Our Wedding

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(In this Dylan and Barbara have a little boy Tommy. He is a year younger than Addy and Cole's god son.)
Cole's POV
Today is Lili and I's wedding day. I'm really excited but also nervous. We are getting married in Lili's hometown. All us men were wearing matching suits:

I was currently in the hotel room I was staying in getting ready with Dylan, Tommy, my dad and KJ

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I was currently in the hotel room I was staying in getting ready with Dylan, Tommy, my dad and KJ. Dylan and KJ were my best men and Tommy was page boy. I was doing Tommies tie up in the bathroom whilst KJ was showering. My dad comes in. He smiled.
M: "you look so handsome!" He says picking him up tommy.
T: "I do! So do you! We all look handsome!" He says happily. I smile and ruffle his hair. He gasps.
T: "oh no my hair!" He says panicky. I laugh.
C: "it isn't combed yet so don't worry." I say fixing his tie. He laughs.
T: "oh yah." He laughs. My dad sighs.
M: "are you nervous?" He asks me curiously. I sigh.
C: "very. Excited but mostly nervous." I say shrugging. He nods.
M: "oh you'll be fine." He says rubbing my shoulder. I nod.
T: "where's daddy?" He asks curiously. Dad smiles.
M: "he's out on the balcony speaking to grandma on the phone." He says rubbing his back. Tommy nods and jumps out of his arms. He runs to Dylan. My dad sighs. 
M: "will you and Lili have kids?" He asks smiling. I shrug.
C: "I hope. I would love to but you never know." I say shrugging. He laughs.
M: "so you haven't had the children talk?" He asks eye brows raised. I roll my eyes.
KJ: "can you please not have a father son grandchild talk whilst I'm in the shower?" He asks laughing. I laugh.
C: "sorry! and we have." I say honestly. He frowns.
M: "but you don't know when?" He asks confused. I sigh.
C: "okay I'm not having this conversation with you especially not on my wedding day. You didn't question Dylan when you found out Barbara was pregnant so please don't question me when I'm going to get Lili pregnant." I say walking out. He laughs.
M: "what i just want to know when I'm getting more grandkids." He says honestly. I sigh.
C: "and you will. When we find out that she's actually pregnant." I say taking a drink of water. He sighs.
M: "I'm just excited." He says sighing. I smile.
C: "I know me too but for my wedding day. I will be excited for children when I find out we're having one." I say smiling. He nods. Dylan and Tommy come in.
D: "how's having what?" He asks nervously. I laugh.
C: "dads just attacking me with questions on when I'm going to Lili pregnant." I say sitting down. He laughs.
D: "seriously dad?" He asks laughing. Dad sighs.
M: "I'm just excited." He says defensively. I laugh.
C: "I know but I'm not even married to her yet. Kids will come after marriage." I say honestly. He chuckles.
M: "that didn't stop Dylan." He says chuckling. I gasp and throw a cushion at him.
D+C: "Dad!" We say at the same time. He laughs.
M: "it's true though." He says honestly. I sigh.
D: "it is true but it was a very pleasant surprise and one I wouldn't change for the world but because we aren't married doesn't mean we can't have kids. Some people just wait till their married and others don't. I don't Cole does." He says pointing to Tommy. Dad laughs.
M: "yah your right." He says sighing. I nod.
C: "thank you now can we finish getting ready so I can not be late to my wedding please?" I ask checking my watch. They nod.
M: "yes right when is Barbara and mom coming over?" He asks standing up. Dylan frowns and stays silent until there was a knock on the door. He smiles.
D: "right now." He says walking over to the door. He opens it and smiles when he sees our mom and Barbara. He hugs them.
D: "you look amazing." He says kissing Barbara. Tommy yucks and hugs Barbara. My mom walks over to me.
C: "you look beautiful." I say hugging her. She smiles.
Ch: "and you look handsome." She says fixing my tie. I smile.
Ch: "how do you feel?" She asks nervously. I sigh.
C: "excited but also very nervous. How's Lili?" I ask curiously. She smiles.
Ch: "good. Lili's good." She says nodding. I sigh in relief and nod.
Lili's POV
Today was Cole and I's wedding. I'm so excited. I can't wait to marry him. I was in my childhood home with my mom, dad, sisters, aunt, cousins, Addy, Cole's mom and Barbara. I was doing my make up whilst talking to Cole's mom and Barbara.
Ch: "how do you feel hun?" She asks taking my hand. Chrissy was like a second mom to me. I smile.
L: "I'm excited, happy, emotional and nervous." I say honestly. She smiles.
Ch: "why are you emotional hun?" She asks squeezing my hand. I smile.
L: "I've had this really weird feeling for like a week in my heart that I'm pregnant. I haven't been sick which is why I didn't take a test earlier. Yesterday morning I took a test when I woke up and it was positive. I went to the doctor yesterday and he confirmed that I'm pregnant." I whisper. Barbara and Chrissy both gasp.
B: "omg your pregnant!" She says happily. I nod and smile.
L: "I am." I say wiping a fallen tear. Chrissy sighs.
Ch: "oh Lili congratulations! Cole will be so happy! When are you telling him?" She says hugging me. I smile.
L: "Im telling him after the wedding before the reception so he doesn't wonder why I'm not drinking." I say smiling. She nods.
B: "omg! He will be so happy! Matthew will be so happy! Oh your mom Lili have you told her?" She asks hugging me. I shack my head.
L: "no not yet. I want to tell Cole them I can tell everyone else tonight." I say smiling. She nods.
B: "oh I hope you have twins! Your going to be a mom!" She says happily. I nod.
L: "I'm going to be a mom." I say happily. I finish doing my makeup and my sisters help me with my hair. When we were done it was finally time to put our dresses on. Tess and Chloe were my braids maids and Addy was flower girl.

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