Bonus #2

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"No no, that can't be right. I did it wrong...." Jimin spoke, as I let out a little giggle.

"Nope, that's it. It's my turn!" I replied, taking back my own phone. Jimin and I were....bored let's say. So, we did the only thing we could think of.

"But I can't be tiger bread....that's what Tae got. I need to try to get a different one!" Jimin whined playfully. Yup, we were taking a quiz to see what type of bread we were.

"That's the second time you got it. Maybe it's just....meant to be~" You teased. "You guys are literally best friends, why are you so surprised?" 

I half listened to Jimin whine, and say some sort of speech on the the matter, that he probably rehearsed in case a moment like this arose. But mostly, I really wasn't paying attention. After all, I did want to see what type of bread I would be. 

"I got a baguette!" I triumphantly shouted, and giggled a little at Jimin's defeated look. 

"What are you three doing...." Yoongi suddenly stated, looking rather confused. 

"We're seeing what type of bread we are." I replied, as I held out my phone to him. "Want to try?" 

"What? No." He stated, but then Jimin looked at him. "No, I'm not doing it." 


"I got a baguette too!" Yoongi stated, and both he and I high-fived. Long story short, Jimin has his ways, and Yoongi took the quiz. This made Jimin sink into the sofa, looking rather defeated yet again. 

"What are you guys up to?" Jungkook suddenly asked, coming into the living room, sweating from head to toe. Jungkook had a solo song coming up, so he had been practicing the choreo to that, and a few other songs all day. He looked pretty worn out, so I'm sure taking a fun little quiz like this will be able to relieve a bit of stress. 

"We're taking silly quizzes, like what type of bread we are!" Taehyung exclaimed, as he looked up from his phone, for the first time since Jimin found out his results. "Even Yoongi did it! He and Mina got a baguette, while Jimin and I got tiger bread." 

"Can I try?" Jungkook asked, as I nodded happily, giving him my phone. Within just a few minutes, he held up the phone for us to see. "Banana bread~" 

"Why can't I be banana bread?" Jimin cried out rather dramatically, making all of us laugh. 

"Oh, I tried that quiz before. I'm pretty sure I got brioche." Jin's voice sang, as he walked into the room with Namjoon and Hoseok. 

"I got a bagel!" Hoseok announced, showing his own phone. He must've heard us explain it to Jungkook before, and took the quiz for himself. "I love bagels!!" 

"I think I got a crouton...." Namjoon replied. "I did that quiz with Jin, it was actually rather fun. And also, he kinda made me. He said if I didn't, I'd be cleaning dishes for the rest of my life." 

"Hey!" Jin replied, playfully hitting Namjoon's arm, as we all erupted into laughter. 

It was nice to see everyone happy, and laughing. It's been a while since it's been like this, thanks to all their busy schedules. But now, everyone seems to be having a great time. And to think, all it took was one little bread quiz....


A/N It's been a while, hasn't it? Since the last bonus chapter. But today, I just got a bit inspired to write a chapter. I didn't even know what I was writing, until I suddenly had the first paragraph down. Can you guys tell I like bread? 

Also, I'm curious, who do you all ship in BTS? Or do you ship anyone?

Here's the thing, here's my problem, a little dilemma if you will. I ship Yoonmin, but at the same time, I also ship Yoonkook.... I find both ships pretty cute~ But at the same time, you can't forget about Sope~(I don't really ship Sope, but I like the ship) Also, I find MinJoon cute too~ (I don't personally ship them, but it's a cute ship.) And then of course, who could forget Namjin~ I kinda also ship VMin, but not nearly as much as Yoonmin~ 

Also, what's your favourite type of bread? (I'm full of questions today, I know~) As a bread lover, I'm actually going to go with toast. ANY  toast. Just plain and simple, the way I like it. 

Lastly, I wanted to say a huge thank you, for all your support~!! The amount of reads, votes and comments It's difficult to write down how I'm feeling. I love reading the comments, and just seeing your thoughts on particular characters (That darn Ji Hun). Once again, thank you so so much for all your kind words and your support~!! (This was such a long authors note....) Have a lovely day/night, I purple you all~!! 💜💜💜💜

) Have a lovely day/night, I purple you all~!! 💜💜💜💜

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