Chapter 4

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"What's wrong?" I asked, as I looked towards the few people looking right at me. 

"Mina has a boyfriend!" Irene sang. A light blush crept onto my face as she said this, so I quickly shook my head and looked down. 

"No, we're just friends." I stated, as I walked past them, and made my way upstairs to the dorms. As I entered, all I could hear was a few girls talking about these new songs that just came out. I have to admit the songs are actually really good. I listen to a lot of songs, and I really do love the ones they're talking about. 

All of a sudden, I heard my own name in the conversation. They looked over at me, and then continued talking about whatever it was that came to mind. I plugged in my earphones, and went searching for a good song. But then once again, my name arose in their conversation and I couldn't help but just listen in. 

"I bet that poor guy doesn't even like her, he is probably just feeling sorry for her, because she has no friends, and never will." One of the girl stated, in a voice a little louder than a whisper. 

"She's not even that pretty, why would that guy ever choose to hang out with her?" Another one stated. I closed my eyes and looked at the playlist on my phone, looking for a loud song that would drown out the voices surrounding me. 

"She's been here for nearly ten years, she's never going to get a family." The voices continued, and at this I knew I just couldn't take anymore. I put the first song I saw on, turned around and cried myself to sleep. 


I wasn't really paying any attention this class, as I had already learnt these things last week. Instead, I was just drawing. I don't know why, but Yeon popped into my head. So I drew him, as a cartoon, just like I said I would. He is probably expecting a real life portrait. I bet I'll end up disappointing him

I was planning on giving it to him at lunch, as he texted this morning and asked if I wanted to sit with him. So I decided to accept his offer. For the past two days, we were hanging out a lot together. It was really fun getting to know him! 

Suddenly the bell rang, and the whole class begun to get up. I too stood up and got my things together, before exiting the classroom with everyone else. I walked down to the cafeteria, scanning the area. But there was no sign of Yeon

By now I was walking around the cafeteria, like a lunatic looking for him. But then, luckily he found me first. I thought he'd forgotten, but he hadn't. Yeon was not too far away, waving at me, and then running up to me. 

"Hey, you coming?" He asked, as he found his way through the students. 

"Yup!" I said with a smile. There were a lot of students, so Yeon took my hand and lead me through them. Once we had made our way through them, he let go, and walked a bit slower then before. "I have the drawing...."

"What drawing?" He asked, looking puzzled. 

"Of you? The one I said I would do." I explained, and saw his eyes widen, with smile on his face. 

"Oh, let me see then!" He stated excitedly. I took off my bag, flipping it around to me, and searched through it for the drawing. 

"Here, it's just a quick sketch though...." I said, as I handed him the page. He took the page, as I waited for the disappointed reaction. But it never came. Quite the opposite, actually. 

"It's brilliant!" He stated, and I could tell he was being honest, as he peered at the drawing. 

"Thank you...." I replied with a whisper, also happen to blush a little when I said it. 

"C'mon, I want you to meet my friends." He said, as he took my hand again, leading me to a table with two people bickering at it. As Yeon stopped in front of the table, he cleared his throat, and the pair looked up. 

"I'd like you to meet my twin sister, and my best friend." Yeon started, motioning to the two in front of us. 

"Hi, I'm Mina!" I said with I bright smile, which was returned by both.

"Hey there, I'm Minho!" One of them said, and smiled a warm smile. 

"And I'm Wendy, Yeon's sister, unfortunately younger by like 3 minutes...." Wendy explained and I couldn't help but laugh a little, at the last remark. 

"At least someone thinks I'm funny." She said with a casual tone, as I saw Minho simply roll his eyes at her. 

"Are all you guys in 4th year?" I asked, then seeing them all nod at the same time. 

"C mon, sit down." Yeon said to me, pointing at the seat beside him, so I sat down beside him. Then we all started talking as if we were a group of old friends, who hadn't seen each other in years. There was never a dull moment, and each person was included in the conversation. I can't believe I had been missing something like this, for my entire life


"So, can I walk you home?" Yeon asked, while we were walking out of the school, as the day had come to an end. I didn't really want him to know I was an orphan, not just yet. I might wait a little longer, until I tell him. 

"Umm, I'm okay. I kind of want to be on my own today, I hope that's okay?" I asked, afraid that he might be angered by my response. 

"Of course, don't worry about anything. I'm always here to talk if you need me." Yeon reassured, showing a warm smile. 

"Thanks...." I replied, smiling back. 

"See you tomorrow then?" He asked, as my face now turned to a sad smile. 

"Actually, I'm not going to be in tomorrow. It's family stuff, you could say." I tried to explain, hoping he wouldn't persist. 

"The day after then?" 

"I'm honestly not sure...." I said with sigh, seeing his now disappointed face. 

"Then will you text me, and tell me when you will be in?" He then said, making me nod my head instantly. 

"For sure!" I agreed, showing him a strong smile. 

"Oh and here, my sister wanted me to give you her number." He said as he handed me a piece of paper, with a phone number inside.

"Tell her thanks for me, will you?" 

"Yeah, I will. Bye Mina!" He said as he walked away, waving and smiling.


Mistress Choi was very stressed out when I got back, as she wanted everything to be spick and span clean, for adoption day tomorrow. She had us all doing chores. I got all mine done before 8.30, so I was happy with myself. Though, I wasn't excited for tomorrow. Not even a little. 


A/N I'm sorry if it got confusing with all the time skips. I only just noticed how many I actually threw in there. ❤❤❤

- Edited - 10/10/20 -

- Edited - 10/10/20 -

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