Chapter 25

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»»————- ✼ ————-««

'A what?' I asked, the second he replied. 

'You heard me....' He said, and grabbed onto my waist, kissing me instantly. Finally, he let go, and I couldn't help but blush. I mean, who wouldn't? 

I gabbed my phone, and quickly looked the opposite way, so not to see his smirking face. And when I did, I found the one person, that I actually wanted to see. 

'Hana!' I half shouted, going down the hallway, in order to reach her. I could see her looking my way, but she turned back, almost instantly. 

'Hey, I know you saw me...' I said, as I finally caught up to her. 

'What? Why? Did you wave, or something?' She said, and continued on walking. But luckily, it just so happens, that we have the same class, so I have an excuse to keep talking to her. 

'I know I'm a bad friend, okay. I just don't really understand why you're avoiding me....' I said, not even thinking before I spoke. 

'You're not, a bad friend. I just don't like the people you hang out with, and their friends.' She replied, but said nothing more afterwards. 

»»————-  ————-««

It was now the end of school, so I finally have the time to talk to Hana. The day went by too quickly, and I never had much time to talk to her, since I was with Ji Hun. But this time, I completely ignored Ji Hun, who was walking over to me, to see if I could talk to Hana. 

'Hana, please. I just want to's been so long.' I said, as soon as I found her. 

'And who's fault is that?' She immediately asked. 

'I don't know what I could've done wrong. You just, shut me out...' I replied, as I watched her flip around. I could see the anger in her face, and also, in what she said afterwards. 

'You want to know, exactly what you did wrong, huh?' She said, advancing towards me. She didn't even give me time to reply, before she continued on. 

'You went away with that little boyfriend of yours, and completely ignored me, for a whole day. And what did you do next, but go and hang out with the people I hated most here. And only after, maybe a week, you realise that I exist. And you have the audacity, you say that I shut you out?! ' She blurted out. 

I guess, I was so caught up with myself, and how bad I thought everything was going for me, that I forgot to pay attention to everything else. I can't believe I've been such a bad friend, I thought I was better than this....

'I'm sorry, there's just been a lot going on. I was too focused on myself, and I'm sorry. And I understand if you don't want to talk to me again, I won't bother you any more, and I'm sorry if I hurt you, I really didn't mean to.' I said, before turning away to leave. 

'Won't you at least tell me, what's so bad, that you forgot to remember me?' She said, as I turned back around. 

'Well, to put it simply....I never got my sketchbook back. And, unless I stick around Ji Hun for a while longer, I shouldn't be expecting it back.' I replied, and walked away. 

'Well, I guess that makes both of us the bad guys here....' She said, before I completely walked out of the school. 

'What do you mean, you did nothing wrong.'

'Well, I didn't do anything right either, did I?' She said, looking at the ground in shame. 

'No, it's not your fault. The fault is completely my own.' I replied, walking over to her. 

'I should've asked you if everything was alright, the moment I noticed something was up. I should have been better too, you can't deny that. So, how about we, start over?' She said, and my face lit up, almost instantly. 

'I'm Mina, it's nice to meet you.' I said, holding my hand out, causing her to let out a giggle. 

'Okay, maybe not that far back....' She said, causing us both to burst out into laughter. 'How about you tell me what's been going on then? You can come over to my place, if you want.' 

'Okay, I'll just text Namjoon, to see if I can!'

Unknown P.O.V.

'I knew she was gonna be trouble, I told you this, from the very beginning.' My friend said. And I wish I listened to him. I mean, usually he never speaks any sense, but that time, it was too clear, and he was right.

'I warned her....' I could see this coming a mile away, but I thought she'd hold it off a little longer. But I guess not. 

'What are you going to do?' He finally asked. 

'What I said I'd do.' I said, and my friend gave a small smirk. 

'Her secrets, won't be too secret for much longer. Especially with all the rumours I have planned....'

»»————- ✼ ————-««

A/N I am so sorry, that it took so long to publish this, and also because it's such a short chapter. I just had a lot on my mind this week, and with Valentine's Day tomorrow, it made it slightly worse... (I'm mentally preparing myself to turn down a guy, because he's my best friend, and I've been stressing out over it....)

But I do hope you all have someone special to spend it with!! And if not, spend it eating ice-cream, like I will be. Either way, enjoy! 

I purple you all!! Have a great day/night!! ❤❤ 

I purple you all!! Have a great day/night!! ❤❤ 

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