The Disney Kid

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(Requested by @XxJugheadXrvdXbh thank you so much, I sort of changed some bits.)  
(I mean not hate to the cast! I love them all! This is fake and most said isn't true!)
3rd Person POV
Riverdale, the newest show in town. From looking at the casts social media pages everyone thought they were all best friends but really they all hated one person. Cole Sprouse. They, as the rest of the world did, saw him as the stuck up Disney kid. He though, was nothing like that. He had one best friend and only talk to him, it wasn't his brother Dylan or his dad it was his dog, Duke the golden retriever. He's had Duke from he was 20 and he's now 23 so it's been a couple of years. Duke helps Cole when he was anxious or has an anxiety attack. It took a year to train him so Duke is 4 years old. Duke is Cole's best friend and Cole is Dukes best friend and you very rarely see them with out each other. Sure Cole and Dylan were friends but not as close as they used to be.
Cole's POV
Another day at hell, also known as the Riverdale set. They all hated me for no reason. I was like the devil walking around whilst they were all angles. They are evil. I was sitting in my trailer. A book in my hand and Duke by my side. I heard some of the cast members voices coming towards my trailer. My heart started to race and Duke noticed because he knocked the book out of my hand and put his face in my neck. I chuckle and kiss his head. He licks my face and nearly hugs me. I smile.
C: "I'm okay bud." I whisper. He licks my face again and lies on my lap. Cami, Mads, Lili and Ashley come in laughing.
Ca: "oh look, he's with his dog again." She says rolling her eyes. I grab my book again and keep reading.
L: "his little book." She says giggling. I just grab my bags and hook Dukes lead onto him before walking out. When I get home I break into sobs. Duke helps me through the panic attack and I crash on the sofa with my arms safely rapped around Dukes body. I hate my life.
Lili's POV
When Cole walked out I felt really bad. I really wanted to get to know him and be a friend. Honestly I think he's quite hot. He is a quiet person. He never speaks to someone unless we were filming. I loved being friends with everyone else so I just had to stick with them. We all walk to the cafeteria and start to talk with all the others. We are half way through season 1 and everyone was super close apart from Cole. I sort of felt bad from him but he was the Disney kid who gets everything so he can take us. Or so we thought...
Time skip- Last weeks of Riverdale
We all started to get invited to interviews and different places. We were all waiting for a call back from Jimmy Fallon from the tonight show. They called a couple of weeks ago and explained that they were going to pick one of us to interview about our personal lives and Riverdale. Everyone was sitting in the room waiting. All us girls at the front, the crew in front of us, the boys behind us and Cole and his dog at the very back of the room. Roberto stood up.
R: "I've got the email." He says smiling. Everyone goes quiet.
R: "I'll read it out loud. 'Dear the Riverdale cast, as you all know we want to interview one of you for our show. We chose this person because of their experience and from what we know it hasn't been an easy life but we would love to know more. Although this might sound rude and we mean no harm by it but if this person doesn't feel comfortable with doing this interview then we an actor form a different show as a back up. You are all lovely people but we are just interested in this one person. So if it's possible at 2pm on Monday we would love to welcome Cole Sprouse to our studio. Thank you so much!
Jimmy Fallon." He finishes leaving everyone in the room with shocked expressions. I glance back at Cole and his mouth was hanging open. I sigh feeling a little bit disappointed.
R: "well Cole? What do you say?" He asks smiling. He sighs.
C: "I don't know, like shouldn't an older adult go? They've been acting all their lives too not me! They should go! It must be a mistake!" He say shocked.
Skeet: "Cole you deserve this more than anyone in this room! You've been acting from you were in diapers!" He says smiling. Cole nods.
C: "I guess I'll take it then." He says sighing. Roberto nods and emails them back. Everyone starts chatting apart from Cole who squats beside Duke and strokes him. Duke sits on top of Cole making him chuckle. No one had ever heard Cole laugh or even seen him smile in person so we all looked at him. His smile dropped and he ran out of the room. Duke running closely behind him. Cami giggles.
Ca: "that dog, it's so weird. He's not been anywhere with out it. It's probably his little friend." She says in a baby voice. I smile lightly and the rest of the girls laughing. I zone out thinking about Cole. He was adorable when he smiles. I wish I could see him do it more often. I sigh and walk out of the room. I find myself walking towards Cole's trailer. I don't really know why. I gently knock on the door before walking in. He was sitting on the couch with head phones in tapping away to the best of the music. When he sees me he quickly takes them out and sit up.
L: "hey." I say smiling. He nods his head in response. I sigh and stroke the dogs head. I see his collar says Duke. I smile.
L: "Duke. That's a really cute name. It suits him." I say looking at Cole he nods.
L: "you don't talk a lot do you?" I ask curiously. He shacks his head.
C: "speak when your spoken to Cole. Smile and nod the rest. Let Dylan do the talking." He says staring off in his own world. I frown.
L: "who said that?" I also confused.
C: "every person in this world." He whispers. I sigh.
L: "your life hasn't been as amazing as we think has it?" I ask nervously. He sighs.
C: "smile Cole, no don't Smile. Let your brother talk. Don't wear that! Don't do that! Get these lines wright! It's only a temperature your brother done it was a cold!" He says mocking people. I sigh.
L: "your like a book. The first chapter is always so interesting but confusing." I say shacking my head. He nods.
C: "cool but you should actually be filming right now, in Betty's bedroom." He says nodding to the clock. I go to leave but stop.
L: "how do you know when I need to film?" I ask confused. He taps his nose like Jughead did when Betty asked him to join the Blue and Gold on Riverdale. I giggle lightly and run on. He was an interesting book, one I wanted to know more about. I run to set.
L: "I'm so sorry I'm late!" I say getting into character. Roberto nods. Cami taps my arm.
Ca: "where were you?" She asks confused. I sigh.
L: "I was just chatting with Cole." I whisper back. She frowns.
Ca: "that freak? Why would you talk to him?" She asks rudely. I just sigh.
L: "leave him alone! You don't know anything about him or his life! He hasn't done anything to you and your being so rude! Leave him be!" I shout at her really annoyed. She looks at me shocked and we film our scene. I didn't take to her after it I went straight to Cole's trailer. He was like a magnet that I could pull away from. He was quite cute too so that a bonus. I walk into his trailer to see him again, tapping his feet to the beat of the music. He raises his eyebrows when he sees me.
C: "sup?" He asks confused. I sigh.
L: "nothing, I just wanted to spend some time with you." I say sitting beside him. Duke runs over to me and starts sniffing me. I frown and look at Cole.
C: "he's checking you for a bomb." He says sarcastically. I giggle and roll my eyes. He sighs.
C: "nah, he's just checking you out because your a new person. Your close to me and could be a possible threat." He says shacking his head. I nod.
C: "Duke! Cut it out!" He says firmly. Duke stops sniffing me and sits beside Cole on the floor. I smile and sigh.
L: "he's like your little bodyguard." I say laughing. He nods.
C: "he's my best friend. Through thick and thin right bud?" He asks stroking Duke. Duke jumps on top of him and lays on his chest. I smile.
L: "you excited for your interview?" I ask curiously. He nods.
C: "yah, well it depends on the questions. I might open up a little more so yah I am." He says nodding his head. I nod.
L: "the truth of Cole Sprouse." I say smiling. He chuckles a little and shacks his head. I sigh.
L: "you should smile more, it suits you." I say honestly. He nods.
C: "yah but what if they aren't real? Why fake a smile when you just not smile? All your smiles aren't real unless you like a really happy person." He says eye brows raised. I nod.
L: "nobody makes you smile?" I ask confused. He sighs.
C: "well at some point. Most of the time it's Duke." He says shrugging I nod. We sit and chat for awhile, well, I do most of the chatting, Cole putting in a few words. He got to know we pretty well but I didn't know much about him.
Cole's POV
It was finally the day of the interview with Jimmy and I was super nervous. I put on this:

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