Chapter 1

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'I don't want to stay here....'

'Its okay baby, I'll be back later to pick you up.'

'But why? Can't I come with you!'

'Bye baby. Remember, Mommy loves you!'


Mina's P.O.V.

I woke up suddenly from the nightmare I had. It was just another memory. Unfortunately, I woke up at around 5.45 so I wouldn't be able to go back asleep.

Adoption day was only around the corner and I never really liked that day. That was the reason for my recent insomnia, but it's never been a past memory. 

It doesn't matter anyways, I probably won't be going back asleep, so I don't have to worry about having the same memory come up again. Instead, I'll be far too busy with worrying about whether or not I'll have a home to call my own. Most of the time, the girls all acted so innocent and harmless. So who wouldn't want to choose them? 

I have definitely been here the longest out of everyone. No, I wasn't the oldest. But somehow, everyone else seemed to get families quicker than I did. It made perfect sense though, if I thought about it more in the past....

They acted, or put up a front so families would choose them, so they would have a chance. Me on the other hand, I always acted normally, mainly cause I didn't really want to leave. My mam said she would come back, so I want to stay here as long as I can to wait for her! 

"Mina! Come down here now!" The voice of our Head Mistress, Mrs. Choi boomed. I almost forgot she knew I always get up so early. I started going down the stairs slowly, as I was still very tired. Eventually, I found myself in the kitchen, met with a rather agitated woman in front of me. 

"You finally decided to get up I see...." She started sarcastically, while throwing an apron my way. "It's your turn to make breakfast today, so hurry up!" 

"Its nearly always my turn...." I mumbled quietly, hoping she wouldn't hear me. But she did. Of course she did. 

 Luckily she didn't give me a long speech, on how I should be grateful to her or blah, blah, blah. She only gave me a funny look....and I mean really funny. It took so much self control not to laugh.

I started taking everything out for what I was making; eggs, flour, milk. I stirred up the batter and began to make pancakes! Unfortunately, my day decided to both start badly, and continue on with that vibe. 

As I was putting the batter into the pan, I burnt my hand. It was a pretty bad burn at that. I went over to Mrs. Choi, as I was in pain. It's not like she would even care, but I might as well tell her, so I have a valid reason not to finish the breakfast. 

"I burnt my hand, and it's really sore...I burnt it on the pan." I tried explaining, hoping she would look at me. But whatever was on that phone of hers, must have been quite important (maybe a huge sale?), as she didn't give me even a glance. 

"Okay. So what?" She didn't seem bothered by it in the slightest. Of course she didn't. I called it. 

"I was wondering if I could go to Eunji Unnie?" I asked, and luckily she agreed. Eunji Unnie was the only one here I could really trust. She was Mistress Choi's daughter. Eunji was around 20 and she was the best one here. 

I walked up to her room and quietly knocked on the door. I waited for answer but heard none, so I assumed I hadn't knocked loud enough. This time, I knocked a bit louder. 

"Come in." A voice said from behind the door. I slowly opened the door, and as Eunji saw me she smiled a bright smile.

"I was wondering if you could help....I burnt my hand and its stinging alot." I said, hoping she would help me with the pain. Of course Eunji did, she was the kindest person I knew. 

"Of course hun, just sit down and I'll get my kit." She replied with a soft smile. She walked towards her desk, and pulled out a white box. I put out my arm, showing her where the burn was. I could see her wince a little, as she saw the mark it had left. 

"Cooking again I see. I believe that's the 3rd time this week.' She stated, sounding a little concerned for me.

"Its okay, I don't mind it...." I reassured her. Although, she didn't seem convinced. She did her best to ease the pain, and like always, we talked about basically everything and nothing once she had finished. But then, the conversation took a conplete 180 turn

"Hun, there's something I need to inform you of." Eunji Unnie began, speaking in quite the serious tone. The smile had now faded from my face, that was only ever present in Eunji's company. 

"Okay...." I managed to say, or rather whisper. I felt like I was in some sort of trouble, because it became so serious, so suddenly. 

"It's about Mistress Choi." 


A/N Hey 👋 a new story, yay! Okay so, this story is quite different from my previous ones, as it is not the -x reader- type that I usually do. I hope you will all enjoy this one just as much as my others though! And please do tell me how I am doing on this one, as this is one of my favourites out of all the stories I have written so far. Hope you all enjoy, I purple you!!💜💜💜

- Edited - 08/10/20 -

- Edited - 08/10/20 -

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