleep like when I get home. I'll be out like a light and I have to catch up on all the episodes I missed tonight. I'll sleep normal every other night." I whisper shrugging. She nods.
M: "as long as your comfortable hun." She says shrugging. I nod. After the 3 of us raid the fridge we all go into the sun room and my dad goes out to start cooking. We all catch up and it was great being home. I was sitting between my mum and Lili.
C: "does anyone know what time it is?" I whisper. Lili sighs.
L: "it's 4, you can take your meds." She says squeezing my hand. I nod and go into the kitchen to take the meds on hope they stop the pounding in my head. My mum comes into the kitchen. I shoot her a smile. She sighs.
M: "how are you feeling?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "not the best. It's nice being home though. It makes everything a little more bearable." I whisper shrugging. She nods.
M: "so tonsillitis and a chest infection. How'd that happen?" She asks me leaning on the counter. I sigh.
C: "mum." I whisper sighing. She shrugs.
M: "I warned you to not over work yourself. It's not hard to take a break hun." She says softly. I nod.
C: "I know. I love my job and my fans so it doesn't even feel like overworking myself." I say sighing. She nods.
M: "mhm." She says nodding. I roll my eyes. I notice Lili. I sigh.
C: "babe, do you agree? Do I overwork myself?" I whisper to her. She holds her hands up.
L: "the only thing I'm going to say is we calculated last week you spend 56 hours either practicing, recording or doing vocal lessons." She says sighing. I huff. My mum glares at me.
C: "okay. Maybe I do a little." I whisper shrugging. Lili shrugs.
L: "did you take your meds?" She asks me. I nod.
L: "did you take the ones for your tonsillitis?" She asks me frowning. I wince and spin around and dig through my bag, grabbing the bottle of pills. She shacks her head.
L: "which ones did you take?" She asks me. I sigh and push the other two bottle. She nods.
L: "so painkillers and chest infection ones. Did you get more of the liquid stiff before we left?" She asks me. I slowly shack my head. She nods.
L: "your amazing. You'll just have to cope with these for now but please remember to take the tonsillitis pills." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "sorry." I whisper. She nods and kisses my cheek. My mum sighs.
M: "Lili, I want to thank you because I know that Cole would literally be either in hospital dying, doing drugs or being literally nothing if it wasn't for you." She says smiling. I frown.
C: "mum!" I whisper shout. She shrugs. Lili giggles.
L: "thank you." She says smiling. I huff.
C: "hey she didn't give me my voice! That was up to grandad." I whisper sighing. She nods.
M: "yah but you wouldn't be a famous singer. She was the one who like, forced you to do it." She says shrugging. I nod.
C: "okay fine. What ever you say mother. I'll be in the sunroom drowning in self pity." I whisper kissing Lili's head before walking outside.
Lili's POV
I giggle at his statement and roll my eyes. His mum sighs.
M: "I love that boy with all my heart but he is just a different breed of human sometimes." She says shacking her head. I let out a loud laugh, bending over. She laughs at me laughing.
L: "it's hard to take him serious when he's whispering though, I know he has no choice but it's hard." I says softly so he doesn't hear me. She nods.
M: "oh definitely. There's two people in this family who does pity him which is dad and Annie. We don't, well I don't." She says smiling. I nod.
L: "I do a little, you know he is overworked and he isn't working for the nicest people but now not really, I feel guilty about it but he knows I care." I say shrugging. She nods.
M: "yah. His manager still an a*shole?" She asks me. I nod.
L: "yah. He was asked last night by a fan if he had a girlfriend. He confirmed it, which he shouldn't have done but so far there's been nothing. I don't know why Cole can't say if she's in a relationship or not. The fans want him to be in a relationship. It's messed up." I say annoyed. She nods.
M: "yah. Yous could just, come out, just like, I don't know post something on the social media pages or something." She says shrugging. I nod.
L: "Cole could loose his job though, like everything he's worked for, his record label, his manager, everything." I say sighing. She thinks for a minute.
M: "he could always get a new one? Like he's talented so he would be wanted. He could, line up a new manager then drop his current one and he's be okay. Finish this tour of course." She says sighing. I nod slowly.
L: "that could work." I say. She shrugs. I nod.
L: "I'll talk to him about it." I say smiling. She nods. We chat for a while longer before going back outside. I sigh.
L: "I wanna talk to you later." I say tapping Cole's knee. He frowns.
C: "that never ends well." He whispers nervously. I sigh.
L: "I'm not breaking up with you. Don't worry. It's good." I say smiling. He nods and sighs in relief. I giggle and kiss his cheek. He smiles.
C: "what is it! Like the thing you wanna talk about? Can we talk about it now? I don't, I can't wait." He asks me in his weak whisper. I nod.
L: "we'll go to the kitchen." I say standing up. He nods and grabs my hand, tiredly pulling himself up and we walk into the kitchen. I sigh and sit on the counter, Cole moves between my hands and nods, signalling me to talk. I sigh.
L: "I was talking to your mum." I state slowly. He nods.
C: "I don't really wanna know the details. Just spit it out?" He asks me, still whispering. I nod.
L: "and we were talking about how we can't come out, even though you did but we both know you'll get in trouble for that. She said, it's just a suggestion and I think it's an amazing idea but you need to be 100% up for it. She said, how about you find a new better manager and do a switch then we could come out. Obviously you'd need to get a new everyone. And finish this current tour before you did that." I say shrugging. He sighs.
C: "as good as that plans seems and sounds, and no matter how much i Kwan's to do it, I won't be wanted whilst I'm still under management. Also, if I drop out form my current one, I'd be giving up all good reputation because I can't hold a contract. The only way it could work is if I had proof of why I need out or something against my current manager." He whispers shrugging. I sigh and wrap my arms around his neck.
L: "what if you recorded the bulling you receive during practice and recording?" I ask him. He tilts his head to the side.
C: "I could." He says, a slight smirk playing across his face. I smile and nod.
L: "you could." I say shrugging. He nods.
C: "I would have to stay a bit after this tour. Well, I do have a couple of recordings already but I wanna finish this tour. So, finish tour, frame manger, leave manager, come out, join new manager and that's it." He whispers frowning. I nod.
L: "sure, if it was that easy." I says giggling. He nods. 
C: "you wanna do it?" He asks me. I nod.
L: "I've wanted to do it from we started dating." I say smiling. He nods.
C: "can I think about it?" He whispers. I nod.
L: "of course! Yes! Think all you like! It's a big step!" I say shacking his shoulders. He smiles and nods.
C: "I love you." He whispers. I smile.
L: "I love you too." I whisper back. He rolls his eyes. I sigh and lean in, wanting that over due kiss. We haven't kissed yet since he was sick and I was afraid, even though it's not contagious. He smiles and mets me in the middle. We share a long, deep and a little steamy kiss. I giggle a little in the kiss, pulling him closer, if possible. He tightens his grip on my hips and my hands run through his hair.
A: "if you guys are going to, you know, go somewhere else but here." She says walking past us with a disgusted face. Cole groans.
C: "shut up. I've heard you plenty of times, and not just with men." He whispers. I giggle. Annie give him the middle finger causing Cole to croak out a chuckle. I sigh.
L: "I love your sister. Like, she is amazing. Obviously I love her as a sister." I say shrugging. He nods.
C: "I'm glad." He whispers smiling. I roll my eyes and smack his shoulder. Over the next couple of days Cole gains his voice back, it made his mum so happy. It was cute. In the house their was this amazing, black gloss grand piano. Cole got it at some point in his life. I had just come down the stairs, towel drying my hair and I heard the gentle, slow playing of one of Cole's songs. I frown a little and go into the music room. Cole was playing away and his mum was sitting on the chair in the corner of the room. I smile and lean against the wall, listening to one of the most comforting sounds. Cole's mum winks at me smiling from across the room. I smile and wink back. Cole sighs.
C: "I know your there babe." He says softly. I frown.
L: "how?" I ask confused. He sighs.
C: "I could just sense it." He says smiling. My eyebrows raise.
L: "really?" I ask. He sighs.
C: "no your twat. I could see your reflection in the piano." He says chuckling. I tip my head back and roll my eyes.
L: "your awfully sarcastic. All your family's really nice and then there's just you." I say in a jokingly manner. He nods.
C: "yah. I'm just special but you wouldn't know the specialty of being the baby of the family cause your the middle child." He says proudly. He sickness was very strong through his voice. His nose was all bunged and his voice was raspy and sick sounding. I sigh.
L: "at least I didn't have a bowl cut." I say laughing. He stops playing.
C: "hey! That's an insult to my mum which is a no go and I suited that bowl cut. Even though it was awful and so not cool, when I was a baby, I suited it." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "can I just say though, and it's a genuine question but why don't you look like any of your family when you were a baby? Obviously you look like the, now but the blond hair, the like, blue eyes and everything else." I say holding my hands up. Cole nods.
C: "yah mum, some explains please?" He asks her. She sighs.
M: "I don't know. Like, the day you were born out were ugly. Like, really really ugly. No offence, your beautiful now but not on your first day on earth. As for not looking like any of us, I was a really blond baby too. I don't know why you had the blue eyes through, they've changed now but I don't know why they were blue." She says shrugging. I nod.
C: "thanks a million mum." He mumbles. She rolls her eyes.
L: "you looked like your dad too that day." She says shrugging. I burst out into laughs.
D: "I heard that!" He shots. Cole chuckles.
M: "play that song you used to play all the time." She says happily. Cole sighs.
C: "play that song you used to play all the time? Really? Wonderful description mum. You'll need to narrow it done." He says sighing. She sighs.
M: "it was the first song you played. Like actually pop song that wasn't one of your own. It's your dads favourite one too. It's a Christmas one. By ColdPlay or something." She says shrugging. I frown.
C: "that's was the first song I played. Wow. Depressing. Anyway." He says shrugging. I laugh.
L: "I'll give it to them. It is a good song. Depressing but good." I says sighing. He nods and starts playing it. Cole's dad starts singing along from the room he was in. I gamble fondly. This was home. I hate to admit it but I was closer to Cole's family than my own. I love them up we are all a little too different. Here though, it feels right. I'm treated like a queen by Cole and treated like another sibling by everyone else, even his grandparents get me a stocking each Christmas. They were amazing people, with amazing voices. There wasn't any person in their family who couldn't sing, that's the only place I felt displaced even though they all say I'm a good singer. I sigh and walk over to Cole. I stand behind him and wrap my arms around his shoulder. I prop my chin on his shoulder. He smiles and leans his head against mine. I hear his mum take a picture of us. When Cole finishes that song. I squeeze his shoulder.
L: "can you play 'Silent Night'?" I ask him. He nods and slowly and softly plays it. I smile and let out a sigh in relaxation. His mum starts singing the lyrics and on the corses Cole does the melody and she does the harmony, a tradition form the beginning. It was moments like this I wished I could just tell the world. This was my family. Cole was my man.
L: "can we do your plan?" I ask him in a whisper. He turns around and looks me in the eyes. He is expressionless for a minute but nods.
C: "yah. Yes. I'll look into other people tonight. I'll send the people the stuff too." He says softly. I nod and smile.
L: "you scared?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "petrified." He whispers. I nod.
L: "you don't have to do this if you don't want to." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "I know but I want to, it's just scary. I've always been with Stephen, from the beginning but he's a d*ck and I'll find someone better. I have looked into it before and found a couple of good ones so I'll give them a call later. One I actually know. Cathy Wills. She's really nice. I'll give her a call" He says shrugging. I frown a little. He chuckles, coughing a little.
C: "don't worry. She's happily married." He says kissing my head. I nod.
So, he's called her and she's willing to take him up. She's seems nice. Sadly it just wasn't as easy. Cole pushed back the dates so he is home the whole month of December and the rest of his tour will be with new manager. It was quite stressful. For Cole especially but he was okay because he was with his family and for him that made everything so much easier. Half way through December Cole puts this out of Twitter.
       ColeSprouse: 'if we can make it through December, we can make it through forever.'
It was a song lyric from a Christmas song. It made his fans go wild because they knew something was up they just didn't know what. I wanted to play along so I tweeted the link to the song the lyrics it was from and this emoji 🤫. That didn't help the fans much really but it was fun seeing them guess. It was great. By Christmas even Cole had everything planned, even though the killer of a sickness he still had he got it all sorted. The plan went like this:
Christmas Eve - 

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