Chapter 38

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»»————- ✼ ————-««

'Oh, hey Mina....' Hana said, as she looked up at me, her smile fading at the sight of me. 

'Hey....' I replied, not knowing whether I should ask about Ji Hun, or not. 

'I can see you're confused, and you have every right to be.' She stated, as she held on tighter to Ji Hun's arm. 'We were just messing with you.' 

'We....messing?' I repeated, trying to imagine what she was talking about. 'I'm confused.' 

'Oh, come on. You can't be that thick.' Hana replied, in a rather serious tone, as if what she was saying was completely obvious. 'You didn't actually think I was you're friend, did you?' 

'I....' I began, but found no words to say. At this, I could see Hana about to laugh, as she turned to Ji Hun, covering her mouth, as if trying not to laugh at my response. 

'Oh my goodness, Ji Hun. She actually thought I was her friend...' Hana said, finally letting out the high pitched laughter she had been holding in. 'No, honey. We were just playing with you. I mean, did you really think Ji Hun would ever fall someone like you?' 

Hana's laughter increased, as I had nothing to reply with. Each time I remained quiet, Hana brought it upon herself to throw more humiliating statement at me. 

'Don't feel bad, Mina. You're not the only one. There's been way more before you, you're not that special.' Ji Hun added. That was the first time he spoke up, during this whole time, and what a speech it was. 

'I thought I could trust you. But all this time, you went behind my back. All this time, you were nothing more, than the people I wanted nothing to do with. You used me, purely for your enertainment.' I whispered, as I looked into their eyes. I saw no guilt, none at all

'If you're trying to make us feel bad, you might as well give up.' Hana said, showing a smirk, before continuing on. 'School life can be tough. But, when innocent and clueless people like you, step into ours....Well, you could say it gets a little more interesting.' 

'I'm hurt, yeah. Congratulations, you have what you wanted. Now what?' I stated, anger rising inside of me. Both looked at one another, before turning back to me. 'What are you going to do now?' 

'That's none of your concern.' Ji Hun stated, as he held onto Hana's arm again, about to turn back. 

'How dare you!' I shouted at the two. Both turned back, glaring at me. 'How dare you do this to people!' 

'Will you shut up!' JI Hun basically shouted back, not wanting to draw any attention to anyone passing by. 

'You know what, no, I won't keep quiet. Trust me on that.' I shouted even louder. Ji Hun came towards me, but I quickly pushed him back. 'You two are sick, and I can't believe you would do that to people. Just wait until something like that happens to you. I bet you won't be happy then, I bet you'll be filled with regret then.' 

I turned away quickly, wanting to get back home as quickly as possible. I didn't care if what I said affected them, or changed their perspectives. I know they won't change. But for now, I just want to get away. Far away

I ran towards the apartment building, and hurriedly pulled out my phone. I rang my father, but my call got declined instantly. I rang him again, and again, hoping to get an answer one of these times. But each time, I was faced with a blank screen. 

'What do I do now?' I said aloud, as a few tears streamed down my face. Yes, I feel upset, I feel betrayed. Not once had I thought Hana would this to me, out of everyone I knew at that school. I actually thought she cared about me. 

I looked to my phone, as I felt it vibrate in my hand. Hoping it was my father calling me back, I unlocked it. As I clicked onto the notification, I found it to be Wendy, wondering where I was. I quickly texted her back, telling her I couldn't make it, as I didn't wish to explain myself just yet. 

Once again, my phone vibrated, showing me another message. As I looked towards my phone, I noticed it was Hoseok, wondering how I was. I smiled in relief, as I finally had an idea of where I could go. Why didn't I think of it before? 

I went into our chat, so Hoseok could see that I viewed the message. But then instead of replying, I pressed the call button. And unlike my father, I got an instant response, when Hoseok picked up my call. 

'Hey, Mina!! How are you?' Hoseok's usual joyful voice rang, making me instantly smile. 

'I guess I'm okay....' I replied, as I contemplated on whether or not to tell him the truth. 

'Okay, that didn't sound like you were okay. What's the matter?' He quickly asked, before I could even continue on. I sighed lightly, before giving a vague explanation. 

'Something kind of happened, and I'm a little upset over it.' I finally said, after a minute of trying to decide how to phrase my words. 

'Well, what are you doing now?' Hoseok asked, as I sighed again. 

'Absolutely nothing.' I replied. 

'Well then, you should come over. Of course, once your Dad is okay with it.' I suddenly froze at his words. I've never actually called him Dad

I know it sounds silly, but I can only consider the man that's taking care of me, to be my father. He's definitely not my Dad. A Dad, is someone who really looks out for you, and is there any time you need help. Your Dad, doesn't ignore your calls, and pays attention to your worries. Namjoon and Jin...they're both my Dads. Not him

'Mina, are you okay?' Hoseok asked over the phone, since I had remained quiet for the past minute or two. I took a sharp breath in, and released my breath again, before replying. 

'No, I'm not.' I stated, not wanting to say I'm fine again. Because, I'm not fine. I don't want to be here... I want to be at home, with my family. 'I want to go home.' 

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A/N When I was writing the scene, where Mina was shouting at the two troublemakers, I couldn't help but imagine it in an anime. Like, just think of that happening, except animated. I don't know why it even came to me, but I just thought of it.....I don't even know what I'm saying, but aw well- 

This chapter is out a lot quicker than I expected it to be. I sat down at my laptop today, and clicked into it, wondering if I could find any words to put down, and I had. This doesn't happen often, so I'm low-key proud of myself. 

My my, that was a long note....I hope you enjoyed the chapter, as sadly, this book is nearly over. There are maybe 5-ish chapters left. I don't even know if it'll be up to even five, it could be even less than that...

As always, thank you for reading!! I really hope you enjoyed, I purple you!! 💜💜💜💜

As always, thank you for reading!! I really hope you enjoyed, I purple you!! 💜💜💜💜

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