The Babysitter

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(Lili and Cole aren't actors, they are 19 and 20. Lili is a baby sitter and Cole is a photographer starting his own company. No offence meant to anyone) (if the Italian is wrong blame google translate) (mentions some touchy subjects)
Lili's POV
It was first week in LA on my own. I was nervous but also excited. I want to work with children so when I'm not in school, I babysit. I got my first job. I was so shocked when I saw who I'll be baby sitting for. The Sprouses. They were a very famous family. Probably the most famous. Mr and Mrs sprouse are divorced. They did it publicly. They have 3 kids. 2 boys and a girl. Nobody knows their age nor names as they were very sheltered. It was a Friday night and I had to be at their house for 4:30. It was 3 so I started to get ready. I packed my bag of stuff to do if they get board and get myself ready. I wore this:

I also bring a jacket encase I get cold

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I also bring a jacket encase I get cold. When it was 4 I left just to give me some time to get there. When I arrived at their house I was very shocked. It looked like this:

I nod realising that they are definitely very very rich and get out of my car

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I nod realising that they are definitely very very rich and get out of my car. Mrs Sprouse told me to use the upstairs door so I walk up the steps and knock on the door. After a couple of seconds she opens the door. She smiles. She was beautiful. She was wearing this:

 She was wearing this:

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She smiles.
MS: "you must be the babysitter? Lili Reinhart?" She asks letting me into the house. I smile.
L: "yes that's me." I say standing in the door. I look around.
L: "you have a beautiful house! You look beautiful I hope you don't mind me saying." I say looking at her. She nods.
MS: "no thank you! Well I'm running late so, Erin is somewhere doing something. Later on two boys will probably come in. There twins. Dylan is very good looking so you'll know him and the other one isn't too important. Dyl won't get on your neves. Thank you so much for doing this! I know it was a little last minute." She says grabbing her purse. I nod.
L: "okay and no bother at all. Glad I could help." I say nodding. She sighs.
MS: "okay well if anything happens don't call me. Don't leave until I come home and I should be back around 1am. Make yourself at home." She says walking out. I nod. She clearly has a favourite. I set my bag on the table and walk into what I think as the kitchen. It was sparkling clean. It was beautiful. They had a huge garden which you could see through the windows. It had a huge hot tub which was the same size as the pool out front. I smile and walk into the living room. I turn on Netflix and watch a movie. At 5 someone come through the door. I turn off the TV and go out to the front hall. There was 3 people. A girl holding a boys hand and another boy. They all looked about my age. One of them sighs.
?: " Dylan I'm fed up! I know you want to spend time with your girlfriend but what about me? I'm here all the time! I look after Erin! I pay for all her stuff! I clean this house! I run around after you! I have a life!" He says dropping the bag he was holding. The other boy or Dylan speaks up.
D: "at least I have friends! I have a social life! I have a girlfriend!" He says winking at the girl beside him. The other boy sighs.
?: "Dio sei così ingenuo!" (You are so naive) He shouts throwing his arms up and walking past me. Dylan scoffs.
D: " Vaffanculo!" (F*ck off) He shouts walking up the stairs he was standing at. The other one shacks his head.
?: "right back at yah!" He shouts. Dylan slams a door and the other one sighs. I walk into the kitchen where he was. I was about to say something.
?: "what do you want?" He asks sharply. I sigh.
L: "hi." Is all I say. He jumps and turns around to face me. He frowns whilst wiping a fallen tear from his face.
?: " god hi who are you?" He asks confused. I smile.
L: " I'm Lili Reinhart, Erins babysitter." I say. He nods.
?: "right yah sorry about that. Cole Sprouse, my mother probably only told you about my a*s of a brother." He says shacking my hand. I nod.
L: "yah Dylan is good looking in your mother's eyes." I say shrugging. He nods.
C: "I wasn't that important, same with everything. Second best. Anyway, where Erin?" He asks curiously. I shrug,
L: "I don't know. She hasn't come up yet." I say honestly. He nods. He sighs.
C: "she'll come when I tell her I have food." He says laughing. I nod. He sighs.
C: "E I'm home!" He shouts. There was a squeal and she comes running. Cole chuckles when we hear a door slam. Erin comes running in and goes straight to Cole. He picks her up and she hugs his neck. She giggles.
E: "your finally home!" She says happily. He nods.
C: "I am and I brought you some food." He says kissing her head. She looks at him.
E: "you did? Why?" She asks happily. He smiles.
C: "because it's Friday, you have been extremely good and I didn't want to cook." He says laughing. She nods.
E: "what did you bring?" She asks smiling. He sighs.
C: "McDonald's. I got you a chicken nugget happy meal and a strawberry milkshake." He says smiling. She nods happily.
E: "yummy!" She says hopping out of his arms. She runs over to the table and sits up on the seat. Cole nods and grabs the bag. He gives her the food and comes back over. I smile.
L: "she is a mini girl version of you." I say shocked. He nods.
C: "yah, she's been mistaken for my daughter plenty of time." He says washing his hands. I frown.
L: "so she's your sister?" I ask shocked. He nods.
C: "she is. Full blown. Same mother and dad." He says nodding. I nod.
L: "right just the age difference. Your parents divorced when you were 10 so." I say confused. He nods.
C "yah. They were at the same club, drunk and ended up sleeping together. Just over 9 moths later that cutie was born." He says smiling over to Erin who was eating her food. I smile.
L: "so she wasn't planned." I say putting the pieces together. He nods.
C: "1 out of the 3 of us were so she's in the minority." He says grabbing a can of soda from the fridge. I sigh.
C: "do you want a drink?" He asks pointing to the fridge. I nod.
L: "yah I'll take a cola please." I say happily. He nods and hands me a can. I thank him. We talk until Erin finishes her food.
E: "Coley can you check my work please?" She asks handing him some papers. He nods and looks over her work. He signs the bottom of it with his amazing signature and hands it back to her. She smiles.
C: "you done perfect! Well done princess!" He says kissing her head. She nods and runs off to her back pack. He smiles and yaws.
C: "god I'm so tired!" He says stretching. I smile.
L: "what to your do for work?" I ask curiously. He smiles.
C: "I'm a photographer, I have my own studio and all. It's small but slowly working its way up." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "that's pretty cool. Have you done any popular shoots?" I ask nervously. He nods.
C: "yah. I once done a practice photo shoot on my mother. Vogue saw the photos and asked me to shoot multiple people for their magazine. The most recent one of my mother when she was on the front cover I took." He says shrugging. I raise my eyebrows.
L: "you took them photos?" I ask shocked. He nods.
C: "and I edited them." He says proudly. I nod.
L: "god your good! I thought they'd been taken by some 40 year old man who's a fashion designer and also a photographer." I say laughing. He chuckles.
C: "nope. Took by a nineteen year old boy." He says laughing. I nod.
L: "what age are you?" I ask confused. He frowns and looks at his watch. He sighs.
C: " I'm 20 years old. You?" He asks fixing his watch. I smile.
L: " nineteen but i'll be twenty on September 13th so soon." I say shrugging. He nods.
C: "ahh it will be a fun age. I feel like when your 20 your official free, like you can do what ever. Obviously not drink but your not a teen anymore." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "yah. Well I was you know classed as an adult when I was 18 with my family. I suppose I did move out here on my own at nineteen so?" I say shrugging. He nods.
C: "yah. You seem to have an amazing family. They seem so nice." He says smiling. I nod.
L: "their the best! They are so kind. Honestly I know I'm probably proud and all but they are definitely the best." I say happily. He nods.
C: "I know by your personality, your very open but not too open. Your not shy either." He says looking into my eyes. I smile.
L: "thank you." I say quietly. He nods.
C: " your welcome." He says in a near whisper. We just stay there in a comfortable silence until Erin comes in. He smiles to her.
C: " what's up cutie?" He asks scooping her up.
Cole's POV
I can't stop looking at Lili. She's so beautiful. Her sparkly green eyes. God she is stunning. I look at Erin.
C: "what's up cutie?" I ask scooping her up. She smiles.
E: "i was thinking we could watch a movie?" She asks quietly. I nod.
C: "sure we can!" I say rubbing her back. She nods.
E: "what about popcorn?" She asks in a whisper. I nod.
C: "we can have popcorn. Did you get lunch today?" I asks curiously. She shacks her head.
E: "no." She whispers sadly. I sighs.
C: "why did your teacher not call me?" I asks rubbing her cheek. She sighs.
E: "I didn't want to bother you." She mumbles. I smile sadly.
C: "your no bother at all. No matter what the reason. If you need me or something call. The teachers know that and so do you." I say tapping her nose. She smiles.
E: "okay." She says a little louder. I smiles and kiss her cheeks. She giggles and cuddles into me. I rub her back.
C: "you tired?" I asks rubbing her head. She nods.
E: "yes." She says yawning. I nod.
C: "how about we go get your pj's on?" I ask. She nods. I smile.
C: "you can go into the living room if you want. Make yourself at home, you'll probably be here for ages if my mother has made you stay till she comes home. It will be a long night for you." I say looking at Lili. She smiles.
L: "sure. If you need her hair done I'm good with doing it." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "I might take you up on that one." I say winking. She nods. I bring Erin up stairs and whilst I was getting her changed she started to talk.
E: "is the girl downstairs your girlfriend?" She asks curiously. I shack my head.
C: "no she's your babysitter hun." I say fixing her pyjama top. She nods.
E: "she's very pretty. Do you like her?" She asks quietly. I smile.
C: "Lili is very nice, yes I do like her." I say smiling. She nods.
E: "do you love Lili?" She asks smiling cheekily. I shack my head.
C: "E I've known the girl for about 2 hours, so I don't love her. I think she's very pretty and is a very nice person though." I say honestly. She nods.
E: "do you have a crush on her?" She asks smiling. I frown.
C: "would you like her to do your hair?" I ask changing the subject. She nods happily.
E: "yes!" She says happily. I nod.
C: "go grab your hair comb and a gogo." I say helping her up. She nods and I get up off the floor. When she come back from the bathroom she puts her robe and slippers on. We walk back down stairs. Lili smiles.
L: "you look so cute." She says pouting at Erin. Erin spins and hands her the hair comb.
E: "can you do my hair?" She asks politely. Lili nods.
L: "I sure can. What style do you want?" She asks putting her on one of the seats. Erin thinks for a second before nodding.
E: "can you do two braids?" She asks happily. Lili nods and begins her hair. I smile.
C: "well I'm going to change too." I say walking off. Erin waves.
Lili's POV
Whilst I was doing her hair Erin was asking me questions about myself.
She sighs.
E: "I probably shouldn't tell you this but Coley thinks your pretty and a very nice person." She says smiling. I raise my eyebrows.
L: "he does?" I ask shocked. She nods.
E: "yep he told me. Coley never really has a girlfriend. He's always busy working or looking after me.  He does so much, more than our mother. He's like my dad but he's not, he's my brother. He has looked after me from I was a tiny baby. I feel bad because I sometimes hear him crying at night when he thinks I'm asleep. It's my fault he's sad." She says sadly. My heart breaks. Their family seemed amazing but really it was just broken. I sigh and put her hair up before walking in front of her. I squat down to her level and take her hands.
L: "hunny I promise you that you are not the reason he cries. He smiles because of you. And maybe he does cry but that could be for loads of different reasons. He could be tired, grump, sad or he could be happy. He loves you so so so much. I never seen someone love a person as much as he does okay? So don't feel guilty at all. Feel proud and happy that you have Cole as your brother and that your the reason he smiles okay?" I ask gently. She nods. I smile.
E: "can you ask him why he's sad? I think he will talk to you." She says. I nod.
L: "I'll see what I can do." I say. I finish her hair. When we are done Cole comes back downstairs shirtless. He was hot as hell! I try not to stare but he was too attractive. He sighs.
C: "where is that flipping sweater?!" He asks shacking his head. Erin smiles and looks at him.
E: "Dylan took it. The grey one?" She asks curiously. He nods.
C: "yah the one that Nana got for my birthday a couple of years ago. It was in my closet earlier." He says unsure. Erin nods.
E: "Dylan took it." She says. He scoffs.
C: "Dylan!" He shouts and runs back up the stairs. I sigh.
L: "when is his birthday?" I ask curiously. She sighs.
E: "August 4th." She says quietly. I frown.
L: "but that's today?" I say confused. She nods.
E: "it is, he doesn't really like his birthday. He used to but then Nana died this day 2 years ago so he just started to hate it." She says sadly. I sigh.
L: "god, that must be hard." I say sadly. She nods.
E: "he acts okay but I know he isn't, I'm not stupid." She says sadly. I nod.
L: "when's your birthday?" I ask trying to change the subject. She smiles.
E: "September 12th." She says happily. I raise my eyebrows.
L: "that's the day before my birthday." I say happily. She nods.
E: "that's cool" She says happily. I nod.
L: "what age will you be?" I ask finishing the last bit of her hair.
E: "I'all be 6 what age will you be?" She asks curiously. I smile.
L: "I'll be 20." I say tiring off her hair. I smile.
L: "your hair is complete." I say as she gets up. She smiles.
E: "thank you Lili." She says happily. I smile.
L: "no problem hun." I say. She nods and goes into the kitchen. I fix the chair and collect the hair gogo's. Cole then comes running down the stairs with a hoodie on this time. He sighs.
C: "thank you for doing her hair, it's normally in a ponytail or a very loose braid." He says chuckling. I smile.
L: "no bother at all. I'm glad I can help." I say happily. He nods.
E: "Coley look at my hair! It's so pretty!" She says running over to him. He nods.
C: "it's very pretty." He says rubbing her back. She sighs.
E: "can you make some popcorn?" She asks shyly. Cole smiles.
C: "I sure can! What flavour do you want?" He asks opening a cupboard. She sighs.
E: "toffee?" She asks curiously. Cole smiles.
C: "you always choose the best ones." He says happily. She jumps with excitement and runs over to him. He picks her up and they put it in the microwave. They wait till it starts popping then they take it out. Erin claps when it comes out perfect.
E: "it's perfect!" She says happily. Cole nods.
C: "it is! Now go grab a bottle of water and run into the living room." He says kissing her head before setting her down. She nods and runs off. He sighs and puts all the stuff in a bowl. He smiles to me.
C: "do you want some? If you do but don't like this one I can do a different one, we have loads. I will probably make food or order it later when she's asleep you will be fed." He says laughing. I roll my eyes.
L: "I'm fine and if you are ordering food I'll also order something." He says laughing. He nods.
C: "what ever I don't mind, the delivery guy is like a friend to me so whatever." He says chuckling. I giggle.
L: "I'm sure anyone's your friend." I say. He sighs.
C: "if only, if only. You'd be shocked how many people are rude." He says turning around. I sigh.
L: "you don't seem to have the life everyone thought you had." I say sadly. He nods.
C: "yah life is never as it seems. Everyone thinks because we have money everything's roses and daisies but in reality it's crap." He says shrugging. I sigh.
L: "when is life roses and daisies?" I ask sadly. He sighs.
C: "never Lil's never." He says walking past me. I smile at the nickname and follow him. I smile when I see Erin sitting on the couch ready to go. Cole laughs.
C: "you ready princess?" He asks sitting beside her. She nods and smiles up to him.
E: "I'm ready! We're going to watch Snow White." She says happily. Cole nods.
C: "sure." He says. He turns the movie on. I grab my phone and sit beside them on the sofa. Erin moved over to Cole's lap and laid her head on his chest. He kisses her head and smiles. I smile looking at them.  They were so cute. If you didn't know them at all you would think Erin is his daughter. We watch the movie but half way through there was shouting. It was Dylan and his girlfriend. Cole sighs. Erin looks at him.
E: "what's going on? Why are they shouting?" She asks nervously. Cole smiles.
C: "I'm sure it's nothing." He says calming. She nods and looks back at the movie. The shouting just gets louder until they run done the stairs and Dylan yells at her.
D: "just get out Jane! I don't care anymore! You should have at least told me! Go!" He yells. She runs out and slams the door. Dylan starts crying. Cole sighs.
C: "E stay here with Lili, I'm just going to check on what going on." He says standing up. Erin nods and sits where he was sitting. Cole leaves the living room.
Cole's POV
I sigh and walk out to the door. Dylan was sitting leaning on the wall crying. I sigh and sit beside him. He looks at me.
D: "what do you want?" He asks. I sigh.
C: "to know why your on the floor crying?" I say. He sighs.
D: "she was pregnant and had an abortion. I understand it was her choice wether to abort it or not but I would have liked to have known about it at least. It was my baby too not just hers." He says wiping his checks. I sigh. I think for a minute and then hug him. It was something I hadn't done in ages. He hugged back surprisingly.
C: "god, I'm sorry. Normal I know what to say but now I don't." I say sadly. He scoffs.
D: "Cole Sprouse lost for words? That's different." He says shocked. I gasp.
C: "you remember my name!" I say shocked. He sighs.
D: "we might not be close but I'm still your twin." He says surly. I nod.
C: "you sure are." I say chuckling. He sighs.
D: "I'm sorry I've been a b*tch." He says sadly. I scoff.
C: "bitch is a understatement, you have been a breathing hell from we were 13, that's 7 years." I say seriously. He sighs.
D: "I know." He says even sadder. I sigh.
C: "well if your done okay I'm gonna have to go back to Erin, she'll think I've been murdered." I say breaking the hug. He nods.
D: "she's attached to you." He says chuckling. I nod.
C: "I been the main person in her life from she was younger than a month old. I'd be a little worried if she felt no love towards me." I say standing up. He nods.
D: "can I come with you? That makes me sound three but I want to spend some time with you and Erin even if it's just watching a movie." He asks nervously. I smile.
C: "sure but Erins babysitter Lili is also in there, and no you can't flirt with her." I say seriously. He frowns.
D: "why is she still here if we are?" He asks confused. I sigh.
C: "our mothers orders." I say shrugging. He nods. We go into the living room. Erin frowns.
E: "Coley? What's going on? What happened?" She asks standing up. I smile and go over to her.
C' "nothing's wrong princess, Dylan's just here to watch the movie with us. So Dylan this is Lili and Lili this is Dylan." I say seriously. Dylan smiles.
D: "she is a lot hotter than I expected, can I have your number?" He asks. I hit him.
C: " can you not have one conversation without asking for a number, for gods sake you don't even have mine. Worry about getting Lili's number if she wants to give it to you after having a month with out a girlfriend." I say pulling him to sit down.
C: "if Lili wants to give you her number she will but after the movie." I say staring at him. He nods.
D: "sorry" he says quietly. I sigh and play the movie. Erin moves back into my lap and quickly falls asleep. I sigh.
C: "I'll be back in a couple of minutes." I say quietly getting up. They nod and I carry Erin up the stairs. I wake her up so I can brush her teeth. When there done I carry her to bed and plop her in. I kiss her head and slowly close her door. I smile and run back down stairs. I go into the kitchen and start cleaning the counters and work tops. Lili comes in.
L: " your brother seems to be really nice but I'm not interested, how do you get that into his head." She says annoyed. I smile.
C: "just say exactly that, he's probably never been rejected so he should go away." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "does he not have a girlfriend anyway?" She asks confused. I nod.
C: "honestly I'm not sure, they were arguing earlier about something but I'm not sure if they are still together or not." I say unsure. She nods.
L: " you two are very different." She says calmly. I sigh.
C: "actually were not, he's just been covered in this disgusting, fake, stupid front. Really he is nice and some what less fake." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "you miss him don't you?" She asks sadly. I nod.
C: "all the time, especially when I needed him the most. He didn't even talk to me for ages. It was a really really hard time." I say remembering that hellish time. She sighs. Dylan comes in.
D: "lovely meeting you Lili, Cole it was nice talking but I'm going to my room, the lads want me to join there game." He says grabbing a beer out of the fridge. I nod.
C: "just please don't shout! If you wake Erin I will rip your head off." I say seriously. He nods and walks off. I sigh.
C: "i love him and all but he just is so annoying! He doesn't even help." I say annoyed. She giggles.
L: "I can just imagine." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "okay, well food. I still have no motivation to cook so takeout?" I ask her. She nods. I grab my phone.
C: "okay, were do you want?" I ask her. We order our food and go back to the living room. She smiles.
L: "how about we play 20 questions?" She asks sitting beside me. I smile.
C: "sure, you start." I say smile. She nods.
L: "okay, so what is your least favourite thing to do?" She asks curiously. I shack my head.
C: "talk about my feelings. I hate it." I say sighing. She nods. The door bell rings so I run and get it. It was the food. I grab it and bring it in. We carry on talking whilst we eat.
C: "okay well, what your least favourite thing to do?" I ask her smiling. She sighs.
L: "I hate being sick, like if I have a cold I'm fine with it but anything else nope. I hate getting ill." She says frowning. I nod.
C: "yah it's not fun, do you have a high immune system?" I ask her. She nods.
L: "thank fully I do, do you?" She asks nervously. I shack my head.
C: "no, because I was born earlier and wasn't too healthy I have a really low one. I take vitamins and stuff to help myself but it's lower than I'd like it to be." I say sadly. She nods.
L: "I'm gonna ask you something and you don't have to answer." She says seriously. I nod.
C: "what's up?" I ask nervously. She sighs.
L: "when I was braiding  Erins hair she was talking about today and other stuff. She told me about your grandmother and how it's your birthday today. She also told me that she has heard you crying at night when you think she's asleep. You don't have to tell me why but she worried about you and frankly I am too, I might have only known you for a couple of hours but from what I know you've been strong for a little too long. I also don't think you have someone to talk to either." She says calmly. I sigh.
C: "I'm fine seriously but did Erin say anything else? I don't want her under stress." I say worried. She sighs.
L: "she thinks it's her fault your sad, I reassured her that it wasn't but she thought it was. I don't think she does any or but she did." She says sadly, I sigh.
C: "of course she did, how did I not see this all! God I should have just give her to dad and went away." I say annoyed. I sigh and rub my face. She sits up and rubs my back.
L: "I'm not saying your broken or that your weak but you need help Cole. You are twenty with a child to care for, you probably look after Dylan too. Your starting your own business and your famous. You've lost someone you must have loved so much only a couple of years ago so your still grieving. I wouldn't really say you and Dylan are best friends, so you don't really have him to rely on. Your stressed. You probably haven't had a break from Erin was born. You've clearly got bad anxiety. You need help, of that be from a therapist or a friend. I'd you don't you'll get worse and maybe will think the easiest way out is to kill yourself. Erin needs you more than you think, even though she's growing up she'll still need you. Your dad needs you, Dylan needs you but you can't be there for them until your better and you want to be there for them right?" She ask camly. I nod and wipe a fallen tear. She sighs.
Lili's POV
I was really seeing his true colours, the broken ones. I sigh.
L: "you should try to talk to Dylan about this, he bound to care. He is your twin after all." I says hopefully. He scoffs.
C: "nah, there no point. He'll just add it to the book of reasons to hate me." He says chuckling sadly. I frown.
L: "why does he hate you? When you were younger you two were inseparable, I remember wishing I had someone like that." I say smiling sadly. He sighs.
C: "when I was thirteen I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. We were in Italy and my nana saw the scars and cuts in my arm accidentally. She got me a therapist and I was getting help. When Dylan found out he sort of just stopped talking to me, like he was embarrassed or ashamed. I fooled the therapist that I was okay and stopped going when I was fifteen. Dylan still didn't talk to me though. Everyone apart from my dad and nana sort of got more distant. I never really had friends so that wasn't a problem. And then Erin was born. For the first month my mother bothered with her but from then on she was either my responsibility or she moves in with dad. I didn't want to move and I also didn't want to be apart from her. Also dad was between here and Italy every week so that wasn't good for her. I've been her main carer from then on. She sees dad, but they aren't like really close. Anyway I was still partly depressed and extremely anxious for like the whole time. For the week of our 18th birthday our nana come over and was staying at my dads. I've always been able to open up to her so I decided to ask if she could come over and then I would tell her about how I've been feeling, so I phoned her and she said she would be round ASAP. I told her to be carful and not to rush. On the drive over... she was hit by a car head on. It was on the wrong side of the road. She died nearly automatically. The person wasn't charged and is probably roaming the streets like nothing happened. This hoodie was my birthday present from her. She had it personally made. It was my fault she's dead. If I didn't call her, she wouldn't have been on the road. If she was still here I probably won't be like this either. She was my best friend. No matter what time it was she always made me call her if I didn't feel okay. She always text me every night and phoned me every afternoon. She would send me over money to help with my photography and would let me use her to practice taking photos. She was the most beautiful person I know, inside and out. She wasn't even old either." He says staring at his hands. I sigh and wipe a fallen tear. I take one of his hand and just hold it. I sigh.
L: "can I hug you?" I ask in a whisper. He nods and I hug him. I feel him hold back the tears as he sniffs and takes a deep breathe. I sigh and rub his back.
L: "don't hold them back, let them out." I say quietly. He sigh and I feel the tears start to fall. He wasn't getting my top wet but I could tell by his breathing. I just hold him, letting him calm when he's done crying. He starts taking deep breaths as his heart rate stats getting quicker. He sighs.
C: "I'm sorry." He says sniffing. I shack my head and rub his back.
L: "don't be." I say calmly. He nods and wipes his cheeks. We just stay there in silence enjoying each others presence until Erin let's out a high pitched scream and starts wailing. He pulls away from the hug, wipes his cheeks, clears his throat and runs up the stairs. I smile sadly. He was truly broken.
Cole's POV
I run up to Erin scared in case she's hurt. When I get into her room she was sitting in her bed sobbing. I run over to her a pick her up. She cuddles into my neck and sobs.
E: "Coley!" She sobs clinging to me. I sigh and rub her back.
C: "I'm right here baby, I'm right here." I say kissing her head. She continues to sob and cling to me. I sigh and sit on her bed. She grabs my back and holds herself against me. I sigh and rub here back.
C: "I'm not going anywhere princess, I swear. Let's just focus on breathing at see if we can stop crying. I won't let you go." I say holding onto her. She nods and takes deep breathes slowly calming down. After a while she was finally clam and had stopped crying. I sigh.
C: "can you tell me why your upset baby?" I ask her gently. She nods.
E: "I had a scary dream, you were in a crash like Nana and you were dead." She says sadly. I sigh.
C: 'oh hun I'm not going anywhere anytime soon okay? I'm right here." I say kissing her head. She nods.
E: "can I stay with you tonight?" She asks sniffing, I sigh.
C: "well I'll be down stairs with Lili until mother gets home but if you want you can come down." I say looking at her. She nods.
E: "just don't let me go." I says snuggling into me. I shack my head.
C: "I won't." I say kissing her head. I grab a blanket and her stuffed animal and carry her downstairs. She was still clinging to my neck. I sigh and walk into the living room. Lili smiles when she sees her and I sit back down. I put the blanket over Erin and give her the teddy. She snuggles into me and closes her eyes. Lili frowns.
L: "nightmare?" She asks in a whisper. I nod. She smiles sadly. We sit in silence as Erin slowly starts to fall asleep. I was slowly rubbing her arm which calmed her a lot. I smile when she beings to snore lightly and kiss her head. I smile.
C: "I'm just going to lay her back down." I whisper to Lili she nods. I carry Erin up to my room and lay her in my bed. She started to wake up. I smile.
C: "I'm laying you down in my bed. I'll be down stairs with Lili and I'm not going anywhere okay princess?" I ask her kissing her head. She nods.
E: "I love you Coley." She say smiling tiredly. I smile.
C: "i love you too princess, goodnight." I say. She nods and I walk out leaving the door slightly open. I sigh and go back down stairs. Lili smiles when she sees me.
L: "is she okay?" She asks smiling. I nod.
C: "yah, she's had the same nightmare from our nana dies. It was what happened to her only it was me not Nana." I say sitting down. She sighs.
L: "I can't even imagine what it's like." She says sadly. I nod.
C: "it isn't fun." I say sighing. She smiles.
L: "are you okay?" She asks seriously. I nod and smile.
C: "yah I am." I say smiling. She nods.
L: "that's good." She says whispering. We were looking into each others eyes and it was like time stopped. We both slowly started edging closer to each other until we finally met in the middle. Our lips connected and it was the best kiss of my life. It was like a spark of electricity run through my body. I smile into the kiss as does she. When we pull away we rest ours head together. I smile.
C: "that was..." I say but she cut me off.
L: "amazing?" She asks looking at me. I nod.
C: "amazing." I say happily. We kiss again, more rough this time. She was like a goddess. She was an amazing kisser, the most beautiful person I've seen, amazing at talking with you about touchy subjects and great with kids. She was perfect. And who knew that she would go from being my little sisters baby sitter to the love of my life.

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