I Love You Too Soulmate

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3rd Person's POV
In this world, each person had a soulmate and if you hadn't already met them at the age of 20, everyone gathered in an area and were assigned them. Years back it was 18 but to give the lovers a chance to love other people, they moved the age to 20. The day you are born you get a watch, it only works when you meet your soulmate. So, if you pass them in the street you can contact them through messages or vibrations. Each watch was black but you could get personalised straps, most got matching ones with their soulmates. All the young people who didn't have soulmates were put into sections. There was the nerds and the populars. Lili Reinhart has had her fair share of boyfriend or hook-up. She took the extra two years to her advantage. She fell into, with her best friends, the popular section. Her two best friend Cami and KJ who were soulmates, they knew they were for ages and were head over heels in love with each other, Lili hoped she and her soulmates would be like that. She knew she had passed her soulmate because her watch worked but she didn't know who. They never spoke, maybe he didn't know. Cole Sprouse was a nerd. He was handsome and hot but only ever saw as the nerd. He was adopted when his parents met each other because his dad couldn't have biological kids, like him. He loved his parents but he sometimes wished he was like his dad, he was popular but Cole was not popular at all. His one friend was his pet ferret, which his parents found sad.  Reinhart and Sprouse were sitting in their sections, nervously waiting for their names to be called. They started with the people who were gay or lesbian and called out everyone's names in alphabetical order. Neither Lili or Cole were called. So they carried on.
Lili's POV
They had finally got to my section. I was still soulmateless and I was started to get nervous. They got to R and my heart was thumping out of my chest.
Dir: "Lili Reinhart?" The director of all of this shouts out. I sigh and stand up nervously. He nods and looks at the list.
Dir: "Lili Reinhart, the popular section, your soulmate is Mark, no sorry. Your soulmate is Cole Sprouse, the nerd section." He shouts out looking to the opposite side of the room. What?! Cole slowly stands up, he had a bag over his shoulder. I sigh.
L: "are you sure? I can't be soulmates with a nerd." I say confused. He nods.
Dir: "well you are, if your definitely Lili Reinhart and your definitely Cole Sprouse then you are." He says shrugging. Cole nods and stands there nervous.
L: "are you sure?" I ask hopefully. I couldn't be paired with a nerd, I have a reputation.
Dir: "yes so you can go and someone will give you your house keys and talk about the children and marriage situation ." He says smiling. I roll my eyes and storm out of the room. I wait till Cole comes out then go to the waiting room. I sit and text Cami. I was so annoyed. Cole was cute yah but I needed a man, not a nerd. Cole stands there nervously, tapping his foot. I huff.
L: "can you stop tapping your foot?" I ask him harshly. He nods timidly and stops. I sigh.
L: "do you have like a social media I can follow since you'll be my husband in about 3 years?" I ask him looking up at him. He shacks his head. I frown.
L: "you don't have social media?!" I ask him shocked. He nods. I frown.
L: "well do you have a phone?" I ask him. He nods.
L: "can I have your number?" I ask him annoyed. He nods. I sigh and pass him my phone. He sighs and puts his number in. He names himself as Cole Sprouse. I frown.
L: "can you talk? Or do your just nod?" I ask him rolling my eyes. He sighs.
C: "I can talk just fine." He says softly. I huff.
L: "well please don't because your voice is annoying." I say honestly. He nods and looks down. We get called in to a room by a woman. She smiles.
Car: "so I'm Caroline and I'll be talking about your future together as soulmates." She says smiling. I nod. She sighs.
Car: "so obviously you'll be getting married within the next 3 years. So your like engaged currently. Are either of you adopted and can you both have kids?" She asks.
L: "I'm my parents biological child, they've never had a problem there and yes, I can have kids." I say smiling. She nods.
Car: "can you Cole?" She asks him. He shacks his head.
Car: "you can't have kids or your aren't adopted?" She asks him confused. He sighs.
C: "I'm adopted, my dad can't have kids and I can't have kids." He says sighing. I huff and roll my eyes. She nods.
Car: "okay and do you know why you were put up for adoption?" She asks him. He nods.
C: "my biological parents couldn't deal with me." He says sadly. She nods. I sigh.
L: "doesn't shock me." I whisper annoyed. He sighs.
Car: "what age were you put up for adoption and when were you adopted?" She asks writing all of this down. He sighs.
C: "is this necessary? These are old wounds that have closed over many times. I don't see how you need to know why I'm only loved by two people? This won't effect the love that won't exist between me and Lili." He says sighing. She huffs.
Car: "I know this is hard but it is, you two will be adopting soon." She says shrugging. I scoff.
L: "can you just stop wining and answer her? Some people have lives to get on with?" I ask him, really annoyed. He nods.
C: "I was put up for adoption at 1 and adopted at 2." He says sighing. She nods. We discuss our house, life's, kids and marriage. We are getting married next year, we'll be getting adoption started next month and we are moving in with each other tomorrow. We had just got down and I had walked a head of Cole but then realised I didn't have a ride home. When Cole goes out I sigh.
L: "I don't have a ride home. Since your my fiancé and all I'm assume there's no problem in you giving me one. I live on 'Kates Street' " I say sighing. He nods and walks on. I follow him to a matte black jeep. I don't know he drove this. I frown.
L: "is this your or your parents?" I ask him climbing. In he sighs.
C: "mine and no it wasn't a present, I bought it with my own money, that I earned." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "how? These things aren't cheap." I say shocked. He sighs.
C: "I have my talents too." He says shrugging. I frown.
L: "but how? A weekend job couldn't pay for this so unless you own the lottery." I say confused. He sighs.
C: "it's a mixture of money from a weekend job in high school, writing competitions I've own and my first book." He says huffing. I frown and look at him.
L: "your an author?!" I ask him shocked. He nods. I frown.
L: "how have I never heard of this? So are you like rich?" I ask him happily. He sighs.
C: "no I'm not like rich rich but I give my parents a part of it for our house because they're fixing it up but I am financially comfortable and have enough saved for well, us and you haven't heard because well one, you your a b*tch in high school who bullied me and two I published it last year so we weren't a part of each other lives." He says not taking his eyes off the road. I frown.
L: "I didn't bully you in high school! It was some idiot who was such a loner, he like was so depressed looking and so lonely. We talked about that little b*tch all the time. He carried this grey backpack with him everywhere. It was his book bag all through high school. Everyone hated him. He always looked so, dark and dirty but he wasn't, in fact he was the nicest smelling person in the school but he was weird. Just so ugly too. I bet he's either in jail or still a complete nerd." I say shacking my head. He nods.
C: "yah the backpack had 2 white and black stripes on it and was the best backpack ever. I had it for ages, my mum got it for me for going to highschool. I still wear that same cologne and I'm currently an author so no he's not in jail or still a complete nerd." He Susa through gritted teeth. I gasp.
L: "that was you?!" I ask him shocked. He nods.
C: "yes I was the person you used to call a 'dirty, nerdy, ugly, acne, awkward teeth, mommies boy'." He says annoyed. I sigh and look down.
L: "how did you get so hot?" I ask him confused. He sighs.
C: "people grow up Lili, maybe not mentally but physically. I grew up both but others just stay the same mentally." He says looking at me. I roll my eyes and look out the window.
L: "what was your book called?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "'The Making Of A Family.'" He says sighing. My eyes widen in shock.
L: "I read that! Your wrote that?!" I ask him shocked. He nods.
C: "yah it was for my parents. I lightly based it of me and the whole adoption, bullying, family stuff." He says sighing. I frown.
L: "god I love that book. What else have you write? Are you writing anymore?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "I'm currently writing my second book." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "what's it about?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "I can't tell you, it's top secret." He says shrugging. I sigh.
L: "come on! We're going to be living together! I'll find out." I say smiling. He sighs.
C: "it's about what life would be like if we didn't have this like soulmates thing, if we could just go and marry who ever we want. Like, if you got to choose who you'd marry it wouldn't be me but you have to marry me because we're soulmates so what would love be like if we didn't have to marry our soulmates. Would soulmates be a thing or do just just marry whoever you love? Like your not going to love me but because of this whole situation you can't go out and marry some you will or do love." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "yah." I say sighing. He shacks his head.
C: "it p*sees me off that I have to marry you, who hates me, and you have to marry me, someone you hate. It's just not fair. It worse for you but still. At least you don't have to sleep with me." He said chuckling. I frown.
L: "I would sleep with you, your hot." I say shrugging. He frowns and looks at me confused. He sighs.
C: "I didn't mean in that way! But no of course not! I'd be honoured but no! God your dirty minded." He says shacking his head. I giggle.
L: "sorry but I would sleep with you in the way I'm talking about. Well, in fact it depends, are you hot under everything or just your face and do you know what your doing?" I ask him smirking. He sighs.
C: "yes and no, why are we even talking about this? I only met you 3 hours ago and your asking if I'm good in bed?!" He asks me shocked. I nod.
L: "yah have slept with someone before like in my way?" I ask him. He sighs and shacks his head.
C: "nope, I haven't even had my first kiss yet." He did sighing. I gasp.
L: "seriously?!" I ask shocked. He nods.
C: "yes and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm not just going to give it to some stranger and at this rate I'm regretting that choice but how knows, maybe I'll meet a female writer who isn't in love with her soulmate either and we have a blissful night writing our books together." He says chuckling. I roll my eyes.
L: "please stop." I say disgusted. He shrugs.
C: "you started it and I will torture you, and I mean torture you, I have years of pay back. Years. Oh and you owe me about £5000 because of all the therapy I needed." He says shrugging. I gasp.
L: "5000?!" I ask him shocked. He nods.
C: "you and your friends mentally ruined me." He says sadly. I sigh and look down.
L: "I'm sorry, we've changed now." I say sadly. He sighs.
C: "no you haven't." He says shacking his head. I frown.
C: "today for example, you hated the fact you were soulmates with a 'nerd'. You asked him twice if he was right. You got pissed when I felt uncomfortable talking about old wounds with that woman. You don't know a thing about me, you don't know what I've been through, seen, who I've been with, nothing yet your so quick to jump down my throat. People like you are so unaware of peoples feeling's! Just because we are smart or get A's doesn't mean we're robotic and don't have feelings. We are human too and it's people like you now and in high school that ruin us and kill our mental health and the little confidence we have. My mum was in the 'nerd' section and my dad wasn't, he wasn't a d*ck though. He didn't call names or throw punches. He didn't care about the sections that everyone is put into and he loves my mum more than anything, same goes for her. I would love to know why your section hates my section. We don't speak up about the pain you all put us through but we answer a question and its like a f*cking war." He says annoyed. I gulp and look down.
L: "you don't need to be rude about it, its not like I'm going to beat you up or something." I say laughing awkwardly. He just rolls his eyes and pulls up at my house. He sighs.
C: "I'll see you tomorrow. My parents are helping me move in the morning and have to be gone by 2." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "well, mine will probably help too so I'll be there whenever. Oh and we need to discuss getting a dog." I say seriously. He sighs.
C: "we can't." He says sighing. I huff.
L: "what now? Are you allergic?" I ask him annoyed. He shacks his head.
C: "not that I know about but I have a ferret so unless its small it wont work till he dies." He says shrugging. I frown.
L: "A ferret?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "yes, he's called Zipper and he only lets me and my mum touch him. He hates my dad, bites him and hisses at him. And no I'm not leaving him with my parents, he's moving with me. Get a dog if you want but if it goes near Zipper I will move you and the dog out." He says sighing. I frown.
L: "but I will legally live there." I say confused. He nods.
C: "but I will legally be paying for the house." He said shrugging. I nod.
L: "yes well fair point. I'll see you and Zipper tomorrow." I say getting out of the jeep. He nods.
C: "see yah." He says before driving off.
Cole's POV
God she was beautiful. Her eyes and smile, and god her laugh. She was a b*tch though. I can't actually like her. I drive home and speak to the builders who were fixing up our house before going in. My mum smiles.
CM: "hey my love! How was it? Who did you get?" She asks hugging me. I sigh.
C: "it was okay, I got a person of the popular section called Lili Reinhart." I say sighing. She frowns.
CM: "was she not one of the people who bullied you in high school?" She asks me frowning. I nod.
C: "she was and she wasn't to happy at first until she found out I was an author and her respect went up for me but I said what I needed to say, and maybe a little more." I say chuckling. She smiles and nods.
CM: "good. Well? Are you happy?" She asks me. I sigh and look down.
C: "she's pretty, she is but I don't know what she's like, personality wise. She was only nice to me when she found out one I drove a jeep and two I was an author. She's read my book and liked it so she probably just didn't want to be rude but it's a little to late. I just, she was so rude in high school. I know people change, f*ck look at me, but she wasn't nice till me the whole time. If she was maybe I wouldn't question if she was actually nice. I don't know. I'm confused. I thought I'd get put with a nerd but to be out with her, my old bully, it just. My head spinning." I say sighing. She sighs.
CM: "yah I can't imagine. How's the future stuff working out?" She asks handing me a cup of coffee. I sigh.
C: "we're moving in together tomorrow, next year we'll be married and we're starting adoption soon. It's too fast." I say sighing. I sit down at our kitchen table and put my head in my hands, rubbing my fingers through my hair. She sighs and sits beside me, rubbing my back. She sighs.
CM: "I remember when I found out I'd be marring your dad. I was so scared because I was a complete nerd and he come from the most respected family in this town. I had never kissed someone let alone having a boyfriend. We went into the room and I stayed as far away from him as possible. He tried bless him he did but god I just wouldn't open up to him. It took me a week to look him in the eyes. We didn't do the whole marriage baby talk till we were together for about 2 weeks but before we went when we were eating breakfast he told me about not being able to have kids. He ended up crying, he hated the fact that he couldn't give me our own baby by blood, that we had to do this, he told me how scared he was and how he didn't want kids yet or how he wasn't ready. His parents weren't to pleased when they found out. Let's just say your granny said some things that aren't true but she's regretted them in the end. Seeing the most respected 19 year old crying to me was weird. It felt weird but I hugged him and calmed him down before we left. We planned the wedding stuff and getting a kid adopted. We got dates and everything sorted and within the next 5 months we were married. Then when we got looking at adoption we found you. This little scared 2 year old boy with the most unruly, blond hair and the cutest little smile. I remember when we first saw you. You were wearing these baby blue dungarees and you had this red tee-shirt on. You were looking at this picture book, sitting on this huge couch that made you look tiny. You were so shy. The first thing you said was that we were very cute. Took us nearly a year to get everything finalised but just before your 3rd birthday we got you home. On your first night you slept cuddled with your dad. I remember you asked how long you would be staying because you had been from foster home to foster home from you were put in. You were very happy when we said forever even though I don't think you knew what it meant." She says laughing. I smile and look up at her.
C: "you and dad aren't ashamed of me for not being able to give you biological children right?" I ask nervously. She sighs.
CM: "of course not and we have a grandson already, Zipper sinks but he's quiet." She says shrugging. I chuckle.
C: "I love you mum." I say smiling. She smiles and kisses my head.
CM: "I love you too sweetie, more than you'll ever know." She says stroking my cheek. She sighs.
CM: "so is Zipper moving out too or do I get to keep one of my boys?" She asks me smiling. I sigh.
C: "he's coming with me. I think I need to get a second one, especially now I'm not here anymore. I understand why dad could only cope with one but he's lonely. I'll get him a brother." I yah shrugging. She laughs. My dad comes through the door, throwing his bags down.
CD: "there's my boy! How did it go?" He asks rubbing my shoulders. I sigh.
C: "as good as it can I guess. She's not a nerd and she's called Lili Reinhart and yes, she was my past bully." He sighs.
CD: "ouch." He said sucking in a deep breath. I nod. He kisses my mum before sitting on the other side of me. He sighs.
CD: "what's happening on the future front?" He asks me taking my coffee. I roll my eyes and chuckle.
C: "we're moving in tomorrow, getting married next year and adoption will be started next month." I say sighing. He nods.
CD: "how are you feeling?" He asks me smiling sadly. I sigh.
C: "petrified. I don't want kids yet. I don't think I'm ready." I say shacking my head. He nods.
CD: "I understand." He says sighing. I nod.
C: "oh yah I know. How you broke down in tears to mum." I say chuckling. He shrugs.
CD: "I'm not ashamed of it. I was for like, 3 years but men cry too. You've seen me cry. I'm not ashamed to cry." He says smiling. I nod.
C: "good, you shouldn't be." I say smiling. He nods.
CD: "so are you taking your furry snake thing with you?" He asks me smirking. I sigh.
C: "dad! He's a ferret! Not a snake and he has a name. But yes I am." I say smiling. He chuckles and ruffles my hair.
CD: "will I barbecue tonight? Since it's your last night home and all?" He asks me chuckling. I frown.
C: "you do know I will be around here everyday. My laptop is portable." I say shrugging. He chuckles. My mum sighs.
CM: "I'm gonna miss you living here. I've been waking up to make you breakfast for 18 years. It will be weird not having you here. Oh and on Friday nights." She says sighing. I frown.
C: "you'd think I'm dying. I'll still be here and I will probably still crash your Friday nights so don't get too sad." I say chuckling. She smiles.
CM: "good." She says kissing my head before looking through the kitchen cupboards. She pulls out a bunch of stuff for my dad to cook. She frowns.
CM: "there was a bunch of stuff here yesterday? I only got them yesterday." She says frowning. I smile guiltily. She sighs but smiles. My dad makes a killer barbecue and we start packing up my stuff.
The Next Day
My parents and I had just got to the new house and it was big. My dad frowns.
CD: "are you guys planning on adopting like, 4 kids?" He asks me. I shack my head.
C: "no, well I don't know. Two rooms for us so there's 3 left, it depends. I think 2 was the max for Lili." I say shrugging. My mum frowns.
CM: "are you not sharing a bed?" She asks confused. I sigh.
C: "no, it's to awkward, she hates me, I don't know anything about her. There will be no romance in my life." I say sighing. She nods slowly. We unpack everything and we were just talking when Lili walked in with a man and 3 women. She sighs.
L: "your here." She says annoyed. I nod.
C: "did tell you I'd be here this morning." I say annoyed. She nods.
L: "well mum, dad, Tess, Chloe, this is Cole, the person who I'm marring." She says sighing. My dad frowns.
CD: "Amy?!" He asks shocked. She frowns.
LM: "Chris? God it's been what? Years!" She says shocked. I frown and look at my mum. She shrugs.
C: "dad? What's going on? Why and how do you know her?" I ask him confused. He sighs.
CD: "we dated for a while when we were 15. So it's your daughter who put my son through hell?!" He asks angrily. I sigh.
C: "dad don't." I say sighing. Lili's dad frowns.
LD: "what do you mean? What happened?" He asks confused. My mum scoffs.
CM: "do yous not know? What your daughter done for years and still does until Cole put her in place yesterday." She says sighing. Lili sends me a glare. I just shrug.
LM: "what did she do? She's a responsible, respectful young lady and always has been." She says confused. I sigh.
C: "Lili bullied me the whole way through high school. Yes it was bad, yes I went to therapy, no I'm not over reacting and she was a b*tch yesterday until she found out I was an author. Yes I had mental health issues after high school and yes it was because of the bullying. I'm just getting that out there." I say sighing. Both their eyes go wide. Lili sighs and looks down.
LM: "you did that? To him? You bullied him? After everything Chloe had been through? Why?" She asks shacking her head. Lili sighs.
L: "yes. He was a nerd and venerable. I never touched him. He was there and I wanted to be cool." She says sadly. I sigh and look out into the backyard. They were arguing. I sigh.
C: "can you all just stop?! For gods sake? If Chloe, who ever she is, has been through this before she will, a like to me, be feeling very uncomfortable. You all, as a family, can argue when your at your house but not here, not today. You know what it's like to be forced to marry someone who doesn't like you. I'd rather be going home but I can't because in a couple of years I will have a family to provide for. I don't care about what happened in the past, I got therapy for a reason, but I do care about now. If you are going to make my life a living hell, I will gladly walk out. I'm not going to be loved by you, I know that, but you at at least should have respect for me, I'm f*cking human! We all are! As much as we both hate it, this time next year we could be married or getting married and legally that makes us family. I don't care what happens between you all, as the Reinharts, but here, in the house I pay for with my family you can't b*tch about each other or together. Lili made my high school a living hell she isn't going to make the rest of my life one. I need peace, in every way and I will gladly kick you out." I say annoyed. My parents smile slightly. Lili sighs and storms upstairs. She screams before coming downstairs.
L: "what the hell is in that cage?!" She asks me worried. I chuckle.
C: "oh that's Zipper. It's my ferret." I say smiling. She rolls her eyes before going back upstairs. Her dad and the other two girls follow her up. Her mum sighs.
LM: "I'm so sorry. That's, I didn't know about that. She was secretive in high school, clearly for bad reasons and I'm sorry about the whole arguing thing." She says smiling. I sigh.
C: "it's good, your good." I say smiling. She nods.
LM: "would she like? What? Verbally?" She asks me softly. I nod.
C: "it was anything from, knocking into me purposely in the halls ways, accidentally slamming my locker shut on my hand, knocking my books out of my hands, saying stuff. It wasn't just her it was her and the other cheerleaders and some of the football players but she was the main one." I says sighing. She nods.
LM: "god I'm so so sorry. I just, god. That's awful." She sits shocked. I nod.
C: "I don't hold anything against her and I'm not going to hurt her. She was just a b*tch. Hopefully she'll change so we can at least be okay with each other, for our future adopted children's sake." I say honestly. She nods. We catch up for a while until my parents have to go because they were going on holiday for their anniversary for a couple of weeks. I sigh.
C: "please be careful. The last time you two went on holiday without me you broke your foot and you got food poisoning." I say sighing. My mum laughs.
CM: "we'll be fine! You be carful too please, check on the house. I don't trust them builders. Oh and please, don't take any sh*t from her." She says smiling. I nod. We say our final goodbyes and hugs before I shut the door and sigh. Great, it was me and the Reinharts now. I walk into the kitchen to see them all chatting. I sigh and grab my phone. Lili sighs.
L: "you okay?" She asks me. I nod and shoot her a smile.
C: "I need to be with Zipper. It was nice meeting you all." I say smiling before walking out of the kitchen.
L: "Cole?!" I hear her shout. I nod and walk back in.
L: "can you bring him down for us to meet?" She asks me. I frown.
C: "who? Zipper?" I ask her confused. She nods.
L: "yah, go get him." She says shrugging. I nod and go up stairs, getting Zipper out of his cage before walking back downstairs. He was curled around my neck. Lili frowns.
L: "why are they so bendy?" She asks me touching him. I sigh.
C: "they just are. They stink so wash your hands after touching him, they take a bunch of caring, they have to play for 4 hours a day and then their diet is so confusing and they poop a lot." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "thank god we don't share a room." She mutters. I shrug.
C: "I have to go clean out his stuff." I say before running up the stairs. I clean our his cage and his food and water bowls before cleaning out his poop tray, my least favoured job.
Lili's POV
My dad and I were talking about the garden. He said I should get Cole so I nod and run up the stairs and go over to his room. I knock on the door before going in. He raises his eyebrows.
C: "what's up?" He asks without looking at me. I sigh.
L: "can you come downstairs? We are talking about the garden and well since you live here you should be part of it." I say shrugging. He nods and gets up off the floor. He puts Zipper in his cage before walking over to me.
C: "I'll be down in a sec. I just need to wash my hands." He says walking past me and into the bathroom. I nod and go back down stairs as he follows me behind a couple of seconds later.
LD: "so Mr Sprouse, I was thinking re-paint your fence obviously." He says shrugging. Cole nods.
C: "yep. My parents and I were talking about it earlier. So we were thinking, paint the fences and planters, plant them with nice flowers and stuff, ones that will smell nice but also not be too complicated. My dad was thinking because we have a huge space, a hot tub and an in ground trampoline, for obviously our children when we adopt. My uncle is a builder so he can do that, of course I'll pay and then we could buy a hot tub." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "omg! Yes! I can have all my girlfriends around and girls night will never be better! Yes!" I say happily. He nods. My dad nods.
LD: "okay then! Do you know people who can do it?" He asks him. Cole frowns.
C: "what do you mean? Do what?" He asks confused.
LD: "well like the painting and planting." He says confused. Cole frowns.
C: "I will be doing it, my dad said he would help out too. You would pay someone to do it?" He asks shocked. He nods.
LD: "yah that's not my style. Tuff work like that is for people who have clothes they can wear in ruff situations like that." He says chuckling. Cole nods slowly.
C: "well okay then. My parents get back from their holidays in two week, my mum knows a lot about plants so I'll speak to her when they come home but I'll go tomorrow and pick some paint samples up so you can let me know what colours you want. I'd personally go a natural wood colour which then makes the plants pop but if you want a colour I can pick a couple of samples up." He says shrugging. I sigh.
L: "who knew a nerd could be so helpful." I say smiling. He sighs.
C: "don't refer to me as a 'nerd' and I take pride in my house and garden. It looks nice and I will do it by hand not by paying someone to do my dirty work. Manual labour does no harm, I think some people need to learn that." He says before walking away. I sigh. My dad frowns.
LD: "that was a little rude." He sums sighing. My mum sighs.
LD: "don't go there. She shouldn't refer to him as that and he is right, not everything has to be done by people we pay. He's just not used to our life." She says shrugging. I nod. They stay for a while before going home just before dinner. Cole comes downstairs.
C: "pizza for dinner?" He asks me. I nod.
L: "sure." I say shooting him a smile from my place on the couch. He nods and goes into the kitchen. I assumed we were taking it away but it had been 25 minutes and he still hadn't come back out. I go into to the kitchen to check. He was making dough. I frown.
L: "Cole? What are you doing? Have you ordered the pizza's?" I ask him. He shacks his head.
C: "no I make them. I make them from scratch. They're nicer, healthier, cheaper and fun to make." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "okay then, if these pizzas are so amazing, show me how to do it! You make yours, I'll make mine and we'll figure how's in nicer." I say rolling my cleaves up. He nods and moves over. He shows me how to make it and it was great. He was making me laugh and the pizzas were great. We were sitting on the couch eating. He sighs.
C: "are you okay? Your moods dropped." He says softly. I sigh.
L: "I'm just, I've never spent more than 3 nights away from my parents and I was with my sisters. I know I'm 20 and this makes me sound so childish but now I'm in this big house, alone. There's always been the 5 of us with 3 dogs. Now there's just 2 of us in this huge house. I'm just scared that it will be lonely for me and I'm already home sick. I also have really bad nightmares. There weird but creep me the sh*t out so normal I go sleep with my sister after it but now I can't" I say sighing. He nods.
C: "maybe getting a dog will help and I may not be your parents for sisters, or anyone you'd want to live with but I'm always here. I work from home, all though I do go on book tours but by the time I've written my next book we'll be married and probably have kids." He says chuckling. I giggle.
L: "I know it's just, I don't want to go to sleep lonely and wake up lonely." I say sighing.
L: "when I imagined meeting my soulmate I thought we'd be happy, we'd sleep in the same bed, we'd kiss, sleep together, have our own kids and get dogs. Have the life like I did growing up but it's not what this is like. This is awkward and uncomfortable. My dad doesn't like you. Your just not what I wanted or need." I say sighing. He huffs.
C: "sorry for being such a disappointment." He says standing up. He takes my plate and goes into the kitchen. I sigh and follow him.
L: "Cole that's not what I meant!" I say following him. He sighs.
C: "no it's okay! I know. There's only two people who haven't said I'm a disappointment to my face are my parents so don't worry. I'm sorry for disappointing you, I'm sorry I can't give you biological children, I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable with me, I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you to sleep with or kiss, I'm sorry I'm not good enough to fit into your family. I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you but I am good enough for your respect." He says annoyed. He storms out of the kitchen and slams the door. I sigh and let out a huff. I shut everything off downstairs and go up stairs. I shower and get ready for bed before hopping in and watching TV until 12 before actually laying down. I got to sleep fine but I woke up at 3 in the morning after a night mare. I was shacking and I couldn't settle being alone so Cole was my only choice. I creep to his room and go in quickly. He was laying asleep so I sigh gently and quietly lie on the other side of the bed. Cole moves and turns over. He frowns.
C: "Lili?" He asks confused. I nod. He sighs.
C: "what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks me. I nod.
C: "was it a nightmare?" He asks me softly. I nod. He sighs.
C: "your shacking. Do you need anything?" He asks me. I sigh and turn around.
L: "can you hold me? My sister Chloe normal holds me after one, it's the only way I'll stop shacking." I say wiping my cheeks dry. He nods.
C: "of course." He whispers moving closer to me and wrapping his arms around me. I sigh and rest my head on his bare chest. It was so relaxing. I felt safe in his arms. He sighs and rubs my back.
C: "are you comfortable enough?" He asks me. I nod.
L: "yah." I whisper. He nods.
C: "do you need a glass of water?" He asks me softly. I sigh.
L: "could you go get me one?" I ask him softly. He nods.
C: "of course. You need anything else whilst I'm down there?" He asks me. I shack my head. He nods and gets off the bed. He turns his lamp on and I see his lightly toned chest. I nod a little and watch as he walked away. He was hotter than I thought, and he smelt amazing. He comes back up and passes me the glass of water. I smile lightly and take it from him, sipping the water before setting it on the nightstand. I sigh and lie backdown on his chest as he was back in bed. He sighs.
C: "do you remember it?" He asks me. I nod. He nods and kisses my head making my heart flutter. He sighs.
C: "do you have a condition that causes this or does it just happen?" He asks me softly. I sigh.
L: "I have dream anxiety disorder so it happens all the time. I just can't get used to them." I say sniffing. He sighs.
C: "it's okay." He whisper, running his hands through my hair. I smile slightly.
L: "I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I dreamed of a fairytale life. I know you'll be a good dad to whoever are babies are and I can't wait to meet them." I whisper sighing. He chuckles sending vibrations through his chest.
C: "me neither. I just wanna help some kids. It's not nice in there. I don't remember much but it's not mentally good for little kids. They need stable homes. So please, when we do have kids. Save your hate for me till when they go to sleep. Don't argue with me in front of them." He says sighing. I huff.
L: "I don't hate you." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "obviously not because well, your laying on my chest but you don't like me." He says sighing. I roll my eyes.
L: "can we save this conversation for another day?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "sure." He says sighing. I nod and close my eyes.
L: "goodnight." I whisper. He chuckles.
C: "goodnight." He whispers back. I fall asleep very quickly and I slept amazingly. The next morning it was a little awkward because we both woke up at the same time so it was like weird but we got over it. The next couple of weeks we go to know each other more I like him and maybe in like a romantic way.
3 Weeks Later
I had just got home from work and go out to the garden to see Cole and his dad painting the fence. I smile.
L: "hey guys! It looks great out here!" I say happily. They trampoline and pool were done and the fence was half painted. Their heads fling around. Cole smiles.
C: "hey thanks! How was your day?" He asks me setting his paintbrush down. I sigh.
L: "stressful. You've got a lot done today. Thank you so much for helping Mr Sprouse." I say smiling. He nods.
CD: "no problem! I'm going in to get a drink. You want one?" He asks Cole. Cole sighs.
C: "no thanks dad. I'm good." He says smiling. His dad nods and goes into the house. I smile and go over to Cole. He frowns.
C: "you okay?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "I'm just so stressed. I need a hug." I say sighing. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. We weren't together romantically but we were a lot closer than before and I slept with him most nights because he helps my nightmares. I sigh and look up at him.
L: "you have paint on your nose." I say giggling. He chuckles and rubs it. I sigh.
L: "you've just made it worse." I say sighing. He frowns and shrugs. I roll my eyes and rub his nose with my thumb. He smiles slightly. I nod.
L: "there all good. I am going to open wine! It is needed!" I say sighing. He sighs.
C: "why don't you invite your friends over? The hot tube works, the fence and all will be done in about 4 hours so by the time it's time for them to come over it will be done and I'll stay out of your way." He say shrugging. I nod.
L: "yes! Your the best!" I say blowing him a kiss before running into the house and texting all of my friends.
2 Years Later
Cole and I were married, we are even in love and had adopted 3 siblings. Sophia, who's 7, Jamie, who's 4, and Jenny who's 4 months old. I had just got home from a family reunion. It was for my family so Cole and the kids didn't come. It was a summers night and 10pm so I thought the kids would be in bed but I couldn't find them anywhere. I look outside to see them all laying on the trampoline. I frown. Cole was in the middle with the older two at his sides and Jenny curled up on his chest. I giggle and walk out. I go over to them.
L: "hey you guys. Can I join? Even thought you should be in bed." I say smiling. Cole sighs.
C: "I know but it's so pretty, it's not like they have school tomorrow." He whispers. I nod.
L: "Jamie, honey, I'm going to move you so I can cuddle daddy but you can lay on me." I say lifting him and laying in his spot, placing him on my chest. He smiles and kisses my cheeks before laying and looking at the stars. I sigh and close my eyes, turning in to face Cole. He smiles and kisses my head.
C: "how was the family reunion?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "crazy and I missed my family. I missed you." I whisper sighing. He chuckles. I smile and look at Jenny.
L: "she's so precious." I whisper. He nods.
C: "she is. They all our." He whisper stroking Sophia's arm. She looks up at him and smiles. I sigh.
L: "I missed you." I whisper to Cole. He chuckles.
C: "you've said baby." He whisper back. I sigh.
L: "did you not miss me?" I ask him pouting. He sighs.
C: "of course I did!" He says chuckling. I smile.
C: "I love you, soulmate." He says smiling widely. I sigh.
L: "I love you too soulmate." I say kissing him.

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